1st Anniversary Special :

"India Hello, Bangalore Walla, Namaskara!"

24th October 1996 - 1997

"Hello India, Bangalore Walla, Namaskara!" was started off as a very small reflection about the "Good Old Days" of the "Pensioners' Paradise" - a City called "Bangalore" situated in the Southern part of the Sub-Continent India. This cool and peaceful city was once the dream of Kempegowda, as a small "bean-town" marked boundaries with his "watch towers", later the city was taken over by Hyder Ali, Tippu Sultan, the British and back to the people of Bangalore themselves, NOW IT'S TAKEN OVER BY EVERYONE, unless we all get our act together and seriously try to SAVE BANGALORE!!.

When I first thought about what I could offer to visitors, there were many options to follow. Either copy the data that other Sites on Bangalore churned out or be "different", be more personal. I followed the later, and "Bangalore Walla" the person of Bangalore was created. This however was new to me, and not having the experience with the "hyper" language and tools, was also a bit of a handicap. Trial and error was the start. The initial page turned up not on this site, but on B.G. Mahesh & Prashanth Prakash's Indiaexpress Site. In the beginning I thought it was the "Indian Express" later I really got to know the guys and found that "Indiaexpress" is more global, that was sometime in September 1996.

Having got the hang of "html" and words like "gif/jpeg/meta/hyper" I ventured out to get a "free home page" from Geocities, and started feeling my way around. The initial loading was done by my friend Ian Carvalho from Dubai and the "htm" files prepared by me used to be sent by e-mail to him for loading onto this Site. The Home Page picture, scanned by my colleague Ravi Shanker of many spots of Bangalore was loaded by Prashanth soon after. I got help in loading more "htm" & "gif/jpg" files when Ian came down to Bangalore, also my friend Raj Kumar helped me out with loading my "gif" files, also my cousin Carl. I did get help once to load a few "jpg files" from Julian of Big Bang2. Not having an Internet connection at home was not really a handicap as I had many good friends to help me out. I only prepared the files off-line earlier on Internet Assistant of Word which only handled pure text, later Netscape for more interactive files. Majority of the editing was done in good old "DOS", and I really learnt all the cut and paste in this mode. HTML for Dummies did come in handy!!

Bangalore is a city that has been through different pastures, and it is a pity that the history is really not part and parcel of the citizen's lives. People do not seem to notice anything that was there yesterday, today gone, tomorrow forgotten! This is where I stepped in and with my few pebbles of gathering what ever is left, tried to capture the "soul" of the City. The "Garden City", a city that had pure air, water and thoughts (yes, thoughts)!!. People still show some of that old flame, but a lot of it is changing, really too fast for some old timers, who just waste away their memories, unless someone captures it. I have tried to meet a few old timers but time is my constraint, and my kids seem to remind me that I am "dad" sometimes!!

Ok, enough of soft-talk, I have collected some real goodies of the City, and I hope for the Anniversary to put them up for all you great people to enjoy. I have gone a little slow as it does cost a bomb to keep getting photos and processing, and as this is purely an enjoyable and non-commercial home page, I like to keep it going for the love of Bangalore and all you people. I hope that I can locate some kind soul with a scanner to scan the 200 plus photos that I have gathered during the past year and still not put it up for you. Ian is back in Dubai, hence I cannot get it done so easily. Lets see of my cousin Carl of Chaitra Leo Burnett or some other angel or a miracle comes along and can come to my rescue, untill then you will just have to keep up the suspense with me!! I definately cannot afford to buy a scanner to get over this bind!!Ha!

I would like to thank all you 15000 plus visitors who have supported me by your visits, some of you have shared your comments that helped me better the pages, others their appreciation that really kept me going. I did enjoy all the mail I received, and I did enjoy helping many friends to meet across my page. Remember that if you have any information on Bangalore as a City, no matter how small or seemingly insignificint, and if you want to share it with other "Bangalore Wallas" please send the same to me. Lately, this home page was blessed tremendously after I opened a special section on the Mother Teresa Condolence Page with the fantastic help from Prashanth and Mahesh, and the page even featured in the front page of the Times of India (14th September, 1997), and in the Bangalore Magazine (October 1997), this mag can be read off the Net, see my links for a connection. You may also click on the Icon Photos for a glance Down Memory Lane of Photos.

Some of the Areas of Bangalore that are photographed:

You would find these photographs under "Towns and Houses" in the main home page and you can go there by clicking on the above.

Watch out for the new stuff... I am not sure when I will be able to serve it to you, just hope it can be before the 24th, ... Prashanth again bailed me out with some of his valuable time and a few photos have been added see "new" , however, if anyone has some friends who could still help me out with the scanning of the balance photos, then I will be able to give you everything I got! (except my money, because I don't have any!!. Bye for Now, Ronnie

Send me an e-mail in case you have any ideas that you would like me to try out, or if there is something that you feel needs my attentation, be it facts, figures, spelling, etc, afterall, this is a one-man show, and it is "Your Home Page" so please give me your valuable inputs at [email protected] or [email protected]

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This page last updated on October 15th, 1997.

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Copyright © 1997 India Hello, Bangalore Walla, Namaskara!

Thought for the Day:" Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, Fon in the manner their fathers did to the prophets. But woe to you who are rich, For you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are full, For you shall hunger. Woe to you who laugh now, For you shall mourn and weep. Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did they fathers to the false prophets." Holy Bible: Luke 6:20-26

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