Dear Reader,

Let me introduce myself. am an Irish Redemptorist working in India for the past 44 years. I have been in the Renewal since 1973. At present I am the Spiritual Director of the Bangalore Renewal. In the city we have over 50 prayer groups in four languages. We also have a Renewal Centre where Renewal retreats and seminars are conducted all the year round. On the social side the Renewal is trying to educate needy children. Bangalore has a population of seven million. two million live in slums. Most slum children can't go to school. Besides the slum children. we also have 50,000 street-children, children who have run away from home and now live under the sky. Without education, the future of those children is bleak, to say the least, Five years ago the Bangalore Renewal felt called by the Lord to work for those most needy of God's children. We began in a small way by taking up love-offerings for needy children in our prayer meetings. To-day. we have over 1200 needy children in good schools, getting a chance in life. Still. that is only a drop in the ocean The challenge is beyond our resources. Most of our Renewal members are very poor themselves. Hence, this appeal for desperately needy children. Not too long ago Ireland was in a somewhat similar situation to that of India today. We had that terrible famine. Our children went to Hedge Schools. Education has changed all that for Ireland. education can do the same for India. Will you help us try to lift India from the agony of hunger and ignorance, and make it a land of prosperity and peace? How can you help ? It would make things easy for everyone if some kind-hearted person would offer to be a Promoter for your area.

Sincerely yours in Jesus

Fr. E. Cleary C.Ss.R.

For more details write to,

Fr. Cleary, C.Ss.R., Director,

Renewal Educational Services,

8, Walton Road,

Bangalore-560 001

Ph: (00-91-80) 221 2631

Fax: (00-91-80) 551 1315

E-mail: [email protected]


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