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All of the sound clips have been recorded in Real Media format and can be played using Real Player. Click on the links to hear the files on-line or use the right mouse button (save as) option to download them. Please be patient while waiting for the clips to load.

MATHILDA: You want to see my license? File size: 70 Kb
MATHILDA: Here it's for a contract, twenty grand right File size: 39 Kb
LEON: I'm not taking it File size: 23 Kb

MATHILDA: Would you rent me your gear for the day? File size: 50 Kb
MATHILDA: Why are you so mean to me? File size: 69 Kb
LEON: Revenge is not good Mathilda File size: 50 Kb

MATHILDA: I'm going to blow their fucking heads off File size: 74 Kb
MATHILDA: I don't give a shit about sleeping Leon File size: 42 Kb
LEON: Get of my case Mathilda I'm tired of your games File size: 26 Kb


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