HAREM CAPTIVE by Allan Aldiss

copyright Allan Aldiss

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The story of an English woman inveigled into a modern harem



      Another of Allan Aldiss's erotic and best selling harem stories, in the tradition of "Slaves for the Sheik" and "Harem Breeding Slave", as well as the "Barbary" series.


      In this story, a wealthy, but gross and repulsive, Arab Prince, living in a luxurious palace in North Africa, places an order for another matched pair of European women for his harem. It is a harem where black eunuch boy overseers control the rival teams of women and masturbation is punished by female circumcision.


      Meanwhile, Penelope, a pretty young English actress, breaks off her engagement and secretly goes alone to Tangier for a long holiday, to get over it all. No one knows where she has gone.


      Little did she imagine that meeting there a charming young Frenchman would lead to her being tricked into the harem of the cruel and repulsive Prince, together with a pretty married Frenchwoman. Branded, ringed and infibulated by the Prince's black eunuchs, they find themselves, like a pretty mother and daughter, another of the Prince's carefully chosen Matched Pairs of helpless indentured servants.


       But this is a harem with a difference, for the cruel swine of a Master not only enjoys degrading the white women in his harem, but also has a rather special hobby: making them submit to a certain traditional form of revenge on despised Westerners - forced breeding.




  - A girl is ordered to be punished.



1 - An engagement is half broken off

2 - The Prince's palanquin and the cruel team system

3 - Penelope's travel plans

4 - The Prince shows off a mother and daughter

5 - Penelope's plans are suddenly changed

6 - The Prince places an order for two new women

7 - Penelope feels lonely

8 - Mizzi's terrible punishment

9 - An unsuspecting prey



10 - The Prince inspects his harem

11 - Penelope takes the bait

12 - The Prince impresses the Imans with his devoutness.

13 - Some interesting photographs of Penelope and a video

14 - The problem of culling - and a novel solution

15 - Penelope's potential is unsuspectingly recorded



16 - The Prince sees a brochure

17 - Penelope is thrilled

18 - An unsuspecting Penelope is inspected for a new role

19 - The Prince prepares to receive his new matched pair

20 - An unsuspecting guest

21 - Pierre sees how his previous captures are coming along



22 - Penelope's awakening

23 - Ringed!

24 - Initial disciplining

25 - The Blue Team

26 - The black eunuchs and the Prince's new acquisitions



27 - House trained

28 - Well disciplined teams

29 - Harem talk

30 - Mother and daughter - both mothers-to-be



31 - Branded!

32 - The healing of the brand

33 - Taken by the Master

34 - Bathroom girls

35 - Broken-in and schooled



36 - A certain performance is planned

37 - Mated!

38 - The Master's prize brood mares



      Under their Master's control









'Number 12. She caught Masturbating, Your Highness.'

      Malaka, the Prince's short little chief black eunuch, sounded grim. He was speaking slowly in his broken English so that the frightened half naked Austrian girl, kneeling on all fours by his side, would understand. Arabic and English were the only languages allowed in the harem.

      'What!' exclaimed the gross, cruel looking, Prince angrily. 'One of my concubines caught playing with herself in secret! Deliberately deceiving me, her Master! That's almost as serious as being caught in adultery!'

      Malaka nodded.

      'European women,' went on the furious, repulsively fat Arab Prince, 'might be free to masturbate in private in the degenerate West, but they were certainly not allowed to do so in my harem! My concubines only exist for my pleasure - not theirs.'

      The Prince paused angrily.

      Of course having a number of white Christian women incarcerated in his harem was a most enjoyable and satisfying hobby. The modern drive in the West, for female emancipation and "women's lib", made it all the more satisfying to impose strict discipline on well educated European women, previously used to being free and independent.

      'Was she alone?' the large fat Prince demanded.

      To women he seemed, at the best of times, to be a sadistic brute of a man. Now his unattractive plump face with its hook nose, cruel eyes and short goatee beard, was flushed with anger.

      His bulky size contrasted sharply with that of the slim little blond creature abjectly kneeling on all fours at his feet. Similarly, his immaculate fine white Thobe, or Arab robe, covered in a black lace cloak embroidered with gold, and the gold tasselled Igaal, that went round his headdress, all contrasted vividly with the girl's skimpy green harem dress - green denoting that she belonged to the Green Team of concubines.

      'Was she with another girl?' again demanded the Prince, also speaking in English. His sinister eyes glinted. For two girls to be caught playing with each other was almost as bad as being found committing adultery - for which the traditional punishment was death.

      'No, Your Highness, she alone' replied Malaka. 'Her overseer, he hear bracelet bells tinkle as she play with herself.'

      He spoke in a high pitched voice that seemed to belie his muscular appearance. Despite being a small man, he was a formidable figure with his well oiled torso gleaming under his gold embroidered waistcoat, his voluminous Turkish trousers of golden silk, and his matching golden silk turban - all of which indicated his status.

      In the West, black eunuchs are sometimes derided as figures of fun, but no woman in his charge ever tried to make fun of Malaka!

      He was holding a silver tipped dog whip in his hand - his badge of office. It was largely this, coupled with his small cunning pig-like eyes and the deep tribal scaring on his cheeks that made him also a terrifying figure for the women under his control, especially the white European ones.

      'But, Your Highness, I have more to report. She also show Lack of Respect, to yourself.'

      'How? How?' demanded the Prince furiously. Lack of Respect, even to a black eunuchs, was a serious offence in the harem, especially by a white woman. Lack of Respect to himself was intolerable.

      'When Team Overseer tell her, you now approved her selection for honour of being mated with Black Guard to become Blue Team entry for next European Brood Mare competition, she say you a cruel swine.'

      'What!' The Prince exploded. 'This wife of an unclean pig of a Christian had the temerity to call me a swine?'

      'Yes, Your Highness. And she also say she soon get rid of progeny - but no chance of that, Your Highness,' he added with a slight laugh, 'once she locked into chain mail breeding belt.'

      The Prince laughed unpleasantly as he remembered the old axiom that his grandfather, the late Ruler, who maintained a substantial harem, was fond of quoting:-

"Revenge yourselves on the hated Christian infidels by enslaving their wives and daughters and by then forcing them to breed good Moslem half black servants for yourself - and for the greater glory of Allah and of his blessed prophet."

      This was just what the Prince did - and enjoyed doing.

      How lucky he was, he often thought, that the oil revenues of his family had enabled him to re-establish this cruel form of revenge - and on arrogant modern-day Western women, too.

      Yes, mating an intelligent and horrified European woman with a black servant, and making her carry and deliver her black progeny was indeed a cruel and enjoyable pastime, that went back to the days of the Crusades. And these days the mulatto progeny made excellent workers for his estates, just as they had made excellent slaves for his ancestors!

       It was all the more enjoyable if the now helpless young woman, like this one, had been happily married and in love with her husband from she had been cruelly separated.

      He would justify his apparent cruelty with another of his grandfather's axioms:-

 "A harem is not a harem without a few nicely curved white bellies, and breasts in milk - and remember, the whiter the woman, the sweeter the milk."

      Like his grandfather, he scorned the men of the West who eschewed pregnant women. On the contrary, like his grandfather, he considered maternity to be a natural state for a slavegirl - and one that enhanced her beauty. And if it was an enforced maternity - then so much the better!

      He had not, therefore, needed much persuading by Malaka, before allowing this lovely, and formerly happily married, young, Christian woman to be earmarked for mating with one of his giant Dinka Black Guards. How his grandfather would have approved. Revenge on the hated West! And all in the name of Allah!


The Prince's reverie was interrupted by his chief black eunuch.

      'And, Your Highness, she spit out preliminary fertility pills that Team Overseer give her to make sure she become satisfactory brood mare and milkmaid for Your Highness.'

      'What!' he cried, going red in face with anger. This was deliberate disobedience - and of his own orders!

      'Then she deserves further punishment,' said Prince, infuriated by this girl's obstinacy to the honour of becoming one of his chosen milkmaids.

      The Prince turned to Gorka, the diminutive little black pygmy boy, dressed like a smaller edition of Malaka, but with green stripe in his turban to denote that he was the black eunuch overseer in charge of the Green Team.

      The Prince's concubines, all branded on the belly with his crest, came from four main sources, each divided up equally between the four teams.

      A dozen were pretty Arab girls, mainly Egyptian or Lebanese belly dancers, whose contracts had been discreetly offered to Malaka by cabaret owners, delighted that the girl had caught the eye of such a rich man.

      The Prince himself, of course, did not discuss the acquisition of his women - he left checking a girl's suitability and haggling over price to Malaka. But how he enjoyed the feeling of a trained belly dancer wriggling under him, as he drove in and out of her, or as she sat astride his large stomach wriggling delightfully as she carefully kept his manhood inside her.

      Another half dozen of his girls were lovely slim girls from Thailand and Laos, trained dancing girls, who had been tricked by the modern equivalent of slave dealers into signing contracts to work abroad - contracts which had then again been offered to Malaka. Because they were so tiny, and he was so large, their Team Overseers tended to concentrate on training them in the exquisite art of oral sex.

      Another half dozen were beautiful Pakistani or Indian girls who had rashly accepted apparently lucrative jobs in Arabia - only to end up in the Prince's harem. Subjugating them he found to be very satisfying.

      But the Prince's pride and joy, and indeed that of his four Team Overseers, too, were his dozen well educated European women. They were nearly all blond, as was his, newly acquired, prize matched pair: a beautiful young Dutch woman and her pretty, look-alike, teenage daughter. .

      These white women had all cost a small fortune to acquire, including Mizzi, the Austrian young married woman now kneeling trembling at his feet.

      Following his grandfather's dictums, it was these Christian women, split up between the four teams, who were made to provide the swelling bellies, and breasts in milk, that he so enjoyed.

      As for using them for his pleasure, he followed another of his grandfather's maxims:-

"The Christian dogs in your harem are not worthy to be to receive their Master's manhood like a woman. So mount them from behind like the dogs they are, and then use them like boys."

       Oh, how they all hated it! Deliciously so!


Gorka was standing behind the humbly kneeling Mizzi and was holding her proudly by a lead fastened to her slave collar. It was a strict harem rule that, to prevent resentful Christian concubines from trying to attack their Master, they must, when brought before the Master, always be held on a lead by her Team Overseer - even when brought to his bed.

      'Make sure, young Gorka,' said the Prince, still speaking in English to further humiliate the girl, 'that, whether she likes it or not, she properly completes the full course of fertility pills. I shall want to see a good swollen belly on this girl - good strong twin mulattoes at least!'

      Mizzi blanched. Twin mulattoes! Oh my God!

      'Oh yes, Your Highness,' she heard the young pygmy boy reply proudly. 'I make certain she conceives twins.'

      'And, Your Highness,' cut in Malaka, 'she has good child bearing hips. We not expect any problems.'

      'Good!' said the Prince. Although Dinkas were giants, they had small heads - and this made delivery of their progeny relatively easy, even in a first pregnancy.

      'And when is she due to be put to the Dinka?' asked the Prince.

      'In three month's time, Your Highness,' replied Malaka. He liked to take personal charge of forced breeding arrangements in the harem. 'She then nicely placed for next year's competition.'

      'So there's time for her to have a good thrashing - and undergo something else,' said the Prince with a sinister laugh, as he looked down contemptuously at the silent, half naked young woman kneeling humbly before him.

      Despite his continuing anger at this girl being caught trying to give herself pleasure, he had to admit that she made an erotic sight with her head now down on the floor, her buttocks raised high and her long blond hair flung forward.

      Her long naked back prettily curved upwards from her lowered shoulders past her slim waist to the swell of her hips.

      A collar made of shiny metal links, like an expensive wristwatch strap, was locked round her neck.

      Locked on her wrists were the belled bracelets, that had given her away. Like all the white women in his harem she wore white gloves in the presence of her Master - as a constant reminder that unclean Christian dogs were not worthy to touch their Master's body with their bare hands.

      As the Prince looked down at the kneeling white woman, he could feel his manhood stirring. A feeling of power and pride of possession surged through him. This once free white woman was now his - his to do with as he liked.


Mizzi did not dare to utter a word as knelt humbly in front of the large Prince, her loathsome and terrifying Master, who was old enough to be her father.

      He was the only man she had seen now for months. Much as she tried to think about her handsome young husband, and much as she found her Master repulsive, nevertheless it was her Master, the only man she was allowed to see, who now dominated her thoughts by day and her dreams by night.

      She could not help now being thrilled when she felt his strong manhood masterfully thrusting into her specially stretched backside, as she, as a mere Christian dog, knelt on all fours on his bed like a dog - the required position for his white Christian concubines.

      Always on a lead, humiliatingly held by the horrid little Gorka, she would have to lower her head and offer her buttocks like a bitch - or feel Gorka's whip.

      At first she had been shocked, but the terrible truth was that here, shut up in her Master's harem, she did indeed, secretly, get pleasure in submissively serving and arousing her strong, rich and powerful, but horrible, Master. Oh how ashamed she was, when he would reach forward and excitingly play with her nipples, and she would find herself raising her backside to him - like a bitch on heat, whilst he laughed cruelly - and complimented Gorka!

      She still knew next to nothing about him nor had she ever had a proper conversation with him. She did not even know his full name. He was just The Master, her Master, her Overlord. It was even, as she well knew, a punishable offence for a mere concubine to speak, uninvited, to the Master, never mind question him.

      Here, there was no question of equality of the sexes. Now, her sole purpose and aim in life, and that of the other women in the harem, was simply to be chosen to give her Master physical pleasure. Indeed, the black eunuchs had taught her that her pleasure, as a mere concubine, must now come from giving pleasure to her Master. An essential part of the harem system, she realised, was the sexual frustration to which the women were subjected.

      So, gone were the days when her husband would actively seek to give her pleasure. Here, when her Master chose her for his pleasure, her young overseer would be humiliating holding her lead and watching her to make sure she did no climax without her Master's express permission - something which he rarely gave.

      So, too, were gone the days of private intimacy that she had so enjoyed in her husband's bed and which Western women expect as a right. Here, not only would young Gorka always be present, holding her on a lead and ready to use his dogwhip at the slightest sign of revolt or repugnance, but invariably there would be at least one, and probably two other woman from the Green Team as well - all fearfully eyeing Gorka's dogwhip as they, too, pleasured the Master.

      One would frequently be a girl in milk - another Christian girl, also held on a lead as she knelt offering her milk swollen breasts to her brutal Master, whilst either she or the third girl, driven on by their young black overseer's whip, would be licking their Master's backside - one of his favourite delights, especially when performed by a dog of Christian girl.

      Gorka would, of course, be striving to make his girls to give the Master more pleasure than the girls of their rival Red, Yellow and Blue Teams - and so earn himself a good tip.

      Gone, too, was her active interest in world affairs. The black eunuchs allowed no newspapers, radios or TV in the harem. The women must not be distracted from thinking and talking only about the Master and, egged on by their rival Team Overseers, on catching his eye.

      But, oh the frustration!

      She gave a little shiver as she remembered how Gorka had gleefully told her that soon he would be recommending her for the honour of being selected to become a little mother-to-be. Then, paraded before the Master with the other Team's mothers-to -be, she would be his entry for the annual prize for the Team Overseer who produced the girl with the prettiest curved belly.

      Later, as she was such a buxom girl, she would be his entry for the prize for the Team Overseer with the milkmaid producing the greatest yield.

       The size of the prizes ensured that competition between the Team Overseers was fierce.

      Oh the shame! Oh the horror!

      Prizes! All the poor girls got were little red stars branded on their bellies - one for each forced pregnancy they had successfully undergone for the amusement of their Master and for the honour of their Teams.

      Honour of the Team! Some honour, she thought bitterly. Quite apart from the chance of winning the prizes, these black boys, coming from a simple native background, obviously got a great kick out of forcing an educated white woman into an unwanted motherhood and then of experiencing the trauma of carrying a couple of black progeny, destined to labour on their Master's estate.

      She remembered seeing other European women in the harem tearing in vain at their chain mail breeding belts as they felt their unwanted progeny kicking inside them.

      It was she decided now or never, for once locked into breeding belt she would not be able to touch her now constantly throbbing beauty bud. Desperately, she had sought to give herself the relief for which her body was screaming.

      But, oh what a fool she had been to think that she could get away with it, behind the back of her horrible little Team Overseer. Like all the black eunuchs, Gorka had a thing about his girls masturbating.

      He had even specially locked belled bracelets round the wrists of his team to warn him if they tried to excite themselves. It was, she knew, the damn tinkling of the little bells that had given her away - just as she was secretly reaching the so longed-for climax.


But, oh what an even greater fool she had also been, originally, to have allowed herself to be persuaded by a young Frenchman, Pierre, to spend a romantic and secret weekend in the fabulous palace of a wealthy Arab Prince - whilst her husband was away in the Far East for a month on a business trip.

       It was all to be so excitingly secret. She was to use an assumed name and sign a strange looking document in Arabic that Pierre said merely confirmed that she was travelling with him as his secretary. She did not even know where Sheik's private jet was taking them, nor even his name.

      She had found herself in the palace alright - but in the harem of the cruel and terrifying Prince. Pierre had disappeared, having apparently been specially commissioned by the Prince to bring him a pretty young married European woman as an addition to his harem. And no one, back in Austria, had any idea where she was! It was all so clever!

      She had soon learned that there was no chance of escape, nor of getting a message out to her husband to tell him where she was, or even that she was alive and well. He must have given her for dead by now - as having just mysteriously disappeared.

       Was she destined to spend the rest of her life here? Did the Prince really let the white women, he had tired of, go back to Europe - and risk them telling their story? She had seen how some of the older concubines had suddenly disappeared, but no one knew what had happened to them. She had once asked Gorka about them - and had been beaten by him for "Impertinence".


With a grim smile, the Prince returned to the business in hand. He nodded to Gorka.

      Gorka cracked his whip.

      'Stand for sentencing!' Mizzi suddenly heard her awful little eunuch overseer shout in English. 'Display Position!'

      Terrified and biting her lips to keep back her tears, Mizzi jumped up and stood in the degrading position that Gorka had so often made her practice: head up, hands clasped behind her neck, eyes fixed on the wall behind her Master, legs well apart, and her belly and hairless, pouting, beauty lips thrust forward.

      Feeling scared stiff, she was biting her lips and trying to keep back her tears.

      Angrily, the Prince looked at the girl now standing silently and rigidly in front of him. She looked very pretty in the Harem dress of the Green Team: embroidered cap, open bolero, silken trousers, Turkish slippers - and all in green.

      Her registered number as an indentured servant, together with the name and crest of the Prince, were engraved on the side of her collar. Her registered number had also been tattooed on the back of her right hand.

      Slavery, of course, had been no longer existed here in North Africa. However, particularly as a gesture to wealthy members of Ruling Families from Arabia settling there, indentured service by women could still be discreetly enforced. Moreover the progeny of a female indentured servant were automatically indentured, too.

      The authorities insisted, however, on European female indentured servants being prominently marked with their registered numbers. These numbers were registered with the police and with the emigration service at ports and airports. Neither the local authorities, nor the Ruling Families, wanted the scandal that would result if a white woman escaped from a harem back to the West.

      But what really caught the cruel Prince's eye was the way the girl's green silken harem trousers had been cut away in front displaying her belly and beauty lips that she was straining to keep thrust forward in the Position of Showing Respect.

      The still angry Prince feasted his eyes cruelly on the sight of his crest, two green scimitars within a black circle, neatly branded onto the girl's soft, pouting, belly.

      And above her navel was another brand: also a black circle, this time enclosing the Arabic numerals ,of her Harem Number: "12" - also prettily branded in green, the color of her Team.

      The different colorings had been achieved by the girl's her overseer, young Gorka, carefully rubbing the appropriate pigments into the wound of the brand before it was allowed to heal. Once the brand of a girl's harem number had been coloured she would belong to that same team for the rest of her time in the harem. Her loyalty was now to her team and her team overseer - after the Prince, of course.

      At first the Prince had been unsure just where to have his women branded. He had experimented with having the brands placed on a girl's buttocks, like on the hindquarters of one of his horses. He had also experimented with having them placed on a girl's breasts.

      But, he had finally decided, it was on a girl's soft little, belly, just above and below the navel, that they looked best - and, moreover, would stretch prettily if the belly was made to swell.

      The sight of the brands made a further feeling of power and pride of possession sweep through the Prince. Like his name and the girl's registered number engraved on the girl's collar and on the back of her hands, these brands were a further sign that this once free Christian girl was now his property. She was now the helpless and registered property of an Arab Prince, and his to do with as he liked.

      He wondered how the brands would look, stretched by a well swollen belly - and with a shiny chain mail breeding belt, locked by her black overseer over her beauty lips, to prevent her from interfering with what he had ordered was to be done to her. More power!


'Green 12! You're a disgusting little slut,' Mizzi heard the Prince say contemptuously in his heavily accented English.

      She gave a little shiver of fear.

      'I'm not,' he went on, 'going to stand for you white girls thinking you can get away with masturbating in my harem. Any sensual pleasure you may be allowed will be decided by me - and only if you have earned it whilst pleasuring me. Do you understand, Green 12?'

      'Yes, Master,' Mizzi cried out keeping her eyes fixed on the wall behind her terrifying looking Master.

      'Give her twelve strokes with the rattan cane,' ordered the Prince slowly. 'To be delivered in front of the whole harem in two days time - that'll give the girl time to think over the error of her ways - and put the fear of God and of the rattan cane into the other women, too.'

      Mizzi gasped. Twelve strokes! And with the awful rattan cane! The dreaded words ran through her brain. cane. And in front of the other girls. But not for two whole days! She would go mad with fear meanwhile. Oh what a fool she had been to think she could ever get away with it.

      There was a pause.

      The Prince remembered the traditional punishment meted out to white slave girls caught masturbating. It was moreover a punishment that, involving putting a despised Christian, or Western, woman permanently into a state of Salat, or purity. This would also make him popular with the fundamentalist Mullahs who were becoming increasingly influential and with whom it was important that he retained good relations.

      'And after she has been thrashed,' he ordered,' she is to be cut.'


'Cut! Oh my God, no,' cried out Mizzi. 'Please, Master, please!'

      She remembered how one of the other white girls, Maria, another Austrian girl, but in the Red Team had been cut, as it was so casually called, or circumcised, by her slave dealer, to increase her value, before she was bought by the Prince.

      Like the other Team Overseers, Gorka did not allow his girls to talk to girls in the other teams for fear of his strict discipline being undermined. One day, however, she had managed to have a hastily whispered conversation with Maria in German.

      Like all the girls in the Red Team, Maria was a jolly girl with artificially enlarged breasts and nipples. But it was in horrified tones that she had told the shocked Mizzi about her little operation. It had at first seemed such a tiny affair, with just the tip of her beauty bud being snipped off. But the effect had been devastating.

      No longer, Maria had whispered, could she get any pleasure from secretly playing with herself. Now the only pleasure she could get was when something actually penetrated up inside her - a dildo, another girl's tickling finger, a banana, or a cucumber. But here in the harem the black eunuchs made sure that there no dildos or tickling fingers, and that bananas and cucumbers were always first sliced.

      The only thing in the harem that could penetrate her, and her give her relief, was her Master's manhood. But, of course, that was rarely possible for he would not normally deign to penetrate a mere "Christian dog" normally - as a woman. No, like the other European women in the harem, she was just occasionally sodomised.

      But to be taken properly by her Master was something which now obsessed her, something she dreamed about every night, even more than the other frustrated concubines. It was something for which she would do anything, submit to anything.

       No wonder, she had told Mizzi, that so many men in Africa, and in the Moslem world, insisted on their women being circumcised. No wonder the slave dealer, into whose hands she had fallen, had had her done. A circumcised European woman was indeed as rare prize!

      Remembering this terrifying conversation, Mizzi now wanted to scream out in protest, or to fall to her knees before the Master and beg him to spare her this cruel punishment. But a tug on the lead fastened to the her collar and a sharp tap on her buttocks from Gorka's whip reduced her to a petrified silence.

      So, she just stood there, horrified.


Young Gorka heard the double sentence with grim satisfaction.

      Twelve strokes of the rattan cane from the hands of the powerful looking Malaka would certainly help enforce the strict discipline that he liked to see in his team. He would look forward to seeing a white woman screaming and writhing, as she hung by her wrists, and as Malaka slowly proceeded with the punishment.

      As for the girl being circumcised, if he had his way, all the women would be done - just as they were back in his native village where they also cut back the beauty lips as well. It would make his job as guardian the purity of the Prince's Green Team that much easier.

      He cracked his little whip. Automatically Mizzi stiffened.

      'About turn,' he ordered.

      Mizzi raised her right knee high in the air and with a practised precision that would done credit on the Guards parade ground in London, turned round. But. she thought, how degrading it was: a grown up married woman being drilled like this by a nasty little black boy.

      Again he cracked his whip.

      'Prance out!' he ordered.

      Obediently the girl pranced slowly out of the room, her breasts bouncing, as feeling Gorka's dogwhip on her buttocks, she strained to raise her knees higher and higher in the air and to keep her hands clasped behind her neck.

       She made a perfect picture of well disciplined white womanhood, as Gorka both held her back with the lead still attached to the back of her collar, and drove her forward with his dogwhip.










Several thousand miles away from the Prince's harem, the telephone suddenly rang.

      Penelope sat up in bed to answer it.

      'Darling,' came a well known voice, 'I hope you feel better this morning and didn't mean all you said last night.'

      'Oh, hullo. It's you! I didn't expect you to want to speak to me again.'

      'Well, I do, and I've thought hard about what your said about us breaking off our affair. You say that perhaps we should not see each other for a bit. We haven't in any case gone firm on wedding plans. So we could break it all off temporarily and then see how it goes?'

      'Exactly what I want,' agreed Penelope petulantly, though secretly she felt very sad about it all.

      'Well, it needn't be final and, as I'm going to the States for some weeks, we would not be being seeing each other anyway.'

      Penelope was silent for a moment.

      'Darling,' came the same, rather weak, pleading voice, 'let's have a compromise and not be too final about it all ...

      Oh God, thought Penelope, why can't he be decisive and, either sweep me off my feet, or just decide to stick to Pamela and disappear out her own life.

      'No,' she muttered, her voice becoming increasingly angry. 'This just what's been our whole trouble: it's never one thing or the other. We just drift on, and I did hope that this time you'd agree to a clean break and wouldn't contact me...

      'But Darling ... ' came that same weak, pleading, voice.

      'No! Let's not see each other for six months, and then please let it be me that first gets in touch with you.'

      'Six  months!'

      'Yes, and promise you will not badger me as you always do, and get around me. If I don't contact you, it will be because I feel the same as now - and last night.'

      'I'm not sure I'll be able to promise that, came the doubtful answer. But do anyway please keep the ring I gave you.'

      'Well!' laughed Penelope, looking down at the eye-catching lapis lazuli stone on her finger that he had given her as a token. 'Alright. But I do mean what I said. I think we must have a little time apart. So , I won't take any calls or answer any letters. So goodbye - and good luck. Perhaps you'll find a stronger minded woman.' Penelope replaced the receiver, and then took it off its cradle to prevent him from calling back.


                *          *          *          *          *

Her life, Penelope thought, was in a really boring negative phase. She was 26, tall, vivacious and, she knew, strikingly pretty with a good figure that make turned men's eyes. And yet and yet ... Oh, if only she could find a rich older man who would look after her and take charge of things.

      Straightening her stiff legs, she stood up and went into her bathroom . She pulled her pyjama top over her head, slipped the bottoms down to her feet and stepped free to appraise herself in the mirror.

      Her newly capped front teeth were a source of delight, after years of being acutely conscious of her cramped upper jaw with the center teeth almost crossing. Her shoulder length hair, though still tousled from sleep, was well cut and her natural blond colour was high-lighted with pale streaks.

      She had no close relations and her parents had recently died in a car crash and she had just received the money they had left her. Her own earnings as an actress had been rather meagre and erratic. She had wondered about spending some of it by going away to somewhere exciting - away from Charles. But hopes of getting a role on the stage or on television had held her back.

      Penelope had gone to RADA on a scholarship, and with assistance from their local council. There she had been regarded as talented. However jobs in the theatre were nigh impossible for an unknown actress and her teeth hadn't helped. Finally, in despair, she had taken a job as a secretary. However she had had to give that up and take redundancy when her employers were taken over.

      The small redundancy payment had paid for her teeth and a small, but beautifully co-ordinated collection of clothes and shoes. She had circulated photographs of the new Penelope and these had been well received. She had even been told, in the auditions that followed, that she stood a good chance of getting a part in a film. It would have launched her career, but, alas, she had just heard that she had failed to get the part.

      'She's not sufficiently decisive and forthright for the part,' her agent had been told.

      Not decisive enough! Had they spotted, under her mask of vivaciousness, her secret desire to be submissive and to be controlled? Indeed, only in her recent dealings with Charles, her former fiance, had she shown any decision - and that was only after being driven half mad by his weak character and indecisiveness - and financial unreliability.

      Penelope looked at her breasts and cupped her hands under them. They had not flopped at all despite Charles's attentions.  He had nestled his face between them, sucked and tugged the nipples as he sought with a free hand to stimulate himself - generally with only moderate success.

      He liked her to tie bows to her nipples so that he could pull the ends free, or put elastic bands round them so that they protruded palely, and would then be rouged by him. He liked to place his limp manhood between them and squeeze her breasts together as he moved up and down between them.

      He was a bosom fetichist and had been ingenious in his ideas of how to provide stimulus for himself. Some she rather enjoyed, like being laced into a tight corset so that her waist was only twenty-two inches and her breasts were pushed up and exposed. Then her nipples would project out of their own volition, hard and pink and the sensation of lust between her legs would make her yearn for a firm manhood to thrust up into her.

      To try and capture Charles's attention, she had trimmed her beauty hair into a blond triangle and squeezed cream inside her to make herself moist and alluring. However, it was a great frustration to her that he rarely showed interest in her there.

      His financial status was also fairly moderate and he had suggested that by moving into her mews flat, he could economise on his out-goings.

      Yes, Penelope had decided in a rare moment of resolution, it was time for a change. This unsatisfactory relationship just couldn't go on any longer. Charles clearly longed for a strong minded woman of independent means who would take charge of his life and she equally longed for a strong minded man: a father figure.

      She had, indeed, adored her rather, who was demonstrative to her, kissing her on the lips and cupping his hands under her breasts as he released her from a hug, or innocently sliding his hands down her back as they passed.

      There must, somewhere, be a positive and loving man for me, Penelope thought, a man who would enjoy this slim body and perfect breasts; a man who would respond to her longing to be dominated; a rich man who would shelter and protect her. But where?  And how can I meet him?

      'My luck must change for better,' mused Penelope. 'Maybe I should give my agent a ring just in case he's any news.'







The Prince walked towards the short mounting ladder that lead up to the comfortable six-women palanquin that would carry him up the steep winding path to his Guest House where several male members of his family had just arrived. A prettily fringed awning would shade him from the sun.

      Being a rather corpulent gentleman, the Prince used his ornately carved palanquin, for going up the zig-zag path that lead up to the Guest House, a couple of hundred feet above the palace. It was a simple variation of a traditional Eastern method of transport and one that made good use of the women in his harem.

      He used to use a small carriage drawn by mules, but Malaka had recently suggested replacing these by one of the harem team, changing the team every week to make it more interesting and competitive. It had proved to be an excellent suggestion - and a fine way of keeping his women fit and on their toes. It was also very arousing sport.

      Indeed, a feeling of power surged through the Prince as he looked at the six women, three kneeling up in front of the palanquin, known as Leaders in horse driving parlance, and three behind, known as Wheelers. Twin poles projected from the front and rear on each side of the palanquin. Each of the women's wrists were, in turn,  securely manacled above her head to a large metal spring attached to wooden crosspieces that linked the ends of the poles.

      The extent to which the springs were compressed instantly showed the Team Overseer, mounted on a donkey by the side of the palanquin, whether a particular woman was pushing up properly to bear her share of the weight of the palanquin and its passengers.

      If a woman slackened off even slightly, then her springs would immediate show as being less compressed than those of her team-mates. This in turn would result in immediate application of the overseer's long driving whip to the exposed backside of the offending young woman.

       Once fastened in place, there was no escape for a woman  as kneeling, waiting for their Master, they held up his palanquin with their upstretched arms. Nor would there be when, soon, moving a smart trot, they strained, driven on by their overseers whip, to carry the palanquin on which their Master would now be reclining, to the top of the hill. Then, indeed, like real carriage horses, they would, if necessary, have to relieve themselves on the move.

      The women were naked except for little running shoes and capes that, in the front, came down to below their hips and which were fastened by a long line of brass buttons. The women made an erotic sight, for at the back the capes were cut away so as to leave their pretty little bottoms quite bare - ready for the application of the carriage whip that their overseer used to spur them into greater efforts.

      As they were used in the large park that surrounded the palace, their heads were entirely hidden under black leather hoods that prevented any spectator from seeing their faces - or even the colour of their hair. The hoods also acted as muzzles.

      Little hinged leather lids could be lowered over the small eyelets in the hood. Held in place by velcro, they prevented the women from seeing any man to whom the Prince was showing off his beautiful palanquin. Even they did fleetingly see another man, only if the zip fastener across the mouth of each mask was pulled back, could they call out to him.

      No one, watching the Prince's palanquin go by, would ever have guessed that under several of the hoods was a beautiful European woman straining her utmost from fear of the whip - though their existence in the Prince's harem was widely, and approvingly, rumoured in the local bazaars.

      The blue capes showed that this week it was the turn of the Blue Team to carry the Prince's palanquin. Each of the rival coloured harem teams, Green, Red, Blue and Yellow, would take it in turn for a week to provide the women for the task.

      The times that each team took to carry the Prince up the long winding path that led up to the top of the hill, looking over his domain, were automatically recorded by a electronic timing device.

      Each team's young black eunuch overseer would be desperately trying to make his team achieve faster and faster times during their week on palanquin duty. His aim was to out perform his  rival overseers and so win the monthly cash prize for the fastest run up the hill.

      Competition was fierce and each overseer was allowed, each day, to make changes to the composition of the team of six that carried the palanquin, resting one or two girls and trying out others.


The Prince looked at young Burka, the Blue Team Overseer, mounted alongside the palanquin on a donkey, his whip ready to spur the women of his team into greater efforts.

      Partly, perhaps, because he knew the women, and especially his European ones, hated it, the Prince preferred to have young black eunuchs in direct charge of each team, rather than older ones. It appealed to the Prince's cruel character.

      Certainly his sophisticated grown-up European women who so bitterly resented merely being locked up in his harem, really hated the additional humiliation of being intimately supervised by ignorant young black boys, especially as they had the authority to beat them at the slightest sign of impudence or surliness.

      These  young eunuchs were still, of course, all under the experienced guidance of Malaka, in whom he had complete confidence. If a serious situation arouse, as when Mizzi was caught masturbating, then Malaka would take direct charge.

      But there was another reason for him deciding to use these young black eunuchs as Team Overseers: he liked a girl's overseer to be present, holding her lead, when she pleasured him in his bed, so that he could make sure she performed well.

      But whereas the presence of a big fat, plodding, older eunuch might have been off-putting for him, he felt no embarrassment in taking his  pleasure with a woman in the presence of a young black boy - or indeed of his young Italian, white eunuch, personal valet, Rosebud.

       When the unsuspecting boy had entered his service, he had had him gelded, so that he could accompany his Master into the harem. Now he was too ashamed to run away back to the derision that would greet him in his home town in Italy. Instead, just as a neutered dog stops running away, so, too, Rosebud, was now devoted to serving his cruel Master.

      Indeed, he had at one time considered using the well educated Rosebud as a Team overseer. However, it was noticeable that the women did not treat Rosebud with the same respect that they gave to the more frightening young black eunuchs. On the contrary they rather regarded him as one of them - which in some ways he was, for the Prince did not hesitate to use him for his pleasure when travelling away from his harem.

      No, the Prince had decided, the traditional custom of using black eunuchs to control the women in a rich man's harem and of using white eunuchs as personal attendants and pleasure boys, was undoubtedly right.


To stimulate rivalry between the Team Overseer's and to encourage each one to train his girls in the art of giving pleasure, the Prince would give a substantial tip to an overseer whose girl, or more usually girls, had particularly pleased him in his bed. Thus, the overseers all had one simple aim: for their girls to please the Prince more than those of the other teams.

      By allowing each Team Overseer a high degree of independence in the appearance, discipline and training of his team, the Prince further encouraged the rivalry between the young Team Overseers and, thus, between the teams themselves.

      Each Team Overseer had his own budget and it was largely up to him how it was spent: so much on acquiring new blood for his team to enable it to compete for the Master's attentions against its rival teams; so much on expensive beauty treatments, such as breast enlargements or re-shaping; so much on scents and beauty preparations: and so much on silks and embroidery for the teams' competing and erotically skimpy dresses.

      The Prince allowed the rival overseers considerable latitude on how they dressed their teams - provided it was erotic, provided each team was dressed identically and in the team colour, and provided that all their little bellies were bare with their pretty brands well displayed.

      The Prince also enjoyed the sight of each rival team complying with his grandfather's dictum about a harem always having a few prettily curved white bellies on display - and a few breasts in milk to provide sustenance for the Master. Each team was allowed to have one of each.

      A special reward was given to a Team Overseer if his girls, helped by being made to take a course of fertility pills, successfully produced mulatto twins or triplets, who would  be brought up to labour on the Prince's estates. Inheriting their white mother's intelligence and resourcefulness, and their father's strength and resilience to the harsh climate, they made excellent and docile workers.

      The Team Overseers competed against each fiercely for the annual prizes for the prettiest curved bellies and for the girl giving the most milk.

      The biggest monthly prize, however, was for the Team Overseer obtaining the fastest time carrying the palanquin up the hill. Here, an overseer could earn a big handicap for his team if he included his team's mother-to-be in his palanquin carriers. It was, moreover, a handicap that increased with each month since the girl was successfully mated.

      Inclusion of the team's milkmaid or milkmaids earned another handicap.

      It was all a competitive system, the Prince felt, that had worked out very well and given him a lot of pleasure. At the same it kept the Team Overseers on their toes with each desperate to win the prize by a mix of his strongest girls and the biggest handicap.

      It also made the Team overseers think very hard about the acquisition of new girls - for which each would have to put aside part of his budget and his earnings from prizes and tips.

      The original choice of a new girl lay, of course, with the Prince and Malaka, his chief black eunuch. Payment to the  dealer, who produced the girl, would be made by a special fund administered by Malaka.

      However, once acquired, the various Team Overseers would bid to have the new girl, if they could afford her, allocated to their team. In this way Malaka's fund was constantly being topped up again by receipts from the funds of the Team Overseers.

      In deciding how much to bid for a particular new girl, the young Team Overseers would, of course, not only would be assessing her beauty and attractiveness. Character was also important. Would she, for instance, train well and thus give her Master extra pleasure - and thereby earn her overseer substantial tips.

      However, was she also strong enough to play her part in carrying the palanquin so that her overseer could win the coveted big monthly prize?

      In the case of white women, how would she look after being mated with one of the Prince's giant Dinkas guards or with the pygmies, or black dwarfs, preferred by some of the Prince's rich friends. Would she still then be strong enough to take her place, right up to the foaling, in carrying the palanquin, and so qualify her team for the special handicaps? Might she earn her Team Overseer, the prizes for the prettiest belly? Could she carry twins or triplets? Were her breasts big enough to earn him, later, the prize for the girl producing most milk?

      Tall European girls, with their good child-bearing hips, gave an overseer the best chance of winning these various prizes, but they were very expensive and rare.

      Each team was therefore composed of a mixture of beautiful women from different parts of the world and the rival Team Overseers' role in choosing, buying and training their teams of women was somewhat similar to that of rival football team managers in choosing, buying and training their teams of players.


Team Overseers were selected for their intelligence. It was a position of considerable responsibility for young boys, who until they were castrated, had only experienced the harsh life of their African rural home.

      Now, as black eunuchs, they may have lost their virility, but they had gained a life of ease that would have been unimaginable back in their poor native village. Now they were well fed, well dressed, and in a position of power: each responsible for the disciplining a team of young women, all older than himself, including white women whom he had been brought up to regard as untouchable goddesses.

      How often, back in his village, they would have heard men describing the much longed for, but unobtainable, beauty of white women. Now they, still mere boys had some of them under their control! They were theirs to train, theirs to supervise in their most intimate moments, and, above all, theirs to punish.

       No one back in their native villages would ever believe it, but they were actually allowed to beat white women with a dogwhip. Oh, how they enjoyed doing that!

      The Prince was convinced that the best way of bringing on these clever young boys was to put them in complete charge of a team of valuable and beautiful concubines. Having to cope with the tantrums, anxieties and petty jealousies of a team of women, especially the white women in the team, as well as keeping them fit and healthy, well trained, obedient and subservient, quickly made the eunuch boys into effective Team Overseers.

      But that was not all, for as Team Overseer, each boy was responsible for supervising and recording his girls' natural functions; for checking and synchronising their monthly cycles; for bringing on the milk of those he selected to be the teams milkmaids and for maintaining a good flow.

      He was also responsible for recommending a future mother-to-be and for assisting with her mating or, if the girl was to be kept, initially, unaware of what was happening, with her artificially insemination.

      He was responsible for subsequently checking that conception had been achieved; for supervising the girl's subsequent progress, and for ensuring that she did not interfere with what nature intended: and for finally making sure that all went well on her day of deliverance.

      These boys kept themselves aloof from the European women in their charge, whom they associated with the hated white slavers who had so cruelly carried so many black people off to slavery in the New World.

      They equally distanced themselves from the pale olive skinned Arab women in the harem, whom they related with the hated Arab slave traders of yore who had cruelly carried off so many black people to slavery in Arabia.

      Instead they took advantage of these women's natural fear of black men to impose their authority on them.

      Young though they might be, their position of authority in the harem gave them the opportunity, whilst loyally serving their Masters, of paying getting their revenge for the cruelty and domination that their forebears had suffered from their Arab and European captors.


The Prince laughed to himself at the thought that no matter how much the women might resent the humiliation of being controlled by a young black boy, nevertheless they all soon assumed the characteristics and personality of their overseer:-


The Green team, for instance, had taken on the serious and earnest attitude of the young pigmy eunuch Gorka and were conspicuous for their fitness and slimness.

      This was the result of hours spent in the e harem gymnasium being drilled and driven on, by young Gorka's whip, to further and yet further efforts on the treadmill and weight lifting machines, as well as over the leather covered "horse".

      Marching into the harem in perfect unison, half naked, with their heads up, their svelte bodies shining, and the bells on their bracelets tinkling, the Green Team made a fine and erotic sight of well disciplined young womanhood. 


The Red team, however, took after their plump and more easy going young overseer, Rafta.

       At eighteen he was the oldest of the Team Overseers. His girls were a laughing, bubbly, buxom lot - for Rafta had had all their breasts enlarged and their nipples stretched to bring them more into line with those of the young Negresses back in his home village.

      They, too, also made a splendidly arousing sight for their Master and, in particular, the effect of breast enlargement and nipple stretching on the normally slight little Thai girls was very erotic.


The Yellow Team's young overseer, Yoka, had also introduced some of the customs of his native village back in Africa where women were kept strictly subjugated. For a start, therefore, all his women's heads were kept shaved and shiny, with the Prince's crest and the women's harem numbers tattooed on their polished craniums, matching the brands on their bellies.

      Each was also fitted, like the women back in his village,  with a large, animal-like, brass nose ring that went down to her chin and round her mouth. From the ring hung a little bell that tinkled prettily with their every movement.

      The little needle-like ends that went through their nostrils were brazed together to prevent the women removing them. Each woman had to keep her brass nose ring carefully polished or else!.

      Similarly, the only clothing they were allowed to wear was a yellow coloured, little native modesty flap, made of bark, which was supported by a string strung round their waists and which hung down, below their branded bellies and over their hairless beauty lips.

      Yes, the Prince reflected, his Yellow team certainly made an arousing sight of delightfully degraded female slaves - particularly the European ones. He thought, for instance, of Inez, a tall, young, Spanish woman. Working as a Governess, she had been saving up to get married to her childhood sweetheart, when she was abducted and sold to the Prince.

      Once she had lovely long black hair, but Malaka, knowing that the Prince wanted only blond European women in his harem, had assigned her to the Yellow Team where she would be destined to lose her hair anyway.

      She now resembled a naked white Negress with her bald shiny head, her nose ring and her little strip of bark. Like her team-mates, she made a sight that particularly aroused the Master when she was made to kneel down between his knees and pleasure him.

      It was indeed difficult for him to decide which was more exciting: seeing her well polished cranium, tattooed with his crest, moving obediently up and down below his large belly; or feeling alternatively the cool of her nose ring, and then the soft heat of her tongue on his manhood; or simply thinking of how this once free and well educated young woman was now in his power and had been reduced to such a servile status. 


The twelve year old overseer of the Blue team, Burka, had also introduced a custom from his native village - one that was also intended to enhance the Negress--like appearance of the women in his team. He would bind the nipples and the beauty buds of his girls with cotton thread so that they became greatly swollen and extended. Then he pierced them and fitted them with gold rings, an inch in diameter.

      From each of the nipple rings hung, humiliatingly, a little bell which tinkled with the girls' every  movement. From the ring through their clitorises, however, hung a pretty little jewel that glittered with their every step.

      The swing of these jewels also had another effect, however. Because of the movement of the gold ring itself, they were kept  in a state of constant, if frustrated, arousal. This made them more desperate than ever to catch the eye of their Master - and to please him, their only permitted source of pleasure. And, of course, the more they pleased him the bigger Burka's tip ...


Although each Team Overseer was responsible for the appearance of all the women in his team, they had the support of another black eunuch, Hurta,  whom the Prince had had trained as a beautician and hairdresser - though this last accomplishment was not of much use as regards the Yellow Team!

      Similarly, although each overseer was responsible for the progress of his own reluctant mothers-to-be, they could call on the advice of the experienced black eunuch, Nadu, whom Malaka had had trained as a male midwife - and as an expert in the art of artificial insemination.

      The task of the young black Team Overseers in his harem, the Prince often thought, was not unlike that of his young Arab grooms in the stables of his stud. Both were responsible, under the supervision of the chief black eunuch or stud groom, for the valuable and delicate young women or brood mares in his care.

Moreover, just as the young grooms could call in the assistance of the stud blacksmith and veterinary surgeon, so the boy black eunuchs could call in the specially trained harem eunuch hairdresser and eunuch midwife.

      Malaka also employed a retired chief black eunuch, Patak, to patrol the dormitories at night. The dormitories were kept lit up at night and television cameras, high up in the roofs, recorded the women's every movement. Nevertheless, Malaka wanted to be quite sure that the women did not misbehave whilst their overseers slept.

      Patak was the night-time guardian of the purity and frustration of the Prince's women.


Yes, the Prince thought, variety, as the English say, is the spice of life and Malaka with his young rival Team Overseers, and supporting older black eunuchs, certainly succeeded in providing that.

       At least his grandfather could never accuse him of keeping his concubines all boringly alike!






Back in London, Penelope's agent was still enthusiastic about her new photographs and told her that he had also circulated them to Australia. He had now just learnt that it was almost certain that she was going to be offered the new part of an English girl in a television 'soap' that had been a great success there. He told her to be ready to travel to Sydney at a day's notice.

      'How wonderful!' cried Penelope, her self confidence restored. Thrilled, she promptly rang up all her girl friends to tell them of her good fortune.

      The next day, Penelope thought that it would be a sensible precaution to enquire about the immediate availability of flights to Sydney. So, dressed in white jeans and a red shirt under a black blazer, she made her way to the Knightsbridge travel agency that she had heard specialised in cut price fares around the world.

      Whilst she was waiting for details about possible flights to Australia, the helpful clerk was called away to the telephone.

      'Oh dear, ' he said on his return, looking rather crestfallen, 'another last minute cancellation. And I'd taken so much trouble over it.'

      'Where was it to?' she asked politely.

      'Tangier!' he replied enthusiastically. 'It's wonderful place. So romantic and different! And the hotels are cheap now, out of season. And I'd booked him out on tomorrow's flight and into a charming, but inexpensive, hotel that we know. Discreet and very comfortable, with a swimming pool. Oh well ...  Now, Madam, about your flight to Australia ... '







Although their heads were all hidden under their hoods, the Prince noted that from the white skins and larger build of the two Outside Leaders that two of the six women bearing his palanquin today were European.

      He also noticed that the bellies of both these Outside Leaders, proudly chained by their Team Overseer in the positions of honour, the display positions of his palanquin, were prettily pressing against the fronts of their capes.

      Also not unnaturally, in view of the handicap earned by women in milk, he saw that the breasts of two of the three women at the back of the palanquin were also pressing against their capes.

      Clearly Burka was experimenting to get the fastest time and the biggest handicap and using today both his Matched Pair of a pregnant mother and daughter to carry the palanquin, as well as one of is girls in milk

      It was ,of course, always a difficult judgement to balance the extra handicaps given to Mothers-to-Be and to heavy breasted Milkmaids against their likely reduced stamina and consequent slower time - especially when the Mothers-to-Be could, as in this case also qualify for an additional handicap as a Matched Pair!

      It was just this sort of problem that made palanquin racing with girls such an absorbing sport - whether confined simply to his  own different harem teams or to the teams of some of his neighbours with similar harems, whom he would also challenge to come and compete.

The Prince also noticed that each of the women's heads were indeed completely hidden behind their leather hoods and that the muzzling zip fasteners were closed. There would be no risk of any gardeners, or other men, seeing the faces of his concubines or hearing them call out.

      Nor, if the eyelet covers on their masks were lowered, would the women be able to see any other men. Naturally, the only man they were ever allowed to see close-to was himself! He did not want the sluts mooning over a handsome young gardener - nor over one of his young cousins!

      He noticed that another masked woman was strapped down in the palanquin, with her face forming the bottom of  the seat on which he would sit cross legged. The zip fastener over her mouth had already been pulled back zipped back. She would earn her team another handicap - provided she silently used her tongue to perform its secret task to his satisfaction.

      Thus it was that the Prince had in effect four rival teams for his palanquin, each kept fit by it's overseer and each consisting of six women, in this case with a Matched Pair in the last stages of an enforced maternity as Outside Leaders, and another woman performing a rather special function in the seat.


The Prince gestured to Burka to raise the capes of the two Leaders. He grunted with approval as he saw two nicely swollen bellies each emblazoned, under the brand of his crest, with the numbers 20A or 20B, those of his valuable Dutch mother and daughter. He wanted to make a good display in front of is cousins.

      He then gestured to Burka to bare the breasts of the girls at the back of the palanquin. Again he grunted with approval as he recognised the branded numbers of Blue Team's current milkmaids, one an Arab girl and the other a Pakistani - they had been Burka's entry last year for the prizes for the prettiest swollen bellies and this year for the greatest yield of milk. They too would impress his cousins.

      The Prince now laboriously climbed up onto the palanquin. He had a glimpse of a pretty little face and then sat down on it, lifting up and gathering his loose robes around him.

      As he did so he felt a little hidden tongue thrusting up eagerly between his buttocks. He squirmed in his seat, making sure that the tongue would be licking the most sensitive part of his anatomy and then pressed himself down on the woman's face.

      A feeling of intense physical pleasure shot through his body as the tongue reached up and licked - together with a equally intense feeling of power as he looked down on the helpless women chained to his palanquin.

      He nodded to the boy overseer now mounted on his donkey.

      Burka cracked his whip and in a piping little voice called out: 'Up!'

      Like a camel or an elephant rising to its feet after being mounted by its rider, the six women carefully rose to their feet, raising the swaying palanquin up high with their manacled hands.

      There was another crack of the whip.


      The six women were now high-stepping in perfect time as they approached the start line at the bottom of the hill.

      Suddenly they heard a crack of the whip. They were across the line!

      'Trot!' cried Burka, applying his whip to all six backsides


As the straining women carried the palanquin up the steep slope, the Prince reflected on how several of his equally wealthy friends had boasted to him of their white Pony Girls. He had been tempted to start, like them, a separate stables for Pony Girls.

      However, the great advantage of these Palanquin girls, over Pony Girls, was that they did not require separate stables and treatment. They could live in the harem as ordinary concubines. They could, thus, be used as normal concubines for his pleasure as well as for carrying his palanquin up and down the hillside when it was their team's turn.

      Indeed as ordinary members of a particular team, they would spend one week a month in his private ablutions as his personal attendants, one week as his pleasure slaves, one week as carrying his palanquin and one week resting - their young overseers having carefully brought their monthly cycles into coincidence.


The Prince's cousins were waiting for him on the steps of the Guest House as the palanquin crossed the line that marked the end of the hill climb.

      'Prance!' cried Burka again and cracked his whip.

      The exhausted women slowed to a walk and then, after two paces, prettily started raising their knees high in the air again, pranced towards the Guest House, making a fine picture of well disciplined, if half hidden, womanhood.

      'Halt!' ordered Burka as the palanquin opposite the steps  of the guest house. Again after two paces the women came to a smart  military halt.

      Burka now discreetly lowered the lids over the eyelets of the  women's hoods, so that they would not see the Prince's handsome young relations.

      The six women, now soaked in sweat, were breathing heavily as the repulsively large Prince reached down to close the zip-fastener over the mouth of the girl under him and gathered his robes around him.

      'Kneel!' ordered Burka with a crack of his whip.

      The women slowly dropped to their knees, still holding up the swaying palanquin.

      The heavy, fat, Prince slowly climbed down the steps and went forward to greet his guests, dressed like himself in spotless white Arab dress and headdress.

      Ignoring the half naked women, they embraced each other effusively and went inside to sip coffee and discuss the situation back in Arabia.


Half an hour later they emerged, smiling.

      'I must congratulate you, my brother, on your palanquin women,' said one of the Prince's cousins.

      'And I see that some look like accursed white Western women,' said another.

      'And there's an interesting looking pair at the front,' commented yet another.

      'Indeed,' replied the Prince jovially, moving over to the two Leaders. 'Have a look at these two - they're a special matched pair,'

      As they stood there helpless, unable to speak or to see anything and with their with their hands manacled above their heads to the palanquin, the mother and daughter heard their Master tell their young overseer to unbutton their capes.

      They could hear several male voices - deep voices not the squeaky falsetto of the black eunuchs. The voices were speaking in Arabic which they could not understand, but they blushed under their masks as they realised that they were being shown off to strange men.

      'Look!' the Prince was saying proudly, patting the swollen white belly of the right-hand woman. 'A European Christian woman! You can see she's not a young girl but she's making a fine job of carrying a pair of Negro twins, sired by one of my giant Dinka guards. They'll be reared to make fine workers on my estate.'

      'And fitted with a breeding belt to prevent anything untoward from happening,' remarked another pointing at the filagree silver pouch chained over her beauty lips.

      'Yes, one can't be too careful with these white sluts,' replied the Prince. Then he pointed to his now distended brand which was prominently displayed on her belly.

      'Our family crest!' exclaimed one of the party.

      Above it was branded in blue the Arabic numerals of her harem number, 20, followed by the letter "A".

      The Prince put his hand on the blushing woman's spreading hips. 'She's carried them well and we think she'll have no difficulty when it's time to drop them,' he said casually.

      He now nodded to Burka who now quickly unlocked the tiny  padlock in the small of the woman's back. Her breeding belt fell to the ground, displaying the woman's hairless mound and glistening beauty lips - and the gold ring through her out-stretched and swollen beauty bud.

      There were cries of appreciation as Burka now parted her beauty lips to show how the ring ensured that she was kept moist and well aroused, even when straining to carry the palanquin up the hill.

      Then Burka drew back the capes over her breasts, displaying their enlarged and ringed nipples.

      There were further cries of admiration.

      The Prince lifted up one of the woman's swollen breasts.

'And there's every sign that she'll make a fine milker, too,' he said. 'Of course, these days you can bring on a girl's milk at any time, but I like nature to take it's course with the breasts having to grow fast as her body realises that in principle she'll soon have to start feeding couple of hungry baby giants.'

      'Though in fact they'll be taken away from her, I presume,' said one the Prince's guests.

      'Of course,' laughed the Prince. 'My women's milk is for me alone!'

      The Prince now moved across to the other woman whose face was also hidden behind her leather mask.

      Again he drew back the cape. Again the same brands were displayed, but the letter in blue was not "A" but "B".

      'You mean these two masked white women are mother and daughter,' cried one of the Prince's younger cousins incredulously.

      'Oh yes, and from Holland,' replied the Prince, running his hands over the young girl's swollen belly in a proprietorial way. 'And both mated to the same Sire. Originally I had thought of having them artificially fertilised, unknown to them. But in the end I arranged for their mating to be the highlight of a party I gave for my friends here. Their  chosen Sire, one of my Black Guards, a very virile giant Dinka, mounted them one after the other - though of course they were hooded so that they never saw him - or my guests.'

      'And it took?' laughed one young man.

      'Oh yes, the scan quickly showed their progeny coming on nicely.' replied the Prince proudly.

      'So they're both carrying the progeny of the same Dinka father?'

      'Yes, the progeny will be half brothers with the mother also the grandmother of her daughter's progeny,' said the Prince with a cruel laugh.

      'What a fascinating combination,' said one the cousins, whilst the other nodded in agreement. Fascinating indeed!

      'And is this one carrying twins also?' asked another cousin

      'Yes,' laughed the Prince, 'thanks to the fertility pills used by my clever chief black eunuch.

      The Prince's cousins laughed cruelly.

      'We had,' the  Prince went on, 'wondered whether it might be better to mate them this first time with my little pygmy stallion, so that the daughter's hips would have been spread more before putting her to one of my giant Dinkas. However, my chief black eunuch was satisfied that with these Dutch women, even young girls have good child bearing hips. So we went ahead.'

      Even so, isn't that rather risky - especially as you must have paid through the nose for this pair.'

      'Yes, they certainly cost a lot,' laughed the Prince, 'but Dinkas have quite small heads, despite their size, so there's little risk when a girl foals - which is why, of course, our forefathers always used Dinka stallions on their slavegirls.'

      'And her breasts look like coming into milk well, too,' laughed another cousin.

       'Yes,' laughed another, 'and we can certainly see you're taking seriously the tradition of our ancestors: "seek revenge on the hated infidels by mating any of their women, that you capture, with black slaves!"'

      'Indeed!' replied the loathsome Prince with a rather grim smile.







That afternoon Penelope was sitting alone, thinking of her father and how decisive and so protective he had been. He made other younger men seem so unsatisfactory, especially Charles. If only her darling Daddy was still alive. She would have made up for here mother's undemonstrative attitude and have kissed and loved him. She caught her breath. Oh, how she missed him.

      Just then the telephone rang, It was her agent again,

      'Bad news, I'm afraid,' he said. 'I've just been rung by my Australian contacts. Apparently the Producer there has just decided at the last moment not to go ahead with the part of the English girl, after all. So bad luck, darling - but keep in touch! Ciao!'

      'Bad luck!' Penelope cried aloud in anguish as the agent put down the phone. She burst into tears. It was too much! And just after she had told everyone, that she was going to Australia! Now she would look a complete fool.

      Oh God, what more could go wrong with her life here in London? She must get away!

      Suddenly she remembered the telephone conversation she had heard in the travel agency. It had been about Tangier. She knew nothing about Tangier but the man had said it was romantic and cheap out of season. At least it would get her away from London for a bit, away from Charles, away from her Agent.

      Best of all, no one need know where she was or that the Australian role, that she had so stupidly boasted about so much, had fallen through. Everyone would just assume that she'd gone off to Australia.

      And there was flight to Tangier tomorrow!

      Yes, she thought, why not? Tangier might be fun. And that "charming, but inexpensive, discreet and very comfortable hotel with a swimming pool" sounded just what she wanted. She could afford to go there for a couple of months and then contact her agent again before returning to London.


Penelope reached for the telephone and dialled the travel agency's number. She got through to the same helpful clerk.

      'That cancelled booking on the flight to Tangier for tomorrow,' she said. 'Can I have it? And the booking at that nice hotel?'







It was shortly after the visit of the Prince's relatives that that Malaka came to see him.

      He coughed discreetly. The large Prince looked up from his book. Malaka was an excellent chief black eunuch. He ran the harem excellently, imposed a strict discipline and only bothered him with the women's major problems. He was also his confidant, someone to whom he could speak openly about his women and his desires, without embarrassment - just he could speak to his head groom about his well bred Arab horses.

      'Your Highness,' he began, speaking in fluent Arabic, 'young Burka, the Blue Team overseer, is worried about being able in future to provide a satisfactory team for the palanquin.'

      'They were running very well the other day,' laughed the Prince, 'and the similarly swollen bellies of our young mother and daughter were greatly admired by my cousins.

      'That is exactly the problem, Your Highness' replied Malaka in an anxious tone. 'Repaying me for the acquisition of such rare delicacies as a white mother and daughter used up all poor little Burka's budget.'

      'But a very well worthwhile acquisition they were,' exclaimed the Prince, thinking back to their initial training and breaking-in which had enabled him to take the virginity of the daughter whilst, from underneath, the tongue of the mother provided him with additional delight.

      'Indeed, your Highness, indeed,' agreed Malaka ingratiatingly. 'But they are due to foal in only three months time. When they have dropped their progeny, Burka will need another European woman, with a prettily swollen belly, to take their place - until the mother and daughter are ready to be mated again.

      'And what you're saying is that he'll need extra money to acquire one.

      'Exactly, Your Highness.'

      'Well, I don't want to start trouble amongst the other Team Overseers by giving Burka extra money for his team. They'll say that it's unfair and they'll want more, too.'

      'Not really, Your Highness, there is a general understanding that the acquisition of a white mother and daughter was a quite exceptionally expensive item. Whilst, of course, the other Team Overseers are jealous that they were put into Burka's team and not into their own ones, they do nevertheless realise that it used up all his budget. I don't think that there would be a problem if Burka's budget was now topped up again.'

      The Prince stroked his beard as he considered the matter. In fact, quite separately, Malaka had already advised him that it was now time to cull one or two of the girls and get in some new blood. He himself had begun to feel that he needed the excitement of acquiring a new girl - or better still what about another matched pair?

      'Well,' he said again, having now made up his mind, 'after the good news about my share of our family income, that my cousins brought me yesterday, I think I can afford to buy more than just one more white girl. I think another matched pair is called  for!


Another matched pair of Christian European women! Well, Malaka thought, that would set the pigeons alight amongst the Team Overseers. They'd all want them. But Burka only had two white women in his team, the Dutch mother and daughter, and he had been highly successful in handling them - and fairly soon he would need a European woman, or better still two, with nicely curved bellies.

      It seemed only fair to reward Burka with the new Matched Pair. It would certainly keep all the Team Overseers on their toes. Burka would be trying justify his special treatment and each of the others would be desperate to show off his own competence, and so perhaps get the next white woman allocated to him. Each was only too well aware that these white women could be money spinners for their Team Overseers, earning him a small fortune in tips from a delighted Prince.

      But all this, Malaka thought, was rather premature. The first thing was to find a suitable matched pair, for they did not grow on trees - especially not Christian European ones!

      He wondered if Pierre might be the answer. Several times in the past, like some of his fellow chief black eunuchs, serving other rich Arab Masters, he had used Pierre on behalf of the Prince.

      He was, Malaka thought, a charming young Frenchman whom the Prince liked. He was not cheap or quick, but if given a firm commission he did have the knack of  eventually coming up with just the sort of basically submissive European woman who would adapt well to harem life - despite her initial rage at finding herself a mere indentured servant.

      Moreover, Pierre operated in a very discreet way so that there was no hue and cry when a girl disappeared into a harem.

      It was now six months since the Prince he had bought a new European girl for his harem - and that had been through Pierre. She had been the pretty Austrian girl he had recently ordered to be thrashed, and cut, for masturbating. And before her, he had also acquired the Dutch mother and daughter from Pierre.

      'Perhaps, Your Highness,' Malaka suggested tactfully, ' we might see what Pierre could produce?'

      'Yes, a good idea,' agreed the Prince.

      He liked dealing with Pierre. He knew that he was not going to cheated. Although he was careful not to "damage the good", he did seem to be able to supply a lot of intimate preliminary information, which the Prince could discuss with Malaka, often including photographs and videos of the girl, often undressed, and which she seemed to be unaware were being taken. With Pierre, the Prince felt, he would not be buying a pig in a poke.

      He reached for his pen and started top write out a telegram for Malaka to send to Pierre. It was written in a coded way that would throw any casual reader off the scent.









Blissfully unaware of the order that the Prince had just placed, young Miss Penelope Lyndsey-Baker had just arrived in Tangier.

      Life here, she told herself, certainly seems rather exciting and very different from boring old England. She was so glad that she had come out of the tourist season. She was fascinated by the sight of fierce looking men in immaculate long Moorish woollen robes with hoods, or in long cotton caftans. Others were in long  white cotton robes with Arab headdresses and black silken over-cloaks with gold lace edges - the sign, she learnt, of wealthy Arab Sheikhs from the Middle East.

      All she could see of the women was their hands - and not always that for they often wore black gloves , as well as ugly black boots to hide their ankles. Over their heads they wore a long black or white shroud, with a little gauze strip over the eyes. How awful, she thought.

      She was even more shocked latter when she learned that the women of richer households were hardly ever allowed out at all. Do rich men here still have harems, she wondered. How dreadful! But surely the days of half naked concubines watched over by black eunuchs don't exist these days - not outside Hollywood! Certainly no educated European woman would stand for being kept locked away in a harem.

      She hardly ever saw a young man and a girl together. Instead, young men and youths walked about the streets, openly holding hands.

      And everywhere there were the smells and scents of the Orient ...


She was beginning to regret not having her former fiance, Charles, here to share this new experience. Had she been stupid, she wondered, to break off their affair?

      Oh why, she kept asking herself as she looked down on Charles pretty ring on her finger, did he want to go off with that horrible old dominating Pamela Strickland when he could have had delicious little me as a future wife. After all, she was very pretty and vivacious, tall, with lovely soft blue eyes, silken honey  coloured hair, good legs, a slim waist, and firm breasts - a figure that turned men's eyes. And she was just as tall as Pamela. And she was only 26. What more could a healthy young man want?

      Did she still love him? Had absence made her heart grow fender?

      It was a question that she found difficult to answer. Certainly she missed him. Certainly she was still wearing his ring.  But she had been very hurt when she found out about Pamela. There he was, half engaged to her, and still running around with another, older, woman! My God!

      It really annoyed her that he was so weak. Why couldn't he take charge of things like a man?  Why couldn't he take charge of himself?  Why couldn't he take charge of her? She liked a man to assert himself and make decisions.

      And why couldn't he get a proper job and earn a regular salary, instead of adding to her own financial uncertainty?

      Anyway she told herself, for better or for worse, she had secretly come here alone for a couple of months to get away from it all. She had no plans, except to see new places and meet new people.

      Perhaps if she met a ravishing young man and had a mad fling with him, and wrote about it to her friends then Charles would hear about it and come rushing out to claim her as his own! Yes, she thought, perhaps that's what she should do. It would be rather fun and she could do with a little loving care and attention after all that she had gone through - and anyway she was already feeling a little lonely.

      She had noticed that there were not many Englishmen around, and so perhaps she should look for a Frenchman or an Italian. That would be all the more exciting - and make Charles all the more jealous.

      Meanwhile, the great thing was that no one, but no one, knew she was here. She was free to do as she liked!







The gross, cruel-looking, Prince stepped quietly from his private study out into his viewing balcony. It was carefully screened in the traditional Middle Eastern style by lattice work, so that the women below would never knew whether they were being watched by their Master. He sat down on a comfortable chair.

      Like the owners of many a large harem, the Prince enjoyed spending long hours watching his concubines relaxing under the supervision of his black eunuchs, or being put through their paces by them.

      Moreover modern technology in the form of internal television had made this even more practical. It also ensured that the women had no privacy, even when the backs of their black eunuch Overseers were temporarily turned away - as Mizzi was now going to learn to her cost.

      A large television monitoring screen in his study was linked to television cameras situated throughout the harem. They covered the four team dormitories and bathrooms, the garden, even, from underneath, the shaded harem swimming pool. The remote control enabled him to train the cameras up and down, or left and right, to zoom in, or to the continue just moving slowly to and fro.

      The balcony looked down into the air-conditioned main room of the harem with its central fountain surrounded by large cushions. On these were sitting four separate groups of some ten women, each dressed in a different colour. Some of the women were obviously Arab, others looked Indian or Siamese. Some were European.

      All the women were present - except one, he laughed to himself. Even those on bathroom duty and resting had not  been excused.

       There was an expectant air in the harem as if the women were all waiting for something to happen. Some of women in each group were nervously whispering to each other like frightened children in a confused mixture of English and Arabic - the only languages allowed in the harem. Some were quietly embroidering. The Prince was glad to see that there was no talking between the rival groups

      The Prince smiled as he saw that some of the women were holding  children's picture books and magazines. They were avidly turning over the pages as if looking for pictures of handsome film stars or pop artists. But they looked in vain, for Malaka did not allow the women to see any pictures of men, other than their Master, and, cruelly, for white women, those of their now lost husbands and lovers.

      For this reason, too, the only videos they were allowed to see were children's ones and cartoons. Malaka liked to see his charges laughing away like innocent little children.

      To heighten the white women's feeling of helplessness, Malaka even allowed them to keep to keep photographs or other mementos of their former boy friends or husbands. It made them realise all the more that they all belonged to His Highness now!


The Prince smiled cruelly as he saw that several of the white women's bellies were nicely curved, with a shiny chain mail breeding belt locked over their sex lips and around their loins.

      Their liquid wastes could pass through the chain mail but they could not reach up inside themselves with even a little finger or a pencil, the only writing material allowed in the harem. These young mothers-to-be had no control or say over the progress of their maternities, just as they had had no control or say over their mating.

      Once again the Prince reflected on how he agreed with the maxim of his grandfather, and indeed of most owners of well stocked harems, that a harem without several prettily curved bellies was a dull place. Moreover, like his peers, he agreed that maternity was a natural and attractive state.

      Thus, another source of great pleasure for him was breeding from his collection white women. Naturally he did not use them for breeding sons of his own. He did not want any half-caste mongrel sons! No, producing his sons was the role of his wives - women who shared his own pure bedouin breeding which could be traced back to the Holy Prophet himself.

      They each had their own villas in the palace park were he periodically visited them. But it was his harem of concubines that took up  most of his time.

      Nothing, he felt, could beat the feeling of power that came  from seeing a horrified white woman being controlled by his black eunuchs and then brought to him for his amusement - or of having her forced into an unwanted maternity. It was as fascinating experimenting in breeding from these white women in his harem, as it was from his prize brood mares in his stables.

      It was indeed fascinating to choose a suitable black stud for a particular white girl - whether, for instance to have her covered by one of his friend's pygmy midgets, or by one of his own seven foot Dinka Black Guards.

      It was also fascinating to decide whether the white woman should be hooded when she was mated or allowed the horror of seeing her giant chosen mate. Or, alternatively, whether, using the new medical techniques, she should be artificially fertilised, without her knowledge - with the girl thinking that her young Team Overseer was merely douching her again.

      Nor was it only young white girls who, he enjoyed breeding from, but also slightly older married white women as well. They often felt the degradation even more!

      Indeed, he had recently achieved one of his ambitions: to acquire a beautiful white mother and her pretty teenage daughter. It had been a highly erotic and mentally gratifying experience having a mother and daughter taught, by fear of the whip, to please their Master together, and then to have them nervously perform together in his bed.

      Then he had them both put on a course of fertility pills and put to the same Dinka giant. It was really mind blowing to have a white mother and daughter being paraded by Malaka for his inspection, both pregnant by the same Dinka black Guard, and both expecting twins.

      For some time, his secret ambition was to acquire a well educated English or French woman. He had blond women of several different European nationalities in his harem, but no English or French ones. It was time that he owned a representative of the arrogant races that had once so dominated the Arab world - or better still one of each!

      He wondered what Pierre would come up with this time.


The Prince smiled again cruelly, as he remembered that only two weeks earlier he had watched the branding of a newly arrived  Arab girl, an Egyptian belly dancer. Screaming and begging for mercy, she had been fastened with her back to a special pillar so that she could not move. Her belly was thus thrust out nicely for the branding iron.

      Then, whilst more screams filled the harem, the white hot brands had been carefully and relentlessly applied - together with the appropriate coloured pigments and a special ointment that that would slow up the healing process, so as to leave a good clear brand mark.

      Then for several days the girl had been fastened down on her little bed in the team dormitory, with her hands tied above her head - to prevent her from scratching her itching brands and disturbing the production of a perfect mark.


The Prince was glad to see that watching the women from a raised podium was the green clad Gorka, the black eunuch on duty. It was a strict harem rule that the women were to be constantly to be under the supervision of a black eunuch, even when relieving herself or asleep.

       A battery of small television monitoring screens in the podium enabled the black eunuch on duty to see what was going everywhere in the harem from each team's dormitory and bathroom to the garden and swimming pool. A larger screen enabled him to have a closer look at anything suspicious that caught his eye.

      He was also glad to see, prominently displayed on the front of the podium, the curved rattan cane used for major punishments. This was something that he himself had introduced.

      'Your long whippy cane,' the cruel Prince had recently told Malaka, 'is alright for quick minor punishments, but there is nothing like a good knobbly rattan cane for installing real fear into women - and I want my women to be constantly scared of a beating.'

      The Prince smiled as he saw how the women kept glancing nervously up at the new rattan cane. It was obviously having a powerful effect on them. Fear of the cane had always been a key feature of harem discipline. Now the sight of the dreaded new rattan cane had increased that fear nicely - as had the notice in Arabic and English underneath it.



      "Take heed women!

       This cane will be used to thrash any woman:-

      1. Who fails to show proper subservience to the Master at any  time, stands in his presence, looks directly at him or speaks to him, without permission.

      2. Who, when selected by the Master for his pleasure, does not do her utmost to give him pleasure, without seeking any for herself.

      3. Who tries secretly to climax without the express permission of the Master, when pleasuring him, or during training sessions, of a black eunuch.

      4. Who is caught masturbating, or is suspected of masturbating whether alone or with another woman.

      5. Who is impertinent, answers back or shows dumb insolence to a black eunuch.

      6. Tries to see another man.

      7. Allows her face to be seen by another man.


Next to the notice was another board on which were listed the harem numbers of all the women, grouped into their coloured teams.

      Opposite each woman's number were listed any golden stars that she might have earned from the black eunuchs for good behaviour during the past week and any black stars for any minor misconduct. These were totalled weekly by Malaka and every Friday, after the Prince had returned from midday prayers at the mosque, any woman had more black stars than red ones, received the difference in the form of strokes of the rattan cane.

      It was a simple system that kept the women constantly on their toes. Indeed the Prince could not help laughing as he saw how the women were constantly looking at the board and at the rattan cane, checking that they did not have more black stars than gold ones.

      Another recent innovation of the Prince's were the two well separated chains terminating in padded wrist manacles that now hung down in front of the podium. The chains could be raised or lowered.

      'In future,' he had also told Malaka, 'I want to see a girl, whom you are going to beat with the rattan cane, standing up on tiptoe with her arms outspread above her head. She should be fastened sideways on to the other assembled women so that they can see each stroke as it is applied to her bottom, and facing my lattice screen so that I can see her face as she is beaten and the way her breasts jump at each stroke.'


The Prince now saw Malaka stride into the patio. He was short  and squat but he made an impressive sight in his golden, widely cut, Turkish trousers and matching waistcoat which only partly covered his powerful torso. As always he was carrying his emblem of office: a silver tipped long whippy cane. He was scowling.

      He was followed by the three other young Team Overseers, the handles of their whips tucked under their arms. Gorka came down from the podium to join them. Each went and stood with a proprietorial air behind his team.

      Suddenly, with a loud crack, Malaka brought his cane down onto a cushion. The women sitting in the harem room all froze.

      'Punishment Parade!' he shouted in Arabic and English in his high pitched falsetto that seemed so incongruous coming from such a powerful looking and terrifying man.

      The women remained quite still, like well drilled marionettes, not daring to move.

      Then Makumo brought his cane down for a second time. Instantly the well trained women rose and chased by their whip cracking overseers, formed up into four, well separated, lines like soldiers on parade, with the tallest of each team on the right and shortest on the left.

      Discipline in his harem, the Prince was glad to see was as strict as ever.

      'Number Twelve, step forward,' ordered Malaka.

      The Prince watched gloatingly as Mizzi stepped forward. A young married European woman, formerly free and independent, was going to be thrashed by his black eunuchs. The thought that her pygmy boy overseer had stretched her backside for his easier use made her degradation and his feeling of power all the greater.

      He could feel, under his robe his manhood stir. It stirred even more at the thought that this lovely creature, who now so embellishing his harem, had no prospect of escaping, or of ever again seeing her beloved husband.

      Yes, he thought cruelly, it was very satisfying when a young white woman was incarcerated in his harem whilst still being in love with her dog of a Christian husband or lover. How he enjoyed making her submit to his degrading embraces - up her backside! It was an age old custom - and an highly stimulating one at that.


Looking terrified, Mizzi raised her hands and clasped them behind her neck. Her nervous state was highlighted by the way her full breasts were quivering under her green embroidered bolero - as was his crest, branded on her belly.

      'Prance to the Rattan Cane' ordered her Team Overseer, young Gorka.

      Prancing, with her knees raised high in the air and her hands still clasped behind her neck, Mizzi ran up to the cane.

      'Kiss it!' ordered Malaka.

      Mizzi stooped forward and placed a kiss on the shiny cane.

      Gorka now came forward and fastened her wrists to the two hanging manacles. He raised them both slightly. The girl was now standing on tip toe with her feet together and her arms held outstretched sideways above her head.

      There was an audible intake of breath from the paraded women as Gorka slipped Mizzi's harem trousers down baring her soft little bottom.

      There was a long pause and then there was another horrified hiss from the women as Malaka slowly took down the rattan cane. They watched spellbound as, taking it in his powerful hands, he bent it almost double and the let it spring back again.

'Confess!' he ordered.

      Mizzi knew what she would have to say.

      'I was ...unfaithful ... to my Master,' she stammered through her tears. She could hardly bring herself to go on. 'By ... masturbating.'  .

      'And?' insisted Malaka.

      'I let my Team Overseer down and my team ... and I deserve to be punished.'

      Malaka turned to the paraded women.

      'For this dog of a Christian infidel who was caught deceiving her Master,' he announced slowly in Arabic and then in English, 'the Master has ordered twelve strokes of the rattan cane.'

      There were horrified gasps from the women, and cries of: 'Twelve!'.

      'Silence!' shouted Malaka.

      He looked up the screen behind which the Master was watching, waiting for the little green light to come on. The Master, he knew, would not be in a hurry to switch it on - he would first enjoy watching the frightened faces of his women.


As, unseen, the Prince looked down at the scene below, he yet again reflected that, of course, it was not merely the sight of these lovely creatures that he found so satisfying, nor even the sexual pleasure he obtained from using them for his pleasure.

      No, what he really enjoyed was the feeling of power and of ownership, evidenced by his crest, prominently branded on their bellies. This feeling of power was particularly strong when it came to his white women, for they were well educated, and formerly free, used to having boy-friends, lovers, and even husbands - and, he suspected, vibrators.

      Now however, safely locked up in his harem, they were never allowed even to see another man and vibrators were strictly banned by his black eunuchs - except, of course, when used by themselves to arouse a reluctant woman, so that, despite herself, she was ready and eager for her repulsive Master.

      Equally enjoyable was the sight of these arrogant stuck-up young white women, used to regarding black men, and indeed even Arabs, with scorn, now being subjected to the constant and humiliating intimate supervision, and fearsome discipline of Malaka, and his young black eunuch assistants.

      Oh, how deliciously humiliated they were, he knew, at the degrading ways in which their young overseers trained them to please their Master - especially, following his  grandfather's dictum, having their rear orifices stretched for his manhood.

      Equally humiliating for them was the way these mere boys also checked the state of their monthly cycles, their wastes and the sensitivity of their nipples and beauty lips - noting them all down daily and reporting them to Malaka for his records. Malaka made sure he knew the personal and intimate characteristics of every women in the harem.

      Praise be to Allah, thought the Prince, that the poverty and constant civil wars of Africa ensured a continuing supply of young black eunuchs, neatly gelded by Arab doctors with no more fuss than the gelding of a colt.

      The Prince had no qualms about using them - they certainly enjoyed a much better life, running a rich Arab's harem and living in luxury, than they would have had back in a primitive village. Moreover, they really enjoyed controlling women, particularly white ones, and it was interesting how the women had a natural fear of them.

      Furthermore, the Prince reflected, he also enjoyed seeing sophisticated white women being kept incarcerated in his harem with other beautiful, but relatively uneducated, coloured girls.


The Prince rang a little bell by his chair. Rosebud, his young Italian, white eunuch, valet entered the balcony. The Prince pointed to a little cupboard. The boy unlocked the door and opened it.

      Out crawled a beautiful white woman: the only woman excused from attending the Punishment Parade. Her shiny bald head denoted that she was from Yellow Team. She was chained by neck to a ring at the side of the cupboard.

      Rosebud unfastened her lead and holding it in his hand, drove her forward, As she crawled across the balcony to his feet he noticed with a smiled that alongside the crest and the harem number, tattooed onto her smooth cranium, were two small red stars - the sign of having successfully completed two enforced maternities.

      Two maternities, the Prince thought, and thanks to Malaka's courses of fertility pills, four little mulatto children were now being raised as indentured servants to labour on his estates.

      The woman, the Prince remembered, was Ingrid. Her husband, a Scandinavian businessman, had been caught out defrauding the Government of the Prince's state. The punishment for this was death by beheading. However the Prince had agreed to overlook the offence and to allow the terrified man to leave the country - but one condition: that he left behind his beautiful wife, Ingrid, who would enter his harem, as an indentured servant. She would never see her husband again.

      Like a well trained dog, with her lead still held by Rosebud, the woman silently put her head under her Master's robes and applied her tongue - her task to provide pleasure as he watched Mizzi being flogged.

      Feeling Ingrid's tongue, the Prince now pressed the switch that lit up the green light - the signal for the punishment to proceed.


'In the name of Allah , the kind, the merciful,' intoned Malaka reverently in Arabic. ' ... One!'

      Then he took careful aim. There was a sudden crack, a cry of pain and gasps of horror from the assembled women. A thin red line appeared across Mizzi's bare little bottom.

      Malaka stood back to allow the pain to subside. A Punishment Parade, he knew, should be drawn out if it was to have  the full effect on both culprit and on the watching women.

      Half a minute later, Malaka again intoned: 'In the name  of Allah,  the kind, the merciful ... Two!'

      Again he took careful aim. Again there was a crack, a piercing cry and more horrified gasps.

      Another red line appeared half an inch below the first one. Malaka was an artist with the cane. He would achieve a perfect ladder effect on the girl's backside and thighs but, whilst inflicting great pain, there would be no permanent marks.

      The thrashing went on and on, with the same formal incantation before the application of each stroke and the weeping Mizzi being given time to recover from the pain of the last stroke before the next one was applied. The ladder of little red lines was getting nice and long.

      Never, Mizzi knew, would she ever forget this terrible drawn out thrashing. Not being able  to understand fully the counting of the strokes in Arabic, at first she tried to count the strokes herself. But the pain and the long pauses between each stroke made her confused. Had she now had ten strokes, or was it only eight? Vaguely she was aware that the muscular brute, Malaka, was not using all his strength - or he would have half killed her by now. 

      At last Malaka stood back, repeated the incantation, bowed towards the screen and replaced the rattan cane.

      But the punishment was not over. She was now to be circumcised in front of the other women.


Malaka now slightly lowered the manacles holding the girl's arms outstretched, allowing Gorka to chain her ankles wide apart.

      Watched by the scared women, Nadu, the harem black eunuch male nurse, entered the room . In his hand he was holding a tray of shiny surgical instruments. He sat down on a stood in front of Mizzi's hairless and already well drawn apart beauty lips.

      Using clips to hold her beauty lips even wider apart, young Gorka now began to massage Mizzi's beauty bud, tickling and arousing it and drawing it forward. Despite herself, and the shame and pain of her thrashing, Mizzi began to moan with pleasure.

      When her clitoris was nicely swollen and presenting itself properly, Nadu reached forward and rubbed a freezing liquid over it. The he picked up a sharp little scalpel, shaped like a small pair of clippers. Gorka held a little steel bowl under it. The watching women all held their breath.

      With a deft movement, the experienced Nadu let the clippers slide down over the end of the now swollen beauty bud. Then he squeezed the clippers, instantly snipping off the sensitive tip of the little bud.

      Mizzi gave a sudden scream. Immediately Nadu  applied a special ointment to the scar. Only a few drops of blood had fallen into the bowl.

      Mizzi was carried away to the Green Team dormitory. The horrified teams of watching women were dismissed.







Penelope was having another lazy day, just enjoying the sun and the hotel swimming pool.

      Once again, she felt so glad that she had come here out of season - there seemed virtually no tourists. Although the hotel was small it was comfortable and discreet - just what she had been looking for. All she wanted now was a little holiday romance!

      The Moroccan hotel manager joined her for a drink. He seemed very charming and after a couple of glasses of champagne she found herself confiding in him. He seemed very surprised when she told him she was all alone and had just broken off her engagement.

      'Alone!' he exclaimed. 'A beautiful young lady like you, alone!'

      Penelope blushed. Flattery got you everywhere with her, she knew.

      His eyes lit up when she told him that she was actress. They lit up even more as she told him about her embarrassing disappointment over the Australian role, about breaking off her affair with Charles, about her breaking sudden decision to get away from it  all by coming here and how no one knew where she was.

      'Well,' he said sympathetically, 'we must try and cheer you up and make your stay in Tangier a happy one.'

      He rubbed his hands in a strange way and said that he would make sure that she met some interesting people, so that she saw more of the country during her stay.

      'How very kind of you,' she enthused. ' I should like that very much, I'm feeling a little lonely.'

      The Manager said something to himself under his breath and then, smiling, excused himself.


She heard him making a long telephone call on his portable phone. He seemed to bespeaking very guardedly in Arabic, and so she could not understand what he was saying. But she thought he mentioned her name several times. She wondered why. She wasn't interested in meeting any Arabs!

      Then he suddenly switched to French. From what she could make out from her schoolgirl French, he seemed to have received some rather exciting news.

      'Well,' she thought she heard him say, 'what a coincidence! Yes she might well fit the requirement - especially if she looks like the other one. A real matched pair! However, you'd better keep them apart for the time being - until the buyer shows definite interest ... Yes, I'll make the usual arrangements here ... And remember I shall want my usual ten per cent introductory commission - so good luck!'

      What on earth could he be talking about, she wondered. Some boring deal about a buyer and a ten per cent commission. But who was the "she" who might fit some requirement or other? Presumably a Arab mare. She had seen how proud they all were of their breed of Arab horses. But what did he mean about a matched pair? A pair of similar Arab horses?

      When the manager came back, she saw that he was smiling happily.


She asked him about the local way of life. He told her how several of the older and very rich Sheiks and Princes from the oil states in Arabia had built themselves luxurious palaces here, especially since all the fighting and terrorism had wrecked their former homes in Beirut. They felt there was more stability here and yet being in an Arab country they felt more at home and more welcome that in, say, Spain or France.

      They would, he added with a smile, be left in peace to enjoy the delights of their harems, with no awkward questions being asked by the authorities.

       'Harems!' gasped Penelope. So rich men still do have harems. How exciting, she thought. But when she tried to ask him more about them he looked at her in a strange way and changed the subject. It was as if the subject was taboo.

      Being in a harem, she supposed, would be rather like being in a private brothel - a high class brothel serving one man only. She could see that being the helpless slave of a handsome young Sheik might be rather exciting.

       But the  Manager had talked about older men. She had always been attracted to older men. They seemed more sure of themselves, more authoritarian , more dominating ... Perhaps, she thought, that was what was wrong with her affair with Charles. She should marry an older man whom she could look up to.

      But it must, she reflected, be awful to be in the harem of a gross and repulsive older man. A girl might have to please him, no matter how repellent she might find him. Ugh! She could never do that!













Whilst Penelope had been travelling to Tangier, the Prince had been travelling in the opposite direction.

Whilst she had been savoring the new delights of Tangier, the Prince, accompanied by his young white eunuch valet, Rosebud, had been away in London and Zurich for a few days to check up on his investments - for, thanks to oil, he was a very rich man.

      Indeed he found his investments almost as absorbing as his women.

      Listening to his serious minded advisers, bankers and brokers, he had been unable to stop himself from chuckling at the thought of how shocked they would be if they knew how much of the money, that they so assiduously made for him, was spent.

      They knew, of course, that like many of his wealthy Arab friends, he spent large sums on his palace, his horses, and his falcons, but had no idea that much of it went also went on his collection of beautiful European, as well as Arab, concubines.

      Indeed, as always during his visits to Europe, the Prince had been struck with the absurdity of the Western Christian culture with its emphasis on the marriage of one man and one woman; on chivalry towards women; on companionship in marriage; on a woman having to give her consent to sex; and now on the so-called equality of the sexes.

      How much more sensible and practical was his own culture which believed that women existed for the greater pleasure of men and the more of them you could afford to keep the better.

      Moreover as women were naturally inferior to men, as he had always been taught, they should be ruled by them and kept subservient to them. The idea of a man having to ask a woman for sex was equally absurd. In his world a man simply takes a woman he owns, or keeps in his household, whenever he wants to - and, if necessary, by force.

      Similarly, as the owner of a harem of beautiful women, he knew that many women were driven by their instincts to want to please and serve a man. They got great pleasure from doing so. There was no need, he considered, for them to be allowed any more pleasure. Only in the West had they been brainwashed into demanding the same sexual relief as their lovers and husbands.

      No, he felt, women should only very occasionally be allowed sexual relief. The more frustrated they were kept, the more anxious they were to pleasure their Master - and this was as it should be.

      And, as for a woman being a companion to a man, the very idea was absurd. The companions of men were men. Men talked about politics and philosophy, and about their favourite horses, camels and hunting falcons, over cups of Turkish coffee, with men - not women. Indeed one of the pleasures of living in North Africa was the company of other well educated Moslem men.

      Indeed, nothing better exemplified the status of women than the tradition, in the Bedouin tribes from which his family had sprung, that men always rode the camels and horses whilst women, even wives, had walked - watched over by black eunuchs riding donkeys.

      His harem was not there to provide companionship. It was  there to provide him with pleasure, and to house his collection of women - a collection of which he was proud and the ownership of which gave him great satisfaction.

      Indeed, he did not use his women merely to satisfy his sensuous needs. Almost as satisfying was simply watching his collection of women, unseen, as they were controlled, disciplined and punished by his black eunuchs, and especially the white ones with their unwanted curved bellies and humiliatingly restraining breeding belts.

      Even when he was busy on other matters, the thought of what was going on in his harem could be highly arousing.

      His wives, and their sons, however, he kept separately.


Nor could the Prince understand the sneering criticism in the West about older men having much younger wives or mistresses. For him this was the most natural thing in the world. Indeed, until recently, his ancestors would have been regular purchasers in the local slave market - even in their ripe old age.

      Their chief black eunuchs would also have been regularly invited to come and inspect a slave dealer's new stock of fresh slave girls, especially if it included any white women.

      Equally, he did not understand the Western concept of love-making being a mutually satisfying experience with both the man and the girl climaxing. He, on the contrary, enjoyed simply  taking his pleasure from a woman. The idea that a man should have to bother to bring the girl to a climax was absurd.

      Indeed, he insisted that unless the man gave the girl his express permission to climax, it was an affront to his manhood for her to do so. Women had been put into the world, the Prophet had taught, for the pleasure of men - not to have pleasure themselves.

      Moreover, the fact was, as his grandfather used to say: "The more your black eunuchs keep your women frustrated, the more eager they will be to give you pleasure."

      As for the Western Press remonstrating about white women being locked up, in this day and age, in a rich Arab's harem, he would point out that Arabs have been subjected to a constant barrage of sexually orientated Western propaganda, preaching the desirability of white women.

       Hollywood films firmly established that white woman were the epitome of female beauty and seductiveness. Advertisements for Western goods shamefully used drawings or photographs of half naked white women to sell almost anything.

      Was it therefore surprising, therefore, that the acquisition of a bevy of beautiful and helpless young European women featured so large in the fantasies of most Arab males?

      But the Prince, of course, had the wealth to make such fantasies come true!


Moving from Arabia and from his war-torn villa in Beirut to the stability of this country had been a great success. Amongst the local Caids and Sherrifs, he had found congenial new friends, with the same traditional ideas about Islam as himself - and about women. It was moreover a country whose regime understood the needs of rich Moslem gentleman and turned a blind eye to any excesses.

      In the Arab world a man never discusses his women with other men, but it was understood that, like many other Moors and Arabs, he would discreetly maintain a harem of both Arab and European women - a harem which would require both strict discipline and a high degree of security to prevent the women from escaping.

      Provided, therefore, there was no scandal, no questions were asked as to what happened behind the high walls of his white painted palace and, in particular behind the locked doors and iron barred windows of the harem wing.

      Here, without bothering him, the Prince's experienced chief black eunuch, Malaka, and his young assistant eunuchs, could be largely left alone to impose the strict discipline, on the women in their charge, that was so necessary in a well run harem, particularly one that contained European women.


As soon the Prince returned, he entered his sumptuous and well guarded palace. He made his way to his private apartments next to the harem, where Malaka gave him a report on his women.

       Red Team, he reported, were providing the bathroom girls, Blue Team were still available for palanquin duty and Yellow Team were "resting". 

      It was Malaka who had introduced the concept of using pills to bring on or delay when the women in the various teams came into season and so synchronise each team. In this way all the women of one particular team could be used for a particular duty, or all rested together, locked up in their own dormitory under the supervision of their Team Overseer.

       Previously, several members of each team, at one time, were always out of action in the various team dormitories - something which made it difficult to achieve proper constant supervision of the women by the black eunuchs.

      Now, instead, each team as a whole came into season together.

      Feeling hot and dusty the Prince entered his tiled bathroom.

      Several naked women were chained by the neck to various parts of the large room. Their evidently enhanced breasts made an erotic sight. This was the sign of the Red Team, whose turn it was to be on Bathroom Duty for a whole week.

      Watching them unobtrusively from a corner of the room stood their Team Overseer, Rafta. He smiled as he reported to the Prince. His team were ready.

      The Prince went towards two of the chained girls. They were pretty Siamese girls and each was holding a glass jar. They fell to their knees before their repulsive Master, and with charming little chuckles their slim little bodies both disappeared ender his robe. Malaka liked to train his Siamese girls to provide this service.

He felt his manhood being gently sucked by one girl, and then the other, to start the flow. Then he felt it being quickly diverted into one of the jars. He stood there his legs apart under his robe, his hands on his hips. The two girls would know that woebetide them if a spot of his liquid waste touched his robe and also that they would have to lick up any that fell to the tiled floor.

      His flow ceased and again he felt two soft little tongues -  this time cleaning him. Yes, using his Siamese girls for this  duty was an excellent idea.

      Another girl, a white one this time, was chained kneeling by he  side of a Turkish style toilet set in the floor. Silently she held up a silver bowl half filled with rose-water - in case he wished to pass other wastes.

      This much more humiliating service was one that the Prince enjoyed imposing, like the maternities required from each Team Overseer, on his Christian concubines. It seemed to sum up his desire to degrade , and yet enjoy, them.

      But on this occasion he shook his head. The young European woman looked almost disappointed. It might not be a very pleasant duty, but it provided a good chance of catching the Prince's eye.

      Two Arab girls now helped him undress, whilst an Indian one ran a shower. The Prince laughed as he saw them all eyeing his large manhood. Whist their overseer watched carefully, they then ran the shower all his gross body, soaping him gently and then drying and dressing him again.

      The Prince then snapped his fingers towards another white girl who was silently kneeling on a trolley. He recognised her as the Christian girl who had won the previous Belly Championship. Little drops of white were glistening on her prominent nipples and blue veins showed on the breasts themselves. The girl was now Red Team's current milk maid.

      Rafta wheeled the trolley over to where the Prince as now sitting. He was again smiling proudly - for he had worked hard to keep the girl in milk and with a good flow. Moreover, so that her breasts would be ready for the Master's return, he had not allowed her to be milked since the previous day.

      The Prince reached forward and took a swollen nipple into his mouth.

      'Let down your milk!' said Rafta to the girl, giving her a warning tap with his dogwhip.

      As he sucked, the Prince felt the warm, sweet and refreshing milk ease into his mouth. His grandfather used to say that the milk of a white woman was exceptionally sweet and made a fine aphrodisiac too - though he himself thought that it was very nearness of a soft engorged white breast that achieved that rather than the milk!

      Rafta turned the trolley so that the Prince could use the other breast.

      Finally the Prince rose to his feet, refreshed. It was time to inspect his other concubines. He looked round the bathroom and at the beautiful and submissive women all keeping their eyes dutifully lowered as, out of the corner of their eyes, they watched their loathsome Master - and both his manhood and their overseer's little whip.

      The Prince laughed aloud at the cruel thought that, as well European ones, none of the others had either entered his harem  voluntarily and none remained in it willingly. It was not only his European women whom he enjoyed keeping in his harem and subjecting to the discipline of his black eunuchs ...


Entering his viewing balcony he looked down into the main harem room. With the Yellow Team "resting", the Red Team on Bathroom Duty and the Blue and Green teams at morning exercise, the room was empty. Once again his eye was taken by the rattan cane hanging prominently from the central podium - the sign of his domination.

      The Prince swivelled his comfortable chair and turned it towards to the side of his viewing balcony from where he could look down into the outside patio.

      In the center of the patio was a heart shaped pool - again with a fountain playing in the center. Surrounding the pool were tiles and more cushions.

      The patio was carefully shaded from the sun to prevent the women from  acquiring a tan. What was the point, the Prince reckoned, of going to the trouble to acquire and keep white women if they were then allowed to become tanned by the sun. White women must remain white, was his firm rule.

      Beyond the pool was the pretty harem garden with beds of brightly coloured flowers between paved shaded paths which  zig-zagged their way around the small garden. Surrounding it were high walls up which mauve and orange bougainvillaeas and oleanders were growing. The walls were too high and smooth to be climbable, but, as a further precaution against escape or rescue, on the top were curved sharp iron spikes and an electric fence. No woman had ever escaped from his harem!

      At certain stipulated times, the individual young black eunuch overseers, each responsible to Malaka for the state of training and fitness of their team, would take their teams out to the patio to play or to be exercised.

      The Prince saw that Nadu, the black eunuch who, in view of his experience, had special overall charge for all the reluctant current young white mothers-to-be, had several of them, from different teams, all playing in the shallow end of the swimming pool. They were naked with their swollen bellies thrusting out prominently above their shiny chain mail breeding belts.

      They were throwing a large heavy rubber ball to each other over a net. The Prince nodded approvingly. Keeping the belly and breast muscles firm and strong was a key part of the exercise programme of the girls reluctantly Expecting a Happy Event, as the eunuchs euphemistically called it.

      Nadu was watching them carefully from the side of the pool, a long carriage whip in his hand, ready to correct any woman not exercising her belly properly. Like Malaka, he was a firm believer that mothers-to-be who were kept well exercised right up to when they foaled, rarely had any problems.

      For the watching Prince, of course, it was also an exercise that showed off the now amusingly stretched brands on the women's swollen bellies, just above their flexible breeding belts.

      One woman, he saw, had a strange animal-look with her shaved head and large brass nose ring - clearly a member of the strict Yoka's Yellow Team. Two others were very alike were had the gold nipple rings and bells and the prominent clitoris rings that marked them as part of the Burka's Blue Team.

      He picked up  a pair of binoculars and read the Arabic numbers branded on their bellies: 20A and 20B - his prize Dutch mother and daughter.

      The Prince could feel his manhood stir at this erotic sight and at the thought that they were both carrying the twin progeny of the same black Dinka guard


A grinning eunuch boy, with his dogwhip tucked under his arm like a drill sergeant, was watching a half a dozen naked women as, laughing and giggling they, splashed innocently in the shallow pool, or ran in and out of the fountain.

      They all had gold nipple rings from which little bells tinkled happily. Between their beauty lip glistened their infibulation rings. These, of course, were the signs of his Blue Team. Another team, evidently the Green one, was being drilled in the garden by Gorka. To his falsetto words of command, the women were marching and counter-marching, wheeling and about-turning, marking time and running on the spot. Gorka was a firm believer that a well drilled team made an obedient one, ready to obey without thinking any command that their Master might give them.

      As he watched, he saw the boy halt his team and call out to one of them.  Nervously she marched smartly up to him and saluted. It must be humiliating, the Prince thought with a smile, for a woman to have salute and obey such a young boy - and a black one at that.

      The black eunuch boy said something to her and blushing she bent over in front of him. The boy took his dogwhip from under his arm. Then raising it in the air, he brought it down three times across the girl's backside, before telling her to march back and rejoin her silently watching companions.

      The young Team Overseers had the authority to give a woman three strokes of their dogwhip to punish minor transgressions of the harem rules, such as laziness, failure to look attractive, disobedience, and, of course, the slightest sign of impertinence towards themselves.

      The dogwhips might look relatively harmless but wielded on the bare buttocks of a woman, or on her hands, could, the women had all learned to their cost, really sting. Certainly they ensured that the women eagerly obeyed every order given to them by their young overseers, no matter how humiliating.

      Even more frightening for the women was that the eunuch boys could always report them to Malaka for punishment by him with the even more feared rattan caned - and there was no point disputing what the boy said, for Malaka always took the side of his assistant whether he was right or not.

      There was no doubt that the combination of the rattan cane and the dog whips ensured a very high level of discipline in the harem. It was one that depended on fear of corporal punishment - much to the horror and continuing sheer disbelief of the European women.


The Prince now saw that the Blue Team were being organised by their small overseer, Burka, to play like little girls with skipping ropes. He had tucked his dogwhip into the sash round his waist and had pulled out his short handled whip. The women were calling out girlish rhymes as they nervously eyed the long black leather thong that their overseer was now running through his hands, ready for instant application to the backside of any reluctant girl.

      The sight of grown women being made, by their black eunuch supervisors, to play like little children never failed to excite the Prince. Moreover these childish games, like the strict forbidding of masturbation, were deliberately intended to conflict, constantly and frustratingly, with the highly sensuous, but strictly controlled, atmosphere of the harem.

      The harem regime, of course, was one that had been cunningly designed, over many centuries, to make the frustrated women in the harem long passionately for the arms of their Master. No matter how repulsive and cruel he might be, and no matter how much they might hate and fear him, he was nevertheless the only man they ever saw, heard or touched.

      Indeed, it amused him to see the effect of the frustrating regime of the harem, and its sensuous atmosphere of jealous women dedicated to providing sexual pleasure for one man. Even a newly incarcerated white woman, still furious at being kept locked up in his harem, would soon learn to glance, coquettishly, up the balcony in case her Master might be watching her.


The Prince smiled as he looked again at the bellies of the women who had been exercised by the experienced Nadu and at their shiny chain mail breeding belts.

      They were held tightly over the beauty lips by two light chains attached to the upper corners of the belt and another attached to the lower end. The two upper chains went round her hips and the lower one went up between the buttocks. They met in the small of the back where they were held taut by a small padlock, the key to which was held by the woman's Team Overseer.

      The women's liquid wastes could, of course, pass through the chain mail but the women were quite unable to get at the little progeny they were being forced to carry.

       For more solid wastes, the boy overseer could either temporarily remove the belt whilst the woman performed under his  supervision, or he could teach her to use one hand to pull the chain aside sufficiently to allow the passage of her wastes - but woebetide her if she ever allowed the chain to be dirtied.


The Prince glanced back into the still empty harem room with its large cushions and little tables. Many people imagined that the women of a harem just lay around waiting to be chosen by their Master. The reality, he laughed to himself, was very different, certainly in his harem. The women were constantly kept on their toes: Bathroom Duty, Palanquin Duty, Drills and Exercises, all kept them busy, sleek and fit - even when Expecting a Happy Event!

      He wondered how Pierre was getting on meeting his latest order for another Matched Pair. Doubtless it would take him some time to find a pair that could quietly disappear without trace!







Penelope was delighted when the hotel manager invited her to join his party for dinner that night in a private room.

      'I think you'll enjoy meeting a young French friend of mine, Pierre, ' he  told her. 'He's very good looking - and know the country well. Make friends with him and you'll see the real Morocco!'

      A handsome young Frenchman! And one who knows the real Morocco - what ever that meant! This would make coming here really exciting!

      That evening Penelope put on her best face and her sexiest dress. Glancing in the mirror before going downstairs she decided that she was really looking gorgeous.

      The manager greeted her courteously and immediately introduced her Pierre. 'I've put you next to him at dinner,' whispered the manager.

      'What a lovely dress,' Pierre complimented her, as he kissed her hand.

      Penelope blushed. What a handsome and charming young man! It was a short, off the shoulder little black dress that, she knew, showed off her figure and long legs to perfection.

      Looking at her, Pierre seemed rather taken aback.

      'Excuse me asking,' he said, 'but have you by any chance got a ...twin sister ... or a French cousin ... here in Tangier?

      'No!' laughed Penelope. I haven't got any sisters, twins or not, nor any French cousins, and I don't think I know anyone here in Tangier.'

      'Why do you ask?'

      'Oh, I just wondered,' he replied. Then I heard him murmur, as if to himself. 'The likeness is remarkable. It's a pity they're not sisters, but even so, a matched pair ...'

      'Even so, what do you ... ?

      'Oh, nothing,' he replied.

      'Are you planning,' she asked with a smile, 'to introduce me to my ... twin?'

      He smiled.

      'Oh, I'm sure you'll both meet before long!' he replied enigmatically.

      'Well, I hope she's pretty.'

      'Yes very,' said Pierre, adding with a laugh, 'That's why I thought she might be a relation of yours!'

      'Flattery will get you everywhere with me,' she laughed. She knew it was true.

      Then as if wishing to change the subject, he said: 'But forget about that, I'm much more interested in knowing about you. Are you planning to stay here for a little time?'

      'Oh, I don't know, a month or two - it rather depends.'

      'Then, perhaps you'd let me show you round a little,' smiled Pierre. In fact, he had of course been already briefed by the hotel manager that she was alone out here, after splitting up with her young fiance. He started to describe what there was to see in and around Tangier.

      'You make it all sound fascinating,' Penelope said enthusiastically, thinking what a delightful guide Pierre would make. Moreover, he spoke excellent English - and with a delightful French accent. Her holiday here was certainly getting off to a good start

      Just then a photographer came in and started to take photographs of the party. Pierre insisted that he take several of himself and Penelope and then of her alone. He even persuaded her to be photographed sitting up at the bar on a stool. It was a pose that would, she knew, show off her legs to perfection.

      At dinner, she found herself at first talking to the neighbour on her other side from Pierre. He said he was an Italian architect and was kept busy designing new palaces, or modernising old ones, for rich Middle Eastern Sheiks.

      'That must be interesting work,' Penelope said politely.

      'Yes, it is,' replied the architect, 'though they are very demanding as clients - particularly when it comes to the harem quarters.'

      'Harems!' Penelope exclaimed.

      'Oh, yes,' her neighbour laughed, 'many rich Arabs, including those regarded as very religious are reverting to the old custom of keeping a harem of young women. I can't complain - designing the harem quarters makes all the more work for me!'

      'But how do these men satisfy so many women?' asked Penelope with a laugh.

      'That's not the point,' replied the architect earnestly. 'It's a question of pride of ownership. They enjoy collecting and owning beautiful women - just as a rich man in the West might enjoy collecting and owning Old Masters or a stable of race horses.'

      'Oh!' Penelope gasped. To be owned as part of a collection of beautiful women! How awful!

      'You must remember,' added the architect, 'that thanks to oil, many Arab Princes, Sheiks or business men are extraordinarily rich. Not only do many have huge incomes, but they have also acquired large fortunes from lucrative business deals. They now have the money to indulge their personal desires - and a luxurious palace with a harem with a couple of dozen beautiful young women at their beck and call is pretty high on their list of desirable things to purchase and own.

      Penelope gasped again. Purchase and own! To be bought and owned by a rich and powerful Arab Prince! To be at his beck and call! How quite ghastly!

      'Especially,' added the architect, 'if some of them are European women.'

      'European women!' cried Penelope. 'Locked  up in a harem! You can't be serious. They'd run away!'

      The architect laughed. 'My dear young lady, there's no escape from a modern harem - anyway not from one designed by me!'

      'Oh!' exclaimed Penelope.

      Before she could ask what he meant, Pierre turned to her. He had now finished his conversation with the lady on his right and evidently with some relief turned again to Penelope, whilst the architect turned to speak to the lady on his left.

      'You mustn't believe all that my architect friend tells you about palaces and harems,' he said.

'Oh, don't worry, I didn't,' laughed Penelope. 'Not in this day and age!'

      'Exactly,' said Pierre, evidently relieved. 'Now how about letting me take you out to dinner tomorrow - we might go onto a local night club. It'll be fun!'

      'Oh yes,' cried Penelope. 'I think I'd like that very much.' She looked  again at the handsome young Frenchman. 'Very much indeed!'







Three fundamentalist clerics, Imans , had  asked to see the Prince.

       One had come all the way from his own country, having been sent by the Ulama, the body of religious scholars, there. The other two had been sent by the local Ulama.

       All wanted to be sure that the Prince supported the Islamic fundamentalist movement that had swept through the Moslem world in recent years.

      They regarded with horror what they regarded as the unbridled immorality of Western women with their brazen and immodest public behaviour, their superior ways and provocative dress and, even worse, their use of vibrators.

      Women, they taught, should stay indoors, never go out alone, never drive cars, never travel without the written permission of their husbands, masters or fathers, never be alone with a man who is not a close relative, and never work in public places. Their education should be strictly limited.

      "Allah created women for the enjoyment of men and the continuation of the race," ran the ancient texts. 'Go ye and enjoy them, for copulation is a gift to men from Allah.'

      The texts said nothing about allowing women to enjoy sex as well and the Imans strongly disapproved of it.

      As for harems, another text enjoined: "Keep as many as many slavegirls as ye can afford and if they do not serve you willingly, then have chastised by your servants, but do not let them out of your house to tempt other men."

      A special religious police, the Muttawin, operating under the control of the Imans, now enforced the old Shariah law. The veil was re-imposed. Women were not allowed to flaunt their bodies in the provocative fashions of the West but must hide them behind loose tops and trousers or loose kaftans. The education of girls was restricted. Contact between the sexes outside the home was forbidden and indeed women found out alone risked a flogging.

      The Imans had no objection to rich men re-establishing the old harem system. On the contrary they encouraged it -  provided there was no lesbianism and the women were under strict and continuous supervision - something that modern electronics made easier. Nor did they object to the harems containing European concubines, provided they, too, were kept under strict control.

      It was, thus, clearly in the Prince's interests to keep in with the fundamentalist Mullahs here in his adopted country and for them to be content about what went on behind the high walls of his palace.


      There was a discreet knock on the door. Malaka entered.

      'Your Highness,' he said, 'the delegation of Imans have arrived.'

      'Show them in,' ordered the Prince.

      Three clerics, clad in black entered. The Prince greeted them warmly. Over coffee they explained that they had been sent by the Ulama, the local body of religious scholars, to enquire into his attitude towards the Western women that he was rumoured to keep in his harem.

      Clearly they were concerned lest these women, used to the shocking freedom of Western women, might form a hotbed of feminine revolt against the strict teachings of the fundamentalists regarding the treatment and control of women.

       'Women are naturally licentious and promiscuous,' explained one of the clerics, 'and should be kept in the home or harem, away from the sight of other men.'

      'My sentiments entirely,' agreed the Prince with genuine fervour.

      The Imans were clearly delighted when Malaka described how he prevented the Prince's women, once in the harem, from leaving it, from seeing other men, from having any knowledge of what was going on in the outside world, the man's world, and also how the European women were kept illiterate in Arabic.

      Malaka then looked enquiringly at the Prince who nodded approvingly. He had no objection to his women's bodies being seen by these clerics - provided, of course, their faces were not seen close up and provided the women could not see them.

      Malaka pulled the curtain over the screen, displaying to the clerics a scene of girlish innocence. A dozen collared women, were playing naked in the pool, laughing and splashing as they threw a large rubber ball to each other - under the eye of a watching black eunuch .

      'Ah, yes,' quoted one of the clerics, "The bodies of mature women, kept with minds of children."'

      Malaka pointed to the swollen bellies of two blond women. They were the Dutch matched pair, the mother and daughter.

      'A woman's natural state!' said one of the Imans approvingly.

      'And doubtlessly imposed on these infidels, to produce good Moslems?'

      The Prince nodded. 'An infidel mother and daughter,' he explained.

      There were exclamations of astonishment from the Imans. 'And are they both carrying your child?' one of them asked.

      'Oh no,' replied the Prince in horror, 'the mothers of my children, my wives, are all true descendents of our Holy Prophet, may he enjoy Paradise for ever.'

      He paused for effect. 'I am sure, ' he continued, 'that such eminent clerics as yourselves are only too well aware that it is written: "Take revenge on the hated Christian infidels by using captured Christian women to breed good black Moslem servants for the greater glory of Allah." ... This is a precept that in my humble way I try to follow.'

      There was a long pause whilst the clerics looked at him opened mouthed with admiration.

      'My son,'  the oldest cleric finally said, 'you are an example to us all.'

       Remembering the dramatic effect that displaying these two women had had on his young cousins, the Prince picked up the house pone, and dialled a number. Briefly, he gave certain orders. He wanted to be sure that these influential clerics were properly impressed with his apparent devoutness.

      At the same time Malaka drew the curtains across the grille that looked down into the harem.

      Tactfully, the clerics now enquired about masturbating and lesbianism, and were greatly reassured to hear from Malaka of the steps he took to stamp on any such scandalous behaviour amongst the women in his charge, whether they were Arab or Western.

      'And how about the imposition of the state of Salat on these potentially licentious creatures?' asked one of the Imans.

      'Yes,' said the Prince with a smile, 'Let me assure you that I fully support your efforts to re-impose Salat.'

      Salat, of course, requires as a minimum the removal of the sensitive tip of a woman's clitoris to control what the Mullahs regard as the natural licentiousness of women. By greatly reducing a woman's pleasure, it reduced lesbianism and masturbation - and adultery. It also had the effect of making a woman more submissive and to concentrate more on giving, rather than receiving, pleasure.

      Traditionally in Africa, female circumcision was imposed on all female slaves whether they were in the harem or employed on manual work such as cotton picking or carpet making - they did not then waste time mooning over boys, and instead got on with their work.

      Some Masters had even taken the line that since the status of a slavegirl is that of a domestic animal, and as animals do not have clitorises, it was morally wrong to allow a slave girl to keep hers.

      Even in the present day, Filipino or Indian girls going to Arabia as servants to make, as they thought, their fortunes risked losing not only their freedom but their clitorises as well.

      Similarly even an unsuspecting European girl entering a

respectable Arab household as a governess, nurse or private air hostess, risked being called in for a so-called medical inspection. Then anaesthetised by a so-called preventative injection she finds, on waking up, that the tip of her clitoris had been neatly removed to ensure that she was not distracted from her work.

      The Imans, of course, encouraged this, saying that putting immoral infidel women, with their uncontrolled passions, into a state of Salat would prevent them from leading innocent Arab men astray.

      The full state of Salat, as traditionally carried out in many African countries, required the trimming of the sensitive outer lips as well. Indeed, the lips were then allowed to heal together, leaving only a small orifice for the passing of liquids and for a man's pleasure. Where once had been the woman's beauty lips was now just a long thin scar.

       The scar is, of course, cut open to allow childbirth and then allowed to heal together again, so that neither the mental nor physical pleasure of her husband or Master is spoilt.

      Using modern surgical techniques, the full operation could now be carried out quite satisfactorily even on grown women.

      However the Prince and Malaka had agreed that since the black eunuchs ensured that all the women were anyway kept in a frustrated form of Salat, circumcision should only be used as a punishment in the harem. Moreover they agreed that even in such cases just the partial version was needed.


The Prince clapped his hands and immediately little Gorka and Rafta each led in a figure hidden in an all-enveloping black Burka, or shroud. As  usual in the presence of the Prince each was on a lead, held by her young overseer.

      The young woman held by Gorka was, of course, Mizzi, and the one held by Gorka was her fellow Austrian, Maria.

      The Prince laughed to himself as he remembered how Maria had volunteered to go and work on famine relief in a remote and lawless part of Africa before going to University. There she had been abducted by tribesmen and sold to a modern slave dealer. Knowing the preferences of the local Arab dignitaries, he had the tip of the girl's clitoris removed in order to enhance her price.

      In fact he had sold her to the Prince whilst he was on a tour of inspection on behalf of his parent country which had offered considerable financial aid to this much poorer one. He had used her several times in the dealer's house to relieve his tension and then, sedated and carefully boxed up, he had sent her back to his harem to start her training and await his return.

      He had found her unusually submissive and eager to please. She made an exciting change from his other women - and variety was at the very core of the harem system!

      He had been tempted to have more of his white girls similarly circumcised, but having spent a little time in Europe and having learned to appreciate European women, he had decided that he preferred a woman with a bit of spirit. But he wasn't going to admit that to the Imans.


Both women were now made to stand up, hesitatingly, on a little stools.

      'You will understand that these women have been blindfolded and gagged under their shroud,' explained Malaka. 'We do not allow His Highness's women to see or talk to other men.'

      The Imans nodded approvingly. The Prince certainly had the right ideas - and the money to impose them! He was an example to the community.

      'Position for Inspection' ordered Malaka, giving both women, through their shrouds, a sharp tap on the buttocks. Obediently both women raised their hands and clasped them behind their necks. Then under their robes, they parted their legs, bent their knees and thrust out their bellies.'

      The Imans watched approvingly at this display of disciplined womanhood.

      Their approval was even greater when the black eunuch boys, one by one, parted the front of each woman's robe to disclose on her thrust-out naked belly the branded crest of the Prince and above it her harem number, The jet black hands of the eunuch boys contrasted strikingly with the whiteness of the women's exposed bellies.

      'And are these both Christian woman?' asked another of the Mullahs in surprise.

      'Indeed they are,' replied the Prince proudly. 'Both formerly free women of the West.

      He paused.

      'Just two of my European concubines' he added nonchalantly. 'I will not bore you with the sight of more of them.'

      The Imans exchanged more looks of approval.

      They approved even more when the two boys, one by one, parted the beauty lips of the women, to disclose the little scars where the beauty buds should have been.

      'Salat!' admiringly cried first one, and then the other two Imans, as they peered more closely. One reached forward to make sure. There was a whimper from behind the shroud.

      'And this one was only recently done,' exclaimed one of the younger clerics authoritatively. 'His Highness certainly imposes the state of Salat even on his European women!'

      The women's burkas were now closed again and silently they were led out of the room by their young overseers.

      However, summoned  by the prince's telephone call, Burka now appeared leading two more shrouded figures. Burka helped them to mount up on the stools.

      The Imans looked at each other in surprise. Now what was this evidently very devout Prince going to show them?

      'I thought,' said the Prince, 'that perhaps you would you like to see something else for yourselves.'

      Then on a signal from the Prince, he and Malaka parted the tops of the robes of the two women, displaying their full and very white breasts. But whereas on one set of breasts were the pronounced nipples of a mature young woman, the nipples of the other were the almost virginal little pink nipples of a much younger girl,

      There were gasps of astonishment and admiration from the clerics as Malaka explained: 'His Highnesses's prize matched pair - a European mother and daughter.'

      There were even more gasps, this time of  approval, as Malaka and Burka then parted the robes lower down, this time  displaying, almost level with the Imans' eyes, two identically and sharply curved white bellies.

      'Both mother and daughter are being made to carry good future Moslem twins,' Malaka again explained. Then he paused. 'And both were mated on the same day with the same one of His Highness's Dinka Black Guards!'

      Then the Prince pointed down to their tight gleaming chain mesh breeding belts immediately below their fascinatingly stretched brands of his crest.

      'To prevent these Christian dogs from interfering with what has been ordained for them - and for the greater glory of Allah!'

      The impressed clerics looked at each and nodded. Then the oldest one put his arm around the big Prince's shoulders and embraced him.

      'We have seen enough, Brother,' he said. 'You are indeed a True Believer, a true follower of our Islamic revival. I shall report back to our Ulama that there can be no doubt about your piety, and this will also be known in the bazaars. There will be no interference with what goes on behind the walls of your palace.'

      'You are too kid,' murmured the fat, cruel and repulsive-looking Prince.







The following evening Pierre took Penelope to a crowded night club. It was decorated like something out of the Arabian Nights. There several belly dancers and Pierre held Penelope's hand, as she watched the sensuous display.

      Later they danced together and he held her very tight. She found it all very exciting and arousing. It had been such a long time since she had gone out with a good looking man.

      Pierre, she thought, certainly knew his way round these parts. She couldn't quite make out what he did for a living -but he seemed to visit the palaces of wealthy Sheiks and Princes fairly often.

      'If you like, I might be able to take you with on a short visit that I'm expecting to have to make shortly to the palace of a rich Arab Prince out in the desert.'

      'Oh that would be exciting!' cried Penelope. 'An Arab Prince!'

      'Well, I won't promise anything yet!' laughed Pierre.

      'But would it be safe?' Penelope asked. 'I mean might he not lock me up in his harem?'

      'Oh I don't think he has one!' Pierre lied convincingly. 'Anyway you'll be safe with me!'

      After they had shared a bottle of champagne and Penelope was feeling more and more relaxed, Pierre insisted on her being photographed yet again. He even persuaded her, as a joke, to lean forward to show off her cleavage. He said he wanted to have the photographs as a reminder of a wonderful evening with a very beautiful and entrancing woman.

      'Well, flattery will get you everywhere with me,' laughed Penelope, all her inhibitions now lost, 'lets have some really sexy photographs!.


Later, going back in the taxi, Pierre kissed her passionately and cupped her breasts. Penelope was very excited. She could feel herself becoming more and more aroused.

      Arriving at the hotel, he told her that he had arranged with their mutual friend, the Manager, for her to be put into a better room with a larger bathroom. All her things had apparently been moved whilst they were having diner. He certainly gets things done fast, she thought, rather admiringly

      She assumed that he was going to follow her up to her new luxury double room. Feeling as she did, she certainly would not have objected. But in fact he simply kissed her hand, saying that he would join her for a swim the next day.

      'That'll be lovely!' she said.

      'But on condition, you're wearing your prettiest swimming costume,' he said earnestly.

      Penelope felt madly disappointed. But, she told herself, perhaps he did not want to rush things or appear too eager. Then as he turned away he said strangely: 'Be careful to take off your dress carefully and have a shower before you go to bed.'

      What an odd thing to say, Penelope thought. She saw that on the way out, Pierre paused and said something to the reception clerk who looked at her and nodded. Was he telling him to look after her or that he would pay for the better room? She wasn't sure that she approved of that.


The new room, Penelope decided, was so lovely that she immediately put aside any quibbles. She could see all the bay from the balcony and the bathroom was spacious. It was all more like a film set than a hotel room and the lights were quite extraordinarily bright - almost like a television studio. She tried to turn some of them off, but you either had to have them all on or all off. Typical Arab electrics, she thought.

      There was a huge mirror along one side of the wall of the bedroom and another in the bathroom. Curiously there was no bath, just a shower set in the middle of the room with no curtains surrounding it.

      Idly, she pretended she was undressing in front of Pierre and amused herself doing a sort of strip tease in front of the huge mirror. It made her feel even more sexy and disappointed that Pierre had not come up, too. Perhaps he was planning to do so tomorrow!

      For a moment she thought that she could see a light coming from beyond the mirror, but this was obviously impossible and must be just a reflection of the bright lights in the bedroom. Alice through the looking glass was only a fairy story, she told herself with a laugh.

      She then had a shower in the magnificent and, again, well lit bathroom.  She was still feeling very aroused and the luxury of this suite made her feel all the more frustrated at the way Pierre had gone off. So in the shower, once again glancing at the large mirror, she just could not help squeezing her nipples and then putting her hands down to her beauty bud.

      As she played with herself, she laughed at the thought of what Pierre would think, if he if knew what this apparently cold English girl was doing. Men just never seemed to realise the depth of a girl's secret longings - or at least European men did not. Perhaps these inscrutable stern looking Arab men did. Perhaps, she told herself, as she reached a series of lovely climaxes, that was why they kept their women under such strict supervision.

      Penelope now put on a lovely satin nightdress and got into the huge bed. She remembered what Pierre had said about wearing her prettiest swimming costume. She'd certainly do that! Perhaps Pierre would join her in it the next day for a romantic siesta in the warm afternoon. What a wicked woman she was to have such thoughts. And she a respectable girl! Almost a married woman!


In fact Pierre turned up early the next morning. Penelope was delighted to see him, but was still a little sleepy after her naughtiness in the shower the night before.

      He really is charming, she thought: well dressed, smiling and making her laugh as he handed her a large bunch of flowers. What more could a girl look for? Any way in a holiday lover.

      A holiday lover! Poor Pierre, she told herself, how hurt he'd be if he knew what she was thinking: to use him to get her own back on Charles and to make him so jealous that he'd come back to her. A real Latin lover she could boast about to her friends when she returned to London. That would soon get back to Charles - and he'd come running!

      Yes, she thought, as again she showered whilst he waited for her to join him for breakfast in the warm morning sun on the balcony, Ill even ask him to come and stay and I'll introduce him to my girl friends. She would tell them all about their passionate and romantic affair in North Africa. Charles will make a terrible scene and then we'll make it up. She  would tearfully renounce poor Pierre on condition that Charles got a job. Then she and Charles would live happily ever after. She'd even start a family!

      She laughed as she thought what a scheming little creature she was. She had worked it all out - and poor old Pierre hasn't a clue! But meanwhile she would enjoy herself with him.

      Indeed, looking at him across the breakfast table as she nibbled a delicious croissant, she could not help thinking what a very good looking young man he was. And so interesting . And so attentive - he made a girl feel like the Queen of Sheba!


For two whole hours they swam, drank and flirted by the pool. Pierre had a polaroid camera and they had great fun taking instant pictures of each other. Some of the pictures that Pierre took of her in her swim suit were, she realised with an excited chuckle, getting really rather naughty - for the pool was conveniently deserted.

      Penelope had been wearing her lovely one piece swimming costume - one which was cut shockingly high on the thigh. It showed off, she knew, her body and her slim legs wonderfully. Then Pierre asked her if she had a bikini and so, rather embarrassed, she changed into her scandalously brief new bikini and posed provocatively for his camera as if she were a model.

      They looked at the polaroid photographs and he made her pose one way and then another. He certainly seemed to know a surprising lot about fashion photography, Penelope thought. She still did not know what he did for a living, except he travelled a lot and met lots of girls. Perhaps he was a well known photographer?

      Posing for him like this made Penelope feel rather excited, especially when she thought of the lovely siesta together, in her glamorous new bedroom, that all this must be leading up to.

      Pierre took more photographs of her lying on her tummy and diving into the pool. Then he put a huge towel round her shoulders and kissed her. He put his hand on her breasts under the towel. It was very exciting. Whispering, he dared her to let him photograph her topless, holding the towel round her shoulders, to hide her breasts from the sight of anyone who might be looking.

      It was a dare that Penelope could not refuse, especially when he started he say that, of course, if she were flat chested or pendulous ... Penelope had always been proud of her firm breasts and was furious at his teasing. So ripping off the top of her bikini, and throwing away the towel, she stuck out her chest and dared him, in turn, to take some polaroid photographs.

      She had to admit that the results made her look smashing. He certainly knew how to bring out the best in a girl!

      All this made her feel even more amorous and she suggested that they might continue to photographic session in her room. But again to her great disappointment, he jumped up, looked at his watch, picked up all the photographs, and said he must dash. He promised to ring the next day.

      Poor Penelope was left feeling highly frustrated. No lovely relaxing siesta with Pierre! He did say he would give her a ring that evening, but even so!

      Of course the inevitable happened. She just had to relieve her pent-up feelings again, lying naked on the big soft bed all alone instead of with Pierre. It was almost as if he knew that this would be the result of rushing off like that.

      She could not help glancing towards the big mirror as she played with herself, thinking how much more exciting it would have been with Pierre. The strange thing was that she was thinking of him so much, that she even fancied she heard his voice coming from the next room, beyond the mirror. He seemed to be encouraging her to greater efforts.

      What tricks the brain can play on one, she thought. What on earth would Pierre be doing in the next door room when he could have been in hers!







The risk, the Prince knew well, of a girl escaping from a modern harem like his, and from the custody of his black eunuchs, was not a serious problem. However, what was a problem, especially for the owner of a harem containing European women, was what to do with a white woman he wanted to cull from his harem to make way for new blood.

      This was, the Prince well knew, regarded in his harem as a dreaded mystery.

      There were rumours that he would eventually let them return home, to their husbands, families or boy friends. But this was nonsense, for inevitably they would tell their story to the Press and so cause a great scandal - not only for him personally and for the rest of the Ruling Family of his own country, but also for the country that had allowed him to set up his new palace and harem.

      The story that was most widely accepted in the harem, and which Malaka let them think was true, was that he had an arrangement with a particular brothel, deep in the desert, that served the passing trade. They women thought that he sent them  there, knowing that the chances of them ever escaping back to civilisation were remote.

      It was true that he had, at one time, thought of such as solution but he had dismissed it as too risky. A woman might well use her charms to persuade a client to help her escape or to offer to buy her so that she could later escape back into what she would regard as the free world.

      Traditionally, of course, a rich man presented his surplus women to his faithful retainers, or to other visiting Arab dignitaries. But these days, the Prince complained, one had to so careful about ensuring that the delighted recipient of a well trained white woman had, himself, adequate security arrangements for keeping her safely locked up.

      It used to be possible, of course, to sell a girl back to the dealer who originally sold her, but old fashioned slave dealers, dealing in white women in large numbers, were a rare breed these days.

      It was also true that certain local high class brothels, specialising in European women, did use modern electronic collars to prevent them escaping but, even so, one could never be sure.


Faced with this problem, some Ruling Families had set up a discreet establishment where their surplus white women could an entertain Arab and other Eastern guests with the sight of Western women trained to perform for their enjoyment.

      These establishments could, as the Prince knew well, play an important role in business deals. It was amazing how much a Japanese or Chinese businessman will reduce his price after dancing with a manacled, but otherwise naked, European woman, whose vocal chords had been snipped to prevent her from talking.

      The life of a white woman in such an establishment, the Prince knew, was similar to that of a white woman in a well run harem such as his own one: constant supervision by black eunuchs; skimpy clothing; a viewing gallery; and the constant fear of the cane if they do not please the visitors. These establishments might well be keen to take on the odd surplus girl from a well disciplined private harem, but they could only cope with a limited number.


Recently, the Prince had found another small outlet for his surplus women.

       During his visits to Europe, he had been impressed, especially in Germany and France, with the intelligence  and strength of character of certain older, and usually wealthy, women who shared his taste for submissive and desirable younger women. Often they came from the world of literature or the arts.

      The fundamentalist Imans would, he knew, regard such women with shocked horror as godless lesbians. However, he himself had found the strict attitude of these Mistresses, towards their young women, as being very similar to his own attitude towards his  his young women. He had even found it interesting to exchange views with them regarding the proper training and custody of young women in their power.

      Some of these Mistresses had come to live in Morocco where like himself they could discreetly indulge their pleasures. Like him, they bought and restored former palaces and made them places of great beauty, for such women usually have very good taste.

      More to the point, finding that their new homes include separate, and well protected, harem quarters, they had brought over several of their little friends from Europe to keep locked up there as registered indentured servants - just as he, himself, had done.

      It even amused, these rich lesbian friends of his, to employ black eunuchs, as in his own harem, to supervise their girls, to prevent them from misbehaving with each other, and to stop them having any contact with men. Outwardly his new friends lived the life of a typical rich expatriate, but secretly they maintained a well guarded harem of young white women.

      The fact that these lesbians often like to enjoy controlling slightly older women, but still younger than themselves, had given him the idea of selling, onto them, one or two of his surplus ones, knowing that they would still be kept carefully locked up and under the mental and physical dominance of a strict woman.

      But even so, he felt that this was not a really safe solution.


The Prince was, of course, also very conscious of the fact that some of his friends and relations, also with unwilling European women in their harems, felt that he was being unnecessarily squeamish about the problem of disposing of white women so that they did not sell their story to the world press.

      If they could not find a suitable retainer who would take a woman off their hands, and ensure that she will not escape, then they simply tell their black eunuchs to put her down, like a favourite old horse, and to bury her in the desert.

      'No one will ever ride where I have ridden!' they boasted.

      But cruel and ruthless as he was, the Prince could not quite bring himself to adopt such a drastic solution to his problem.


Then a cousin of his, Sheik Ali, an astute businessman, had come up with a novel idea and had invited the Prince to help finance it - with cash and women.

      He had also asked the Prince to lend him Malaka but the Prince had refused. With forty, highly emotional, white, Arab and Asian women to control in the harem, and with several Happy Events from each team pending, Malaka was far too busy to be spared.

      However he had let Malaka go there for a month to set things up and he had made a substantial investment in this new enterprise. Moreover, he had also sent Sheik Ali a couple of his surplus white women.

      He had now just received his first dividend. This unexpected little windfall had made him decide to go and see his investment for himself - and at the same time also see how see for himself just what had happened to his former concubines.


>From the air, Sheik Ali's breeding establishment, deep in the desert of the Prince's native country in Arabia, looked like a typical battery farm for producing chickens, eggs or even pigs.  Surrounding the long animal houses were storage barns for feed, and several modern houses for the farm manager and his black assistants.

      An electrified fence surrounded the farm complex, but clearly the main deterrent to escape were the surrounding miles of waterless desert.

      The Turkish farm manager met the Prince on the airstrip and, on the way to the farm, explained how it was organised.

      'Your Highness,' he said obsequiously, 'we have based this breeding farm, or stud farm, as we prefer to call it, on the slave breeding farms that thrived in Turkey right up to the end of the First World War. They provided a steady stream of blue eyed blond boys and girls for the harems of the Turkish Beys and Pashas throughout the old Ottoman Empire. The demand was substantial and the farms paid very well.'

      He paused.

      'Similarly, we aim to provide a similar steady stream of beautiful little creatures, but for the for the adoption societies of the West. The demand is also substantial. The rise in the West of the number of single parent mothers who now keep their off-spring, has resulted in a shortage of white children available for adoption. So we can keep our prices high and we are making good profits.'

      'What a clever idea,' commented the Prince.

      'But,' the farm manager went on, 'whereas the old slave breeding farms were dependant on Circassian studs, whose progeny were often uncertain, we use artificial insemination and the deep frozen semen of proven studs sent to us from Scandinavia. And whereas twins used to be a rarity in the old farms, now, thanks to modern fertility pills, they are the norm.'

      'Moreover, whereas in the old farms, the progeny had to be raised to the age of about ten before they could be sent to the slave markets, here our agents in Europe send us daily FAXs, ordering newly born children whom we despatch to them by air. Our rearing cost are therefore much less.'

       'Furthermore, whereas the old breeding farms had to buy in their stock of carefully selected future mothers, ours are provided free of charge by harem owners, grateful for the culling service we provide.'

      'So your overheads are much lower?' said the Prince, impressed with the business acumen of cousin Ali.

      'Indeed, Your Highness,' replied the Manager.


The air conditioned car now arrived at the farm buildings. The heat outside was like a furnace. The farm manager slid back an air tight door in the long main building door. Inside it was cool again - and light and airy.

      'We like to keep our breeding pens air conditioned,' explained the manager.

      There was a pleasant smell, rather like that in a stables. Soft music was being relayed by loudspeakers. It was a romantic Viennese Waltz.

      On the side of a long passageway was a row of raised cages. Peering through the bars of each cage was a naked white woman.

      'These are our brood mares,' said the Manager proudly.

      The Prince was surprised to see that all the women's heads had been shaved and that a big brass ring hung down from each girl's nose. They gave the women a strangely inhuman look that reminded him of Yoka's Yellow Team back in his harem, except that their craniums were kept smooth and polished whilst these showed the stubble.  

      'We keep their heads shaved,' explained the Manager, 'partly for reasons of hygiene but also to help the women realise they are now just mute animals.'

      'Mute?' queried the Prince noticing that except for the music, there was a complete silence in the pens. 'You mean that all your mothers have been muted?'

      'Yes. It's kinder really. If they can't talk to each, they don't fret so much about what's happening to them. They just remain, at first, ignorant of why they are here, ignorant of being artificially inseminated, ignorant of being in whelp until they feel the progeny kicking away inside them, ignorant of when they are due to foal, ignorant that their foals will soon be taken away and sold, and, finally, ignorant that they will then be fertilised again.'

      'Not all that different from what goes on in my harem,' laughed the Prince cruelly, 'though we don't render them mute.'

      'Well, Your Highness, it's such a simple little operation, that it seemed silly not to do it. At first we just snipped the vocal cords but now we just give the woman on arrival a little immobilising injection through the neck.'

      'It also enable us to keep them ignorant of the fact that when their breeding days are finally over,  they'll be quietly taken out and put down. But, these days, we expect that won't be until they are well into their forties, by which time they will have dropped sufficient whelps to have earned their keep!'

      'Their nose rings also help them to accept that they now just animals, prize breeding stock - especially when they glance at the mirrors in their cages. This in turn makes them much easier for my staff to handle.'

      The cages were too low to allow a woman to stand. Instead, they had to crawl round them on all fours in the straw, under which the floors of each cage sloped down to a little central channel. In turn, as in many large stables, this emptied into a drain below which ran down the side of the passageway.

      Each cage was completely bare except for the straw covering the cement floor and for the mirror on the wall.

      The Manager pointed to the glass sides of the cages.

      'You can see, Your Highness, that the mares can see other pregnant mares, but can't touch them,' the Manager said proudly.

      'Yes, ' replied the Prince, 'I suppose otherwise the women would be tempted to form illicit lesbian relationships.'

      'Yes indeed, and this would detract,' explained the Manager, 'from each woman thinking of herself as purely as an animal whose natural maternal instincts are being mysteriously satisfied.'

      Fastened to these walls were automatic drinking troughs, like those in stables. On the floor of each cage and fastened to  front bars by a short chain was a flat, shiny metal, feeding bowl.

      'How many women do you have here?' asked the Prince.

      'Thirty one - all from the harems of Sheik Ali's friends and relations - like yourself, Your Excellency. Indeed, we were most grateful to you for the couple you sent us. But to meet the ever increasing demand, we plan to build our numbers up to over sixty mothers, with some two or three foals being delivered each week.'

      'Three a week!' exclaimed the Prince in admiration. 'Why we think we're doing well if we get that from each team in my harem every year!'

      The Prince now noticed that on the front of each cage was a blackboard on which was written the stud number of the woman - a number that was also tattooed on her right buttock.

      The board also showed her age; her date of entry into the breeding pens: the date of starting her course of fertility pills; the number of foals she was currently carrying, and the number she had successfully delivered; the date when she would be ready for insemination, or had been inseminated; her anticipated date of foaling; and any special feeding instructions.

      These boards being on the outside of the cage, the women themselves were not able to see what was said about them, even if they could read Arabic.

      It all seemed a highly efficient operation, thought the Prince. No wonder it was so profitable. And it provided such a useful service. Perhaps he had better buy some more shares!

      Just then a large black man dressed in breeches and well polished boots came down the passageway wheeling a trolley.

      'Because of the women are kept locked up in cages to which only I have the key, we don't have to bother about using expensive black eunuchs as grooms here,' explained the Manager.

      As if to prove his point the Negro called out in a very deep masculine voice: 'Numbers Twenty Seven to Thirty One! Attention!'

      He picked up off the trolley a long thin rod with two electrodes at the far end. The Prince recognised it as a cattle goad, capable of  giving a nasty shock. He saw that the groom's thumb was on the switch. Nervously eyeing the goad, the four women hurriedly came to the front of their cages, gripped the bars and pressed their flat little bellies against them.

      The black man looked at the four women in turn. 'Present backsides!' he suddenly ordered.

      There a rustling of straw as the women in the four cages, kneeling on all fours, all obediently turned and pressed their buttocks against the bars of their cages. Their beauty lips were now well displayed - for their daily douche.

      'These ones are all new arrivals, awaiting fertilisation - though they don't yet know it,' laughed the Manager. Then he added, in an undertone, 'Keep an eye on Number Twenty Nine - it'll be for real for her this time.'

      Fascinated, the Prince watched as the black groom loaded a douche with soapy water, and then parted Number Twenty Seven's proffered beauty lips.

      'Eyes on back wall!' he ordered.

      The woman then raised her head and look at the wall in front of her, keeping her backside pressed against the bars of her cage. The black man inserted the douche and squeezed the big rubber bulb of the douche, driving the mixture ran up inside her.

      Then it was the turn of Number Twenty Eight. She had the temerity to look round to see what was being done to her. The groom touched her bottom with the goad. The woman screamed and quickly turned her head back again to face the back wall of her cage.

      'As you can see,' laughed the Manager, 'the goad is a wonderful enforcer of discipline for caged women.'

      Then coming up to Number Twenty Nine the Negro checked the date on her board and that the woman's eyes were fixed on the back wall. Then he picked up a rather different looking douche. Opening a medical thermos flask he loaded this douche carefully

      'The semen is very expensive,' explained the Manager, 'so I don't want any being spilled. But I had this man is an expert. I sent him off to do a course in Artificial Insemination for dairy cows. The technique we use here is similar.'

      Then the black man turned again to the kneeling woman and inserted the specially loaded douche.

      'It nearly always takes the first time, provided the woman's overseer has got her date right,' the Manager went on, as the fertilising semen was delicately injected up inside the unsuspecting woman ...


The Prince now saw that another large black groom, similarly dressed in breeches and boots, started coming down the passageway with a feed trolley containing a bucket of steaming porridge. As he  passed each cage the woman would push her feeding bowl out, in the slit below the bars of her cage, onto the passageway.

      The groom would check the feeding instructions on the woman's board, and then ladle one or two dollops of the mixture into the shiny feeding bowl before kicking it back into the cage.

      The Prince noticed that a fingerless glove  was strapped on each woman's wrists, making it impossible for her to hold anything and making her hands into mere paws. Unable to use her hands to feed with, she had to lower her face into the bowl to eat - like an animal.

      He saw one woman turn away in disgust from the porridge in her bowl. Immediately the groom picked up a goad and thrust it through the bars of the cage. There was a little whimper from the muted woman and she quickly lowered her head and started to lap up the mixture noisily, whilst the black groom stood over her with a satisfied look on his face.

      'We get this particularly with younger women,' explained the Manager. 'They start feeling sick a few weeks after being inseminated and go off their food. But these cattle goads are excellent in teaching a girl that she must eat up properly and not leave anything in their bowls. We want them to produce fat healthy little foals!'

      The Prince saw that the women were eagerly licking their bowls clean, and polishing them with their tongues, so that the groom would see that they had indeed eaten up properly.

      'Those gloves ... ' he queried.

      'They're mainly intended to prevent a woman from trying to get at herself and harm the whelps she is carrying. But they also help to make her feel that she is now just an animal - a brood mare.


The Farm Manager led the way down the passageway.

      'Look!' he said, 'here's one of the women you sent us.'

      Seeing the Prince, the woman crawled eagerly to the front of her cage. With her shaven head and her swollen belly, the Prince scarcely recognised the pretty young Swiss girl he had become rather tired of nearly a year ago.

      She knelt up, gripping the bars of her cage. Unable to speak, she pointed pathetically to the stretched brand of his  crest on her belly and looked up at him pleadingly.

      'She's due to foal in only two week's time,' said he Manager looking at her board. 'We're not expecting any difficulties and so she'll probably be left to whelp naturally in her cage. We rarely have any problems with women who've been kept on all fours. She's carrying twins, but she doesn't know it, of course.'

      The Prince turned to look into the cage next door which held a Polish woman whom with some hesitation he had also agreed to spare. She had whelped a few months earlier and now had a fine pair of little blond whelps crawling after her in the cage.

      At a word of command from her Negro keeper, she lay on her side on the straw and allowed the little creatures to feed eagerly from her breasts. It was, he thought, just like watching a bitch feeding her puppies, and presumably that was what the Farm Manager wanted her to feel. He smiled as he saw his crest on her belly, too.

      She looked up at the Prince through the bars of her cage with a contented smile on her face, as if to say: 'Aren't I a clever girl!'

      It was interesting, the Prince thought, how treating these women as animals helped to bring out their natural maternal instincts. In his harem the woman had always made it clear that she loathed children, and yet, here she was, as proud of her litter as any real brood bitch.

      'We'll be taking her litter away from her tomorrow,' said the Farm Manager. 'We've jut had a FAX from our European Sales Manager wanting two more whelps and hers will met the order well. Although she doesn't know it, she's in whelp again and we find it best to take a litter away before a woman feels her next one kicking. There's a danger that she'll become so absorbed, or at first horrified, by her new litter that she'll neglect the old one.'

      The Prince turned back to the Swiss girl.

      'Has she been kept cooped up in this cage all the time' he asked.

      The Manager laughed. He called over her black overseer.

      'It's very important to keep them well exercised all the time they are in foal,' he said. 'Each woman spends two periods a day on the exerciser, right up to the day she foals.'

       He said something to the Negro who bent down and pulled a lever at the side of the girl's cage. A small barred gateway at the back of the opened. The Prince saw that it lead into a low barred crawl-way that ran along the back of the line of cages.

      The Negro gave an order. The Swiss crawled awkwardly out through the gateway and along the crawl-way..

      The Manager led the Prince to the end of the line of cages. There was a round sand covered arena. In the center of the arena was a post and attached to that were four arms which, driven by an electric motor, slowly revolved round it. Every two feet along each arm hung a collar and chain. It was, the Prince realised, very similar to the mechanical exercisers used to exercise horses in bad weather.

      The Swiss girl had now arrived at the end of the crawl-way. A barred gate prevented her from going any further. The Negro turned a switch on the wall. The rotating arms stopped. He opened the gateway and pointed with his cattle goad to one of the collars. Obediently the girl crawled up to it. He fastened the collar round her neck and stepped back to switch on the motor again.

      The exerciser started to rotate slowly round again, taking the crawling Swiss girl along with it. As she passed the Prince, she flashed him a look - this time of resentment.

      'We can exercise up to twenty women simultaneously with this machine,' the Manager boasted, 'and all quite safely. It keeps the women fit and helps them to drop their foals without any problems. By varying the position of each woman along the arm we can make her crawl slowly one day and fast the next. It's ideal for our purpose.'


Flying, in his private jet, back to his palace, the Prince reflected on what he had seen. Yes, he thought, he would instruct Malaka that all surplus white women were to go Cousin Ali's breeding farm.

      He laughed at the thought that one advantage of his cousin's farm was it would not be too late if he changed his mind about a girl and wanted her back in the harem again. The fact that she would now be mute wouldn't matter. Most women, he laughed, would be improved if they were rendered mute.








Pierre rang the next day as he had promised. Although Penelope was feeling rather angry with him, his husky voice and French accent charmed her into agreeing to have dinner with him.

      'But no more photos!' she insisted.

      'Don't worry, darling,' came the reply. 'I've got almost all that I need.'

      Need? What did he mean, she wondered.

      This time he took her out to watch some oriental dancing . including belly dancing.

      'You'll appreciate it's gracefulness and sensuousness,' he told her, 'especially as you told me you had been trained as a ballet dancer, before you grew too tall, and had done some dancing as an actress.'

      How funny that that he should have remembered that, she thought.

      He made her watch it all very carefully.

      'Imagine that it was you dancing, and that you were having to dance to attract the attention of a man - a busy and rather jaded man,' he said rather mysteriously.

      Fascinated, Penelope watched the erotic dance. It would, she thought, be very exciting to have to dance to a man like that, but she'd be far too shy!

      Nevertheless she was delighted when Pierre took her behind the little stage into the spacious dressing room of one of the dancers. The dancer was a gorgeous Arab girl with a figure rather like her own. She spoke only Arabic so she could not understand what the dancer and Pierre were saying, though she saw that the dancer was constantly turning to look at her.

      Suddenly Pierre turned to Penelope. 'Narina wants you to put on her costume so that she can show you how to dance in her way. I'll leave you both to it.'

      As soon as he had left, Narina gestured to Penelope to undress. She then dressed her in one of her own scanty dancing costumes. There was just a headdress of gauzy silk that fell to the floor, several necklaces and a big jewel that hung on her forehead. A wide sequined belt went round her lower tummy, leaving her navel and waist quite bare. And was all!

      Admittedly, she realised, the gauzy headdress partly hid her naked, swaying breasts, and admittedly a long tassel hung down from he front of the belt, partly hiding her intimacies. But they only served to make her feel all the more naked.

      Narina then put on a similar costume. She put on a tape of Arab music and began to dance. Penelope watched her entranced. She noticed as Narina swayed to the music that all her body hair had been removed - unlike her own. Her beauty lips were even painted the same bright crimson as her mouth and nipples. What might have seemed rather shocking back in England, somehow it seemed quite natural out here.

      Narina gestured to Penelope to come and join her and to follow her movements. Soon she began to get the hang of it.

      Then Narina made Penelope up in the same Eastern way as herself with painted eyelids, crimson lips and eyes heavily outlined in black kohl. With a little giggle she even painted the blushing Penelope's nipples the same bright crimson as her own. If it hadn't been for her body hair, Penelope thought with relief, she might even have painted her body lips like hers too!

      Narina now took her into what seemed to be a rehearsal room. It was brightly lit, almost like a television studio, and the walls were covered with mirrors. She started again and Penelope could see that she was pretending to arouse and excite a man, to tantalise him almost beyond endurance with little flashes of her swinging breasts and swaying body, half hidden behind the long silken gauze. There were also fascinating glimpses of her smooth little beauty lips behind the dangling tassel.

      It was an exciting sight for Penelope too and again she too joined in. Looking in the mirror she saw a pair of heavily painted and half naked Middle Eastern houris, dancing in a beautiful and very uninhibited way, their bellies wriggling enticingly, their breasts swaying, their eyes flashing, and their hands alternatively out-stretched or with their backs touching above their heads.

      Indeed, she too was dancing as if to excite a man. It was  an exciting feeling for her. She found she was becoming aroused with her own movements and thoughts. Looking at Narina's flushed face, she wondered whether she, too, was becoming aroused by the dance.

      As the tape finished Narina flung herself to the floor in a gesture of abject servility, her arms outstretched, the palms of her hands flat on the floor, her forehead touching it and her long hair flung forward, baring her little neck. She made Penelope practice it several times too.

      Penelope could see that it was a gesture of utter submission by a dancing girl to her Master. How exciting! Soon she, too, was doing it gracefully and humbly.

      Then Pierre burst in.

      Highly embarrassed, she put one hand over her breasts and another over her intimacies.

      'That was fine! You were great! I was watching from the camera room behind the mirror.'

      Penelope looked in horror at the mirror in front of which she had been displaying herself in such a wanton way, little realising that it was a two-way one.

      'You're a natural dancer,' Pierre went on, making her feel more and more proud. 'You've got wonderful rhythm and a wonderful body.'

      'And it'll put her price up!' she heard him mutter to himself.

      Put her price up! What did he mean, she wondered. Perhaps he meant her agent would be able to negotiate a better deal for her back in London if he could say she was also a trained oriental dancer!'

      'Do your dance again. Please!' he begged.' I'll be videoing again from next door like before, and you're getting better and better.'

      'You mean you've been videoing me - in this costume?' Penelope cried.

      'Of course, darling, and you were wonderful - and you'll be able to take back to London to show your friends.'

      And something to make Charles more jealous than ever, she thought. Hesitantly she nodded her agreement. Pierre sounded so persuasive and anyway, apparently, he'd already videoed her practising. So he might just as well take a better one. And anyway there would be no harm as she probably wouldn't ever show it to anyone.

      'Don't forget that the camera will be on you,' he explained, 'but you follow Narina - just as before.'

      Before she could say anything he had rushed out and the music started again.


The dance had to be repeated three times, before Pierre was satisfied.

      'Wonderful!' he said, 'You looked wonderful - wonderful!'

      Penelope blushed at all this praise.

      'You did just what I wanted. He'll be delighted.'

      Penelope did not understand who the "he" was supposed to be. Charles? Perhaps it was just a French expression.

      Then she changed back into her dress and Pierre drove her back to the hotel. She was still very excited and aroused fro the dancing and became even more so when he stopped the car and started to kiss her passionately. What a man, she thought! Perhaps she should simply leave Charles to get on with his life and go off with Pierre?

      But at their arrival at the hotel, he again just formally kissed her hand in the foyer and said goodnight, leaving her frustrated and disappointed. Again! Perhaps, she wondered, he is too much of a gentleman. Perhaps she should be more forward. If only he would take her out into the desert and rape her!

      Next morning, Pierre said he was very busy putting together a brochure for a client. He hoped to join her for a drink, but wouldn't say when. Was he, she asked herself, trying to stop her from going out and meeting someone else? How exciting! So he does find me attractive!

      But what did mean by "putting together a brochure"? A brochure about what - or who? She wondered just what his business was and who was his mysterious "client".

      But, anyway, it didn't seem to have much to do with her. He'd hardly be likely to win a serious business contract  by showing the client pictures of herself topless, or showing him a video of her dancing half naked. Or perhaps he might!

      What a deliciously naughty idea!












It was shortly after Penelope's exciting evening learning oriental dancing.

      Malaka, salaamed humbly to his Master. He was in what was for that stolid and grim person, a state of considerable excitement.

      'Your Highness,' he began in fluent Arabic. 'News from Pierre! Already! A special courier has arrived bringing a detailed brochure regarding Your Highness's order for a matched pair of girls.'

      'What?' exclaimed the Prince, his cruel eyes glistening. 'That was quick!'

      'Yes, it seems he has already found two young women,' Malaka went on, 'one French, a Madame Chantalle de Mieury, and an English actress called Penelope Lyndsey-Baker. They are staying at different hotels in Tangier.'

      'Well they've both got good sounding names,' said the Prince with a sinister laugh. 'I like a bit of class in my harem. And if one's a married woman and the other an actress, then it'll be all the more interesting.

      'Yes, Your Highness, and they're at present unaware of each other. Apparently the two hotel managers act as talent spotters for Pierre and had separately reported them to him as being of potential interest.'

      'But are they a matched pair?' queried the Prince

      'Yes indeed! The photographs he has sent me show them to be remarkably alike. And both are on holiday alone with no one knowing where they are!'

      'Better and better,' commented the Prince. 'But why?'

      'Oh, Your Highness! It's really quite disgraceful the way in the West that women are allowed to decide things for themselves. Their independence is a scandal. It seems that the French girl has left her young husband for a trial separation and the English girl has broken of her engagement to her fiance. Both came to Tangier secretly without telling anyone, in order to get away from it all.'

      'Well,' laughed the Prince cruelly, 'giving women such independence has certainly given us an opportunity!'

      'Indeed, Your Highness, and Pierre reports that both are still blissfully unaware that they may be joint candidates to be incarcerated in Your Highness's harem - with no one knowing where they are! But, Your Highness, apparently both are beginning to wonder if they have done the right thing. The young French lady is beginning to pine for her husband, and the English actress is thinking that perhaps her fiance wasn't such a bad catch, after all.'

      Malaka paused.

      'Apparently,' he went on, 'Pierre has managed to get both women emotionally interested in him - without of course any sexual intercourse. But nevertheless he advises that an early decision is necessary if we are to ensnare this pair before they decide to return to their native shores.'

      'Um!' grunted the Prince. He did not like being rushed into decisions. 'What's he asking for them?'

      Malaka mentioned a very high price - almost as high as what he had charged for the Dutch mother and daughter.

      'This brochure,' said Malaka, 'gives details of them both. They had a similar upbringing as the only children of respectable families - one in France and one England. Both have lost their parents. Both had trained for the stage. Both are, Pierre reports, naturally vivacious and yet also submissive. Both are pretty, tall, blondes with good figures. Both are fit and healthy and breeding from them, Pierre adds, should not be a problem. Neither have had had a child'.

      The Prince was immediately interested. Not only were both the women alike but they were also fit and well. They also still half in love: the French girl with her young husband and the English girl with her fiance. This sounded just what he wanted. He liked to ensnare girls still in love with a younger man. It made their subsequent captivity in his harem so much more devastating for them!

      Similarly he was pleased that they had not yet had any children, which was something that he preferred. It was, he used to say, so much more interesting to breed from a filly, ignorant of the pangs of an enforced motherhood, than from an experienced brood mare.

      'Photographs?' he asked.

      Malaka handed him some coloured ones. They showed two remarkably similar young women. In some they were dressed up to the nines as for a dinner party, others in various swimming costumes in their hotel pools and some even topless showing off their firm, full, breasts.

      They seemed, the Prince thought, a delightful pair, tall and slim, blondes with blue eyes, all of which, like most Arabs, was what he preferred in a European woman. Their hair would look better, of course, when all the curls have been taken out and it was brushed to hang, like a child's, straight down their backs or over their shoulders.

       They both had an intelligent look that would make it the more piquant when they are forced to assume the intellectual level of a little girl. Each of them also has a sweet little mouth - almost crying out to receive his manhood.

      He looked more closely at the photographs. Yes, they both had determined little chins, which contrasted with their soft appealing eyes. Doubtless they will occasionally mix a little obstinacy with their natural submissiveness - enough to make them candidates for the rattan cane!

      In the West, he reflected, the idea of thrashing a woman is quite unacceptable, but not here in the Arab world. Here women expect to be beaten and the thrashing of captured Christian girls was a pleasure that rich Arabs have enjoyed for centuries. A little recalcitrance was therefore to be welcomed.

      The photographs also showed that they both had nice figures with good legs and well developed breasts that seemed to be crying out to be made to fulfil their natural function. He smiled as he saw that their bikinis showed off their slightly pouting bellies that also seemed to crying out to be made to carry his chosen progeny. And their little bottoms ... yes, he could imagine them, horrified, being made to proffer them to him.

      'Very promising, Malaka,' the Prince said as he handed back the brochure . 'But, as you know, I don't like going too firm about a girl until I have seen her absolutely naked.'

      Malaka smiled. He had a video tape in his hand. He put it on the player.

      It showed, first the French girl and then the English girl separately taking off their evening dresses. Then it showed each of them taking a shower in a hotel bathroom. It then showed each of the little minxes playing with themselves in the shower. It did not take either of them long to reach her climax.

      The Prince laughed at the thought that this video would have really confirmed the Mullahs contemptuous belief in the natural licentiousness of women, especially Western ones. He himself, however, liked a girl to be passionate and sensuous, which is why he only had a few of them cut to enforce Salat.

      The Prince had already pretty well made up his mind that he wanted these girls in his harem and wanted them quickly. Then to his astonishment the video showed each of the girls separately repeating, as she lay on her bed, the performance she had given in the shower, but this time each was using a vibrator.

      Malaka showed his shocked disapproval with a quick intake of breath. But the Prince found it made the thought of keeping them frustrated in his harem all the more stimulating.

      Clearly neither of the girls had any idea that she was being observed - never mind filmed. It was like watching a pair of innocent fawns. How Pierre had been so brilliantly clever as to catch them both at it, not once but twice, was a matter for admiration.

      Malaka now put on a second video. This showed each girl dressed and made up as an Arab dancing girl and, again separately, putting on display that may have been a little amateurish, but which showed off their natural training as dancers - a training that could well be perfected here in the harem.

      The video also showed them coquettishly flaunting their painted nipples. Only a brief glimpse of the hair over their body lips spoilt the scene - and that was something that Burka, their future overseer, would soon have off!

      Again the Prince silently murmured his congratulations to Pierre for having achieved such a display. No wonder he was charging so much. His overheads must have been considerable.


The Prince looked at Malaka. For someone who was usually extremely phlegmatic about white women, he was surprisingly enthusiastic about these two.

      The Prince had made it a firm rule never to go in person to see a possible recruit for his harem, unless she was already in the close custody of a dealer - which was clearly not the case here. In this way he avoided ever being associated with any hue and cry that might arise, following a girl's disappearance.

      Pierre knew this and once the young women's purchase had been finally approved, would be expecting to bring them to his palace, in conditions of complete secrecy.

      'Right,' said the Prince decisively, 'take my plane tomorrow and go and inspect the girls for yourself. Decide if they measure up, in the flesh, to what we saw in the photographs and on the videos. If they do then arrange with Pierre to bring them here separately, one by one, on my plane - after which I will pay him for them, cash on delivery.

      'Oh,' he added, 'just check that he's going to do it in such a way that no one will ever be able to trace them to my palace or to my plane.






A few days after so mysteriously saying that he "had to go and prepare a brochure for a client", Pierre came round to Penelope's hotel in a state of great excitement.

      During the last few days she had only seen him on and off. One moment he was monopolising her completely, as if jealous lest she went out with anyone else, or decided to go back to London. Then, the next moment he seemed madly tied up. She began to wonder whether he was dating another girl. Surely not that so-called double of hers?

      Now, however, all was becoming clear. Or was it?

      'Oh, darling,' he cried in his sexy French accent as he kissed her warmly, if not, perhaps, passionately, 'You're going to make my fortune for me!'

      'What?' cried Penelope.

      'And yours, too, of course,' he added. In her astonishment, Penelope did not notice that this was said a little bit rather as an after-thought and with slightly less conviction.

      He had not, he told her, been able to tell her before but he had sent her photos - not the topless one Penelope hoped - to a very rich client of his, a wealthy and powerful financier, a successful and ruthless entrepreneur.

      He was looking for an attractive, well spoken, English actress to play the role of a young English visitor in a big tourist promotion he was financing. It would include a series of linked short TV films and a photographic advertisement campaign featuring the English girl in different local settings.

      He said his rich client was very interested in her photographs and acting background. He was even sending one of his top executives, his right hand man, to come and see her in person. He himself was a friend of this top executive and had done several business deals with him and his wealthy employer.

      'My client relies very much on his top executive's judgement - especially when it comes to women,' Pierre laughed mysteriously.

      Then he went on to explain that if they chose her, then she would be on TV all over Europe and her photographs would be in every glossy magazine. She would then be in demand by every film producer and advertising agency in England. Quite apart from what she'd earn immediately, her future would be assured. It was a wonderful opportunity for her - and for him, as her agent, the man whom had found her!

      'Goodness!' cried Penelope enthusiastically. 'How exciting! And I'll so be grateful to you, darling, for ever! My new agent! My old one was hopeless! But what do I have to do to get the job?'

      'Just be you own natural sweet self,' he answered looking her up and down with a mysterious look. 'I was not supposed to tell you, for he wants to see you unaware that that you were being auditioned for a part.'

      'Oh!' exclaimed Penelope. 'How intriguing!'

      'Indeed!' laughed Pierre. '

      'Now listen,' he went on. 'This top executive of theirs is arriving tomorrow. He'll be coming to this hotel at noon and will expect to find you wandering around the pool and swimming - just as you will in the tourist promotion.'

      'Oh I see,' cried Penelope. 'So I'll have time to have my hair and nails done and get a good night's sleep.'

      'Exactly! And  wear your prettiest bikini - the one you were wearing when I took all those photographs.'

      'A bikini' queried Penelope. 'Surely I should wear something more ... '

      'No!' interrupted Pierre. 'Wear your bikini!'

      'Alright, if you say so,' laughed Penelope not wanting to have a row.

      'Good,' said Pierre. 'But, darling, don't arrive too early. Wait in your room until half past twelve and then just saunter down to the pool as if you had come like a typical tourist for a pre-lunch swim. Walk round the pool several times. Pretend that you are modeling the bikini. Head in the air and wear high heel shoes! Don't pay any attention to me or my friend until I give you a wave and then come over and join us for a few minutes. Put on your pretties smile and look as entrancing as possible.

      'Of course,' laughed Penelope happily.

      'Then after a few minutes make an excuse and dive into the pool. Swim up and down a couple of times, before getting out and drying yourself. Be natural. Let him see you as you would act the part of an English girl in the advertisements. That'll get you the role!'

      'Yes, I see,' Penelope answered. Perhaps she was being a little naive, but it did all sound a wonderful opportunity - if she could only bring it off. A major role! No more financial worries! A new life style! What a treasure he was! She kissed him gratefully.

      'Oh one thing, don't be put off by my friend's appearance,' said Pierre. 'Just remember that the man he represents is very rich indeed. He doesn't mind what he pays provided he gets the right person for the role he has in mind.'

      Gosh! thought Penelope. 'But what do I say to his representative?'

      'Just answer his questions and do as he says. Treat him with great respect. Call him Sir. Don't sit down until he invites you to do so. Remember that he's used to treating women in the Moorish way, as inferior beings - even if she is really an adorable young Englishwoman!'

      He kissed Penelope's hand and grinned. Oh, she thought, how I adore him, too!

      'Now I must dash off and make all the arrangements. Remember half past twelve! Don't be late. It's an insult here for a man to be kept waiting by a woman - and, although he's an employee, he's an important man, used to being fawned on by women, including European ones!'

      He turned at the door, saying: 'Oh, and don't say anything at this stage to any one about this project, or the whole thing may be cancelled as far as you're concerned. They're very secretive. So remember, not a word at this stage to anyone - neither here nor back in England.'

      Penelope wanted to ask so many questions. Just who is this mysterious top executive. Why should Pierre warn her about his appearance? And who was the even more mysterious and wealthy financier behind him? And why did it all have to be so secret?

      But Pierre put his finger to his lips and turned and rushed off.

      How exciting it all was, she thought.








Next Morning Penelope made sure that she was looking her best for her audition with Pierre's mysterious. but important, friend.

      She looked in the mirror and saw a tall girl with long blond hair, blue eyes, a pretty face, and a good figure that was, perhaps, rather spoilt in European eyes by an over generous bust.

      All night, she had been turning over and over in her mind the what Pierre had told her. She had come out to Tangier, she told herself, to get away from her upset at breaking off her engagement and to make a new start. A  new start! Well if this introduction of Pierre's comes off, it would more than that. A whole new world looked like opening up for her.

      No wonder, she was feeling so nervous at the thought of meeting the right hand man of Pierre's rich financier client. Normally she was not the least awed by men. On the contrary, back in England, she could usually twist them round her little finger. But here, these grave faced Arabs and Moors seem different. They look at her as if they knew her most secret thoughts and desires. And Pierre had told her that many wealthy Arabs still keep harems, perhaps containing European women! What did they think of her? It was all wildly intriguing.

      But presumably this mysterious financier was just a boring old rich European or American.


Not only had she spent hours making sure that she was looking my best, but also had been reading about North Africa, so that she could talk intelligently about the tourist project. She had been fascinated to read about the castles or Kasbahs of the Caids. How exciting it would be to be taken off to one of them!

      She had even been reading about the famous Pasha of Marrakesh, who used to have agents in the railway stations in Tangier and Casablanca to look out for any attractive European woman travelling alone to Marrakesh. She would then be met by a friendly guide who would "specially arrange" for her to visit the Pasha's palace. If the Pasha was taken by her looks he would suddenly appear and invite her to dinner and then ...

      As Penelope read, she could feel herself getting more and more moist and excited. Goodness! Would she be invited to dinner, too, by a tall, dark and handsome Pasha and then ...  What a thrilling idea!


It was exactly half past twelve, when with some trepidation, she nonchalantly waltzed down the steps that led down into the deserted hotel garden that surrounded the big swimming pool.

      She was wearing a blue cut-away Bikini that set off my long blond hair. A bathrobe was thrown loosely over her shoulders. She knew that her high heel sandals made her walk with an attractive swaying motion.

      She noticed that Pierre was sitting, half hidden behind a screen, on the far side of the pool with a fat man in a strange looking red robe. She saw with a start that he was black. Goodness!

      They were evidently deep in conversation and the black man was pointing to a young blonde woman, also wearing a Bikini, who was disappearing into the changing rooms.

      She looked, Penelope thought, rather like herself. Was she the woman who had made Pierre ask if she had a twin out here in Tangier? How odd !

      Goodness, had she just been auditioned for the part, too? Well, if so, Penelope decided, she'd pull out all the stops to make herself look as attractive as possible. She certainly didn't want to lose this wonderful opportunity to some other chit of a girl!

      Yes, she said to herself, throwing off her bathrobe and starting to saunter round the pool in a provocative way, if the  black man was Pierre's client's top executive and liked to goggle at girls in Bikinis, then she'd really give him something to stare at!

      Moments later she saw Pierre pointing to her. He waved to her to come and join them.

      The sumptuousness of the black man's dress made her feel embarrassed in her frivolous little Bikini. Perhaps she should have worn a dress? But Pierre had repeatedly specified a Bikini. She wondered why.

      Neither Pierre nor the black man got up as she approached, and she remembered that in Arab society men do not stand up for a woman.

      'Malaka Effendi,' said Pierre, with a little respectful bow of his head towards the black man. Effendi! Surely, Penelope thought, very impressed, that was an Arab title of some sort - an outward sign of a man's authority.

      'Effendi,' said Pierre, 'this is the young Englishwoman I mentioned.'

      For a moment Penelope was angry that Pierre had not bothered to introduce her properly. It was as if her name was of no concern to this important man. Then she remembered how Pierre had said that the relationship between the sexes was very different out here. It certainly was!

      But standing there in just her little Bikini, she felt too over-awed to protest. She glanced nervously up at the man whom Pierre had addressed Effendi.

      As an actress, Penelope was used to working with black men and was certainly no racist. But this man brought out all her primeval fears of black men, for he was a short, fat, powerful, ugly, brute of a man, terrifying and repulsive.

      Penelope had the impression he could have picked her up with one hand, and just broken her neck or effortless carried her, struggling helplessly, under his arm. His head was completely bald and shiny. Perhaps, she thought, he kept it shaven to heighten the brutal effect. But who was it supposed to terrify?

      What on earth use, she wondered, did the mysterious financier make of this awful and ignorant looking creature?

      His eyes were beady and bloodshot. There were large rings on his fingers. There were tribal scars on his cheeks and his lips were very thick. He just looked at her blankly as she stood there awkwardly in front of him. Surely, thought Penelope, he can't be used to seeing half naked, young, white young women standing nervously in front of him? He made her feel like a little girl again and her air of sophisticated nonchalance evaporated.

      Remembering how important Pierre had said he was, she smiled at him, but his face remained inscrutable. He began to look her up and down, taking in every little curve, every little asset and defect in her body, making her feel even more naked in her brief bikini.

      He seemed to be assessing her like a horse dealer might judge a horse paraded for his inspection. Somehow she felt that he was used similarly to assessing beautiful women  and that she was merely one more. She felt herself blushing with embarrassment.

      She jumped as he suddenly reached out to touch her arm, as if to feel the softness of her skin. Frightened, she backed away,  away, cringing, her arms crossed over her breasts as if hiding her nakedness.

      'Don't be scared,' said Pierre reassuringly. 'Remember Malaka is an old friend of mine and we have done business together for some years. He admires you greatly. He thinks you are very pretty and that you are probably just what they are looking for - and just think of all that money!'

      Penelope smiled and relaxed. What a nice man Pierre is, she thought. The black man beckoned her forward and took her hand. Then with his other hand he started to stroke her arm, as if he were stroking a pet dog. She just stood there, mesmerised by his glittering eyes.

      Then he gestured to her to turn round, so that her back and her soft little bottom were facing him.

      'Put your hands behind your neck,' murmured Pierre. 'And keep quite still.'

      She did so. She realised that she must be a very provocative sight. Thank Heavens there was no one else in the deserted garden! She felt the Negro's hand , his jet black hand with those strange mauve palms, and those big rings in his fingers, slide slowly down her  back. She gave a start. It was a strange feeling to be touched by another man, in the presence of the man she half regarded as her lover. The hands paused on her waist and then went on down over her quivering bottom to her thigh. Little did  she then think what an important role her bottom would soon be playing in her life.

      She heard the Negro say something in Arabic to Pierre. His voice seemed surprisingly high pitched for such a huge brute man of a man - almost falsetto. She would have been appalled if she had understood what he was asking: "Is she a virgin here?'

      'Oh yes, I'm sure she is. English women are very prudish,' replied Pierre also in Arabic.

      'Excellent,' murmured the Negro, again stroking her bottom. 'His Highness particularly likes using a Christian girl there. It is an old tradition.'

      He laughed cruelly.

      What can they be talking about, thought Penelope, as, with her hands still clasped behind her neck, she faced away from the horrible laughing Negro.

      'He's only admiring you,' came Pierre's soft calm, reassuring, voice.

      Again Penelope relaxed, she thought of the major role for which she was being considered. But even so, she was glad that no one could see them.

      Again she heard the Negro's high pitched voice, speaking Arabic which she did not understand.

      'Now part your legs,' came Pierre's quiet calm voice. As if hypnotised, she found herself obeying. Again she heard the Negro say something.

      'Now touch your toes, 'said Pierre softly.

      Again she obeyed. Slowly she  realised the extent to which she was displaying herself. She shuddered as she felt the black hands slide down between her legs. She heard the Negro say something. She heard Pierre laugh and reply in Arabic. She felt herself blushing again. Another second and she would have run off sobbing with shame.

      'Very good,' whispered Pierre in that same hypnotic voice. 'Now turn round ... That's it - head up and hands behind you neck again.'

      Penelope looked straight ahead. She tried to forget here she was. Again came a discussion in Arabic.

      'Legs apart, darling. That's it, Now bend your knees. More! That's very good!'

      She saw the black man gesture towards her flat little tummy, that was so well set off by the bikini, and whispered something in Arabic into Pierre's ear. Pierre nodded and smiled. Penelope felt so embarrassed. Again she felt very naked in her little Bikini. She felt like a slave girl being displayed in an oriental slave market.

      'Yes,' she vaguely heard the Negro say to Pierre with a laugh and speaking for once in broken English. 'They will make good Matched Pair for Master, especially when bellies swell nicely together.'

      Penelope did not understand what he was taking about. What matched pair? What Master? And why should their bellies swell?

      Then the Negro pointed to a cushion at his feet. Gratefully she knelt down, looking up at him. He patted her head as if she were a child or a pet dog.

      He turned to Pierre again said something in Arabic.

      'My friend is asking what your plans are,' said Pierre smiling. 'He asks when you must go back to England. I've already told him you are no hurry.'

      'That's right. I can stay here as long a I like - until my money runs out! No one knows I am here and I have nothing really important to rush back to. So I'm available for this exciting role.'

      The  Negro exchanged a meaningful look with Pierre. For the first time she saw him smile.

      'So, my child ... You available now ... That good,' he said in a jerky and strongly accentuated English. 'Very good, little girl, very good!'

      Penelope smiled up at him, for Pierre had said he was so important, but inwardly she was boiling with anger. How dare he, an ignorant black man, talk to her, a grown up woman, in such a patronising way, as if were a stupid child. She had to remind herself what Pierre about him being used to treating women as inferior beings and that he was the right hand man of a very rich wealthy financier. Moreover he had come Tangier specially to see her - and, perhaps, that other girl!

      Well, if this strange black man's wealthy employer was looking for an English actress for his tourist project and was apparently willing to pay her handsomely, then here she was!

      'When would you want me to start filming?' she asked, hoping to start an intelligent conversation.

      'Sir!' whispered Pierre.

      She remembered what Pierre had said about calling this man Sir. But to do so to this ugly brute was almost too much. Then she remembered what Pierre had said about a contract that would assure her financial security.

      'When would you want me to start filming, Sir?'


      The Negro seemed to find this very funny. He laughed and slapped Pierre on the back, again making a remark in Arabic.

      'All ... in good time,' he replied mysteriously. Then he changed the subject. 'You have boy friend? You get married?'

      'I did have, Sir. I thought that by coming out here I would make him miss me and we could then get together again.'

      'Ah ... so you still love him?'

      'Yes,' Penelope found herself murmuring. 'Oh yes!'

      'That very good too,' the Negro laughed. 'Make little lady much more interesting ... if  still in love ... with boy friend.'

      Again Penelope did not understand what he meant. What was more interesting?  And for whom? This time Pierre laughed too. How strange, Penelope thought. She had expected him to be angry. Why, after all, was she flirting with him if she was still in love with Charles?

      Rudely ignoring her, the Negro started a long conversation with Pierre in Arabic, leaving Penelope once again fuming. Here she  was, ready to have an intelligent discussion about promoting tourism and, instead the odious Negro was treating her is she was just a silly child.

      She remembered what Pierre had said about not staying too long, and smiling her prettiest smile, she got up off her knees, kicked off her sandals, and running to the pool, dived in. She must, she knew, have looked a most attractive sight.

      As she up and down, I could not help glancing at the black man who was now pointing at her and talking to a smiling Pierre. Evidently she must have  considerable impact!

      Remembering Pierre's instructions she climbed out of the pool and walked along the side towards the diving board. She saw that the black man 's eyes were fixed on her swaying little bottom. She made, she knew, a lovely little with her flimsy wet costume clinging to her body. She raised herself up on her toes and prepared to dive again.

      When she surfaced she saw that Pierre too was alternatively pointing at her and in the direction in which the other girl had  disappeared. They were both shaking their fingers at each other, as if bargaining about something. Was Pierre negotiating a bigger salary for her and emphasising her superiority over the other girl?

      She climbed out of the pool and walked round it to her bathrobe. She started to dry herself, tossing her hair back in a sophisticated way.

      It was a sight that seemed to decide matters, for suddenly she saw the terrifying Negro slap his thigh and reach forward to shake hands with Pierre as if coming to an agreement. Then this sinister black man rose and left.


Pierre now waved to her to come back again, smiling broadly.

      'We've pulled it off,' he laughed happily. 'My friend is definitely going to recommend you for the part!'

      'Oh how exciting!' cried Penelope, clapping her hand with delight. 'When do we start?'

      'Pretty soon, I've just got to check the legal side this afternoon before my friend leaves. As your agent I must check that that everything is in order. Then the day after tomorrow we'll fly together in my rich client's private jet to his palace so that you can meet him and sign the contract - and then we'll spend the weekend there together celebrating in his lovely guest house. You'll love it there - it's so romantic, darling!'

      'Oh, how lovely,' exclaimed Penelope. Staying in a real palace! And a weekend alone with the handsome Pierre! 'And will I be returning to this hotel?' she asked.

      'Oh, no!' laughed Pierre. 'You'll be on location filming around the country. So you must check out of the hotel, the day after tomorrow.'

      'The day after tomorrow?' queried Penelope. Goodness! Things were moving!

      'Yes, I'm tied up tomorrow or we'd go there then. But never mind, what's a day! Just think what fun we'll have together. A secret weekend alone in a fabulous palace!

      'Secret?' queried Penelope.

      'Well, I don't want to compromise you, darling, and, as I said yesterday, it's essential that we keep your involvement in the project a strict secret for the time being. If one word leaks out to our entrepreneur's political or financial rivals, then he might well have to abandon the whole project. So, in your own interests, not a word to anyone - and we mustn't be seen going off together either. And it's important you tell the hotel staff that you've decided to spend the rest of your holiday in Spain.

      'Goodness!' cried an excited and thrilled Penelope.

      'Just pack up all your belongings and the morning the after tomorrow put on your smartest travelling suit - ready for meeting our financier! I'll suit I'll send a special taxi to pick up you and your luggage and take you to the airport. Then no one will link your departure with me.'

      'But where will I meet you?'

      'Impatiently waiting for you on the plane, darling! You see, instead of going to the terminal, the taxi will secretly take you straight to the private jet in which we're both going to fly off together. Oh! And another thing. In the taxi there'll be an Arab woman's all enveloping black shroud for you to put on over your suit, so that no one will guess that you're a European woman.'

      'More secrecy!' laughed Penelope, thrilled.

      'Yes, of course, darling!' Pierre replied blandly, giving her a reassuring kiss, 'so no one will see me embarking with a strange woman! And now go and fetch your passport and your airline ticket, so that I can arrange for it to be officially altered to include the flight across the Straits of Gibraltar to Spain - and then with an open ticket onto London for later.'

      'But what happens when I do want to fly back to London?'

      'Oh don't worry, darling, our rich financier will replace your ticket only too happily - and First Class! So off you go and fetch them and meanwhile I'll order a bottle of Champagne to celebrate your success!

      As she ran happily off to her room to get her tickets and passport, Penelope could not help thinking how much she would rather have celebrated it all with Pierre in her bedroom! But what a brilliantly clever young man he was! No wonder he brings off these secret deals!

      Yet, she thought, it was such a pity that he took endless trouble on her behalf and yet always avoided going to bed with her. Ah well, she thought, it be different when were staying in the romantic palace and can relax together! Then I'll seduce him!

      She was so excited that she scarcely realised that she still did not know the name of the mysterious financier entrepreneur was, or where his palace was. Perhaps he was a wealthy South American or German recluse who liked to hide himself away in darkest Africa!







      The Prince was speaking by long distance telephone to Malaka in Tangier.

      'Both items of merchandise, Your Highness,' reported Malaka guarded, 'are of the highest quality and very suitable for your collection.

      'Excellent!' murmured the Prince. He was licking his lips in cruel anticipation. The thought of two new and unsuspecting young women in his harem tickled even his jaded palate. Having them broken in would be as exciting as having a new Arab filly to ride.

      Yes, he laughed to himself, just as it's a bit of shock to a young filly when she first feels a man astride her back, it'll be an even greater one when these two young women first experience being ridden in his favourite way for European women - from behind, up their well prepared and well greased rear orifices !

      'I've arranged with the pilot,' Malaka was going on, 'that the French piece will be flown to your palace tomorrow, together with myself and it's custodian. Then after it has been installed in the palace, the plane will return here with the custodian ready to bring the English piece the following day. In this way the merchandise will be kept separated until ready for ... display together,' added Malaka with a sinister laugh.

      'Good, but how about the pilot and any ground crew ... ?' queried the Price, anxious lest any suspicions might be aroused.

      'Both pieces, Your Excellency,' Malaka assured the Prince, 'will be disguised as local produce before taken to the plane, so that not even the pilot will be know of the real origin, or value, of the merchandise.'

      'Good,' said the Prince. From the all important security point of view everything seemed very satisfactory. He had briefed Malaka to make certain that Pierre had booked both women to fly to Spain and that two other veiled women, using their passports, took their place.

      In this way, they would both have officially left Tangier. Any search for them, when they were finally reported as missing, would be in Spain rather here in North Africa. Meanwhile they would, of course, be safely locked up in his harem as his branded concubines - and registered with the police under false names as his indentured servants!

      Originally he had thought about having the two young women drugged on the plane as Pierre brought each them unsuspectingly to his palace on successive days. Each would be thinking they were going to be the star of his tourist films and advertisement and each, half in love with Pierre, would be thinking of the romantic naughty weekend she was going to spend with him in the palace - after signing her lucrative contract.

      They could be given drugged little Turkish pastries of the sort that young women can never resist - and both wake up to find themselves in his harem with no sign of Pierre, no idea where they were - and no idea, indeed, who their Master was.

      They were, of course, destined for young Burka's Blue Team with their ringed nipples and beauty buds keeping them almost permanently aroused. It would be very amusing to have these delightful creatures held on a short chain under his bedclothes and pleasuring him - once they had been trained to do so by their young overseer.

      The slightest slackening off and, on a signal from him, young Burka would lift the bottom of the bedclothes and apply his dogwhip to their backsides, driving them on to greater efforts. They would be familiar with their Master's manhood, long before they ever saw his face!

      Moreover, blindfolded, they would still not have seen him as he enjoyed the exhilaration, and feeling of power, that came from riding them from behind.


Finally, however, the Prince had decided, it would be even more amusing to give them the drugged Turkish pastries after Pierre had introduced him to them, on separate days, at his palace.

      Anxious to impress him and get the contract they would be on their best behaviour, ready to impress him with their sophistication and would be dressed in their smartest European clothes. The contrast with their future fate could not be more marked. Indeed, expecting to find a European or American recluse financier, they would be shocked to meet a sinister and anonymous Arab one.

      It would amuse him to play cat and mouse with them, complementing them on their beauty and congratulating them on having been selected to play such an important role in his project.

       Yes, he laughed, he would have a prolonged and civilised talk to each of them about Europe and about his bogus project. He might even tease them about what nonsense it was, in these days of liberated Western women, to imagine that modern Middle Eastern men, like himself, kept a harem of helpless European women!

      In no time they would have willingly signed what they imagined to be the contracts, in Arabic, that Pierre would have told them about, but which in reality were their Articles of Indenture, putting themselves utterly, and quite legally, in the power of an unknown Arab Prince.

      As each girl, in turn chatted away, toasting in forbidden Champagne to the success of her new career, she would never guess that what fate really lay in store for her. Little would she know that she was already his property, his indentured servant, and effectively his slave.

      Nor would she ever guess that she was destined, like the other girl in this new Matched Pair, to be mated with one his Dinka guards or perhaps secretly fertilised with the semen of a pygmy stallion.

      Nor that later, their bellies prettily swollen, they would take over, when the Dutch mother and daughter delivered their progeny, as the matched pair of two front Leaders - when it was the turn of Blue Team to carry his palanquin.

      He laughed cruelly at the thought of how the two new women, idly talking to himself and Pierre, would unsuspectingly find it impossible to resist some of his little drugged Turkish cakes. They would then awake, not in his comfortable guest house with Pierre, but alone in his harem, chained to their new companion in servitude.

      How he would enjoy watching, on his television screen, their appalled faces when they recognised the stern looking portraits of himself that dominated the harem. The shock of finding themselves in his harem, would drawn out as they desperately tried to persuade the black eunuchs that there must be some mistake and that were the Master's guests not his newly acquired concubines.

      They would feel that if only those awful black eunuchs would let them talk to him, the mistake would be corrected and they would be released - to start filming.

      All this would make their performance on the short chain, under his bedclothes, even more piquant. It would similarly be even more stimulating when riding them, bitted, bridled and gagged, from behind.







Everything, Penelope was delighted to find, was going like clock work.

      The hotel staff, apparently taken in by her story of leaving for Spain, gave her tips and advice about where to go and what to see. Pierre's special taxi turned up on time and took her to the airport.

      There neatly folded on the back seat of the taxi was a  black shroud-like burka for her to put on over her smart travelling suit. It completely hid her with just a little piece of gauze over her eyes, for her to peer through - just like, she thought with a little shiver, the ones she had seen local women wearing.

      Peeking with difficulty through the gauze, she made out that they were driving up to an executive jet parked on a remote part of the airport. On the nose of the plane was painted a crest of two green scimitars within a black circle.

      The driver lead her up the steps of the small aircraft. Inside, waiting for her, was Pierre. They fell into each other's arms. But Pierre said she must keep the shroud on, to ensure secrecy, until she was in the financier's palace.

      As if put off by her shroud, Pierre strangely kept to himself during the flight. There were curtains over the windows and she could see little of where they were going, though they seemed to flying over mountainous country for much of the time.

      Finally the plane landed on a small airstrip. Waiting for them were two large cars and a jeep full of armed guards. The second car had blackened windows so that no one could see into it. Standing by it was a small black boy dressed in smart baggy red Turkish pantaloons and a turban with a blue stripe.

      Pierre checked that her shroud hid her completely and then pointed to the car with darkened windows.

      'You must go in that car, darling. We must not be seen together,' he explained mysteriously. 'But don't worry, that boy will look after you and I'll be waiting for you in the palace.'

      Before she could say anything from under her shroud, he had left the plane and was walking over to the first car. The little Negro boy came and took her by the hand.

      'Come!' he ordered, and silently led her to the second car. He seemed surprisingly self assured for such a young boy.

      He opened the rear door of the car and got into it, beckoning her to follow. Not much of "Ladies First" around here, Penelope thought. To her surprise she saw that the windows were also opaque from the inside. Not only could no one see into the car but once inside it, no one could see out. There was even an opaque window between the back of the car and the driver.

      The little boy, who seemed to be very much in charge, locked the car door with a special key and knocked on the opaque driver's partition. He gave an order in Arabic in his high pitched boyish voice. Penelope felt the car moved off. She turned to her companion and smiled. But the boy just looked grim. His skin was as black as that of the strangely frightening man who had inspected her at the hotel pool. It seemed strange to send such a young boy to escort her.

      She tried to talk to the boy, but he merely shook his finger. Obviously his English was limited.

      The  journey seemed to last about half an hour. From the way the car was swaying they seemed to be going along a mountain or coastal road though, of course, she could not see nothing. It was all rather bizarre.

      Suddenly the car stopped. She heard Arab voices. She heard their driver reply. She heard the other men laugh. She heard a clatter as if rifles or machine guns were being lowered onto the road. Then she heard a squeaking noise as if a large door or gate was being opened. The car went on but almost immediately stopped again. There was clanking noise behind them as if the gate had been closed and then another noise ahead of them, as if a second gate was being opened.

      From the scrunching noise of the tyres as they moved again, she presumed that they were now on a driveway. Were they, she wondered, crossing a park that surrounded the palace?

      Suddenly the car stopped . The black boy unlocked the door and got out, beckoning her to follow. She could not make out much through her burka, but  had the impression of a huge white building and of a spacious park surrounded by a very high wall.

      The boy grabbed her hand and hustled her into the palace through a side door. He led her down a corridor. She had vague glimpses of marble floors, of beautiful patios, of fountains and of windows covered in arabesque stone tracery and wrought iron bars. They passed Negro servants and armed guards, dressed in brightly coloured robes, emblazoned across the chest with the same crest, of two green scimitars surrounded by a black circle, that she had seen on the plane.

      They went up a marble staircase and into a room - and there waiting for her was Pierre. Standing alongside him was a sinister looking Arab. He was large and gross, with a beard and dark glasses. His fat face matched his bulging stomach. He was dressed in an immaculate white Arab robe and headdress, with a gold edged thin black cloak and golden head cords.

      Goodness, she thought, so this is the mysterious financier, who was going to employ her. How strange of Pierre not to have told her that he was an Arab. However, at least Pierre knew him and had done business with before. But she glad she would not be seeing much of him in future, once she had signed the contract and filming started.

      The little black boy made an Eastern salaam to this man and indicated Penelope, standing there silently, still hidden under the ugly black Burka and feeling rather nervous and foolish.

      'Child,' came the deep voice of the Arab, speaking in strongly accented English, 'take off your burka.'

      He said something to a white youth dressed like a ballet dancer in a frilly shirt and tights. He ran forward and, with the young black boy helped Penelope to take off the dreadful shroud.

      As she struggled to get it off, she heard Pierre's voice. 'Your Highness, this is Miss Penelope Lyndsey-Baker, the English actress I have recommended to you for your  ... project.'

      So the awful Arab was a Prince, she thought. She was going to be  working for a real live Prince! What a pity he seemed so unattractive.

      At last she managed to see the Prince properly. Her heart sank. He was, she thought, the most fearsome and intimidating man she had ever come across. She had never seen such a repulsive looking man, nor one with such a self assured and arrogant air. She remembered that Pierre had said he was immensely rich and powerful. The air of authority that seemed to surround him was overwhelming.

      Thank Heavens, she thought, she was still a free and independent young woman and that Pierre was here, too. She would not like to be in the power of this Prince.

      He was indeed a big man in every sense of the word. Penelope was a tall girl, but he seemed to tower over her. He looked about 45 or 50 with a large paunch, a grey speckled and pointed small beard, a hook nose and, when he took off his sun glasses, cruel and piercing black eyes. He certainly looked every inch an Arabian Prince. He seemed to approve of her and was smiling to himself slightly, as if playing a game.

      He took her hand and kissed it.

      'You are a ... very beautiful woman, ' he  said slowly and deliberately in English. 'Welcome as an honoured guest in my humble home.'

      Goodness, thought Penelope overwhelmed by flattery from such a man. An honoured guest! Perhaps she had misjudged him at first. Despite his rather frightening appearance he seemed to be quite a civilised man.

      'I have had ... ' he said, speaking slowly in that deep voice, as he looked her up and down, 'good ... reports about you ...my child.'

      Penelope suddenly felt very shy and subdued in his presence. Reports from who, she wondered. Presumably from Pierre - and, of course, from that awful Negro he had apparently sent to look at her. He, too, had called her Child. How humiliating!

      'But, you are ... even more beautiful ... in the flesh!' he said.

      Penelope blushed. How she hated being flattered by such a repulsive looking man.

      But what did h mean by "more beautiful in the flesh"? Had he seen a photograph of her - perhaps, she thought with a start, one of those that Pierre has so strangely insisted on taking of her?

      My God, she thought, had he seen those ones of her topless or in that flimsy dancing girl costume? She found herself blushing. Goodness was that why Pierre had taken them - to send them to this Prince? Oh how embarrassing. But why?

      'Thank you, Your Highness,' she said demurely. lowering her eyes.

      The Prince turned to Pierre. 'You have done very well ...  finding this pair.'

      What pair, Penelope wondered. Then her thoughts were interrupted by the white youth offering her a gin and tonic. Gin and tonic? In an Moslem palace? Well!

      Startled, she noticed that the youth's eyes were made up like a  girl's. His skin was his skin was strangely soft and his voice was high pitched. Goodness, she thought, did the Prince like boys? She had heard that many Arab men did.

      Eagerly she took the drink and downed it far too quickly - and then another one. They made her feel relaxed. She was not know , of course, but they were to be the last alcoholic drinks she would have for a very long time indeed.

      Then the Prince started to ask me about her life in England. He seemed genuinely interested in learning all about her. How strange he was so interested in her if he was only the project's financier.

      Her tongue loosened by the gin, she found herself hiding her feeling of repulsion by telling him about her education at an expensive girl's school, about her dead parents and about Charles. It didn't matter, she told herself, she would not be seeing much more of this awful man.

      She noticed that he seemed particularly interested when she told him about Charles and about how was missing him and regretting breaking off their engagement.

      'I see you are still wearing his engagement ring. Perhaps you are still in love with your young man,' he said mysteriously. 'It will make ... your stay here all the more interesting.' He turned to the young black boy. 'Will it not Burka?'

      The boy grinned and nodded.

      Why, Penelope wondered, should still being in love with her former lover make her short stay here more interesting? And anyway what on earth has her private life got to do with this young black boy, she thought angrily. She was about to protest when the Prince turned and spoke in Arabic to Pierre. They both laughed.

      She was sure they were laughing about her. How rude, she thought. But she was too over-awed to say anything, even when she thought she heard the Prince say to the boy in English something about "quickly getting her well trained". Well trained? By this black boy? She was a trained actress! She did not need any further training to act her part in this advertising project! And certainly not from a mere ignorant Negro boy.

      Pierre gestured to her to take off the jacket of her thin silk suit and then led her over to the window to show her the view. It was magnificent: wild mountains and in the distance the sea. She wondered where they were.

      She saw the Prince looking at her closely and suddenly realised that in her silk skirt and blouse, with the sunlight streaming in through the windows, the horrible Prince must be able to see everything. She blushed again and put her arm over her body, like a naked girl, surprised by a man.

      Had Pierre taken her to the window deliberately, she  wondered, or had the Prince asked him to do so? Anyway the Prince again seemed very pleased and clapped Pierre on the  back.

      Then Pierre pointed to a document lying on the  table.

      'Sign the contract,' he whispered. 'It's in Arabic, but I've checked it and the terms are what I told you.'

      Hesitantly she picked up a pen.

      'Hurry up and sign it,' whispered Pierre, 'before he changes his mind.'

      Hastily she did so. She noticed a line of Arabic numerals that had been inserted into a space in the writing. Idly she wondered what they could be.

      The Prince then, strangely, handed Pierre an envelope. Smiling they both shook hands as if concluding a deal.

      Still smiling, the Prince turned to her.

      'I think you will soon ... settle down here,' he said.

      Settle down here? Penelope was more confused than ever. Surely the filming would take place on the coast and in the main tourist centers. Perhaps he was just trying to put her at her ease.

      Then she noticed a portrait of an elderly Arab. He was riding a magnificent looking Arab horse which was pawing the sand. In one hand he held a rifle. In the background was an oasis. He too seemed to be extremely self-possessed and arrogant - rather like the Prince.

      'That, child, is one of my ancestors - a famous tribal leader in the days before oil made us rich. He was a magnificent man - and great collector of women.'

      'A collector of women!' cried Penelope, wondering in dismay if the Prince took after his ancestor. She was glad that Pierre was there.

      'Of course in this day and age, harems have all but disappeared,' laughed the Prince reassuringly. 'But in those days, when one tribe raided another, the leader would take the prettiest women back for his harem.'

      'Oh!' cried Penelope.

      'But my ancestor went further. When he captured an oasis and killed the men, he would have all the young women paraded in front of him, with their breasts bare. Then he would order the prettiest ones to crawl forward to lick the dirt off his horse's hoof as a sign of their subservience. Those he liked he would order them to turn over on their backs and raise their bellies - to be branded.'

      'Branded!' cried Penelope in sheer disbelief. 'branded on their tummies.'

      'Indeed, my dear, indeed,' laughed the Prince cruelly. 'Then, chained by the neck to his stirrup, they would have to run alongside his horse as he rode back to his encampment, her hands tied behind her back to prevent her from tearing at the fresh brand and spoiling it's beauty.'

      He stopped. Penelope was looked at the picture of the terrible old man sitting motionless on his horse. What a dreadful story. She turned and looked at the Prince. He looked just like his ancestor! She could feel the  hot moisture in her loins. To be branded! Like an animal! To belong to a strange older man. How awful!

      'But,' laughed the Prince, 'I'm not cruel like my ancestors!'

      There was a pause. She could not meet the Prince's eye. One moment he seemed almost civilised man - and the next a terrifying brute of a man. Thank Heavens she and Pierre would only be staying here for the weekend.

      The Prince now said something to the young boy who handed her a plate of the most delicious looking cakes and pastries.

      Oh, how delicious, thought Penelope. Nervously munching first one and then another, she wondered what to say to this awesome man.

      'Perhaps, Your Highness,' she began, her voice now becoming strangely slurred, 'if you do have a harem ... I could ... visit it?'

      Goodness, she thought, I've had too much to drink. How embarrassing.

      However, the Prince did not seem to notice.

      He laughed and, to her annoyance, Pierre joined in too. 'Visit my harem?' he said in his overbearing way, 'Oh you will! You most certainly will!'

      Suddenly Penelope felt drowsy, very drowsy.

      The room started to go round.

      Those drinks must have been very strong. Or was it something she had eaten? The cakes!

      She staggered.

      The white youth and the young black boy caught as she fell. Within seconds she was unconscious.

      'Put her in with the other one,' the Prince ordered the young black boy. He turned again to Pierre.

       'Yes, they'll make a fine matched pair - just what I ordered! You have done well and you can now take my plane back to Tangier. But before you leave I thought you might like to see how the last women you sent me are getting on!'

      'It would be an honour to see them,' replied Pierre with a laugh.







A few minutes later, watched over by Malaka, two half naked crawling figures were led into the Prince's office by young Gorka.

       As always in the presence of the Prince they were held on a lead by their Team Overseer attached to their collars. Also, as always when approaching their august Lord and Master, they were crawling on all fours with their heads bowed - for it was a  harem rule that women must not look at their Master without permission.

      However, these women  were from the Blue Team and so were crawling in the distinctive way that their Team Overseer made them practice. Although their heads were down, their shoulders were raised, so that the little bells hanging from the rings on their nipples were clear of the floor. So, a pretty tinkling noise came from them as, driven on by their overseer, they crawled into the room

      They were led up to where the Prince was sitting. They could see, from under their lower heads, his raised Moorish style shoes. Conquering their distaste, both woman reached forward and began humbly to lick the soles.

      Each was then astonished to see, nearby, another pair of shoes - this time a man's European shoes. How awful that  another man was witnessing their debasement - and their half nudity. The fact that he was a European somehow made  it worse - unless, of course, it might  lead to their release from the harem. Their minds were racing as they knelt humbly licking their Master's shoes.

      Each was then astonished to hear the Prince, their Master, say in English, apparently to this other man, 'I thought you might like to see the use I have made of the other merchandise you recently supplied.'

      'Your Highness, is too kind,' came a voice with a distinctive French accent.

      Both women recognised the voice. Pierre! That swine of a young Frenchman who had tricked them into going into this awful harem. The man who had tricked them into becoming the helpless indentured servants of the Prince - his concubines whom he enjoyed also treating as human brood mares to be bred from, for his amusement.

      Both wanted to fling themselves onto him and tear his eyes out. But both felt a warning tug on her lead and a warning flick of their overseer's whip on her rump. Both remained kneeling subserviently at the feet of their Master, licking his shoes.

      The two women started as young Burka suddenly cracked his whip.

      'Position of Attention - Up!

      He cracked his whip again and, feeling highly embarrassed,  the two women jumped up. Obediently, they clasped heir hands behind their collared necks, and stood silently at Attention, their heels together and their eyes looking straight ahead, fixed on the wall above their Master.

      Their bare breasts quivered with their emotion making the bells, hanging from the rings through their pierced nipples, tinkle again in a quite delightful way.

      Pierre recognised the beautiful young mother and teenage daughter he had sold to the Prince nearly a year ago.

      'You see their registered numbers as my indentured servants tattooed on the back of their hands and engraved on their collars?' asked the Prince with a laugh.

      'Indeed, Your Highness,' replied Pierre. Even if the women somehow got out of the harem, they would soon be arrested and brought back here.

      Burka now proudly drew back the cutaway front of the two women's harem trousers, displaying their prettily swollen bellies.

      Pierre gasped as he saw the brands stretched unnaturally across the two women's bellies. Below them gleamed shiny metal breeding belts, locked round their hips. Both mother and daughter were identically and heavily pregnant! Knowing Arab ways, he knew that the father of the progeny of these mere indentured servants would not be the Prince himself.

      'Both mated on the same day to one of my Black Guards, a giant Dinka,' explained the Prince with a cruel laugh. 'A Thoroughbred brood mare and her filly, both in foal to the same Sire.'

      The Prince called the women over. He ran his hand over their bellies in the same proprietorial way that he had when showing them off to his cousins. A little flick of Burka's whip on their backsides warned both women to stand quite still and to keep their eyes fixed on the wall.

       Once again a feeling of power surged through the Prince as he remembered seeing the video secretly recorded by a hidden television camera of the weeping mother and daughter vainly tearing at their breeding belts as they felt their progeny starting to kick.

      'Yes, both carrying identical twins by one of my prize stallions,' he laughed proudly, whilst both the mother and the young girl blushed with shame. 'The new matched pair will soon be taking the place of these two in their team,' he added in a matter of fact tone of voice.

      Then Burka cracked his whip again.

      'On your hands and knees - grovel again in front of your Master!

      There was another crack of his whip and both women dropped back to the same humble position as before.

      Then they heard the noise of another woman being driven into the room, also crawling on her knees. But her progress across the floor was marked by a rather different tinkling sound - that of belled bracelets on her wrists.

      It was Mizzi. being brought in on a lead by the pygmy boy overseer of the rival Green Team, Gorka.

      Pierre recognised the young Viennese married woman he had tricked, whilst her husband was away on business, into coming away for a romantic and secret weekend in the Prince's palace - a weekend that for her had ended up in the harem.

      She, too, recognised Pierre's voice. She, too, was only stopped by her lead and by Gorka's whip from leaping at him like a wild dog. Her was the swine of a Frenchman who was responsible for her being here, lost to her adoring husband, and now, unbelievably, the plaything of a cruel and revolting Arab Master.

      Little Gorka cracked his whip.

      'Position for Inspection - Up!' he ordered and cracked his whip again.

      Mizzi jumped up alongside the now kneeling mother  and daughter. Her hands were now clasped behind her neck as had been theirs. Her eyes were similarly fixed on the wall and her  ankles were also touching. But, having been ordered to take up the position for Inspection rather than of Attention, her knees were bent and wide apart.

      Gorka came round just as Burka had done and slid back further the cutaway in the front of Mizzi's harem trousers. Proudly he parted her beauty lips and equally proudly displayed the little scar where previously had been her beauty bud.

      'I won't stand for a girl masturbating in my harem,' the Prince explained laconically. Then he looked at his wrist watch. 'My plane will be waiting. Once again many thanks for all your help.'


In the plane flying back to Tangier, Pierre took out the cheque for the agreed very large amount. It was for agreed amount for the safe delivery of Penelope and Chantalle. He congratulated himself on meeting the Prince's requirements. It had been a difficult task, well carried out.

      Then he thought of the other women he had previously delivered to the Prince and whom he had now seen again. He had never liked to think, or ask, about the fate of the unsuspecting white women he delivered into the hands of his rich Arab clients.

      Once he had handed them over and had been paid he would forget all about them. Now the swollen branded bellies of the very pretty Dutch young mother and her daughter and that of the circumcised young Mizzi had shown him just how cruel his clients could be.

      At the same time he was delighted with what he had seen, for clearly these branded women would never be freed by the Prince - the risk of scandal was too great. Even after he had tired of them, the Prince would ensure that they would never be free to tell their story to the Western Press - or to tell the Police about his role in their abduction.

      Moreover he had been delighted to see their collars engraved with the Prince's crest and name and their tattooed registered numbers as indentured servants. He had also noted the high walls surrounding the harem and the way the women had been kept on a lead by their young overseers. Clearly the Prince had made sure that escape from the harem or even from North Africa was impossible.

      He had always been careful that the unsuspecting women he handled never learned his real name, or where he really came from, so that they could not trace him if they ever got out of their harem. But even so, it was nice to know that they never would.













Penelope stirred in her half drugged sleep and slowly began to wake up.

      A faint light was coming in through a strangely barred window in what she presumed must be the Prince's guest house. It must, she  realised, be dawn. Dawn? Then she must have slept for over twelve hours. Goodness!

      How odd it all seemed. She remembered the journey to the Palace and meeting the very intimidating Prince. She remembered how Pierre had urged her sign her contract. She remembered drinking a couple of gin and tonics and being offered some rather delicious cakes - the nothing more.

      My God, she must have passed out! How awful! What must the Prince have thought of her!

      Then, vaguely, she remembered being half woken up the previous evening by voices. By male voices. She thought she had recognised the deep voice of the Prince and the falsetto one of the Negro who had so embarrassed her by the swimming pool. And, as if in a dream, she had an equally  vague impression of a man in a white coat like a doctor who raised her legs and examined her - intimately, as if she was lying on a gynaecological couch.

      She thought she heard him say: 'Yes I think they'll both be very suitable.'

       Suitable for what she had thought. Was the Prince having her medically examined before countersigning her contract to make the tourist films?

      Then, again as if in if in a dream, had come the Prince's slow deep voice, heavily accentuated. 'Yes, they're a beautifully matched pair. Just what I wanted. Tell Nadu to tattoo them. And, Burka! Make sure you start getting their monthly cycles properly synchronised.'

      'Yes Your Highness, of course,' had came the voice of the little black boy. What did a little boy like him, she remembered sleepily thinking, know about women's cycles?

      Had it all been a dream? And what a strange expression - a Matched Pair. She remembered it was one that the awful Negro had used to Pierre by the pool. And what was all that about tattooing? No one was going to tattoo her!'


Again she dozed off again and then finally awoke, feeling strangely refreshed.

      The first thing she saw, hanging from  the ceiling were two pairs of stirrups, like on gynaecological couch. With a start she remembered her dream of being intimately examined - apparently in the presence of the Prince. Good God, she thought, had it been more than a dream? She saw that she was indeed lying, covered by a sheet, on what seemed to be a double size gynaecological couch.

      She reached out and touched someone. Oh lovely! Here was Pierre - in her bed at last, she laughed. But what was he doing on gynaecological couch?

      But it was not Pierre that she touched, but the soft body of a woman!

      Startled she half sat up. The was a jingle of a chain. It came from the back of her neck. She put her hand up. She felt a metal collar and fastened to the back of it was a chain. Good God!

      She looked down. An attractive young woman was lying fast asleep on the couch alongside her. There was a shiny metal collar round her neck, too. It was flexible, being made of interlocking metal links like a much wider expensive wrist watch strap.

      She saw that a chain was also fastened to a ring at the back of the young woman's collar. It was the same chain as her own. They were chained together! Moreover, as the chain went through a ring at the head of the couch, they were both also chained to the couch!

      She saw that a pretty blue ribbon was fastened to the side of the girl's collar. She put her hand up to her own neck. She  felt a similar ribbon fastened to her collar, too.

      My God! thought Penelope. Who is this girl? Why are we chained together? And why the collars? And why the blue ribbons? Oh, where was Pierre?

      'Pierre! Pierre!' she cried out.

      But there was no reply from the empty bare room.

      She looked again at the sleeping woman to whom she was chained. She was a very pretty blond girl. Goodness! It was the girl she had seen at the hotel in Tangier, going off to the Pool changing rooms just as she had arrived. She was the girl whom, she had thought, looked rather like herself. She remembered she had wondered whether she was also being auditioned by the horrible Negro for the same tourist promotion project.

      She saw the girl was in a frilly nightdress with a crest of two green scimitars within a black circle embroidered on the right breast. She remembered seeing the same crest painted on the nose of the private jet in which she and Pierre had travelled here, an aircraft which presumably had belonged to the mysterious Prince. She had also seen the same crest emblazoned on the livery of the black servants.

      Shocked, she saw that on a flat plate on the front of the girl's collar was engraved the same crest and alongside it some Arabic numerals . Below the crest, prominently engraved on the front of the collar, and equally prominently embroidered in blue on her nightdress, was a larger Arabic numeral. She had learnt to recognise Arabic numerals when in Tangier and she saw that the number was 7.

      She looked down at herself. She was wearing an identical  nightdress, also with the same crest embroidered over her  right breast. But below it, in her case, was the Arabic numerals 14, also in blue. How all very odd.

      Suddenly she also noticed a black ring tattooed on the back of the girl's left hand. Inside the ring was tattooed a bright blue Arabic figure 7. There was also a line of Arabic numerals tattooed prominently across the back of the girl's right hand.

      She looked down at her own hands, and gasped. On the back of her left hand a black ring had been freshly tattooed and inside was a bright blue tattooed 14. She looked down at her right hand. Sure enough a long line of Arabic numerals had also been tattooed on the back of it.

      She remembered hearing in her dream the Prince ordering something about tattooing. My God, she thought, has young Miss Penelope Lyndsey-Baker disappeared? Was she now just some Arabic number? But why? And why the longer line of numbers. What were they for?


With a start she realised that someone must have undressed her and put her into this nightdress. Who? Surely not that awful little black boy? How embarrassing!

      She looked around the barely furnished room. It reminded her of the sick bay in her girl's school with a medicine cupboard and a table with metal trays containing surgical instruments. With a start she recognised some of them as being ones used for examining women.

      There was a window, prettily arched in the Arab style. She saw there were some prettily curved wraught iron bars beyond the windows - - but this bare room didn't measure up to the Pierre's talk of a luxurious Guest House..

      Was she still in the Prince's palace and not in the Guest House at all? And anyway where was this palace? She realised she had no idea. Having been driven to it in the car with those strange opaque windows, she did not even know whether it was in a town, or out in the countryside.

      Penelope looked around for her smart Gucci leather bag with her money, her cheque book, her credit cards, her pen, her ... It also held a secret and very private picture of a naked Charles. How embarrassing if that were to be seen by someone. And it also held her all important contraception pills. Oh Lord! Pierre, she  then remembered, still had her passport. But where was he?

      She  also saw that there was no sign of the clothes she had been wearing, nor of her jewelry, nor of her luggage. But Charles engagement ring was still on her finger. How odd!

      Again she wondered where she was.

      She tried to get out of bed, but, of course, being chained to the other girl stopped her.

      The sheet, however, had now dropped down and she saw that the girl's nightdress had slipped up her thighs. Rather surprised, she saw that all the girl's body hair had been removed - she had been completely depilated! It gave her a strange "little girl" look. She had heard that Arab women did this, but  this girl was European. Any way, at least she didn't go in for such shocking ideas!

      Then suddenly she felt a strange feeling between her legs. She reached down and pulled up her nightdress. She gasped. She, too, had been depilated!

      Wonderingly she ran her hand over her now smooth and hairless mound and beauty lips. They, too, looked almost childlike - rather beautiful really. She was not quite sure whether to be thrilled or ashamed.

      Meanwhile shaken by the jerks from the chain onto her collar, the other girl was stirring. Suddenly she opened her eyes. She looked up at Penelope in alarm and said something in French

      'So you're French!' cried Penelope. 'Do you speak English?'

      'Just a leetle, ' she replied in a delightful French accent. 'But who are you?'

      'I'm Penelope. What's your name?'

      'Chantalle.' She sat up in bed. There was rattle from the chain fastened to her collar.

      'Mon Dieu! I have been chained! So have you! We're chained together!'

      'Yes I know,' replied Penelope. 'But I don't understand why. I've also just woken up - to find myself here. How did you come to be here?'

      'I come to Tangier secretly,' whispered Chantalle, in her strong French accent. 'to get away from my husband. But no one knows! Then after a few days I begin to miss him! Maybe I love him after all! But the hotel manager, he very nice and sympathique. He introduce me to nice young Frenchman.'

      Penelope's felt her blood go cold. 'Was his name ... Pierre?' she asked nervously.

      'Why yes! Pierre! So you meet him, too? Oh!'

      'Yes, he got me a job as a the star in a big tourist project - a TV and magazine advertising project.'

      'But me too!' said the French girl. 'He said I was to be the star. He never mention you.'

      'Nor you to me,' cried Penelope angrily. 'The slimy toad!'

      'Then he introduce me to a horrible black man.'

      'And me! I saw you going off after your interview!'

      'Oh!' gasped  Chantalle. 'And then next day he take me in aircraft to sign contract.'

      Penelope remembered how Pierre had told her he was going to be busy the day after the audition - or rather the day after that humiliating inspection. He must have brought Chantalle to the Prince's palace the next day and then come back to bring her separately. In that way they wouldn't see each other and smell a rat - until they woke up chained together! But why?

      'Then I meet horrible and terrifying Prince, who is financing tourist project,' said Chantalle. 'I eat some little cakes and I wake up now, here!'

      'Me too,' said Penelope.

      'Oh,!' cried Chantalle. 'But why, if we are to work together on the film and advertisements are we chained together.'

      'Perhaps,' said Penelope slowly, 'perhaps the story of the tourist project was just ... all made up ... to trick us into coming here ... to get us into the power of the Prince.'

      'Oh, Mon Dieu!' cried Chantalle. 'But my husband ... he will get us out ... Oh, but he doesn't know where I am! It was all such a secret!'

      'Nor does my boy friend know where I am,' added Penelope in a horrified voice. 'No one knows where I am. Not even the hotel. Pierre made very sure of that.'

      'And I thought that at last I was going to have a romantic ... how you say it? ... naughty weekend with Pierre.'

      'Me too,' murmured Penelope. 'He tricked us both into coming here.'

      'Yes, into coming to the Prince's palace. But I did not like at all. He is revolting - and looks so cruel.

      'Yes,' agreed Penelope. 'Frightening!'

      'Look!' said Chantalle pointing to a portrait hanging on the  wall facing them. It was of a stern looking man in Arab dress. The Prince!

      Penelope found she could hardly take her eyes off it. Did it mean that she was still in his palace? As a prisoner? In his harem? Oh, no!


Just then the curtain into the Blue Team's gynaecological inspection room, for that is what it was, was pulled aside.

       Both women gasped - for there in the doorway stood the same Negro who had so embarrassingly inspected them by the swimming pool, back in Tangier.

      But there was change. Instead of a simple red robe, now he was gorgeously dressed in gold silken pantaloons, a golden sash, a gold embroidered waistcoat and a gold silken turban. And in his hand was a long whippy. silver tipped, cane.

      The two women cowed back on the bed, terrified.

      'So little birds now nicely caged for Master's delight,' he cried in broken English, and in a menacing tone. He swept into the room. He brought the cane down with a crack onto the couch - making the women jump. They clasped each other in fear.

      Behind the huge Negro was the diminutive figure of the small  black boy with a blue stripe in his turban. A short dogwhip was tucked into the broad sash round his  waist.

      But in his hand was a small short handled whip with a long black leather thong. He cracked it in the air. It may have been small, but the boy expertly made it crack like a revolver shot. The two women cowered back even more.

      'Raise hands to shoulders.' the boy ordered.

      Hesitantly both women did so. Quickly the boy fastened their wrists to straps wide apart at the head of the bed. They were now effectively fastened down on their backs.

      The boy now pulled back the sheets.

      'Legs up in the air!' he ordered, cracking his whip again. 'Both of you! Legs right up!'

      The women just looked at him, terrified. He brought his whip down across their tummies. Both young women screamed.

      'Legs up, I said!' cried the boy raising his whip again and bringing it down again across both the women's tummies.

      With a gasp of both pain and shame, the two women raised their legs.

      The boy now placed the women's ankles in the two pairs of stirrups hanging down over the couch. Just as in the dream, thought Penelope with a shiver. But this time, straps were fastened round her ankles holding them firmly  in place.

      With her ankles fastened in the stirrups and her wrists strapped to the top of the bed, Penelope found she was now held even more helplessly - as was, she saw, Chantalle. The two women exchanged a look of horror.

      'Get their nightdresses up,' said the black man.

      The boy put his hand under their half raised buttocks and pulled their nightdresses up to the necks, leaving their bodies bare. Both women were blushing with embarrassment at the thought of what they were displaying to this awful young boy - and to the dreadful fat black man now standing behind him.

      'I want their legs wider apart, Burka,' said the black man impatiently.

      The boy cracked his whip again. 'Legs wide apart!' he screamed. 'And keep them like that - or you get whip again.'

      The black man now reached forward. Penelope felt his hands on her beauty lips.

      'No!' she screamed, closing her knees.

      But the boy was ready for her. Three times his whip came down across her writhing body. With her wrists and ankles tied she could not protect herself with her hands, nor even roll over. 'Alright,' she gasped, 'I'll do it. I'll do it!'

      But the boy wasn't satisfied.

      'Woman! You call me, Sir!

      Again his whip came down. Again she screamed. 'Yes, Sir. Yes, Sir!'

      Oh the shame of she, a grown woman, having to call this mere boy, Sir. But in no time she was once again dutifully holding her knees well apart, exposing herself to the gaze of the fat black man.

      This time with the black boy's whip raised menacingly above her, she just bit her lips as the fat black man parted her sex lips as if searching for something. Not for a little show of blood, surely? Although she knew she was not yet due for a week or so, nevertheless she felt herself blushing. How awful that this ghastly Negro wanted to know her most private secrets

      She heard him say something to the boy in Arabic. Then she felt the boy's fingers there as well. The black man was started to feel up inside her. Again he was talking to the boy in Arabic. It was as if he was instructing the boy, inviting him to feel her too. Oh the  shame!

      It was, she thought, as if they were assessing her breeding possibilities. She remembered how the black man had knowingly cupped her belly back in Tangier. Oh my God!

      Then apparently satisfied, the fat black man began to stroke her clitoris, apparently pointing out it's degree of arousal to the boy. She could feel herself becoming more and more wet. The black man laughed - and so did the boy. Oh the shame!

      Then it was the turn of Chantalle.

      Penelope had to lie there, her still holding her knees apart, as the black man examined the French woman, apparently again giving the boy a running commentary in Arabic and occasionally inviting him  to feel for himself.

      Then she blushed as she saw that the boy was now holding two vases. With a shock she recognised their shape. She had seen them in women's wards in hospitals. But there they had been in the hands of sympathetic female nurses, not of a young Negro boy.

      Watched by the black man, the boy went over to a basin and turn on the tap. This, too, she recognised as an old hospital trick, but again one used by female nurses, not by an awful little boy with a whip, who should have been too young to know any thing about women's bodies.

       To her embarrassment, the noise of the running water from the tap was having its inevitable effect. She began to feel a familiar feeling. She tried to stop it, but it was no use.

      The boy was now looking down at the two women's tummies. He ran his hand expertly over their bladders. Then he  slid a sheet of rubber under their bottoms.

      Then he glanced  up at the ceiling and grinned. Penelope looked up and  saw that pointing down at the couch was a small lens. Horrified she recognised it as a, remotely controlled,  internal television cameras. She saw that it turning down towards her tummy. Who was controlling it and from where? Had the Prince been idly amusing himself buy watching their humiliation?

      The boy now held the two bottles against their beauty lips. With their arms and legs strapped there was nothing they could do to prevent him..

      Overcome with shame, Penelope closed her eyes and turned her head.

      'Head up!' came the boy's instant response. 'Look  at camera.'

      As if in response, the camera swung momentarily up towards her face. The  unseen watcher clearly wanted to see the expression of shame on her face.

      The loathsome little boy began to whistle. He was, she realised, encouraging them, just  as a groom whistles to encourage a reluctant horse to stale. Penelope felt she simply could not hold back any more.

      Suddenly the boy screamed: 'Wait! You both wait for my order! You both perform together to my order!'

      Oh no! Perform! They were women, not performing animals! But both women remembered how earlier this little boy had not hesitated to use his whip to enforce his orders.

      Both women, the boy saw, were biting their lips as they now strained to hold back. A lovely feeling of power shot through the boy.  He was imposing discipline on the women. He was going to make them perform together in a most servile way.


      Both women nodded desperately. The camera swung back to their bellies.

      'Wait for my order! Ready! Ready! ... Perform!'

      Oh the relief!

      Only her urgent need  had overcome the shame of obeying the young boy's order, whilst the fat man looked on smiling. She did not think she would ever be able to look either of them in the face again.

      Little did she know that never again would she be allowed to perform any of her natural functions in private. Not only would she and Chantalle, kept chained together, have to perform them together, but also always do so under the eye of their little Team Overseer.

      It was, like constant fear of the cane or whip, a humiliating and traditional way in which black eunuchs disciplined the women under their control ...

      Two minutes later it was all over. The boy emptied each vase into a glass jar with measurements up the side. He looked carefully and noted down the amounts. Then he removed the rubber sheet. It  had not been needed.

      Then he carefully dried each woman with cotton wool. The camera was still watching their bellies. He powdered them both just like a baby. Oh the ignominy, once again, of this being done by a mere boy! Moreover, the fact that their beauty lips were quite hairless, like those of baby, must have highlighted the comparison to whoever was watching on a remote monitoring screen.





23 - RINGED!


Penelope now heard the boy say something in English to the fat Negro. He seemed to be asking if the women could now be given the standard Blue Team treatment, as was used back in his own native village. What on earth, she wondered, was he talking about. What Blue Team? And what standard treatment? But mention of the boy's native village gave her a fright.

      She was given a even nastier fright when the boy proceeded  to gag both her and Chantalle with leather gags that went over their mouths and fitted tightly below  their chins. The gags were held in place by a strap that was fastened behind their necks.

      The young boy now also produced two black blindfolds. The two girls tried to cry out in fear as the blindfolds were firmly tied in place over their eyes. But, all that were heard from the women were little moans coming from beneath their gags.

      There were more little suppressed moans as each young woman felt her beauty lips being again parted and again their clitorises being tickled and aroused. Soon, there were more moans as each now prettily swollen clitoris was firmly bound with cotton thread, making it even more swollen and extended outwards between the beauty lips.

      Then it was the turn of the helpless women's nipples to be aroused and similarly bound with cotton threat. Penelope could feel her nipples were also now greatly extended. But why she asked herself, unable to move to touch them.

      She heard the fat man and the boy saying something about leaving them to get nicely swollen, and then she heard their footsteps going away.


Gagged, chained and blindfolded, Penelope just lay helpless on her back wondering what on earth was happening.

      Where was Pierre? What was being done to her and why? Where was she? But intimidating as the Prince had seemed, surely he would not allow women to be treated like this in his palace. Perhaps he did not know what was going on. Then she remembered the little television camera. Had the Prince been watching them? Had he been controlling the cameras? Oh my God! How shame-making!

      After a time, she heard footsteps coming into the room and several voices - high pitched voices. They seem to surround the couch and were laughing. It was as if several friends of the young boy had come to see what was going to happen, like students watching an operation.

      An operation! She heard a noise like a hospital trolley being wheeled across the room. As it was being brought up to the couch, she heard a rattling noise like surgical instruments on a metal tray. Oh my God!

       Penelope heard bottles being opened. There was a sudden smell of antiseptic  - like in an operating theatre or a doctor's surgery. She heard a liquid being poured and the distinctive high voice of the fat man, speaking in Arabic, as if he was describing what was happening to the others.

      She felt the shoulder straps of her nightdress being unfastened. She was lifted up and one by one her ankles were momentarily unstrapped from the stirrups to allow the nightdress to be drawn down over her legs.

      She was now stark naked - and, of course, with her ankles fastened in the stirrups and her wrists chained to the head of the couch, quite helpless.

      Penelope gasped as she then felt the breath of the fat man as he apparently bent over her naked body. She gasped again as he wiped a cloth, soaked in a strange freezing liquid, over her beauty lips. They seemed to lose feeling. She hardly felt it when he then parted her lips again and applied the cloth to her bound and swollen beauty bud. She felt her beauty lips being clipped back leaving her swollen and bound clitoris projecting and on display.

      Then there was noise as if a little lamp was being lit. She could feel the heat  of the flame. Something seemed to be being heated in the flame.

      She felt her swollen clitoris being pulled out. Then she felt a prick as if something sharp and hot had been gently pushed through the cotton thread binding her clitoris and was now touching it. She raised her head to see what horror was being done to her, but her blindfold prevented her from seeing anything. Then she screamed, under her gag, as, unknown to her, a red hot needle was expertly thrust right through her clitoris.

      It was held there momentarily and she then she could feel it being alternatively turned left and right. Then it was withdrawn. Penelope gasped with relief.

      Then to  her horror, she felt something else being pushed through. It seemed to be covered in some sort of creamy grease. She felt whatever it was being pulled to and fro.

      Next she felt a flame being brought right up to her beauty lips making her tremble with fear. She had the impression that the flame was being used to braze something together, brazed permanently. But what? And why?

      She heard laughter and high pitched voices. She felt the  cotton threads round her beauty bud being undone. She could feel some of the swelling subsiding, but now there was a strange feeling, as if her clitoris was being held permanently extended outwards - and permanently aroused.

      She felt something metallic between her outstretched legs. She felt hands admiringly touching something that seemed to be attached to her. There was  more laughter. What had they done to her? She moved slightly in her embarrassment and again felt the metal object. Oh my God! Oh the shame!

      Then it was the turn of her nipples.

      Again she felt a cloth soaked in a freezing liquid. Then she felt something sharp being pressed against one of her bound and extended nipples. Again she screamed under her gag as it was driven right through and  again turned left and right, and then withdrawn.

       Then once again something, else was pushed through this new hole. It too was moved to and fro, and was greased. Again she felt the heat of the flame as if something was being carefully brazed together.

      Then it was the turn of her other nipple.

      She felt the cotton threads around each swollen nipple being removed. As with her beauty bud, she felt some of the swelling subsiding, but there was a new feeling of it being held permanently erect.

      But this time there a difference. There was a weight on each breast and with every little quiver of her breasts she heard the tinkling of a little bell. Oh how awful! She longed to snatch off the blindfold to see what dreadful thing had been done to her but, with her hands still strapped to the top of the couch, there was nothing, absolutely nothing she could do.

      Next she heard the sounds of what ever had been done to her, apparently also being done to Chantalle. It took a long time and she heard little muffled moans and more high pitched laughter.


Suddenly her blindfold was removed.

      Blinking in  the sudden light, she saw that the fat man and the boy were looking down at her, smiling, as if very proud of their work.

      She raised her head and looked down at herself, Her legs were still fastened to the stirrups. But, she saw, large sized, thin, golden rings had been inserted into her nipples! And to each ring a small bell was attached. Oh God!

      She looked down at her parted legs. From between her now hairless beauty lips hung another golden ring. It had been put through  her precious beauty bud and seemed to be making constantly aroused! She saw that it had been inserted so that it hung neatly parallel to, and between, her beauty lips and not awkwardly at right angles across them.

      She could not believe it. Why had this been done? And without her permission! She wanted to scream but was still gagged. Surely this could not be anything to do with the tourist project for which she had signed a contract?

      She looked at Chantalle, lying chained by her side with her legs raised, too. She saw similar rings and similar bells.

      The French woman's blindfold was now also removed and she too, looked down at herself with horror. From beneath her gag came a muffled scream of protest.

      Whilst the fat man looked on approvingly, the boy now rubbed a little antiseptic ointment onto each of the rings and gently slid them to and fro in their nipples and beauty buds.

      Then, apparently satisfied, they both left the room without a word.

      The two women, still gagged, and chained together by  he neck, their hands strapped to the top of the couch and their ankles to the raised stirrups, exchanged glances of horror.







Suddenly Penelope heard a bell ring. It was followed by girlish voices. A number of young women seemed to be rushing into an adjoining room, separated from the gynaecological inspection room by a curtain.

      She heard the crack of a whip and the voices fell silent. Moments later she heard a splashing noise.

      Then a curtain was drawn back and the little black boy again stepped into the room. He was again carrying his little whip. Behind came the short squat older black man. As usual, he was carrying his silver tipped cane and seemed to watching the boy as if supervising him.

      The boy cracked his whip as if trying to impress the older black man.

      'Me Burka!' he suddenly shouted in broken English. "Me your overseer. You now in my Blue Team. Me Blue Team overseer!"

      Both women looked completely blank. What did he mean?

      'You now in harem of His Highness. You worship His Highness. You indentured servants of His Highness - like slaves. You both signed indenture contracts. You stupid! You think signing film contract!'

      Penelope gave a gasp of horror. So it was true! She had been tricked. Tricked by Pierre. She heard Chantalle give a similar gasp. They had both been tricked by him.

      'Your names now Blue 7 and Blue 14. Christian names not allowed in harem of strict of strict Moslem like His Highness. You use Christian name, you get beaten for insulting Islam.'

      Penelope and Chantalle both gasped in horror.

      'And,' went on the awful little boy, 'you call and refer to His Highness as Master. Even Arab concubines not know his name.  Not your business. He just your Master.'

      Not to know the name of the ghastly man in who's harem she was! My God, thought Penelope. No wonder Pierre had been so secretive. She knew neither where she was, nor the name of her repulsive and terrifying captor. How awful!


The boy now respectfully pointed to the horrible fat man who had so humiliatingly examined Penelope in Tangier - and Chantalle, too.

      'This Malaka Effendi. He chief black eunuch to His Highness. He very important man. You always call him Mr Malaka, Sir.'

      To give more emphasis to his words the boy again cracked his whip, making Penelope shiver with fear. The Prince's chief black eunuch! This horrible strong little man was a eunuch! Was that why his voice was so strange? She had never come across a eunuch before. Surely they were supposed to be weak, despicable creatures? But there was nothing weak or despicable about this desperately frightening figure.

'Yes' he repeated, 'you always show great respect for Malaka Effendi - or you get cane! Just like you not show respect for me, Burka - and you get whip!'

      Again he cracked his whip to make his point to the cowering women.

      Was the boy also a eunuch, Penelope wondered, one of the chief black eunuch's assistants, in charge of some of the  Prince's women? How awful!

      Malaka then stepped forward, a frightening looking figure, his whip raised menacingly.

      'Yes,' he said with a sneer of contempt inn his high pitched voice, 'both you women already registered with police as indentured servants. Your police numbers already tattooed on back of right hand. You no longer fine English and French ladies. Now you just indentured servants in harem of His Highness. You just slaves now - numbered slaves of His Highness. His to do with, as he likes!'

      Slaves! Oh my God, thought Penelope.

      'You try run away,' went on Malaka with a grim laugh, 'you not get far. Your tattooed numbers on hand tell everyone you just escaped indentured servant. Big reward for recapture. You taken to police. Police bring you back here for punishment! And police watching at airports and seaports, too. So, you no escape - never! And anyway you not get over high harem wall!

      Malaka paused to let his words sink in to the horrified minds of the two young women. Then he raised his silver tipped whippy cane with it's prettily curved handle.

      'You make me angry, you not show respect to me at all times - and you get cane. And I also have special rattan cane for insolent women. Hurt even more than this one! Hurt even more than Team Overseer's whip!'

      Both women were gasping with horror behind their gags. By now they were terrified almost out of their wits.

      Malaka paused for a moment as if to make sure that his words were understood by the two cringing women.

      'You both now just concubines of His Highness. A rare Matched Pair!'

      Concubines! Women used for sexual gratification! It was a word, Penelope thought, that sounded even more final and terrible than indentured servants or slaves.

      And a rare Matched Pair! Again she remembered that was the expression she had heard Malaka use in Tangier.


Malaka then stepped back, as if having achieved his object of terrorising the two women, he was now happy to hand over to Burka again.

      'And now,' repeated Burka, 'you both belong my Blue Team here in harem. Blue Team best team in harem. My women best in harem. My whip make them so. They fear my whip. You not try hard to please me and to please his Highness - and you get whip from me, like rest of Blue Team. Like you get cane from Mr Malaka.'

      As if copying Malaka, he paused to let his words sink into the minds of the two increasingly horrified women.

      'Now time for you to learn to fear whip. I break you in - like cowboy break in wild horse. You already feel long whip now  you feel short whip - my lovely dogwhip.'

       Penelope watched fearfully as the boy carefully coiled up his whip, and thrust it into his sash, from which he slowly and almost lovingly  pulled out his little dogwhip. It was rather less than three feet long. Penelope could not take her eyes off it.

      Still holding the dogwhip, he now reached forward and unstrapped the ankles of first  Chantalle and then Penelope from the hanging stirrups. Gratefully they both lowered their ankles to the couch. Gratefully they modestly closed their raised knees. Now what, they wondered.

      Then suddenly he shouted: 'Raise bellies for dogwhip! Get them up!'

      He raised the dogwhip menacingly.

      'Up! Up!'

      Terrified, and with her wrist still chained to the head of the bed, Penelope strained to raise her tummy, taking her weight on her shoulders and pressing down on the couch with her feet. She saw that Chantalle was doing the same.

      'More! Get bellies higher!' screamed the boy they now knew as Burka.

      Desperately both women strained to raise their tummies yet higher. How quite awful, Penelope was thinking. How utterly humiliating! It was made even worse by this mere boy using the coarse word "belly", for her tummy.

      'That better! Now you hold bellies like that!'

      Like rabbits hypnotised by a stoat, both women kept quite still as he slowly raised his whip and then, expertly, brought it down across first Penelope's and then Chantalle's tummies.     Both women screamed behind their gags and doubled up to ease the pain.

'Bellies up again!' the boy shouted.

      Penelope saw that Malaka was nodding approvingly.

      'Higher! Or you get two extra strokes!'

      Again the two women  strained to raise their now aching tummies even higher.

      Oh my God, Penelope was thinking, these awful, terrifying and ignorant black eunuchs. The Prince may also be a frightening figure, but he was an educated and travelled man. Surely he would not approve of them treating white women like this? Then she remembered the television camera. Was he watching it all. The swine!

      Suddenly down came the whip across again - right across her tummy. Again she screamed behind her gag. Again she doubled up with the pain.  Seconds later it was Chantalle's turn again.

      Horrified Penelope heard Malaka speak to the boy eunuch.

      'One more!'

'Bellies up!' shouted the boy. 'Right up!'

      Again the dogwhip came down across each of their tummies.

      As they writhed in agony, both women were swearing to themselves that they would do anything, absolutely anything, that their boy overseer might order, rather than risk another stroke of his dogwhip across their tummies.

      'So now you know! You slaves! Me your overseer!' laughed Burka horribly. 'Now you do what I say. You broken-in, like wild horses? Well?'

      Both women nodded, terrified.

      'So, when I take off gags, you each call me, Sir? Well?

      Again both women nodded, their eyes on his still raised whip.

      He pointed at Chantalle with his whip. She cowered back in alarm.

      'You now just Number Seven. You understand? Here in harem you just Number Seven.'

      Terrified and yet appalled, Chantalle again nodded.

      Then he pointed at Penelope.

      'And you just Number Fourteen. Yes, just Number Fourteen.'

      Penelope did not think she had ever been so humiliated - or so frightened. And by a mere boy!

      Burka untied Chantalle's gag.

      'What your name?' he shouted.

      There was a brief pause. Burka raised his whip to bring it down again across her still exposed belly.

      'Number Seven! Mister Burka, Sir,' she screamed in English with her strong French accent. 'Number Seven, Sir!'

      Burka now unfastened Penelope's gag. He wrists were still tied to the head  of the bed.

      'And what you name, little girl?' this time, he asked mockingly.

      Momentarily enraged at being addressed like that by this boy, for a brief moment Penelope was about to scream out a protest; to demand her freedom;  to say that she was not merely Number Fourteen, but Miss Penelope Lyndsey-Baker, the daughter of the late Colonel Lyndsey-Baker of the British Army; that she  demanded to see the British Ambassador immediately; to curse Pierre as a treacherous swine and the Prince as an even greater one, that ...

      She opened her mouth. The words were about to pour out.

      Then, at the sight of Burka's raised whip she fell silent.

      'Well, English woman, what your name now?'

      'Number Fourteen, Mr Burka, Sir. Number Fourteen, Sir,' she sobbed.

       Yes, she realised, she had now been well and truly broken-in: broken in like a wild  horse; broken in by fear of a little boy's whip; broken in, apparently, for the Prince's use. Oh what a fool she had been, falling into Pierre's trap. And now no one, but no one knew she was in the Prince's harem!


'Good!' said Burka exchanging a look of victory with Malaka. 'Now time you join my other ladies! They also frightened of my whip. They also call me, Sir! They also know not talk without permission.'

      Again, he paused to let his words sink in.

      His other ladies? What other ladies, both women were thinking. The rest of the Blue Team?

      'Now when I untie hands, you clasp them behind neck - and you keep them there - or you feel whip, again.'

      Moments later the two women felt the chains on their wrists being unfastened. Their hands were now completely free. Oh the relief! But both women were too scared to even think of doing anything else but obey this awful little boy. Hastily, as they

still lay on their backs, they clasped their hands dutifully behind their necks.

      The boy overseer now bent over them again and fastened a lead onto the chain linking their collars. Then tucking his dogwhip back into his sash, he pulled out his long whip again. Penelope did not know which she found more frightening.

      'Now, you listen carefully. I not repeat. When I crack whip you both jump out of bed  and kneel down. You both crawl on all fours, side by  side, facing away from me. You not look round. You understand?'

      The whip cracked. With a little tinkling noise from the bells now hanging from their nipples, the two naked women jumped up from the bed and knelt down side by side on all fours. They felt the whip menacingly caress their naked bottoms. They did not dare to look round.

      'You keep shoulders up!' shouted Burka. 'You not let bells touch floor, or you get whip. I want hear bells tinkle - like cow bells.'

      Ashamed, Penelope could feel her breasts hanging down below her. But she could also now feel the extra weight of the rings and bells hanging from her nipples. As both women knelt there trembling, she could hear the bells responding to her quivering breasts.

      'Now,' came the boys voice from behind them, 'when whip crack again, you crawl forward.'

      There was a long pause. The boy was clearly, and very effectively, establishing his authority over the two women.

      Suddenly they heard the whip crack behind them.

      Immediately, like a pair of eager greyhounds on a leash the two women started to crawl forward. Again there came a little tinkling noise from their nipple bells.

      Penelope noticed what seemed to be a miniature internal television camera half hidden in the corner of the room. She saw that Chantalle had noticed it too. It seemed to be under someone's remote control for it followed them as they crawled forward. It was very embarrassing being watched by a television camera when you are crawling stark naked on your hands and knees.

      Who, Penelope wondered, was controlling it and watching them. The Prince himself? Had he been watching them as they had been disciplined and ringed? My God!

      Just then Penelope felt her collar being jerked back by their boy overseer, standing behind them. Then, with a flick of his whip, he drove them forward again, this time through the curtained doorway into the other room, the room from which they had heard girlish voices and a splashing noise.







Still crawling on all fours, both girls' heads brushed the separating curtain aside. They both then gasped.

      In front of them was a large tiled room in the center of which was a huge communal bath.

      But what had made the two girls gasp was the sight of nearly ten stark naked and beautiful women standing up in the bath, facing them. Some were clearly Arab or Asian, but, equally clearly, two were white European women.

       All, had a flexible shiny metal collar fastened round their necks, just their own ones. On the side of each collar was also engraved the Prince's crest and some Arabic numerals. A blue ribbon was fastened to one side of the collars - again, just like on Penelope and Chantalle's collars.

      The women's eyes were fixed on the wall in front of them. Their hands were dutifully clasped behind their collared necks, just as Chantalle and Penelope had to clasp theirs. And hanging from their nipples were large golden rings, just like own ones, with a bell hanging from each ring.

      But this was not all, for these  women's legs were parted and their knees bent. Penelope saw that their mounds and beauty lips were as smooth and hairless as her own. And jutting out between the lips was another golden ring - again just like herself.

      But even this was not all, for neatly and prominently branded on their naked bellies was the same green crest of two scimitars, surrounded by a vivid black circle, that Penelope had seen on the tail of the Prince's aircraft - and embroidered on the right breast of her and Chantalle's nightdresses.

      But even this was not all for above each woman's navel was another brand: a small black ring, and inside this were also branded one or two Arabic numerals - this time in bright blue - the colour of Burka's team. It was just like the mark tattooed on the back of her left hand!

      Horrified, Penelope wondered if she and Chantalle were going to be similarly branded. Oh how awful! She could not also help wondering how the three different colours of the brands had been achieved.

      But more to the point was how could she ever go back to Charles if the Prince had had his crest marked so prominently and permanently on her body? Indeed how could she ever even go back to England with such a mark, she thought with a shiver?

      Perhaps that was the whole idea. Perhaps all these women had husbands, boy friends and families to whom they now knew they could never return, now that they permanently bore the crest of the Prince. Again she shivered.

      Then Penelope's eye was caught by the two blond European women standing at the end of the line. They were chained together by the neck, just like herself and Chantalle!

      But their tummies! They were both prettily curved. Clearly they were both approaching the final stages of an apparently identical motherhood,

      They were strikingly alike and very beautiful. One seemed almost to be a vivacious looking teenager and the other, perhaps more resigned to her fate, seemed to be in her thirties. They were tied together by the neck, with a six foot chain, just  like herself and Chantalle.

      Penelope gasped again, for below their swollen bellies, a chain mail belt was fastened round their hips and down between their legs, completely covering their beauty lips.

      Were they, too, a Matched Pair? Like herself and Chantalle? She gave a little shiver of fear as she remembered, once again, what Malaka had said in Tangier about a Matched Pair and how he had added something about how the Master would be pleased when both bellies started to swell nicely together. She had not then understood what he had meant. But now ... My God!


Standing facing the line of women was another black boy, dressed like Burka, but with a green stripe in his turban instead of a blue one. He too was carrying a whip. He seemed even smaller than Burka. Could he be a pygmy boy, Penelope wondered.

      The little creature nodded to Burka and left the room, as if he had been simply keeping an eye on his colleague's women whilst Burka was dealing with Penelope and Chantalle.

      Penelope noticed that some of the girls were glancing down at her and Chantalle out of the corner of their eyes. They seemed to be smiling welcomingly. But none dared to say a word.

      She saw that several of the girls were also apparently flashing their eyes warningly towards a corner of the room. She saw another tiny television camera there swing from pointing at the bath to pointing directly at her and Chantalle. She saw the lens zoom out for a closer look. She could feel herself blushing.

      Burka pointed at the line of women with his whip and then at the large bath.  He gave an order in Arabic and then repeated it in English.

      'Down!' he said, cracking his whip.

      Instantly the line of women all sat down in the bath, their hands still gripped behind their necks, as if it was forbidden to put their hands down into the bath. Then they kept quite still and silent.

      Then the boy turned to Penelope and Chantalle.

      'You two! When I crack whip you both get into bath.'

      There was a long pause. Then suddenly the whip cracked.

      The two young women, still loosely chained  together by the neck, scuttled across the floor on their hands and knees to the bath.

      'Sit next to girls with big bellies!' the boy cried out.

      'But you don't understand ... ' began Chantalle, very daringly.

      'Yes, we are guests of the Prince ...' Penelope continued.

      'Silence!' screamed the boy, cracking his whip. 'Sit!' he ordered. 'Remember, you now just slaves in His Highness's harem - members of Blue Team. You obey me! You keep silence in bathroom - like my other girls,'

       Watched by the camera, both girls blushed and hesitantly climbed into the large bath. They sat down next to the similarly chained pregnant couple of women. The water was quite warm and came up to their chins. 

      Then the boy went across the room, unlocked a little cupboard and took something out. What was it, Penelope wondered, that had to be kept away  from the hands of the girls in the Blue Team. She saw that he was now carrying a large bar of soap. Soap? Why keep soap locked up?

      Suddenly she remembered how, at school she had found slippery soap to be very exciting in the bath. My God, she thought, these grown up women were being treated by this young boy like naughty schoolgirls!

      The boy now brought up a little stool and put it down by the side of the bath. He tucked his whip again into his sash and sat down on the stool. Then he pointed to one of the women and beckoned her forward.

      Penelope saw a very pretty girl, perhaps Siamese or Malayan, climb out of the bath and stand in front of the boy, with her hands again  clasped behind her neck. She parted her legs and bent her knees. The ring between her legs hung down prettily drawing her swollen clitoris forward.

      Then the boy began to soap the girl all over, kneading the lather into the girl's skin. He parted her beauty lips and rubbed the lather up inside her, before making her turn round and present her rear orifice to be cleaned as well. The girl kept her eyes on the wall but Penelope could see she was biting her lips as the boy washed her inside from behind with his finger.

      How awful, Penelope was thinking, for this to be done by a little black boy.

      She noticed the blue coloured Arabic numerals branded on her belly and recognised the figures 19.

       A moment later, the boy snapped his fingers. The Siamese girl resumed her place in the bath and allowed the water to slowly rinse the soap off her. She still did not dare to lower her hands from behind her neck.

      A beautiful Arab-looking woman  took her place. The number branded on her belly was 34. If this woman was number 34 and she herself was only number 14, and Chantalle only number 7, then there must have been a previous number 14 and a previous number 7. What had happened to them, she wondered anxiously.


Soon it was the turn of two European women who were chained together.

      As, chained together, they both stepped out of the  bath to be washed, Penelope saw that the seemed to be a strong family resemblance between them. My God, she thought, surely they could not be a mother and daughter! She saw that that their brand numbers were the same: 20. But each was followed by a different Arabic letter. My God!

      Might the dreadful Prince get a kick out of having a mother and daughter in his harem? But why were they pregnant? Surely not by the Prince? Might it just amuse him to have a mother and daughter mated? By the same sire? How awful!

      Were they a sort of Matched Pair - like Chantalle and herself? Were they, too, destined for the same fate? My God!

      She saw that both women had red lines on their bottoms. Weals! They had been whipped! These heavily pregnant women had been whipped on the bottom, just as, earlier on, she herself and Chantalle had been whipped on the belly - and presumably also by this awful young boy. How awful!

      She wondered what the two woman could have done to have earned a beating. She remembered how sensitive the boy was to being  treated with respect and called Sir. Had they perhaps forgotten?

      She saw the boy check that the chain mail belts fitted tightly over their beauty lips. Were they to prevent them from trying to get rid of the little creatures growing inside them? Goodness how cruel! How awful she thought to be made to carry an evidently unwanted child!.

      Then the boy ordered them to turn round and bend over. To her surprise she saw that a white rubber cord went up between the cheeks of each of their buttocks. One end was fastened to the end of the chain mail pouch between each of their legs and the other to padlocks in the small of their backs to which was attached the chains, round their hips, that held the chain mail pouch in place.

      Evidently, Penelope thought, they could always spend a penny through the chain mail links, but what about more solid wastes?

      'Present backsides!' she heard the boy order.

      Then she saw the two women stretch and pull the white rubber cords away from their rear orifices. How shame-making for them, she thought. The cords were, she saw, spotlessly clean. Did the two women have to strain to hold the cord to one side when they relieved themselves?

      Horrified, she saw that the boy was now washing up inside them as feeling the tightness.

      Apparently satisfied he ordered both women into the large bath. As they struggled, with their swollen tummies, to sit down, the younger of the  women, greatly daring, whispered to Penelope in a Dutch accent: 'Welcome to the harem! I'm Dolly and that's my mother, Martha. But you mustn't use our names,'

      So, they are a mother and daughter, thought Penelope. How quite dreadful. She was about to whisper back her own name when she saw that Burka was looking at her. She kept silent.


Then it was the turn of a dark eyed girl who looked almost European. Penelope saw that she had stretch marks on her tummy. Had she, too, recently been pregnant - like the mother and daughter? How awful!

      Penelope noticed that the girl's breasts seemed unusually large and swollen with several prominent blue veins showing. Goodness, she thought, was she in milk?  Had she been pregnant and then kept in milk? But why? For the  Prince? Oh no!

      Then she saw that the number branded in blue on the girl's belly was 11. But she was too young to be the first Number 11. What had happened to this girl's predecessor, too?

      But what really caught her eye was the sight of two red stars, branded next to the number 11. Was there a connection between this girl's stretch marks and her red stars?

      Might it, she wondered, indicate that the girl had successfully completed two pregnancies for the Prince in this terrible place. Would the tummies of the mother and daughter also later be similarly marked? How awful! Would, one day, her own tummy be so marked?

      She must, she told herself, get away from this harem. She must escape and publicly denounce it and the Prince - and Pierre. And rescue Martha and Dolly, and the other women. But how? How? Surely there must be a way?

       Then the sight of the chain linking her collar to Chantalle, of the little watching television camera, of the bars on the opaque window, and of the numbers tattooed on the back her hand, all made her made her remember Malaka's words: 'So, you no escape - never!'

      They were to be words that would soon be engraved on her heart.


Soon it was the turn of herself and Chantalle to step out of the bath and submit to being washed all over by their little black overseer.

      Oh, the embarrassment as the rings through her clitoris and nipples were carefully inspected, and as the boy carefully felt up inside her - first from the front and then from the rear.

      And to make it worse, all the time the little television camera was trained straight at her throughout!







Young Burka looked proudly at his team, now sitting silently in the bath again.

      The arrival of Numbers 7 and 14 had brought his team up to full strength again - indeed over strength in terms of Christian women, but of these was Lebanese. He went over his team again. He had two Arab belly dancers, two slender little Siamese dancing girls, a rather voluptuous Indian girl and a rather whiter skinned Moslem Pakistani girl, the Lebanese Christian girl, and, of course now two European Matched Pairs - and very beautiful!

      Of course, acquiring these too very expensive and valuable Matched Pairs for his team had meant his budget being specially topped up with a loan from the Master. But he would still have to pay interest on the loan.  Could he ever pay it back?

      Clearly, there would now be no further new acquisitions of white women for the Blue Team for a long time! But, he felt, this new pair would prove top be as fine an investment as the prize winning first pair.

      Just then the short squat figure of Malaka came into the team bathroom. At the sight of his silver tipped cane, several of the women, sitting quietly in the large bath, caught their breath. It reminded them horribly of the rattan cane that hung in the main harem room on the front of the podium.

      He looked at the women  sitting silently in the large bath and in particular at Penelope and Chantalle.

      'New women behaving properly?' he asked in Swahili, the lingua franca of the African villages from where the black eunuchs all came. It was the language the black eunuchs used amongst themselves, for not even the Arab girls could understand it properly, never mind the European ones.

      'Yes,' answered Burka cheerfully.

Indeed, he thought, they should soon be earning him extra tips  from the Prince. How the Prince would love it when, terrified of being punished by their young overseer's whip, this beautiful pair would humbly serve him, in his bed - and in his private Turkish style toilet and bath, and in carrying him in his palanquin - or licking him in it.

'I've made a date with the blacksmith from the stables to come and brand them both shortly,' said Malaka grimly. 'He's also got to put a Red Star onto one of the Yellow Team.'

      'Thank you,' replied Burka with a smile. The sooner they were branded, he less trouble they would be,

      'It'll be the usual full harem parade,' went Malaka, 'with His Highness present. I expect the two new women will be screaming their heads off. But you'd better make sure they've been properly washed out - we don't want them disgracing themselves in front of His Highness when they feel the branding iron. It'll be a good excuse to start House Training them!'

      'Good!' replied the boy. Humiliatingly controlling his Team's wastes was  an essential part of keeping them well disciplined. So, the sooner he started on these two new women, the better.

      'His Highness is likely to want to use these two for his pleasure as soon as they've been branded,' went on Malaka. 'And you know what means - for a Christian girl!'

      'Don't worry,' replied Burka, 'I've already started to stretch them.'

      'Good,' said Malaka. 'But after that he'll expect  them to be well trained. Remember that he also likes to degrade a pretty white woman by having her lick his backside.

      'Of course,' laughed Burka.

      'Like all our white women here, they're going to be horribly shocked at first - and you must be ready to use your whip to get them to comply with their Master's orders.'

      'They'll be keen, I promise you that,' laughed the boy, running the leash of his whip through his fingers.

      'Well, don't forget it won't only be in his bed or in the palanquin. They would also have to serve him in his Turkish toilet. That's something these white women really tend to revolt over.'

      'All the more excuse for using my whip,' laughed Burka. 'Oh don't worry, I won't forget.'

       What an old fusspot Malaka was, he was thinking. The Master would probably enjoy breaking in these women himself. Despite being so gross, he still sometimes liked to take a more active role.

      He thought of the various Blue Team techniques he had taught his reluctant girls to do and which had earned him substantial amounts in extra tips from the delighted Master. He remembered how he had trained Number 20A and 20 B, the Dutch mother and daughter, to give the Master great satisfaction in these ways, even when their bellies were showing well.

      The feel of the daughter's little tongue as he drove into the mother, or vice-versa, had never failed to arouse the Prince to the very heights of ecstasy - and to reward their overseer accordingly.

      It had been hard work using his whip to make the shocked and embarrassed white women eager to comply, and undoubtedly the same would apply to these two new white women ... But the rewards would make it all worth while ...


Malaka's voice woke him out of his reverie.

      'And,' Malaka was saying, 'don't forget that I shall soon expect them to be trained also to put on a proper performance together for the Prince's amusement - or, suitably masked, for his guests as well. They'll enjoy watching two well educated European women grovelling naked on a rug at their feet, with their collar chains held by you in one hand, while with the other you use your whip to drive them onto kissing and licking each other all over.'

      'And pulling them back if they look like climaxing!' laughed Burka.

      'Of course, ' said Malaka grimly. He was thinking back to young Mizzi being found masturbating and what had happened to her.

      'And,' he added, 'you'll have to be constantly be on your  guard here in the frustrating and sensuous atmosphere of the harem that they don't secretly try to repeat in private what they're made to do in front of His Highness.'

      He paused for a moment.

      'They'll definitely try to do it,' he addled, 'and so you'll have to watch them like a hawk. His Highness will be relying on you to stop any misbehaviour. You'll have to warn them that, if they were ever caught, then the punishment would be circumcision - as  well as a severe thrashing.'

      Burka nodded. Making women play frustrating lesbian games with each other for the amusement of the Prince or his guests, always increased the risk of forbidden lesbian activity in the harem - something that he and his fellow black eunuchs regarded with horror -  akin to adultery.

      'And,' the chief black eunuch again added, 'don't forget to teach them, above all, that they will not automatically be allowed to climax themselves, merely because their Master has used them to achieve a climax for himself. It's something that European concubines have to learn the hard way - with a good thrashing - if they ever try to come without the Master's express permission.'

      Again Burka nodded.

      Yes, he was thinking, their reward would normally just be the much coveted Silver Ribbon that a girl was allowed to tie to her collar as a sign that the Master had recently honoured her Team by climaxing in her mouth, in her hand or in her body. It was a sign that had to be removed as soon as two other girls could claim the same honour - for only two girls were allowed to wear the ribbon at a time.

      Of course, if the Master, in an uncharacteristic fit of indulgence, did allow a girl to climax in his presence. then she was allowed to preen around the harem with the Golden Ribbon tied to her collar. Not only did this again honour her team, but it also gave her the status of Reigning Favourite, giving her immunity to being whipped or caned, except for very serious offences.

      The Reigning Favourite could also order another woman to be given up to three strokes of the whip for impertinence - the same as a junior black eunuch.

      The other women in her Team would be proud her elevation to Reigning Favourite. But, being themselves still frustrated and longing for sexual relief, they would also be secretly jealous of her. What else was there to think about in the harem? But at least she would be unlikely to order a woman from her own Team to be whipped.

      The women in the other Teams, of course, could have no such confidence. In their case, jealousy would also be mixed with fear. How they would hate seeing a girl from another Team wearing the Golden Ribbon and lording it over them in the harem.

      But the reign of the Favourite was only temporary. It lasted only until the Master allowed another woman to climax in his bed. Then, the following morning a tearful ex-Favourite had to hand over the Golden Ribbon to her successor - fearful lest the new Favourite might immediately seek her revenge for any slights or whippings, by ordering her to be now whipped on the spot.

      Indeed, the beating of a hated dethroned Reigning Favourite had become normal - much to the delight of the Prince secretly watching the hand-over ceremony on his large monitoring screen. However, fear of being beaten at the end of her reign did serve to limit the number of punishments that a Reigning Favourite might order during her brief period in power.


Malaka pointed to the locked cupboard.

      'Show me,' he said, 'the two books you're starting for these new women.'

      Burka unlocked the cupboard. On the inside of the door were pinned the graphs showing the current twice daily temperatures of all the women in the Blue Team, together with the record of the passing of their wastes and of the regular enemas and douches that the Team Overseer had given to each girl.

      The graphs also showed the progress of the women's current monthly cycle and whether the were all in step. If not it was Burka's responsibility to give the laggard the right pills to ensure she came into season right on the date stipulated for the Blue Team by Malaka.

      The women were not, of course, allowed to see these - or any other information about their bodies and what was happening to them.

      On a shelf was a row of books - the secret medical and intimate records of all the women in the Blue Team. Two new-looking books were marked 7 and 14, and these Burka handed to Malaka.

      There was space in each book for filing graphs of monthly cycles and passing of wastes. Other pages were for recording offences and punishments. There were also spaces for photographs of her clitoris and nipples rings and of her future brands.

      Each book also recorded the dates on which she won the coveted Silver or Golden Ribbons - so that the exact number of times she had been allowed to climax since entering the harem was instantly available. This was a useful way for Malaka to prove to the Prince that he was being unduly kind to a particular woman.

      But, perhaps, even more importantly, there was special sections for recording when a girl was selected for forced fertilisation, by what method, and with what semen. It would also show the dates when her contraception pills were stopped and her course of high fertility pills was started.

      Other pages would show the date on which artificial fertilisation or real mating was carried out; whether Malaka's scan showed that conception had been achieved, if so whether it was multiple; her progress during her enforced pregnancy; when she was first told, or realised, what was happening to her; her anticipated date of delivery; whether any artificial delays were to be imposed; and finally the number and weight of her progeny and the date of her being additionally branded with a Red Star.

Malaka handed back the two still blank books for Number 7 and 14, and asked instead for those of Blue 20A and 20B, the Dutch mother and daughter.


As Malaka was checking these and deciding whether  to recommend delaying their Day of Deliverance, Burka was looking at the identically swollen bellies of the mother and daughter,

       He laughed to himself as he thought how he had won with them at the last six monthly competitive Parade of Christian Brood Mares in Foal, often simply called the Belly Competition.

      Here each Team Overseer would bring and display his best white belly. Only if he had a matched pair was he allowed to show two. And he had had the only Christian matched pair in the harem - and now had another!

      No wonder the other Team Overseers were so jealous, for the prize money was considerable. Competition between the Team Overseers was intense. But it was the Prince who awarded the prize to the overseer showing the human Brood Mare he judged to have the prettiest and most arousing belly.

      Some of the bellies each Team Overseers chose to display would only be showing a mere hint of pregnancy. Others would be showing well.

      He smiled as he remembered the routine: each Team Overseer in turn would lead in his entry for the competition, with the naked woman crawling past the Prince's chair. Then the women would be led back past him, this time prancing to show off their bellies. Next, they would be made to keel on a row of cushions in front of the Prince and each overseer, in turn, would order his entry to kneel up to show off her belly, and swelling breasts - with her hands clasped behind her neck to tighten the muscles.

      Finally Arab music would fill the room and the row of women would have to stand up on their cushions and belly dance, their swollen bellies cavorting in time to the sensuous music.

      Not until then would the Master announce the winner - the one he had found the most arousing.

      Burka had won the last competition a few months ago with his mother and daughter. But it was not  merely the similarly swelling bellies that had aroused the Prince, for they had been the first European matched pair in the harem - and what a mind blowing pair they were. A real live mother and daughter!

      Not surprisingly when they first arrived in the harem, he just could not wait for them to be mated, and then for their bellies to start showing, so that he could enter them in the next Belly Competitions.


Again Burka thought back to the last annual competition, only a month ago.

      Competition had been as fierce as ever.

      Rafta, the 18 year old overseer of the Red Team, had  been sure of winning with his beautiful dark eyed, blond, Spanish, former school teacher. The thought of  how  different her former life had been to her present fate as one of the Prince's brood mares had certainly been mentally arousing. Equally, physically arousing had been her voluptuous figure and her artificially enlarged, but still firm, breasts over her prettily and now very distended brand marks.

       There were rumours that he had persuaded Nadu and Malaka to allow him to have her foaling delayed so that he could enter her, knowing that her now hugely curved belly would certainly catch the Prince's eye.

      Another strong competitor had been Yoka, the overseer of the Yellow Team and his great rival, with his very tall Polish girl. With her shaved, shiny head and big brass nose ring, the sign of the Yellow Team, above her swollen belly, she too made a strangely erotic sight.

      Gorka, the young little pygmy overseer of the Green Team, had entered a lovely Italian girl with a beautifully curved belly.

      However, even all this strong competition had been swept aside at the first appearance in a Belly Competition of young Burka's mother and daughter. Nothing, the Prince had clearly felt, could beat the sheer mental excitement of forcing a mother and daughter into carrying the unwanted child of the same stud!

       How he had laughed when he saw the delightful way the girl had nervously held her mother's hand as she felt her progeny kicking inside her!

      To the anger of his rival Team Overseers, not only had Burka won the competition but had even been awarded a specially large extra prize, by the delighted Prince. More money!


But what would happen, Burka worried, after the mother and daughter had safely delivered their progeny and he had no white woman in his team in-foal? 

      The mother and daughter were due to foal just about at the time of the next competition. If Malaka and Nadu would agree to impose a delay, then surely the sight of their bellies would gain sweep aside the opposition.

      Then, of course, he would enter the other and daughter in the inter-team milking competition. Indeed, he had high hopes of the mother and daughter for these competitions for the milkmaid giving most milk. Although they did not know each was carrying twin giant Dinkas and nature would ensure that their milk glands grew to feed them.

       But could he trust his rival Team Overseers not to cheat by keeping a girl un-milked for a whole day before entering her in the competition?

      But what about the Belly Competition?

      He glanced at the flat bellies of 7 and 14.

      The Prince was clearly delighted with having acquired them - an unusual matched pair made up of an Englishwoman and a Frenchwoman. Doubtless, he would find the sight of their nicely swollen bellies equally erotic.

      But how long, he wondered, would the Prince want to keep their bellies flat before authorising their insemination or mating?

      'If you like,' said Malaka, as if guessing his young colleague's concerns, 'in order to get things moving, I'll suggest to the Prince that instead of having them secretly artificially fertilised, which had been his plan, he should make  the mating of this unusual couple form the highlight of a banquet for some of his friends.'

      'Oh, what a good idea,' agreed Burka. 'And instead of the usual Black Guards, how about using a couple of those visiting muscular Turkish wrestlers - after, with their bodies glistening with oil,  they had fought each other in a display of wrestling.'

      'Yes, indeed,' agreed Malaka. This young boy was coming up with some good ideas.

      'Or perhaps we could borrow two pygmy stallions from the breeding pens of his friend the Caid? I hear that they have proved to be highly fertile and the Caid might well be delighted to cross them with white women.'

      Both black eunuchs laughed cruelly.


Malaka held up a bottle of pills.

      'It's important.' he said, 'that you use these pills immediately to delay the two new women coming into season. The emotional shock of finding themselves in a harem often brings it on early. It's important that they come into season with the rest of your Blue Team in three weeks time.'

      Burka laughed. How shocked these two white women would be as they gradually discovered the full extent to which they were controlled by the Prince's black eunuchs.

      And,' went on Malaka, 'of course, you must put them on the standard harem course of contraceptive pills to prevent them from conceiving by mistake when the Prince takes them - something which I think will be happening before very long!'

      Burka laughed. Yes, he was looking forward, with Rosebud, to holding them down, still untrained, to be taken by the Prince. Their training as expert concubines could come later. The Prince always enjoyed taking a new girl, or matched pair, by force, the first time.

      Should he muzzle them, he wondered, for this first time? Which would the Prince find more arousing - their screams of protest or the sight of their muzzles? Perhaps he should have them muzzled initially and then whisperingly suggest that their muzzle be unfastened to allow their cries to be heard ...

      'And be ready,' Malaka was now saying,' to switch, without the girls realising what's happening, from the contraceptive pills to a course of the high power fertility ones. Don't forget that when the Prince decides to breed from them, he'll expect a multiple conception whether he's using the seed of his Black Guards, or your Turkish wrestlers or pygmies..

      Burka nodded. He remembered with a shiver the Prince's anger when one of the girls of his colleague, Rafta, in charge of the Red Team, had inadvertently only conceived a single child.

      'It's also time you started House Training these two new girls,' said Malaka, 'just as you would two new puppies. There's nothing so good for imposing discipline on these white women, who think they're so superior to us blacks, as controlling their natural functions! And remember we don't want any unpleasantness at the branding ceremony!

      Burka nodded and took out a little box of suppositories from the locked cupboard.

      Malaka pointed to the little television camera in the corner of the room. 'His Highness will be watching this!'












Penelope was longing to speak to the other silent girls in the bath, her companions it seemed in the Blue Team. But like them the sight of Malaka cane, as well as now of Burka's dogwhip, kept her silent.

      Suddenly the boy black eunuch clapped his hands. The women all stood up and, keeping their hands clasped behind their neck, got out of the huge bath. Quickly they lined up in front of a row of identical brass bowls. Each bowl had a red line half way up on the inside, and was filled with scented rose-water up this line.

      'And you, two!' ordered the boy angrily and cracking his whip. 'Line up at the end!'

      Hastily Penelope and Chantalle joined the others. Penelope saw that the bowels were all numbered and the one in front of her was marked "14" - her harem number!

      The boy cracked and whip and gave an order in Arabic, repeating it in English.

      'Present buttocks'

      Penelope and Chantalle did not, at first, know just what to do. But they soon did as the boy, standing right behind them with his whip raised, barked out a series of humiliating orders.

      'Legs apart! ... Knees bend! ... Bend over! ... Tighter! ... Head up!'

      Penelope blushed as she followed the other women into bending over tightly, straining her neck back to keep her head up. But worse was to follow.

      'Raise buttocks! ... Look straight ahead! ... Now hold buttocks open with both hands! ... Wider apart! ... Wider!

      Oh. the shame! Penelope saw that Malaka was watching them, his cane still in his hand.

      Scared, Penelope found herself bending over like the rest of the women, looking straight ahead and with her hands holding the cheeks of her buttocks wide apart.

      She found herself swaying. She bent her knees more to keep her balance. Oh the humiliation of being made to take up this degrading position by a mere boy!

      Out of the corner of her eye she saw that the television camera was being remotely controlled to train slowly up and down the line of women. Oh how awful!

       She heard the black eunuch boy come behind them. He began to come slowly down the line behind her, doing something to each woman.

      Suddenly she felt his hands on her bottom. She felt her rear passage being greased. Oh no!

      'Hold cheeks apart!' came a warning. It was accompanied by a sharp warning tap of the dogwhip on her bottom

      Then she felt something being pushed up inside her, like a suppository - and by a boy! Oh the shame!

      She longed to look round to see what was being done to her, but seeing that the other women were keeping their eyes fixed on he wall in front of them, did not dare to do so.

      She heard the boy move onto Chantalle. She heard her gasp as the suppository was pushed up her too.

      'Up!' ordered the boy, coming round to the front of the line.

      The women jumped up and stood at silently at Attention, still looking straight ahead, and now again clasping their hands behind their necks. Clearly, thought Penelope, this was all a well practised routine. But what was it all about?

      But there was yet more to this routine, for while the suppositories were quietly doing their work, the boy now came down the line of women again, another box of pills in his hand - this time, although the women did not know it, they were contraceptive ones. As he passed each woman, she had to bend down and open her mouth so that the boy could reach up and pop in one of the pills. Then he stroked the woman's throat to make sure that she swallowed the pill.

      What, Penelope wondered anxiously, was this pill for? She longed to ask, to protest at being made to swallow a pill without knowing what it was. But, like her companions, she was too scared to do so. Having her throat stroked by the boy, to make sure that she, too, swallowed it, made her feel like an animal being dosed.

      Was it a contraceptive pill? Did the awful young boy keep all the women on the pill, she wondered.


There was now a long pause.

       The women remained silent as the boy now walked up and down behind them, watching with experienced eyes the alternating twitching of the women's buttocks and bellies. Occasionally he paused to reach round and feel a naked belly with an expert hand. He was determined to show Malaka that he kept his team sufficiently well disciplined to all perform together - even the two new arrivals.

      Penelope could now feel the suppository melting inside her. Slowly at  first and then more and more urgently she felt the need  to relieve herself. My God! She had been dosed! Either the pill or the suppository must have been a dose - and a strong dose at that!

      Out of the corner of her eye she glanced anxiously around the room. There was no sign of a WC -  just those small numbered bowls. Oh no!

      As her bowels began to ache, she bit her lips. She was aware of the boy watching her from behind as she  clenched her buttocks tight to prevent disgracing herself. There were little groans from the other women. They too were biting their lips and clenching their buttocks and looking down anxiously at the line  of bowls.

      Finally came the order that evidently they were all eagerly awaiting.

      'Blue Team! Prepare to perform together!'

      Immediately each woman stepped forward, placed her ankles on either side of her bowl and, still looking straight ahead with her hands clasped dutifully behind her neck, lowered herself so that her bottom was about a foot above her bowl.

      Penelope saw that one or two of the women were discreetly using their ankles to move their bowls into exactly the right place, whilst taking care that the rose-water, in the half filled bowl, did not slop over the edge of the bowl. Blushing, Penelope did the same.

      She was now desperately clenching her buttocks and awaiting the next humiliating order. And to watched by  the boy and by the chief black eunuch as well! Oh the shame!

      'Down!' ordered the boy. Then he added warningly: 'And wait for the order!'

      Penelope saw that the women were now balancing themselves awkwardly, six inches above their bowls. She followed suit. Oh! Oh! It was almost impossible to hold back for another second! But she saw the boy was running the leash of his whip slowly  through his fingers and she did not dare to let go.

      At last the boy seemed satisfied that all the women were ready. He sprayed a scent of sweet smelling roses into the room. 

      'Perform!' he ordered.

      Oh the relief! Penelope scarcely noticed how the boy was gesturing to Malaka with the palms of his hands uppermost, as if proudly showing off his team's perfect performance.


'Stand up! Present buttocks!'

      This time Penelope and Chantalle knew what to do and now dutifully bent over, holding the cheeks of their buttocks apart.

      The boy now again came down the line of women. But this time, with a sponge and bucket, cleaning them in the traditional Eastern way.

      'Present bowls!'

      Blushing in disbelief, Penelope and Chantalle followed the other women in picking up their bowls and, standing at attention again with their eyes fixed straight ahead, they held out their bowls for the boy's inspection.

      Appalled, Penelope[e saw out of the corner of her eye that he was now holding a clipboard. Each woman had to call out her number, as still looking straight ahead and hold her scented bowl level with her breasts, whilst the boy examined each woman's wastes. Then he wrote down his assessment of them on the sheet of paper on the clipboard bearing each woman's number.

       But this was not all, for each bowl was then weighed and again the result noted down on the sheets on clipboard.

      Burka was smiling as he came down the line of blushing women. Not only as this routine good for discipline, but it was also, as all the black eunuchs knew, the ideal way of keeping a constant check on he health of the women in their care.

      Then he ordered the women to wash out their bowls in the sluice and put them back in the line - again half full sweet smelling rose-water.


'Present buttocks!'

      Oh no! Not again! Now what?

      Penelope blushed again as she saw that the boy was yet again coming  down the line, this time  thrusting a thermometer up each woman. Appalled, she saw that he was noting the results down on a graph for each woman. Was this dreadful young boy keeping a record of each woman's monthly cycle?

      She saw him take the sheets of paper and the graphs from the his clipboard and attach them to the inside of the  cupboard door, discussing them in Swahili with an approving Malaka and writing further comments on the graphs.

      Just what, each woman was wondering as she stood in line at attention, were they writing and discussing. They would never know, for the cupboard door was now closed and locked. The state of the bodies of His Highness's concubines was the responsibility of the black eunuchs, not of the women themselves!

      It was wall a slow and drawn out morning harem routine - and one that was simultaneously being repeated in the bathrooms of the three other Teams. But then, there was no hurry in the daily life of the Prince's harem!


'Numbers 7 and 14. Present Buttocks!' came the order.

      Yet again Penelope and Chantalle humiliating presented their now cleaned out rear orifices to their young overseer. Oh the shame.

      'Head up! Look ahead!' Burka warned. 'Hold buttocks open!'

      Out of the corner of her eye, Penelope saw that the boy had something strange in his hand. It was short and stubby and made of carved ivory. It was rather in the shape of a manhood! The bottom end, however, had a strange and quite large indented ring round it. Mystified, Penelope innocently wondered what it was for.

      Then she again felt the boy greasing her orifice. Oh no!

      'Keep silent and quite still - or you get dogwhip!'

      Terrified, Penelope felt something solid and very much larger than a mere suppository being firmly pushed up inside her -- and being rotated. Was it the strange ivory plug?

      She gave a gasp of pain. She could feel her body stretching to accommodate it. It was smoothly going up further and further. Then it seemed to a stop of it's own accord. Desperately she tried to expel it, but in vain - the ivory plug's indented ring was now being gripped by her own sphincter muscles.

      The black boy now threaded a little chain through a ring at the end of the plug. One end went up tightly through her beauty lips and was in turn threaded through another little chain round her waist. The other end went up between her buttocks to the small of her paddock where it was joined with a tiny padlock to the ends of the chain round her waist.

      The plug was now firmly held in place.

      Then it was Chantalle's turn.







'Into to the dormitory to get dressed - Go!' ordered the boy eunuch, cracking his whip.

      Their nipple bells tinkling prettily, the Blue Team obediently ran out of the bathroom, with a bewildered Chantalle and Penelope, still chained together by the neck like the mother  and daughter, bringing up the rear.

       They were both running awkwardly because of the plugs in their rear orifices. How Penelope longed to pull it out, but when she surreptitiously put her hand down to try and do so, she found that the tight restraining chain it impossible.

      She and Chantalle, however,  were not the only girls running awkwardly. The other two European women were as well, partly because of their swollen bellies and partly because of their plugs, too.

      Penelope found herself in a small bare dormitory with a line of double bunk beds, each  with a thin rubber mattress and a simple neatly folded blanket. Would she and Chantalle share one of them, Penelope wondered, one above the other, with their long neck chain hanging down outside? Was that the other similarly chained matched pair slept?

      Facing them along one wall there was also a row of wooden dressing tables, like in the dressing room of the chorus girls in a theatre, with a fixed mirror, a row of little make-up pots and a hairbrush and comb.

      But as in the inspection room, the dormitory was dominated by another dramatic portrait of the stern Prince, the women's Master. But this time the specially lit up painting was different - very different!

      The corpulent Prince was depicted wearing just a loose robe that was parted in front to show, below his prominent belly, his jutting and erect manhood. But that was not all for in his hand was a rattan cane and grovelling on the knees at his feet were two women, one a blond European, the other an Arab. Fear showed on their faces - one looking up at their Master's manhood, and the other at his cane.

      Both Penelope and Chantalle gasped as the took in the portrait's symbolism. Here in the bare dormitory, girls lying  on their bunks would have nothing else to do but to look at it - and fantasise about their Master's manhood, about being one of the grovelling women and about their fear of the cane.

      There were no doors and no privacy - just two curved archways, partly covered by blue curtains that led into the bathroom and inspection room - and another which led into what seemed to be a much larger room.

      Once  again there were prettily shaped cast iron bars on the windows. Were they, Penelope wondered, to protected in the inmates of the harem or to prevent them from escaping?

      The line of women halted in front of a line of beautifully embroidered blue harem costumes, hanging from a line of numbered hooks. They stood there silently waiting for further orders. Evidently the women were not encouraged to think for themselves, or to take any action without the prior permission of their little overseer.

      Penelope saw that her costume was already prominently marked with the Arabic numerals 14 on the breast of the stiff open bolero and on the front of the right leg of the transparent silken harem leggings.  The same numerals were even displayed on the front of the pretty little blue embroidered cap and on the toes of her blue, up turned, Turkish slippers.

      'Leggings' came the order.

      Watched by their boy overseer the naked women quickly slipped into their identical silken blue harem leggings.  Shocked, Penelope saw that these, designed apparently by Burka, only started at the top of their thighs, leaving their bottoms and hairless beauty lips completely bare. Equally on display was her now elongated clitoris held aroused and projecting between her beauty lips by the golden ring prominently threaded through the swollen flesh.

      Each beautifully embroidered legging was split down the side and gather in with a ribbon above the knee and again at the ankle.

      Penelope blushed at the idea of wearing such revealing garment. She glanced at the other women as they slipped them on. Yes, they indeed made a highly erotic and shameful sight.

      'You, Number 14, put on leggings!'

       The boy's whip cracked ominously near to her buttocks. Hastily, she too slipped on the silken harem leggings. How sexy they were - leaving her tummy and bottom quite bare.

      'Paint yourselves!' came the next order

      Penelope saw that the women were brushing a special blue henna onto their mounds and onto the tips of their ringed clitorises to give them an attractive and eye-catching bluish tinge that matched their blue leggings .

      'And you two, also!' ordered the boy handing them a box of the blue power and a soft brush. Penelope glanced in the mirror as she obediently pained her smooth mound and her swollen clitoris. They certainly made an even more erotic sight, she decided - as did the golden ring glistening a little lower down.


      Obediently, she slipped the stiffened blue velvet bolero over her shoulders. It was  edged in gold braid. She saw that it did not meet in the front and indeed did not even cover her nipples from which the golden rings hung - supporting the embarrassing little bells.


      The other women were now painting a ring around their nipples with blue nail varnish that quickly hardened into a shiny blue aureole supporting the erotic looking golden ring. Blushing, she and Chantalle copied the other women.


      Each woman now fixed a little blue silken tassel to the ring through her clitoris. It hung excitingly down between her legs keeping her beauty bud visible and aroused.


      Like the other women, she now had to pass over her head an beautiful blue rope, exquisitely embroidered with pearls. It clipped onto the sides of the bolero pushing her breasts, excitingly, closer together. It then hung down in a loop to the tops of her leggings, cleverly framing her white little, pouting belly and the ring through her clitoris together with little hanging tassel - and in the case of the other women their pretty brands.

      Once again, the effect was highly erotic - especially for the embarrassed mother and daughter with their beautifully curved tummies, the strange chain mail belts between their legs, and the now erotically stretched brand marks.

      Then Burka ordered the women to brush each other's hair straight down their backs, over their shiny metals collars. Evidently the black eunuchs disapproved of modern hair styles - they liked to see their women looking like little girls with long straight hair reaching down to the small of their backs and ending in a big blue ribbon.

      It would be some time, of course, before the two new girls' hair reached down so far, but brushed straight down it still had to be.

      Then the little caps were perched prettily on the top of their heads and their feet slipped into the slippers.

      But now began the serious work of making up their eyes in the Eastern way that the Prince liked to see - even on a white woman. Their eyelids had to be painted blue and their eyes outlined with blue shade of kohl.

      Whilst all this was going on, Penelope had frequently found herself nervously glancing up at the erotic portrait of the terrifying looking Prince. She also saw that the other women of the Team also kept glancing up at it.

      It had a strange effect on her. He was her Master now, and she was merely one of his concubines - and one whom he had yet to chose for his pleasure. She saw that Burka smiled knowingly whenever he saw her look up the portrait.

      Suddenly a bell rang. The women hastily formed up in line again. They were now all similarly dressed and made up - like a line of chorus girls, thought Penelope.

      'Blue Team, into the harem, run!' ordered their boy overseer, emphasising his order with yet another crack of his whip.

      Immediately, the women turned to their right, and one behind the other began to run, in step, out of the dormitory and through an arch that led into the main room of the harem.

      Instead of clasping their hands behind their necks, Penelope saw, the women, even the heavily pregnant mother and daughter, were running a strange way. It reminded her of the way chorus girls in Hollywood films used to run; keeping their arms out straight, well away from their sides, with their fingers also straight and together and their shoulders back.

      They were also running on the tips of their toes and raising their knees high in the air.

      This all had the effect of making their breasts swing from side to side and hence accentuate the ringing of their nipple rings.

      It made a entrancing and childlike scene, Penelope decided, as encouraged by a crack of the boy's whip just off their backsides, she and Chantalle tried to copy them. How difficult it was with that awful plug up her rear orifice. It was, she would learn, the Blue Team's own way of running - their own way of catching the eye, and the ear, of the Prince. 

      The women were running towards a pretty fountain playing in the center of the room, which was overlooked by a podium, like the pulpit in a church.

Penelope saw four low tables on each of which were tangerines, bowls of white yoghurt and some fresh dates - the simple and cheap diet, Penelope was to learn, on which the black eunuchs kept the women in their charge. Surrounding each table were several, similarly coloured, large leather cushions. Theirs were blue, and the others green, red and yellow.

      'Stop!' the boy ordered.

      Still keeping their arms outstretched, and the knees raised high in the air, the women began to run on the spot, their breasts still swaying and their nipple bells tinkling.

      'Halt! One ... two!'

      The women raised their knees twice more and then stood still, their arms to their sides.

      'Into line, right turn!'

      With military precision the women turned into line. My God, thought Penelope, this boy drills us as if we were a squad of army recruits

      Facing her now was the podium. Penelope gave a little shiver of fear as she saw, sitting in the podium was the sinister figure of Malaka.

      She gave another shiver of fear as she saw, above  the podium, another portrait of the Prince, looking as fearsome and repulsive as ever.

       But that was not all for she was horrified to see that prominently displayed, immediately below the portrait, was a long knobbly rattan cane.

      She was even more shocked when she read below the cane, the list, in Arabic and in English, the list of transgressions which would be punished by the rattan cage. Discipline in the Prince's harem was, she thought with a shiver of fear, terrifying.

      She gave another shiver of fear when she saw to one side of the podium what appeared to be a punishment area. There were several stout posts to which a woman could be fastened, with her wrists chained to manacles above her head and her ankles fastened to rings in the floor. She saw that, for some strange reason, a stout leather pad was fastened to each post some three feet up from the ground. Several leather straps were also fastened to the posts.

      There was also a leather covered gymnasium "horse". It was complete with wrist and ankle straps, so that a woman could be held bent over it, either belly up, on her back, or backside up, on her tummy.

      Facing the punishment posts and the punishment horse was a throne like arm chair. In front of it was an embroidered cushion. Was this, Penelope wondered with a shiver, where the Prince sat to watch punishments or to be entertained by his women? Was the cushion for a woman to kneel on whilst using her tongue, under his robes, to give him pleasure as he watched? My God! She could now imagine anything going on here.


'Blue Team present and correct, Sir,' reported Burka to the chief black eunuch. Malaka nodded.

      'Sit! ordered Burka.

      Again silently, the women men sat down on the large blue cushions. Penelope and Chantalle found themselves sitting next to the beautiful half Arab-looking  woman she had seen in the bathroom with two red stars branded on her tummy and another Arab girl.

      Penelope started to sit in a comfortable cross legged position, as she had seen men sit outside their shops in the Souk in Tangier. But Burka wagged an admonishing finger. Evidently in the harem, the Princes' women were only allowed to sit back on their heels - a far more feminine and submissive position.

      Penelope looked around her.

      She was in a beautiful large room with a high ceiling, elaborately carved in the Arab style. The walls were decorated with huge, beautifully painted, Arabic writing. Later, she would learn that they were holy scripts, enjoining women to be content with a subservient position in life.

      Beyond the inevitable barred windows was attractive stone tracery, making it impossible to see in - or to get out. A small barred door led into a patio, containing another fountain and a prettily shaped swimming pool. Beyond was a pretty garden and then a very high wall - smooth and unscalable.

      With a sinking heart she remembered what Malaka had said:

      'So, you no escape - never! And anyway you not get over high harem wall'

      But that was not all, for looking through the stone tracery, towards the wall, Penelope was astonished to see that the whole patio and garden were enclosed within a grid of delicate gilded bars - just like a huge and luxurious aviary. Indeed she could see several brightly coloured macaws flying around inside it in the garden. They were caged, she realised, in an aviary just life the women!

      Were these lovely birds there, Penelope wondered, to impress on the women their similar helpless incarceration in the harem of the Prince? Did it amuse the cruel slob of a Prince to keep his collection of beautiful birds caged with his collection of beautiful women? My God!


Feeling rather hungry, Penelope stretched out to help herself to some dates. She felt a slap on her hand. She looked up hurt. It was young Burka.

      'You not eat until Prince finished. You wait.'

      Finished what, she wondered. Presumably finished eating his breakfast. She remembered being shocked to read somewhere that in the Middle East women eat the men have finished and they eat what the men have left.


Suddenly there was tinkling noise from behind the green curtain of another archway on the side of the big harem room. Then suddenly the curtain was swept aside and, into the room, marched two lines of young women, in perfect step.

      They were swinging their arms in an exaggerated military style and the tinkling sound came from the belled bracelets that they all wore. They were, Penelope saw they were all dressed identically and similarly to the Blue Team, but in green and instead of leggings, they all wore wide silken, transparent, pantaloons cut away in front.

      Just how each team was dressed, she would later learn, was up to the Team Overseer, using his allowance - provided his women were  all dressed identically in the colour of the team and provided their brand marks were prominently displayed.

      Round their necks were fastened shiny metal collars - just like those of the Blue Team but with green ribbons fastened to them.

      The women were all remarkably slim and fit looking, the green of the harem numbers branded on their bellies matching the green of the Prince's crest.

      In charge of them and proudly marching by their side, was the little pygmy boy with a green stripe in his turban, whom Penelope had briefly seen in the bathroom earlier.

      They must be another harem team she realised, the Green Team, and the little boy must be their Team Overseer. How awful for them, she thought. It was bad enough having a young black boy in charge of her own team, to be under the orders of a tiny young pygmy must be even worse. But at least they did not suffer the embarrassment of having had their nipples and clitorises ringed and of carrying nipple bells.

      She did not think they were as pretty as her own Blue Team, however. Perhaps being ringed and belled was rather exciting! Or perhaps, she already beginning to feel the rivalry between the teams that was the basis of the Prince's harem!

      She saw that one of the Green Team, a beautiful European girl, was wearing, like the mother and daughter in her own Blue Team, a chain mail belt trapped round her loins. Was it imagination, or above their belts was her tummy slightly swollen?

      She saw that coming up from under the sides of the young woman's chain mail belt and going round her waist were two tiny chains that met at a tiny padlock in the small of her back. Another slim chain disappearing down between her buttocks. They were just like the tiny chains that kept the horrible ivory plug in place, stretching her backside and that of Chantalle.

      Then she saw that similar tiny chains came up on either side of the exposed beauty lips of another European girl - again to meet in a padlock in the small of her back. Goodness, was it only European girls who had to suffer the indignity of having their bottoms stretched by the ivory plugs?

      Their little pigmy overseer reported his team to Malaka as Present and Correct and then ordered them to sit down on a group of Green cushions, also surrounding a table on which was some fruit and yoghurt. They, too, kept silent.

      Seconds later, a slightly older Team Overseer, a black youth, brought in another team, this time dressed in Red. Penelope watched astonished as they strolled casually into the room, smiling and giggling amongst themselves. They made a quite different impression from the well disciplined Blue and Green Teams. Goodness, Penelope thought, almost disdainfully, discipline is certainly much relaxed in the Red Team, even though they, too, all had the standard metal collar fastened round their necks.

      Penelope saw that they all had very big, firm breasts. They must have been specially enlarged! They would, she realised, make a highly erotic sight for a jaded Master - particularly a very pretty, dark eyed, Spanish-looking girl. Beneath her artificially enlarged breasts, her swelling belly and chain mail belt proclaimed that she, too, was Expecting a Happy Event.

      Hardly had the Red Team sat down on their red cushions when there came another ringing of bells, this time, a deeper note, as if from rather larger bells.

       Suddenly, his whip cracking, as if he were driving a herd of cattle, a young black boy drove in another group of young women. Like the girls in a primitive African village, they were stark naked, except for a little piece of yellow painted bark that hung down in front of their hairless beauty lips.

      Penelope gasped as she saw that they were all quite bald with shiny bare heads on which the Prince's crest and their harem numbers had been tattooed to match the brands on their exposed bellies. Their bald heads gave them a similar, strangely animal-like, look that was heightened by the big brass nose rings that hung from their noses from which in turn hung the bells that gave made the Yellow Team sound, as well as look, so distinctive.

      The Yellow Team, Penelope realised, like the Red Team, might not be subject to same military discipline as the Blue and Green Teams, but they must still make an erotic sight. Clearly the  Prince was a man who enjoyed each of his teams of women to look different - but all to wear his collar and to be branded with his crest.

      She saw that the tummy of one them, evidently another European woman, was also prettily swollen above a chain mail belt. The breasts of another white woman seemed strangely heavy and blue veined. Was she in milk?  And coming up from under the little piece of bark that hid her beauty lips came two tiny chains that, once again, went round her waist and met at a padlock behind her back. Goodness did all the Christian girls have to wear these awful plugs for the amusement of the Prince? But why?

      And did the expectant girls, and the girls in milk, always have to be one of the European women? How awful!


As soon as the strange looking Yellow Team was also reported as Present and Correct, Malaka left the podium.

      Moments later a door into the main harem room was flung open. Malaka entered, carrying a large silver tray. On it were the remains of scrambled eggs on toast, of chewed bread covered in butter and jam, and of succulent roast lamb. He put the tray down on the beautifully tiled floor in front of the podium.

      Penelope saw that all the women were eyeing it greedily. All mixed up, it looked pretty revolting, but Penelope found herself looking at greedily, too. There were no eggs, bread, butter, jam, or meat on the table in front of her. Was this the remains of the Prince's meal, sent into the harem as gesture of ... of kindness? ... or as a way of asserting his power of over his women?

      Malaka kept them waiting.

      Finally he announced: 'A present from His Highness for Number ...'

      Again he kept the women on tenterhooks.

      '... Number 20.'

      Penelope watched open mouthed as the mother and daughter, dropped to their knees. Burka came round and picked up the middle of the chain that linked their collars. Then held by their overseer, the two women crawled forward towards the tray. They each had a delighted look on their faces, as if they could not wait to eat the remains of their Master's meal.

      They put their heads down to the dish and keeping their hands flat on the floor began, like little dogs, to pick up bits of the food with their teeth, watched jealously by all the other women.

      But Penelope noticed it was not only the women who were watching the scene. She saw that in the corner of the room a small television camera had swung round and was trained on them. She saw the lens come out to zoom in for a closer look. Was the Prince enjoying the scene?

      She had heard in Tangier of the power of fundamentalist clergy. Was the Prince also recording the scene to enhance his standing amongst them by showing how strictly his European women were controlled by his black eunuchs?

      'Lick it clean,' ordered Burka standing behind them, his whip raised.

      Hastily the two women started to lick the plate. They reminded Penelope of two dogs eagerly licking their Master's plate clean. She was horrified and yet fascinated. Would, one day, she and Chantalle have to do this? It looked pretty unappetising now but, after a few weeks of the meagre harem fare, would she be only too delighted to do so and grateful to the Prince?

      Satisfied, Burka pulled the two women back by their collar chain and let them crawl back to their cushion, their swelling breasts and bellies hanging  down under them. It was, Penelope thought, a terrifying exhibition of male control over women.

      Evidently she not alone in thinking this, for the television camera followed the women as they crawled back.

      Malaka now clapped his hands and, watched by their Team Overseers, each woman helped herself to one tangerine, one small bowl of yoghurt and two dates.

      Then Malaka clapped his hands again.

      'You may talk quietly,' he announced.

      At last, thought Penelope. Now I can find out what's going on here.






The women were chattering amongst themselves. Meal times were one occasion when the women were allowed to talk to each other. However, Penelope could see, that each Team Overseer was carefully listening to what their pretty charges were saying to each other - as was the imposing figure of Malaka as he patrolled quietly  round the kneeling women.

      No criticism of the Master was allowed - and the women all knew that the rattan cane awaited any of them who did not constantly emphasise her love and adoration for her kind, loving, Master. The same applied to any criticism of the black eunuchs.

      The women were eating each segment of their tangerines slowly and deliberately, as if trying to make it last a long time. None dared to reach for a second tangerine, Penelope noticed. Clearly the Prince liked his women to be kept slim and hungry.

      The two Arab girls, almost as fair skinned as the European women, were sitting near them. Penelope tried to speak to one of them, but she just ignored her. Perhaps thought Penelope, it's like being back at school, senior girls don't speak to new girls. Or perhaps she didn't speak English.

      But the other Arab girl, Number  34, the one whom Penelope had noticed in the bathroom as looking as though she was in milk and who had two red stars branded on her tummy, turned to her.

      'I speak English!' she said. 'I went to an English school in Beirut before it was closed down by all the fighting. The other girl won't speak to you because you're both despised Christians - like me! You see, I'm a Maronite Christian girl - from the Lebanon.'

      'But then what on earth are you doing here?' Penelope asked.

      'My parents were killed in the fighting. Our family was ruined. Then when an Egyptian businessman offered to find me a job in Tangier, I jumped at the chance. Little did I know that he was a white slave dealer - the bastard! And there was now no one back in Beirut interested in my fate. This man introduced me, as I thought, as a potential secretary, to several wealthy Arabs, including ... '

      She paused, and then, seeing that Burka was standing right behind her, went on in a more respectful tone. 'Including His Highness, our kind and adored Master. He ... very kindly ... invited me to sign an contract of employment and to come and work for him in his palace on a tourist project. Penniless as I was, it was an a wonderful offer I simply could not refuse.'

      She saw that, satisfied with her obsequious tone, the boy overseer had moved away to listen to what the other women were saying.

      'Of course,' she went on in conspiratorial whisper, 'I never guessed that the contract was a really a contract for indentured serviced for an indefinite time. Nor did I guess that once he had me here he would put me into his harem as a concubine under the control of  those black bastards of his. Never had I imagined that, like you both and the other members of the Blue Team, I would have my nipples ringed - and even worse my clitoris as well. They're something that I feel the whole time - arousing me whenever I move.'

      Penelope nodded. Me, too, she thought.

      'Only later,' Ruth went on, ' did I learn that my abduction had all been carefully planned from the start. The Master had told Malaka, he chief black eunuch that he wanted a pretty young Christian Lebanese girl. He and Burka then paid the dealer a large sum for me from the Blue Team budget.'

      'Blue Team budget!' repeated Penelope. My God, thought Penelope, had Pierre similarly been paid a large sum for her? 'You mean that little boy has a budget for buying women for the Prince!'

      Ruth nodded. 'Oh, yes.'

      'But what's your name.' asked Chantalle sympathetically in her pretty French accent.

      'Ruth!' whispered the girl, looking round to make sure that none of the black eunuchs were in earshot. 'But you mustn't use that name here. The black eunuchs would have a fit. They won't allow any despised Christian names to be used in the harem. They say that they are an insult to Allah and that anyway the Master doesn't want to bother about having to remember our names. For him, I'm simply Number 34 or that "dog of a Christian Lebanese girl in the Blue Team."

      'But then why does the Prince ...'

      'You mustn't call him Prince', interrupted Ruth anxiously, 'or Burka will thrash us all. For us he is just the Master.'

'Oh!' exclaimed Chantalle.

'But.' asked Penelope,' why on earth does he trick Christian women into his harem, if he despises us so?'

      'That's simple to answer,' laughed Ruth. 'It's because they're beautiful and because he enjoys degrading what Arab Moslems regard as arrogant Western women.'

      'Degrading us? What do you mean?' Penelope interjected.

      Silently Ruth pointed the little chains round Penelope and Chantalle's waists, the chains that kept their uncomfortable ivory plugs in place.

      'You're both being prepared for what the Master likes to do to his Christian concubines. I was prepared like that, too, when I first arrived in the harem.'

      Both girls gasped. 'You mean,' whispered a shocked Penelope, ' he likes to ... '

      'Use a Christian girl as he would a boy?' interjected Ruth. Yes. He calls it a True Believers Revenge. He says it is how we Christian dogs deserve to be treated and is favourite way of using his white concubines.'

      Both girls were  reduced to a horrified silence. They could feel the  ivory plugs stretching them - stretching them ready for  their Master. How awful!,


'But how long have you been here?' finally Chantalle asked anxiously, in her pretty French accent.

      'I'm not sure,' came the  astonishing reply.

      'What!' cried Chantalle.

      'You see,' explained Ruth, 'the black eunuchs don't allow us to see any newspapers in the harem, nor any live television programs. They keep us ignorant about what is going on the outside world, so that we just concentrate on worshipping our Master. And here in this air conditioned and central heated harem there is not much difference between the seasons. So we have little idea of the passing of time.

      She paused for a moment.

      'Nor,' she went on bitterly, 'do the black eunuchs allow us any calendars lest the Christian girls who are being made to Expect a Happy Event, as they so cruelly call it might start working out when their foals are due.'

      'Foals?' queried Penelope.

      'Yes, we Christian girls are referred to as brood mares and we aren't allowed to use the word "babies". The black eunuchs think that makes them sound too personal and our role in life now is to please our Master, not worry about our babies.'

      'But they're his children!' cried Chantalle.

      'Oh no they're not! You see, we Christian girls are not considered worthy to bear the Master's sons - and the black eunuchs make sure that we don't! No, to degrade us Christian girls and put us in our place, he enjoys using his giant Dinka Black Guards on us - or one of his friend's pet black pygmies. We're never quite sure which.'

      'Not sure?' queried Chantalle. 'What do you mean?'

      'Well, you're usually hooded by your Team Overseer when you're mated,' explained Ruth with a bitter laugh, 'or fastened bending over in the Mating Stocks, in front of the Master with a big plank behind your neck, to stop you seeing who's mounting you.

      'Oh no!' gasped Penelope. Was this to be her fate, too?

      'Yes,' went on Ruth, 'the black eunuchs say it's to prevent us from forming a crush on the father of our ... foals. But they also want to make sure that our Master's manhood is the only one a girl in the harem is ever allowed to see - or to dream about.'

      With a little shudder, Penelope remembered the shockingly erotic, illuminated, picture of the Master with an erect manhood hanging up in the dormitory. She remembered the strange effect it had had on her and how the other girls in the team had kept glancing up at it ...


'And sometimes,' went on Ruth, 'a girl finds herself Expecting a Little Surprise, as they then call it, without ever having been mated at all!'

      'But  how ...?' began Penelope.

      'We don't know. But the eunuchs are always douching us and we suspect that they do it then, with live semen being used on an unsuspecting girl instead of soap and water.'

      'Mon Dieu!' cried a horrified Chantalle. 'You can't be serious!'

      'Oh yes, I am,' insisted Ruth. 'And the first thing a girl knows about it, is being mysteriously sick in the morning or then equally feeling her progeny kicking away inside her. It's awful, you never know when or how it's been done. It's like a Sword of Damocles hanging over you the whole time. For all we know we might all three of us be already expecting a Happy Surprise. They might have done it to you when you were drugged.'

      'Oh my God!' gasped Penelope remembering her strange half dream, half vague memory when she awoke, of having been inspected intimately.

       So it all passes as if in a dream. Yes, you simply can't believe what's happening to you  - until your laughing young Team Overseer locks a chain mail breeding belt over your beauty lips.'

      'A breeding belt? Is that what we saw on the pregnant girls in the bathroom? asked Chantalle.

      'Exactly,' replied Ruth. 'The chain mail pouch allows you to spend a penny but you can't get a little finger, or even a knitting needle, through them. It's a horribly clever way of enforcing a unwanted maternity.'

      'But  that's terrible!' cried Chantalle.

      'Yes! and it's so frustrating, feeling the unwanted progeny moving around inside you under the belt, and not being able to do anything about it.'

      'And is it no use pleading with our Team Overseer to unlock the belt and help you get rid of the ...foal?' asked Chantalle naively.

      Ruth laughed bitterly. 'Oh no! That young ... ' she looked around to make sure that Burka was out of earshot, ' ... swine of a boy's got a vested interest in using us to win prizes for him: the annual prize for the swollen belly which the Master Prince finds the most arousing; and the one for the girl giving the most milk - like me!' she added proudly.

      'You mean you're ...'

      'Being in kept in milk by Burka?' Ruth interrupted. 'Yes. Milk for the Master!'

      Again the two girls were shocked into silence.

      'But,' Chantalle then asked, 'how do these black eunuchs know if a girl has conceived? They're mere boys.'

      'Because Nadu, one of the older black eunuchs, is a trained midwife and has the latest scanner. But they don't tell us!'

      'Oh how awful,' gasped Penelope. 'But surely a girl will guess when she misses ... '

      'Not necessarily,' Ruth replied. 'The Team Overseers control the cycles of all their girls so that they all come on heat, to use their denigrating expression, together.

      Then she and Chantalle listened open mouthed in horror as Ruth described the four week cycle of Master's Bed duty, Bathroom duty, Palanquin duty ... and resting.

      'Oh how awful,' gasped Penelope.

      'And so were you ... ' Chantalle began to ask.

      'Yes!' replied Ruth bitterly. She pointed to the  two red stars branded on her belly. 'Because I'm a Christian girl our nasty little Team Overseer made me go through my two forced pregnancies, with a breeding belt locked between my legs to prevent me from trying to do anything about the progeny growing inside me.'

      She saw that Burka was looking towards her suspiciously and hastily corrected herself. 'I mean was allowed to have two Happy Events for the honour of Blue Team.

       Then she whispered, 'And to this day I don't even know how the first one happened, nor who I was mated with for the second time. I don't even know if it was a Dinka. And if I asked Burka he would say it was none of my business.'

      'What!' exclaimed Penelope. 'None of your business with whom you had been ...'.

      '...mated,' Ruth said completing the sentence. 'And being gagged, so as not to disturb the other girls in the harem, I was never able to ask about my progeny as I foaled, as they cruelly call it, dropping my progeny into the birthing chair basket.'


      'Yes, here Nadu uses the old traditional Turkish harem technique of a birthing chair on which the girl sits. It's cut away so that the girl can drop her ... progeny into a basket under it. '

      'But that's awful!' gasped Chantalle.

      'No, it makes it all surprisingly quick and painless. But it also makes easy for the progeny to be taken away before you have a chance of seeing or even touching them.'


      'Oh yes, each black eunuch Team Overseer wants a multiple conception so that he can win the prize when he puts you in as his entry for the annual Belly Show. So they put you on a course of fertility pills.'

'My God!' cried Penelope.

      'Yes, and from the excited cries from Burka when they used to run the scanner over my tummy, I must have been carrying more than one. And the Master seemed very pleased, too. But, in the event, Burka was very angry with me for only once winning him the prize for the prettiest belly!'

      'Oh!' gasped Penelope and Chantalle in horror.

      'And you were really never allowed to see or touch your ... progeny.'

      'Oh no, we're here only to think about pleasing the Master, not worry about our ... progeny. And anyway after delivery I always had to become one of the Team's milkmaids - producing milk for the Master and competing for our team in the competition to produce the most milk.'

      'Oh, how awful, for you,' murmured Penelope.

      'Oh don't worry about me,' laughed Ruth, 'think more about  yourselves. I expect Burka's got it all planned out for you both - another Christian matched pair in his team both Expecting Happy Events for their Master and then being his milkmaids. He'll be aiming for you both having twins or triplets - and all for the honour of the  Blue Team and to earn Burka yet more tips from the Master.'

      Ruth paused.

      'But I doubt if the Master will have you both secretly fertilised. I expect he'll keep you back for a special occasion! A matched pair being made to conceive simultaneously!'

      'Simultaneously mated!' exclaimed Chantalle in horror. 'You mean as a spectacle?'

      'Yes, That's what he did with our Dutch mother and daughter, Numbers 20A and 20B,' replied Ruth, pointing to the other chained pair.

      'So they really are a mother and daughter,' said Chantalle. 'Poor things!'

      'Yes, a pretty young European mother and her teenage daughter are considered to be a rare prize even in a rich man 's harem. Now they're both being made to Expect a Happy Event for the amusement of the Master - his "fascinating hobby", as he calls it.'

      She paused, with the horrified Penelope and Chantalle hanging on her every word.

      'Yes, the swine really enjoys experimenting in mating his Christian girls with various black studs or in the case of our mother and daughter with the same one.

      'Oh no!' cried Penelope and Chantalle in unison. 'The same black sire?'

      'Yes, they both conceived by the same giant black Dinka and on the same day.'

      'But didn't they object?' said Chantalle rather naively.

      'Ha!' laughed Ruth bitterly. 'They had no more say in the matter than I did.'

      'But why?' cried Penelope. 'Why?'

      'Because, traditionally, rich Sheiks and Pashas used despised Christian girls to produce their black mulatto servants.'

      'But how awful!' cried Penelope.

      'But, anyway, I expect you'll both be safe for a time,' Ruth laugh. 'The Master will first want to use you both for himself a few times first!

      'Use us!' gasped Chantalle, thinking of her husband. 'But how can we escape?'

      'There is no escape! The black eunuchs, the high wall, the television cameras and all the clever electronic alarms, make escape quite impossible. And anyway where would you go with no money or passports?'

      'To the French Embassy, of course!' cried Chantalle.

      'And how would find it or get there?' asked Ruth bitterly.

      'Well ...' Chantalle stammered.

      'Don't forget that here in the increasingly fundamentalist North Africa, women are not allowed out of their houses alone. So with your registration number as an indentured servant prominently tattooed on the backs of your hands, and the Master's crest engraved on your collars, you'd soon be picked up by the police in the streets - or at any airport or port. And as there's a big reward for detaining an indentured servant, you'd be held by anyone getting suspicious.'

      'Oh!' cried Penelope in despair.

      'And the punishment in the harem for even trying to escape is to be "cut" as the black eunuchs call it.

      'Cut? queried Chantalle. 'What do you mean? What was cut?'

      'The sensitive tip of her clitoris!' replied Ruth '

      'What!' cried Penelope and Chantalle together.

      'Yes and that's a relatively minor form of the full female circumcision that they still carry out on women here in Africa. So be warned!'

      'Mon Dieu!' cried Chantalle. 'Mon Dieu!'

      'And these awful black men and boys,' asked Penelope, 'are they all eunuchs?'

      'Yes! And they hate us women, white and Arab alike.'

      There was a long pause whilst Penelope and Chantalle thought about their future life in the Prince's harem.


'And there's another thing I must warn you about. Don't let the black eunuchs catch you or even suspect you of ... playing with yourselves. Never even touch yourselves or put your hands below the bedclothes.

      'But that is absurd, we are not little children,' objected Chantalle in her precise French accent.

      'Oh yes you are here - in the eyes of the black eunuchs. Be very carefully.  Remember that the little television camera in the  dormitory is recording your every movement even at night. And there's even a special black eunuch, Patak, who patrols the dormitories all night.

      'Goodness!' cried Penelope.

      'So you see how both the black eunuchs, and the Master, put masturbating, or even being suspected of it, on a par with deceiving the Master. Here a woman must only get pleasure from her Master and anything is regarded as adultery and a slur on his honour.'

      'But that's silly,' cried Chantalle.

      'May be, but only recently Number 12 in the Green Team was caught masturbating by her overseer whilst he was out of the room. She's a very pretty young Austrian who was married to a handsome young man before she ended up here.  There she is, the second girl from the left in the Green Team!

      'Oh yes,' murmured Penelope.

      'Well, not only did the Master order her to be thrashed with the rattan cane in front of us, as a lesson to us all, but also he ordered her to be cut.'

      'Cut!' cried Chantalle in disbelief.

      'Just for masturbating?' cried Penelope.

      'Yes,' answered Ruth, 'just for masturbating.'







'Are many of the other girls here Lebanese Christians?' asked Chantalle, hoping to find a French speaking friend.

      'No, just me, but in the Green Team there's a Coptic Christian girl Egypt. She was working as a secretary for a Japanese firm, and found herself being presented to the Master by her employers as a bribe to help win a contract.'

      'Poor girl,' murmured Penelope.

      'And she just about to get married to a young Christian boy of her own age.'

      'How awful!' cried Chantalle. 'But would the Prince not let her go?'

      'Certainly not! The fact that she was in love with a Christian boy made him all the more determined to keep her in his harem for his own private use.'

      'Oh!' cried Penelope shocked, thinking of how the Prince had questioned her about Charles.

      'Oh yes, traditionally, rich Moslems have always liked to keep married or engaged Christian women locked up in their harems. It makes them feel superior - as if they are paying back for all the insults and humiliations that Christians have heaped upon them in the past.

      'And in the case of the engaged Coptic girl?' asked Penelope naively.

      'The Master also tricked her betrothed into entering his service and then had ... his manhood sewn down, surgically.'

      'What!' cried Penelope and Chantalle simultaneously.

      'Yes,' replied Ruth, 'it's an old custom - an alternative to castration. The boy keeps his testicles and feels like a man - but with his manhood kept harmlessly sewn down between his legs he can't ... have an erection.'

      'Oh how cruel!' cried Penelope.

      'That's the whole idea,' laughed the Lebanese girl. 'The Master comes of a cruel race and, in his harem, his manhood is  the only one that can ever be erect!'

      'Oh!' cried Chantalle, blushing.

      'Yes, the Master comes from a race that in the past believed in killing captured Christian men, in castrating the boys and youths and in enslaving the women. Now, there's this modern way, they say,  of putting a hatred Christian into his place - and keeping him there with his manhood quite helpless.'

      'So the boy was kept ... quite helpless?'

      'Yes, the Master even made him help his girl friend's Team Overseer to wash and prepare her for his pleasure, washing her and then escorting her to his bed. He had to stand on guard outside the door whilst the Master was enjoying himself with his fiance and then, when he rang, he'd have to take her to the bathroom and wash out the Master's seed!'

      'Oh! it must have been so humiliating for him,' murmured  Chantalle.'

      'And for the poor girl!' murmured Penelope. 'But how about the Moslem girls in the harem?'

      'Oh, they feel much superior to us Christian girls. That's why the other Arab girl refused to speak to you.'

      'But who are they?' asked Chantalle.

      'Well, some of the Arab girls are well known Cairo singers or belly dancers who were tricked like me into becoming the Master's indentured servants. Others are the daughters of men eager to please the Master and proud to have a daughter in the harem of such of rich and important man.'

      'And what happened to the women who used to be our numbers before us. What happened to the previous Number 14? Or to your predecessor as Number 34?

      'Shush! It's a very delicate subject. If you ever ask a black eunuch you'll be beaten on the spot for Unbecoming Curiosity. All I know is that girls do disappear from the harem, but  what happens to them none of us  know. It's a very frightening prospect.'

       'But just who is this wretched all-powerful Prince ... I mean, Master - and where are we?' cried Penelope.

      'Shush!' cried Ruth again, 'or you'll be beaten with the rattan cane if the black eunuchs hear you refer to like that. We must always speak about him as "our kind Master" and address him as 'Your Highness' - even in his bed. As for who he is, none of his us know his real name - nor just where this palace is.'

      'And remember,' she added, 'never to speak to the Master unless he speaks to you first. You're merely a woman! And never be rude to a black eunuch.' She pointed to one of television cameras. 'The Master likes to watch them treating us like naughty little girls. As is usual in a harem, he's given the black eunuchs complete control of his concubines. You'll find they're very touchy about their lack of education and the loss of their manhood. So, always remember that they are all powerful and try not to antagonise them.'

      Horrified, Penelope[e and Chantalle nodded.


Just then there was a chinking of a chain as the pretty mother and daughter came over, their swollen bellies and breeding belts both prettily framed in their hanging pearl ropes.

      'But you really sound like an Englishwoman,' the mother exclaimed in surprise. 'English is the second language of the harem. but we've never had a real English girl here before!'

      'And I'm a Frenchwoman,' cut in Chantalle proudly in her attractive French accent .

      'I'm Martha,' went on the mother, 'and this is my daughter, Dolly.'

      Then, realising her mistake in using her and her daughter's Christian names, looked around in horror anxiously to see if any of the black eunuchs might have overheard.

      Relieved, she pointed to the brands on her own and her daughter's tummies and went on: 'But as you can see, we're now just Numbers 20A and 20B, kept chained together as a prize matched pair ever since we awoke to find ourselves locked up in the harem - like you two.'

      Kept chained together - a mother and daughter! How awful, thought Penelope. She remembered how Ruth had said they had been mated simultaneously. Would they also have to deliver their ... progeny ... still chained together? How dreadful! How wicked for the Prince to treat them like this - and how humiliating it must be for them!'

      'Welcome to the Master's harem,' whispered young Dolly with a smile. Like her mother, she spoke fluent English with an educated accent.

      'But you look so young to be in the harem and to ...'

      'Be expecting a Happy Event,' the daughter completed Penelope's sentence bitterly. 'Yes I'm only sixteen and I was just a schoolgirl when mother and I were unsuspectingly lured here.'

      'But that's terrible ... to be shut up here in the harem when you're still so young - and to be made pregnant,' exclaimed Chantalle angrily. 'And to be forced to carry your ... '

      '...black foal,' said the girl bitterly. She put her  hand down to her breeding belt and scratched at it madly in vain. Then she hastily withdrew it when she saw that Burka had quietly come up behind her.

      'That's alright, little girl,' he laughed and then added in his strong African accent, 'You go on scratching away at belt. You can do nothing to stop little progeny growing nicely. Just like that of mother.'

      'You swine, you ... ' cried the girl.

      'Shush!' whispered her mother nervously, but luckily Burka had turned away again. 'You little fool, you nearly got us both beaten with the rattan cane for Impudence to a Black Eunuch. You know that they don't hesitate to thrash us - even in out state!'

      'Yes, I'm sorry Mummy,' murmured Dolly, calming down. She turned to Penelope and Chantalle. 'I can tell you, that cane hurts like hell - and, as Mummy says, being expectant doesn't let you off either.'

      But,' added Martha, 'it's not only the pain. It's also the humiliation of having to bend over and then being beaten on your bare bottom in front of all the harem - with the Moslem girls grinning at a Christian woman being punished.'

      'And, when the Master comes to watch, having to put you head under his robe to pleasure him as he watches your mother being thrashed. It's the only time when the chain linking us is unfastened. It's so awful feeling his manhood swelling in your mouth every time you hear a stroke of the cane.'

      'Oh, how dreadful,' said Chantalle in her pretty French accent. 'Everything is so terrible here.!'

      'Yes,' whispered Dolly, looking round to check that Burka was no longer listening, 'but it's not so awful once you get used to it! It's what you are missing that makes it so terrible.'

      She paused.

      'Now,' she went on sadly, 'I'll never again know the excitement of buying and showing show off a new dress, of being taken out by a boy of my own age, or of going to a party or a dance. Now I'm kept half naked to excite one man, the only man I'm allowed to see, a man who's old enough to be my grandfather.'

      She blushed.

      'This old man took my virginity, in front of my mother,  took my precious virginity. Then, just for his amusement, he had me mated at the same time as my mother - in front of his friends and with the same huge black man. It's all too horrible to think about - and meanwhile I feel that my whole youth is slipping away.'

      'Oh, poor thing!' murmured Penelope.

      'Like you I'm destined to be kept locked up in this harem until he tires of me or dies and then I'll probably be kept locked up in the harem of one of his dependants. It's an awful prospect and ... '

      Just then Burka came quietly padding behind them.

      'I was so honoured to be allowed to offer my virginity to my wonderful Master,' the girl suddenly said in a loud voice, 'and so pleased when I was chosen to Expect a Happy Event with my mother. We are so happy being kept chained together, as a Matched Pair of concubines, for our Master's delight'

      Satisfied with what he had heard, Burka went off to speak to Malaka.

      'Not only haven't I seen or heard a young man since I came here a year ago,' continued the daughter, now again in a whisper, 'but I haven't even been allowed to read about one, or see a photograph of one, in a magazine or video. The black eunuch's are nervous lest  we start getting a crush on some pop star instead of on our Master.'

'Yes,' added Martha bitterly. 'We're just here to satisfy his feeling of power in being pleasured by a white mother and daughter and by both of us being forced to expect ... a Happy Event.'

      'But how did you both end up here?' asked Chantalle'

      'I was so silly!' replied the mother remorsefully. 'I'm Dutch, you see. My husband had died and I was engaged to be married - to my new love, a Dutch businessman. He suddenly had to go off abroad and then, skiing in Zermatt, my daughter and I met a charming young Frenchman. He told us he was involved in a Tourist publicity project in Tangier that featured a pretty  mother and daughter - and that we would be ideal for the roles. He said we would earn a large sum of money and urged us to come  to Tangier to meet his associates.'

      Both Penelope and Chantalle eyes opened wide.

      'And,' added the daughter, 'he told us not to tell any one where we were going or the deal would fall through!'

      'Pierre!' cried Penelope and Chantalle together.

      'Yes,' answered the mother and daughter together, 'Pierre!'

      There was a pause as both matched pairs looked at each with sudden understanding.

      'So you, too, were tricked by that swine into entering the Master's harem, just like us!' whispered Martha. 'That explains what he was doing here yesterday, when the Master had Burka parade us in front of him and proudly showed him our tummies.'

      'It was so embarrassing, 'added her daughter in a whisper.

      'But at least it resulted in the Master choosing us to finish up his breakfast today. It was the  first time that either of us had tasted meat or bread since he last chose us to clean his plate - a month ago.'

      'You mean we are not allowed any meat or ... ' cried Penelope.

      'Shush!' answered the daughter in a low voice, 'or the eunuchs will think you are criticising them or the Master - and that'll mean the terrible rattan cane!

      'Yes,' the mother said in a loud voice, 'our kind Master allows us fruit and yoghurt to keep us healthy and slim - and, as we're both Expecting a Happy Event as Burka calls it, he  allows us to have extra amounts to feed our progeny.' Then she lowered her voice. 'It's awful really, almost like being on a liquid diet. It's to keep us clean, for the Master really enjoys humiliating 'his Christian dogs' by taking them from behind as if they were boys - and even, as we both learned, when you're Expecting a Happy Event as well!'

      She pointed to the tiny chains that came upon either side of her breeding belt and disappeared behind her back.

      'All the Christian girls,' she sighed, 'are kept ready and stretched behind for the Master's pleasure.'

      'Oh no!' cried Penelope in genuine horror. No one had ever done that to her. 'How disgusting!'

      'It makes you feel very submissive and helpless - that's why he does it.'

      'Yes,' added Dolly bitterly. 'I hated him at first, but now I just fear him. He has complete power over me.' She pointed down to her protruding bare tummy. 'Look what he's had done to me - a young school girl!'

      'And, ' whispered her mother, 'it was so awful being made by Burka's whip to have to lick his manhood from underneath whilst it was taking my daughter's precious virginity.'

      'And Burka makes me lick the Master's backside whilst he's taking my mother,' whispered the daughter. 'I expect Burka will teach you both to do that too!'

      'But that's ghastly!' cried Penelope.

      'It's no worse than what you'll have to do soon, now that the team is about to start duty in the Master's bathroom for a week,' replied the young girl with a shudder. 'The ... facilities are not quite what you'd expect - the loos are Turkish style ones.'

      Penelope blinked, not understanding what the girl meant.


'And look at us now,' interrupted Martha quietly, pointing to her daughter's belly and her own. 'And all this just for his amusement! It's too awful for words!'

      'And, blindfolded so that I couldn't see it, I had to lick the Dinka's manhood before it was inserted into my mother!' cried the daughter. 'Imagine that!'

      'And of me licking it before it was then, again erect and potent, inserted into my daughter!' gasped the mother.

      She paused.

      'But the terrible truth is that, hate the cruel, gross, and repulsive-looking monster as you may, he's the only man we're ever going to see again. We're branded with his crest. We're his property, his indentured servants, to all intents and purposes his slaves. We'll never be free or escape ... So is it surprising that I find myself longing for his touch and dreaming of him.'

      'And I dream about him, too,' admitted the daughter blushing. 'It's partly those pictures everywhere on the wall. The last thing you see at night in the dormitory and the first thing you see in the morning.'

      'Yes, they really understand women in this part of the world,' added the mother. 'I'm scared stiff of the Master and of his black eunuchs, but I also simply can't help secretly admiring him. All the women in the hare do. He's so strong and virile!. So ruthless! It makes you jealous, jealous of the other women and especially jealous of the other teams.'

      'Oh!' gasped Penelope.

      'But why are we all here now?' asked Chantalle changing the subject. 'What's going to happen?'

      'No one seems to know,' answered the daughter, tactfully, eyeing Penelope still untouched belly.

      'Yes,' said the mother, also not wanting to scare these new women by telling them the  truth. 'When I asked Burka, he just raised his whip menacingly.'

      'But parades of all the women are held for special events such as a beating with the rattan cane,' added the daughter  nervously. 'We're all wondering if we've done something to merit it. You never know if it's you that's going to be beaten - until you're called forward to bend over. It's very frightening.'

      Indeed, how terrifying it all was, thought Penelope. How awful to be so utterly in he power of such a cruel and ruthless man - and of his black eunuchs.

       Once again she could not stop herself from glancing up at the portrait - and at the rattan cane. She too began to wonder about the touch his hands, about the horrific ways it seemed that she would have to please him with Chantalle.

       Was she just repelled at the prospect, or somehow, perhaps, already excited by it?












'Silence!' ordered Malaka. 'Kneel up at Attention!'

      The women all dutifully knelt up silently on their heels on the coloured leather cushions. As usual, they clasped their hands behind their necks at  the back of their collars. It was a pretty position that showed off their breasts, with their painted or ringed nipples peaking round the sides of their open boleros.

      There was sudden gasp from the four teams of women as into the main room harem came a huge burly Negro. He was naked to the  waste except for a long thick leather apron that hung from  his neck and was tied round his waist. His powerful, and well oiled, shoulder and arm muscles glistened.

      He was the blacksmith from the Prince's stables.

      Behind him a colleague wheeled in a portable gas fired furnace. He placed it near the posts in the punishment area that Penelope had noticed earlier. The coals were already red hot, and gave out a considerable amount of heat.

      There was further gasps from the petrified watching women as the powerfully built Negro blacksmith now thrust what seemed to be several long handled branding irons into the forge. He started turning them over and inspecting them as they, too, became red hot.

      Suddenly Malaka shouted a warning in Arabic and a second later in English.

      'His Highness entering the harem! Down!'

      The women, kneeling up on their cushions, lowered their heads right down and raised their buttocks, their hands still humiliatingly clasped behind their necks. It was, they knew well, a punishable offence to look, uninvited at the Master and not to show abject servility in his presence.

      At the same time the four Team Overseers were quickly snapping leads onto the rings at the back of their Christian women's collars, or in the case of Burka's two matched pairs, snapping a lead onto the chain that already linked their collars. It was, of course, a strict harem rule that Christian women must be on a lead in the presence of the Prince.

      Within moments all was in order.

      There was complete silence as the Prince slowly entered the main harem room, followed by his white eunuch attendant, Rosebud.

      How convenient it was, the Prince was again thinking, to have a young European valet who could accompany his Master into the harem without the risk of the sight of so much erotic nakedness giving him an embarrassing erection.

      As usual the Prince was dressed in his full regal Arab dress of a thin black cloak edged with gold trimming, over an immaculate and white silken robe that buttoned up the front with small knob-like buttons. On his head he wore a white Arab headdress held in place by the traditional ropes interlaced with gold,

      Also as usual, he was wearing sun glasses that hid his cruel eyes which were darting from side to side as he walked slowly down towards the comfortable chair that awaited him in  the punishment area.

      Behind the prostrate and motionless women, stood their four young Team Overseers. Each was still holding in one hand the leads attached to his Christian women's collars and in the other his dogwhip, now raised in salute - and at the ready.

      Daringly peering through her fingers, Penelope thought she had never seen such a scene of male domination over women, a scene based on fear and discipline. And to think this large fearsome  and repulsive man with his podgy face and a goatee beard was now her Master! And she was his registered indentured servant, the number tattooed on her the back of her hands being registered with the police.

      Not was she alone in having such thoughts. She could feel Chantalle trembling alongside her. And on her other side, even the Lebanese girl who, in her several years in the harem, must have seen many scenes, was trembling with the uncertainty of what  was going to happen and to whom.

      The Prince slowly made his way to the throne-like chair. Rosebud helped the large man to sit down on it. Malaka bowed to him.

      'Your Harem, Your Highness, is present and correct.'

      Then he turned to the kneeling women.

      'Teams Report'

      The women in each team then called out together their team motto.

      There was a ringing noise from belled bracelets and then the cry: 'Green Team loves and adores their Master!'

      'Red Team enlarge their breasts for their Master's delight.'

      'Yellow Team enjoy presenting their shiny heads for their Master's delight.' This was followed by a tinkling of their nose bells as they shook their heads to draw attention to the Prince's crest and their harem numbers, both prettily tattooed on their bald craniums.

      OH how dreadful, Penelope was thinking, but she had little time for further thoughts as, with a tinkling noise, the rest of the Blue Team shook their hanging breasts. Penelope felt Burka's whip touch her bottom. Hastily she, too, shook her breasts. Oh the humiliation! Then came the cry: 'Blue Team only lives to please the Master!'

      Oh, what a creed, thought Penelope, but she realised that it would sum up the whole purpose of her life from now on.

      There was a pause.

      'Kneel up at Attention' ordered Malaka.

      Four teams of women raised their heads and shoulders, and knelt up once again, with their hands clasped innocently behind their necks and their breasts thrust out past their open boleros.

      'Show respect to the Master!' was the next order.

      The women now all raised themselves up on their knees and parted them, Some teams were displaying their hairless, painted,  beauty lips, or shiny breeding belts, through their cut away harem trousers or, in the case of the Blue team, above their leggings. The naked and bald headed Yellow Team, had to lift up the little bark modesty flaps hanging down in front of their bellies.

      Penelope felt a warning touch of Burka's dogwhip on her bottom and hastened to part her legs too. Oh the shame!

      'Silver Ribbon! Do your duty!' ordered Malaka.

      There was a slight pause and then a very pretty Siamese girl from the Red Team, a silver ribbon proudly fluttering from her collar, ran towards the Prince, her enlarged breasts bouncing prettily. Penelope looked on in wonder. Later she would learn that Silver Ribbon was the lucky girl, the pride of her team, into whose mouth, backside or beauty lips the Prince had most recently climaxed.

      The girl knelt humbly on the cushion in front of the seated Prince. She shook her breasts provocatively as if to arouse him and then slowly, starting at the bottom, began to unbutton the front of his white robe.

      Moments later a deeply shocked Penelope saw the girl's head rising and falling. Was she really sucking the Prince's manhood? In front of all the other women and the black eunuchs! Would she herself, one day , have to serve the Prince in such a servile way? Could she ever bring herself to do it? Or would fear of Burka's whip drive any hesitation away?

      'Prize milkmaid! Do your duty!' now ordered Malaka.

      Again there was a slight pause and Ruth got up an ran up to the Prince. The bells hanging from her nipples were tinkling merrily. She now stood by the side of her Master, leaning forward so that her blue veined breasts, with their beautifully painted nipples, were rising and falling only inches away from her Master's mouth.

      Evidently, Penelope realised, nipple rings not withstanding, Ruth was ready to provide her Master with refreshing sustenance as he watched whatever was to follow. Would she, one day , be expected to have to offer her milk to the Prince? Oh my God!


'Bring forward Numbers 7 and 14 from the Blue Team!' now ordered the fat chief black eunuch.

      Penelope gasped, but before she could do or say anything, she felt a sharp little stroke of Burka's whip across her buttocks. Immediately he repeated the stroke across Chantalle's buttocks.

      'Down!' he ordered. 'On hands and knees!'

      Awkwardly, because of the ivory plugs up their backsides, Penelope and Chantalle got off the big cushion and dropped to their knees, alongside each other. Burka pulled taut the lead fastened to the two girls' neck chain.

      Then tapping both their buttocks with his whip, he ordered: 'Crawl forward!'

      Driven on by their overseer's whip both women humbly crawled past their Master's chair to the posts, their nipple bells ringing happily beneath them. Penelope blushed at the thought that this was the first time that her now naked hanging breasts had been seen by the Prince, her Master. Oh the shame!

      Burka now ordered them to stand up in front of the two posts. Their arms were fastened high above their heads so that they had to stand on the tips of their toes. With their arms stretched above them. their little open boleros no longer even partly hid their breasts. They both blushed, for their  leggings left their tummies and hairless beauty lips quite bare.

      It was the first time, Penelope realised, that the man who was now her Master and who had presumably paid Pierre a large sum for her, had seen just what he had bought - except on the internal television, of course. She could see he was looking quizzically at her body. She longed to stare him out defiantly. But she was too shy. Instead she found herself blushing once again and lowering her eyes in a gesture of submission.

      But worse was to follow, for her ankles were now strapped wide apart. At the same time the restraining chain holding the ivory plug up her rear orifice was removed. But it was still held firmly in place by her sphincter muscles gripping the plug's indented ring. Oh the shame of having to stand in front of the Prince like this!

      She was now pushed back against the post. She felt the leather pad pressing against the small of her back. It made her thrust out her bare belly almost obscenely.

      But that was not all, for straps were now passed round each of her naked thighs, holding  them rigid and wide apart. Another strap from the post was fastened round her chest, just below her breasts. She found that she could hardly move a muscle.

      Chantalle was now similarly secured identically to the next door post, their collar chains hanging loosely between them. Why, Penelope wondered, had they both been brought here to be displayed like this before the Prince.


      Penelope heard the Prince say something in Arabic to his chief black eunuch. Malaka reached forward and parted her beauty lips, pulling out yet further the ring through her clitoris. She cried out in protest and tried to look down to see just what he was doing. But Malaka put his cane under her chin, making her raise her head.

      'Look straight ahead,' he admonished. Then he repeated the process with Chantalle. Soon he was standing there between them, facing the Prince, with his cane  tucked under his arm, whilst he held Penelope's clitoris ring with his right hand and Chantalle's with his left. Penelope felt so utterly ashamed at being handled in this way - and in front of all the other women.

      As she stood there, her clitoris pulled forward and looking straight ahead at the wall, she was horrified to see, out of the corner of her eye, the ponderous figure of the Prince slowly rise. She gasped as she saw that his stiffly erect manhood was proudly poking out of between the folds of his now open robe. She had never, she realised, seen an Arab manhood before. It was dark, short and stubbly - and certainly thicker and firmer than Charles's rather weak and thin one.

      She blushed at the thought that it was her nakedness, her clitoris ring and her nipple bells, and those of Chantalle, that were responsible for the Prince's evident state of arousal.

      She heard gasps from around the room as the women caught a glimpse of their Master's erect manhood - the only manhood that they were ever allowed to see, or touch, or feel!

      He came slowly up to the two helpless young women - his latest matched pair. As he did so, Malaka handed him the two women's clitoris rings and then  with the fingers of his right hand he held Penelope's beauty lips  wide apart and, with the fingers of his left hand, he held Chantalle's equally apart. The Prince felt each woman carefully.

      Then ran his hand over each woman's soft little belly and over her ringed breasts, his manhood become increasing aroused as he did so. As it did so, so too did the excitement of the watching women, their little cries of jealous frustration growing louder and louder.

      Both helpless women felt so utterly ashamed and degraded at being handled like this in front of the other women, that  they scarcely noticed that the Prince had called out to the blacksmith.

      Then he resumed his seat, reaching for the hair of the  crouching Silver Ribbon and putting her mouth over his manhood. With a snap of his fingers he indicated to Silver Ribbon to resume her attentions and for the prize milkmaid to offer him her breasts.

      Meanwhile the huge Negro blacksmith had turned back to the hot brazier. He now lifted something long and metallic from it. He was holding it with thick heavy gloves,  as if it was very hot. Indeed, at the far end it was gleaming red.

      Suddenly Penelope realised that the blacksmith was holding a branding iron! It was the sort of old fashioned branding iron that she had seen as a child being used on animals on her uncle's farm.

      She and Chantalle had been brought here and secured to the posts to be branded! That was why that swine of a Prince had come! He had to watch the arousing spectacle and was actually being pleasured as he watched - the unutterable bastard! That was why they both so rigidly secured to the posts, with their thighs held well apart and their bellies thrust forward.

      'No! No!' she screamed.

      'Non! Non!' screamed Chantalle.

      'Please Master, No! I'll do anything you like but don't do this to me.' Penelope cried.

      'No, Sir, how will I ever be able to face my husband again?' cried Chantalle, making the Prince smile, albeit cruelly, for the first time since he had entered his harem.

      The two girls must gone on screaming like this for almost a minute whilst the Prince laughed and held the head of the girl under his robes tighter to his body and played with the overflowing nipples of the prize milkmaid.

      Then the two young women felt their arms being raised  even higher above their heads, pulling their belly muscles even more taut.

      They screamed again as the huge blacksmith again pulled out a branding iron. He pointed to the gleaming red hot end and shook his head. Penelope heard the Prince say something to him in Arabic. He nodded and put it back into the furnace.

      Her Master had cancelled her branding! He was a kind man after all! He had responded to her desperate pleadings! He had taken pity on her and Chantalle and had changed his mind! Their soft little tummies would remain unmarked!

      Then just as these reassuring thoughts were flashing through her mind, Malaka suddenly dropped a thick hood over her head. She was now in utter darkness. But why? Why had she been hooded if she was not now going to be branded?

       She heard the watching women again catching their breath; heard the eager falsetto voices of the eunuchs, laughing. She heard the deeper voice of the Prince, the wonderful Prince who had decided to spare her the pain and ignominy of being branded. She relaxed with relief. She could feel her whole body relaxing, even though it was still pulled taut.

      Suddenly she felt an indescribable pain across her belly. There was a smell of burning flesh, like burning pork. Wafts of smoke rose up under her hood. She screamed and screamed as the pain continued.

      She was being branded, after all! The brand  was being held pressed against her tummy. Her skin was burning! The gesture of putting the brand back into the furnace had been a little joke to make her relax all the better for the branding iron.

      She  screamed and screamed.

      What must have been only a matter of seconds seemed unbelievable hours.

      Suddenly the iron was removed. The pain eased. Oh thank God, she thought. But then suddenly the iron was replaced by another one - this time placed above the navel. Again she screamed. Then it, too, was removed. Penelope sagged against the branding post - almost  unconscious.

      There was a long pause and then suddenly she heard the frantic  screams of Chantalle. The same tricks had been played on her to get her tummy muscles relaxed for the branding iron.


Both their blindfolds were removed. They saw the Prince sitting comfortable in front of them. With one had he was holding a milk laden breast to his mouth. With the other he was still holding the Silver Ribbon girl tight to his open robe. She could see his erect manhood. His face was flushed. He was admiring the two fresh brands.

      My God, thought Penelope, the bastard had actually been enjoying sexual satisfaction from watching them being branded!

Oh the swine! The sheer and utter swine!

      Penelope saw, as if in a dream, that the blacksmith was standing back, smiling, a still smoking branding iron in his hand - Chantalle's second  iron! He and Malaka were nodding to each other in clear admiration for a job well done.

      The blacksmith thrust the iron into a bucket of water in which there already another iron - the first one! There was spurt of steam from the bucket. He lifted up the irons. Penelope saw that on the end of one was the Prince's crest of crossed scimitars with in a ring and in the other a slot for Arabic numbers to be inserted - also surrounded  by a ring

      Still sobbing, she could hardly bear to look at them. Then she saw the Prince hand the blacksmith some money - a tip for successfully branding two new women!

      She saw that Malaka was now stirring some powders into little pots. The powders were black, blue and green. Nervously, she tried to edge away, but was still held helplessly with her belly still thrust forward.

      Malaka bent down. He had a brush in one hand and the pots of pigment in the other. Slowly and deliberately he began to brush the pigments into the scars of her brand. It stung and she again cried out with the pain. But Malaka paid no attention, quietly brushing the coloured pigments deep into the brand mark, whilst the Prince watched approvingly.

      Greatly daring she tried to look down at her tummy. She could make a brand mark just below her navel. It was in the shape of the Prince's green crest - within a black circle. Above her navel she could make out the Arabic numbers for 14, in blue - again within a black circle.

      Then Malaka repeated the process on Chantalle's brand.

      'Your Highness,' minutes later Penelope heard Malaka formally report, 'Numbers 7 and 14, new recruits for the Blue Team, having each now signed contract as one of your indentured servants, and having been marked and registered with the police, have now also been marked for ever as your property and as members of the Blue Team.'

      Marked for ever as his property! Signed contracts as one of his indentured servants! Registered with the police! The words echoed through Penelope's shocked brain. Oh my God. What fool she had been to ever go to ever Tangier, to have done so without telling anyone and to have ever trusted Pierre.







'Number 27! Step Forward!'

      Penelope looked up and saw that a strangely beautiful young woman was standing at Attention in front of the Prince her hands still clasped behind her neck. Her head was bald and a big brass ring with a bell was hanging from her nose. She was naked except for a little strip of bark hanging over her beauty lips.

      She must, thought Penelope, be European, for from under the bark tiny chains led back to the small of her back. She recognised them as the ones that white women had to wear in the harem to keep their horrible ivory plugs in place.

      She made an erotic sight - like a white version of a Negress from a primitive African village.

      The Arabic numerals for two and seven, branded on the girl's belly, were in yellow and Yoka, the strict young overseer of the Yellow Team, was holding her on a lead.

      Her breasts were heavy and blue veined. Goodness, thought Penelope was she also in milk - like poor Ruth?         'Your Highness,' Malaka then reported to the Prince, 'Number 27 from Yellow Team having successfully delivered her ordered progeny and now being in milk, begs to bear one Red Star on her belly!'

      The Prince nodded. 'Granted!' he replied.

      Penelope heard a sharp intake of breath. It had come from her friends in the Blue Team, the mother and daughter. Were they thinking with dread of having to be, before long, the leading participants in a similar scene? How dreadful for them.

      'Number 27!' came the Yoka's high pitched voice. 'Crawl forward to branding post!'

      The girl burst into tears. She turned towards the Prince, her Master.

      'Oh, please spare me, Your Highness,' she begged pitifully. 'Please not another brand mark!'

      The gross looking Prince smiled cruelly. It was always more amusing when the women were reluctant and terrified - especially if they were white.

      Shocked by this display of ill-discipline by one of his team, Yoka brought his dog whip down hard across the girl's naked bottom.

      'You keep silent,' he screamed. 'Crawl to branding post!'

      Yoka now lead the sobbing and once blond girl up to another of the posts in front of the Prince's chair. Penelope gasped as she saw between the girl's buttocks the ring at the end of her ivory plug - held in place by the tiny locked chains.

      Despite the girl's tears, she was looking proudly up at the other women, especially at those white women whose bellies were bereft of any red stars - yet!

      Penelope watched in horror as the girl was, too, fastened to a post. Her belly was now held thrust forward - just like hers. Her bark modesty flap was removed, leaving her hairless mound and beauty lips on display.

      Her belly bore the signs of a recent stretch mark, but the surrounding black rings, the green crest and the yellow Arabic numerals for 27, were all well displayed.

      The girl held her breath as the blacksmith came up to her with a red gleaming branding iron with just a little star at its tip. It seemed so small, but the girl screamed and screamed  as it was applied alongside her harem number.

      Once again Malaka painted the brand with pigment, this time bright red. The girl was now marked for ever as having been used once for the Prince's cruel hobby of breeding from his Christian harem women - her first time!


Penelope was feeling faint and week from the pain  and shock. She hardly noticed as the Prince left. Together with Chantalle and Number 27, she was kept fastened to the branding posts for another hour. The pain gradually wore off - only to be replaced by a horrid itching feeling. She wanted to scratch like mad, but her arms were still fastened high above her head.

      The black eunuchs gathered round, laughing and admiring the scars that were beginning to form.

      'The colours have taken ... perfectly' Malaka said to her, as if to encourage her. 'Now I put on special ointment ... to keep colours bright ... and stop brand from healing over too quickly ... Your Master want to see pretty brand!

      He began to rub in the ointment . It also stung madly.  Penelope began to sob again.

      Malaka patted her head, as if she were a child.

      'Good little girl ...you not cry ... you soon have pretty brand like Master's other women ... you soon learn to love your brand ... make you feel proud to belong to Master ... just like other white ladies ... brand make ladies love their Master!'

      Penelope shook her head violently. She hated the Prince for what he had had done to her - and in front of him as he watched, with one woman licking him from below and another giving him her milk.

      'You hate him now ... ' came the calm voice Malaka. 'But soon you proud he came to watch branding ...  you happy to be Master's branded slave ... You masochist ... Just like other white ladies ... branding has extra big effect on white ladies ... so does sight of his manhood ... they now dream of nothing else but of serving Master!'

      Was it true Penelope asked herself. Was she really a masochist? Were the other European concubines masochists, too? Were most women? Did they enjoy being the slaves of a strong and powerful man - with a powerful manhood - once they knew there was no escape, and once they had been branded?

      'Now we give you something to make you sleep,' came Malaka's voice. He held a glass to her lips. Soon still fastened to the post she felt very sleepy. She simply could not keep awake. She was vaguely aware of being unfastened,  together with Chantalle, from the branding and punishment post, of her hands being strapped to her thighs and of being helped by Bursa to another room off the main harem room.


Penelope finally woke up. She had been dreaming of the Prince, now her Master, and of his erect manhood. It had been a very vivid dream.

      Lying there Penelope remembered what Malaka had said about being branded making her love her Master all the more. It was true, she thought. She would never be same again. Now she was her Master's marked property, like his branded horses and camels.

      She and Chantalle were now in the little Sick Bay and Maternity Wing of the harem. They were under the care of the black  eunuch harem nurse and midwife, Nadu, though young Burka had come to see her as well.

      Little did they realise that Nadu's interest in their bodies was more than that of a normal black eunuch, for as well being a trained midwife, he had also been trained as an artificial inseminator. Indeed, as the breeding advisor to the Prince and to Malaka, he also kept a close eye on the young Team Overseer's breeding plans, checking on their calculations as to when a woman was ready to conceive and on their use of fertility pills.

       It was also Nadu who, using the expensive scanner that bought him, confirmed conception, checked progress throughout the subsequent maternity, and advised on the suitability of a woman for delayed delivery. He also supervised the delivery of her progeny.

      He played, indeed, a very important role in the harem and in the Prince's fascination with breeding from his women. It would be long, Nadu felt, before the Prince called him in to advise about using these two beautiful creatures, too.


Penelope was once again lying in bed, alongside Chantalle. Both were naked except for little bed jackets round their shoulders. Once again the chain linking their collars was fastened to a ring at the head of the bed. Their wrists were strapped to leather straps running round their thighs, preventing them from getting at the itching brand marks on their bellies. Their ankles were chained wide apart to the foot of the bed so that they were kept lying helplessly on their backs.

      She wondered what the scar would look like. Would it be pretty with a dark green crest contrasting with her vivid bright blue harem numbers - and all surrounded by a jet black-coloured circle? Would it attract the attention of her frightening Master? Would it help him remember which of his many girls she was? What a natural slut, she thought, she was becoming. Was it the artificial and sensual atmosphere of the harem?

      Her thoughts were interrupted by Nadu lifting up the sheet covering the two young women and looked closely at how their brands were coming on,

      'Very nice,' he commented and patted them on the cheek.

      It was a comment that Penelope was to hear again later when, first, the fearsome Malaka and, then, young Burka came to see how the two new arrivals were getting on.

      'Good little girls! You soon have pretty brand to show your Master,' said Burka, proudly, as lifted up the sheet. 

      Oh, how degrading it was for Penelope, a grown woman, to be called a little girl by a little black boy half her age, and then  for him to refer to her Master.


For three days Penelope and Chantalle were kept tied down in Nadu's harem sick bay whilst the multi-coloured scar formed and whilst the itching gradually ceased.

       For two days Nadu continued to oversee their bodies, supervising their natural functions and spoon feeding them with a variety of mainly liquid foods.

      As they lay helpless on their backs, the two girls eyes had constantly been taken by what they realised was the harem  birthing chair, that Ruth had told them about. It had a high back for the girl to lean against and straps at the top of the chair to which their hands could be fastened whilst they obediently strained to deliver their progeny arms. The seat had a large cut away and under it, the girls had been appalled to see, was a pretty wickerwork basket, lined with fresh straw.

      But what really appalled them was that it was a double chair, with two identical cutaways, side by side, and two baskets underneath them. Was this, they were both asking themselves in secret trepidation, to enable the awful black eunuchs to foal two girls simultaneously?


On the third day, Malaka announced the brands were sufficiently formed to allow them 'to rejoin the other little girls in the Blue Team.'

      They were unfastened from their bed and taken, still naked, over to a large mirror. There, they saw, just above their hairless mounds, the prominently branded black circle and within it the green coloured crest of their Master and above their navels another black ring containing the bright blue brand of Arabic numerals, their harem numbers: 7 and 14.

      Each of them found herself putting a hand down to touch it wonderingly. The scar was so deep! No wonder it had hurt so much. The edges of the brand were sharp, making it, and especially the Prince's crest, stand out against the whiteness of their soft little bellies.

      'It's beautiful, I must admit,' murmured Penelope.

      Chantalle nodded in agreement.

      As they looked at it, both felt a strong sense of now belonging to the Prince for ever. No matter what happened to them they would always bear his crest. Never would they be able to hide from another man that they had indeed belonged to the Prince, their Master.

      Both even began to feel proud that they had attracted the attention of such a fearsome man, despite his ownership of so many other beautiful women. Similarly, looking at the bright blue colour of their harem numbers, both began to feel proud of belonging to the Blue Team.

      Malaka had said that being branded would change their attitude towards the Prince and to being kept in his harem. He was right! Both women could now think of little else but of him, of his sturdy manhood, of his power, his obvious wealth and of his ruthless and dominating personality.

      But perhaps their feelings would have been different if they had understood Malaka's added instruction to Burka, this time spoken in Swahili.

      'But before they join the team, I think His Highness would want to impose his manhood on them. Have them bitted and bridled for him this evening.'     







Later that day, Burka took both women to the Blue Team bathroom. He made them perform into their brass bowls. Then he removed their ivory plugs. Evidently pleased with what he regarded as the girl's now nicely stretched rear orifices, he washed, douched and oiled them both until they were spotless, inside and out - and delightfully slippery inside.

      He now took them to the well equipped salon of the harem   hairdresser, Hurta, an intelligent black eunuch youth whom the Prince had had specially trained as a beautician. Except that their hands were strapped to the arms of the chairs, the two young women might have been in a leading hairdressers in Paris or London.

      Laughing and chattering away to Burka in Swahili, Hurta, washed, dried and combed the hair of the two silent girls, so that it hung beautifully straight down their backs in the accepted harem style.

      Then he made them up so that they looked like a pair of Eastern houris.

      Suddenly Malaka entered the salon. He was carrying what seemed to be two bridles, complete with bits and reins. She  saw that the bridles also had racing blinkers, to prevent a horse from seeing anything except right in front. But what on earth, Penelope wondered naively, was he doing with these bridles here? There were no horses in the harem!

      The answer came suddenly. Gripping her head, Malaka forced the rubber bit into her mouth with his thumb, reducing her to silence. Then he deftly passed the bridle, that held the bit in place, over her head. She tried to shake it off, but with her hands strapped to the arms of the chair, she could do nothing to stop him, as he locked the  bridle in place with a small padlock behind her neck. Pressing down on her tongue, and reducing her to silence, was what seemed to be a metal tipped rubber flange,

      The reins had now been led back through little rings on her shoulders.

      Now, he pulled on the reins, turning the bit in her mouth. Penelope immediately felt the metal tip of the rubber flange press painfully up against the roof of her mouth. She shook her head in angry dismay, but Malaka, with a laugh, simply pulled a little harder on the reins making the flange press more painfully.

      Beaten, she relaxed and immediately, as if teaching her a lesson, Malaka released the pressure on the reins, easing the pain in her mouth.

      Penelope looked in the mirror. Horrified, she saw that the  bridle consisted of a strap that went round her forehead. To stop it slipping down it was attached to another that went over the top of her head.

      From the strap round her forehead, hung another smaller one that led down to the bridge of her nose where it divided into two with each one running down her cheek to the rings of the bit, giving her an. animal like appearance. Moreover, the two rings were also joined by another short strap that went tightly under her chin, keeping the bit in place  in her mouth and stopping the bridle from slipping up.

      Running down from the sides of the strap round her forehead were two more straps to which were attached the blinkers which prevented her seeing anything except right in front of her.

      As in a real old fashioned curb bit, long curved metal bars were attached to the ends of the rubber bit. It was to rings at the end of these, that the reins were attached - resulting in the bit being slightly rotated when the reins were pulled, painfully raising the flange that normally lay on her tongue.

      How very clever Penelope thought, and how cruel. But why had this awful contraption been put onto her?

      But that was not all, for Malaka now clipped another rein onto each of her nipple rings and led them up through rings on her shoulders to fasten onto the main rein. Now every time the reins were pulled, not only was the metal tipped flange raised in her mouth, but her breasts were also painfully pulled upwards.

      She was, she realised, now completely under the control of the reins.

      Malaka now fitted the other bridle and bit, and nipple reins, to Chantalle.

      Then making the girls stand up, Malaka told Burka to shorten their long collar chain that linked them, so that the two women were now mysteriously held close up against each other, with their shoulders touching.


A few minutes later Burka was driving the two women across the now deserted main harem room, towards a tall screen metal screen.

      Nothing could be seen through it from the harem side, but on the other side, sitting comfortably, the Prince had a excellent view into the harem as the two prancing women came into sight, their hands again clasped behind their necks and their nipple bells tinkling,

      As the reins of carriages pulled by two horses, both left hand reins had been joined to form one master rein, and both right hand reins joined together to form another. A grinning Burka, was running behind them and cracking his long whip with one hand, whilst holding both master reins in the other.

      Penelope was longing to call out and protest at the degrading way she and Chantalle, both educated European women, were being treated. But the bit in her mouth and the flange pressing up in her mouth, had reduced her to a complete animal-like silence.

      'Halt!' cried Burka, pulling back sharply on the reins.

      The two women were now standing, panting, right in front of the mysterious screen. Burka kept their reins taut, pulling their heads well up. They made an erotic sight

      Malaka now  reappeared. He bowed to the screen.

      'Your Highness', he said in Arabic, 'the  brands have taken very  well.'

      Proudly he pointed to the women's bare bellies above their leggings which as before only started at the top of the thigh, leaving their bellies and buttocks bare.

      'Very good!' came a voice speaking slowly in heavily accented English. Penelope recognised it as that of the Prince. She blushed with embarrassment at again being displayed to him.

'Very good, indeed! You have done well, Malaka.' 

      That swine Malaka had done well! What about her and Chantalle? After all, whose belly was it that had been so cruelly branded? She longed to scream out, to tell that fat slob of a Prince just what she thought of him.  But a little warning tug on the reins reminded her that she had now been reduced to silence. She stood there blushing.

      'You are too kind, Your Highness,' murmured Malaka. He would be getting an extra bonus from the Prince!

      There was a pause and then Malaka coughed discreetly.

      'The Blue Team is not on bedroom duties this week,' he said switching to Arabic so that Penelope and Chantalle would not understand, 'but if Your Highness is pleased with his new acquisitions, then may I respectfully suggest that he may like to consider immediately imposing his  authority over them by ... riding them for his pleasure ... this evening?'

      'An interesting idea!' came the Prince's idea.

      'As Your Highness will see, they are both bitted, bridled and blinkered, ready to be ridden. They have also been specially prepared ... internally.'

      'But,' said the Prince, still speaking in Arabic, 'I wouldn't want these sluts to get an exaggerated idea of their station in my harem.'

      'No, of course, Your Highness. Any such preliminary breaking-in would not entitle either of them to receive the much coveted Silver Ribbon should Your Highness deign to use one of their bodies for his final pleasure.'

      'Very well, then,' came a decisive voice. 'Take them to my  bedroom. I feel like a little action!'


An hour later both women were kneeling chained alongside each other on a black satin sheet on the Prince's sumptuous bed.

      Its silken luxuriousness contrasted vividly with the harsh simplicity of the bunk beds of the team dormitories - and the contrast was intentional. The Prince liked his women to feel that, in his eyes, they were now little more than an animals - no matter how much he may have paid to acquire them

      At the head of the bed was a large mirror so that, when taking a Christian girl from behind, he could see the expression on her face. Similarly, a ceiling mirror enabled him, when lying back in his bed, to see the bodies of the women who, urged on by their young overseer's dog whip, were straining g to pleasure him.

      From the bed there was a spectacular view of mountains and of the sea through the prettily barred windows of the bedroom. Not for him the restraining sight of the high wall that surrounded the harem quarters! But it was also a sight that emphasised to his concubines the helplessness of their incarceration in the harem.

      A padded rod had been fastened across the bed behind  the knees of the kneeling women, preventing them from moving backwards. Another one went across the bed under their thighs to prevent them from making any movement forwards.

      Their collars were still closely linked by their shortened chain. To stop them from kneeling up and to prevent them from trying to scratch a man mounting them, their wrists were fastened to straps at the head of the bed. Similarly, to prevent them from kicking out at anyone mounting them, their ankles were also held down by straps.

      Under their bellies was a long stiff leather bolster that served to keep their buttocks  well raised. They were, thus, held down helpless, nervously proffering themselves to their Master, like mares in season proffering themselves to a stallion. ,,   But whereas as a mare in season may find herself proffering herself willingly, these two young women were having to do so under restraint.

      They were still dressed in their blue little embroidered caps and boleros. Their leggings erotically left disclosed the sight of their hairless beauty lips - and carefully prepared and scented rear orifices.

      The two women looked into the large mirror across the head of the bed. Two frightened creatures, bitted. bridled and blinkered stated back at them.

      Burka was standing behind them at the foot of the bed, holding their reins as he waited.

      Waited for what, Penelope was thinking anxiously.

      She felt the boy give a slight tug on the reins. She felt the metal tipped bit in her mouth and the upwards tug on her breasts. Both women were made to practice raising their heads and arching their backs, with their bellies pressing against the leather pad underneath them. But why?

      Suddenly Penelope heard heavy footsteps.

      'So my two new fillies are ready to be broken-in and ridden by their Master for the first time, are they?' came a deep voice, speaking in heavily accented English.

      It was the Prince! Her terrifying Master!

      She longed to turn and look at him, but the blinkers prevented her from seeing behind without turning her head - something that the pull on her reins stopped her and Chantalle from doing.

      The Prince took the proffered reins from Burka who now stood at the side of the bed, his whip raised, ready to enforce the Master's orders. The Prince gave a little squeeze on the reins. It was enough to make the two women realise that they were now under the control of a different person: their Master.

      Unseen by the two women, Rosebud, the Prince's personal white eunuch attendant, now untied the sash around the Prince's only garment, a scarlet brocade robe. The sight of the two helpless naked women, forced to proffer themselves so abjectly, had brought the Prince's manhood into erection - something that was completed by Rosebud discreetly reaching down.

      'Slaves!' now came the voice of the Prince as he firmly reined in the two women. As a horseman he knew the importance of keeping a reluctant horse on the bit. 'You keep heads up and backs arched downwards with buttocks thrust up. That way you accommodate your Master's manhood better.'

      Penelope did not fully understand what he meant by "accommodate manhood better" but the reins were making her assume the required position anyway.

      Suddenly she again felt a hand on her breasts hanging down beneath her. It must, she realised, be the Prince's. Evidently he was still holding the reins in his other hand. The hand moved to her nipples and began alternatively to rub them and then play with her nipple rings . Oh how she hated it, but she could not stop them going hard with arousal.

      Oh, the thrill of a man playing with her nipples and then squeezing them! Oh, the shame of it being done by her revolting Master! But she could not help little shoots of pain and pleasure going through her body. Oh the shame, as she felt herself proffering herself even more to her Master

      Then she felt the Prince drop the reins. She felt her Master spreading his long arms to encompass the two slim women, with one hand playing with each woman's outside nipple. Oh, the excitement! Soon she could hear Chantalle's reluctant moans of delight coming from beneath her companion's bridle and mixing with her own.

      Then with reins now held tight again, she could feel her beauty lips becoming more and more moist as her own juices mixed with the oil that Burka had cleverly inserted there earlier on.

      Obeying some primeval instinct, she could not prevent herself from wriggling her buttocks, proffering them in competition with those of Chantalle. It was a sight that was greeted by a grunt from the Prince.

      She blushed, not so much at the way she was displaying her sensuality to her Master, but rather at having to do so in front of his two young eunuch boys. Oh how awful!

      She blushed again as she felt more hands, this  time Rosebud's hands. They parted her buttocks even more and then held Master's manhood pressing against her well oiled and stretched rear passage. No! No! she tried in vain to scream. No one had ever done this to her. She tried to shake him off, but he now reined her back painfully as his manhood pressed ever more firmly against her.

      Suddenly she screamed as she felt it suddenly thrust into her forcing it's way up inside her. It was a new feeling and one that made her feel utterly mastered.

      She gasped as she now found herself being made by a tug on the reins to arch her back downwards and to thrust back with her buttocks - just as her Master had told her to do. He was, she realised with horror, indeed accommodating his upward curving manhood.

       She found herself moving slightly backwards and forwards in time with the Prince's masterful thrusts. Oh the shame!

      Her Master seemed to driving deeper and deeper into her - and as he did so he was reaching down to squeeze her nipples again. Oh the excitement! But never had she felt so owned by a man. She felt like an animal, an animal that had been broken in to serve it's Master.

      She felt she could never again be able to meet her Master's eye. Like the other white women in the harem, she would keep her eyes lowered in his presence

      Then suddenly she felt him slipping out of her. Oh no, please no, she wanted to scream.

      Then it was the turn of Chantalle to be similarly treated. But with their reins joined, Penelope could feel, on her bit, every little squeeze and order that the Prince was giving Chantalle. It made her feel frustrated and jealous.

      Evidently he was delighted with the slight tightness of Chantalle. Soon raucous cries from behind Chantalle's bit announced that her vigorous Master had pushed his way up her, too. Held kneeling against each other by their now tight collar chains, Penelope could feel Chantalle, too, now meeting the Master's every thrust as he held her tightly back with the reins.


Oh, thought the Prince, the sheer joy of riding these two European women. Oh the excitement of degrading these Christian dogs by using them, as his grandfather proscribed, only like a boy. Oh the feeling of power!

      Oh the yet more exciting feeling of power that came from the thought that one was married to a pig of a Christian and the other still half in love with another!

      He looked at Penelope kneeling abjectly by Chantalle's sided. Yes they would make a fine matched pair - worth every bit off the price that Pierre had asked.

      Soon it was Penelope's turn to feel her Master again thrusting  up inside her again. Oh, how she longed and longed for him use her more normally, but he did not do so.

      He seemed very pleased but in no hurry. He would pause and withdraw, and then suddenly drive in again - and always squeezing her nipples as he did so.

      Then he withdrew again. Oh how shame-making was her disappointment

      She head him give an order to Burka. Then to her chagrin he remounted Chantalle.

      Meanwhile she felt her collar chain being let out again. She was unfastened from her kneeling position on the bed. Her bridle and nipple rings were slipped off. She saw that Burka was now holding by her collar chain. In his hand was now his dog whip.

      He made her kneel behind the fat and obscenely gross buttocks of the Prince. Rosebud now gripped her hands.

      'Tongue!' Burka ordered, giving her a stroke with his dog whip that made her scream.

      'No! No!' she cried, trying to break away. 'That's disgusting!'

       But Rosebud held her firmly.

      'Go on, lick your  Master from behind' Burka ordered, giving her another two stokes.

      Again she screamed. But this time she lowered her head.

      'Lick him properly, you Christian dog,' shouted Burka, again raising his dog whip.

      With  a sob of despair and shame, Penelope applied her  tongue to her Master.

      'Just the tip of your tongue - and move it round and round!' ordered the little boy, giving her a sharp tap.


The Prince gave a little shiver of delight as he felt a soft, wet, little tongue working away behind to compliment the delight he was getting from Chantalle.

      Oh how horrible, Penelope was thinking, quite indescribably horrible.

      Suddenly she felt him gave a sudden jerk. He thrust forward violently.

      'Go on licking!' warned Burka.

       Seconds later Chantalle felt herself being inundated by him in the very heart of her body. Both young women felt, more than ever, that they belonged utterly to him, that they were now merely his creatures, his playthings.

      Penelope could not  help giving a little sigh of disappointment. The Master had chosen Chantalle for his final  pleasure - or had he? Had her tongue played the key role in the Prince's pleasure?

      Anyway, neither she nor Chantalle had climaxed - nor, clearly, had there been any question of them doing so. Shocked as she was, she could not help also feeling very frustrated. Did the Prince's women, especially the down trodden Christian ones,  always just have to give the Prince pleasure and receive none themselves.?

      Somehow, however it did not seem to matter. She had given her Master pleasure! Her Master! She was now, she realised, thinking of this callous brute of a man as her Master and no longer as the  Prince. Goodness was the harem atmosphere already brain-washing her into accepting an abject role, and into being kept frustrated?

      Moments later, as Rosebud re-tied the sash of her Master's robe, she felt her Master pat her bottom like a man might pat the hindquarters of a horse whose has given him a good ride. She even felt him thrust a lump of sugar into her mouth. Oh! Appalled, she could not help also, somehow, feeling  proud!

      She saw that Burka was also looking at her with a pleased expression. Little did she realise that she had just earned him a fine tip. For him, hard cash. For her, a lump of sugar.


Burka now led both women, crawling and emotionally exhausted from their rape by their Master, to the Blue Team bathroom. There he, embarrassingly, proceeded to wash them out behind. Oh, the shame of having this done by a mere boy, thought Penelope in horror!

      Then, he noted down what had been done to  them in their record books. Again what shame! Then he led back, on a lead into the team dormitory.

      The rest of the team were already silently lying in their bunk beds. They were silently eyeing the two girls with a mixture of jealousy and pity  - their eyes darting up to the picture on the wall as if imagining what their Master's manhood had been doing and remembering their own initiation by him.

      Penelope noticed that they all had their hands dutifully resting on the bed clothes. She remembered Ruth's warning about not putting her hands below them and about the watching television camera.

      They were now put to bed with Penelope on the top bunk and Chantalle below her. They were still linked by their collar chain, now let out again and hanging down the side of the bunks. But it was also now threaded through a ring at the side of the bunk.

      With a warning shake of his fingers, Burka made sure that both women had their hands, too, above the bed clothes. Then the young boy pointed to the little television camera.

      'Patak patrolling all night as well,' he added. 'So you not misbehave! And no talking!'

      Then he left them in the silent dormitory.


Penelope lay there tossing on her bunk. With every movement she could feel her clitoris ring keeping her aroused. Oh, how she longed to slip her hand below the bedclothes to ease her frustration. She glanced up at the television camera. It seemed to be focused on her. Oh the cruelty!

      Her mind was in turmoil.

      On the one hand she was in a rage at what her Master had done to her and was wondering, ineffectually, how she could get her revenge. But watched over as she was by Burka and the other awful black eunuchs, and kept always on a lead in the presence of the Prince, there seemed little hope of that.

      And, yet, on the other hand, she had to admit, the effect of her shattering branding, of the ringing of her nipples and clitoris and of her collar, together with the strange atmosphere of the harem, was making her rather enjoy having to submit to her Master.

      She glanced at the picture on the wall with its shameful depiction of the Master's proudly erect manhood. That was the Manhood that had just so masterfully penetrated her - twice, and in such a shameful way.

      That manhood was the emblem of her Master's power over the helpless women kept locked up in his harem. She hated and despised it - and yet she also loved and admired it's erect strength and beauty.

      With these conflicting thoughts she finally fell asleep, exhausted.

      So deep was her sleep that she was only vaguely aware of Patak's hands gently putting her own back onto the top of the bedclothes. Being an experienced supervisor of women, he realised that the hands of this new white woman in the harem had quite innocently slipped below the sheets in her sleep.

      He would overlook her offence - this time.







It was very early the following morning and whilst the Prince still slept, Blue Team had taken over bathroom duties from Red Team.

      Two Arab girls in the team stood expectantly by the Prince's luxurious black marble bath.

      Penelope and Chantalle, however, had been chained to a ring at the rear of the matching and magnificent Turkish style black marble toilet in an alcove off the  bathroom. Theirs was to be a task that was kept for despised Christian girls, whilst the Moslem girls had the privilege of attending the Master in his bath.

      There were little rubber mats on the  floor on which the women could curl up and rest, like little dogs, between the Master's visits to his bathroom. All four women would do a six hour trick and then be relieved by other girls from the same team: Penelope and Chantalle by the Dutch mother and daughter. Six hours later they themselves would be back on duty again, and so on for the rest of the week.

      'When Master wishes relieve himself, one of you hold up robe and hold manhood. The other holds vase as he stands on footrests. When he finished you both lick him clean with tongues. Understood?'

      Penelope and Chantalle gasped in horror as Burka, clasping his whip, continued to describe their duties in embarrassing detail.

      'And, if Master wishes further relief, you both hold up robe, one on either side, as again standing on footrests he squats over drain between them. You also turn on tap to wash wastes down drain.'

      Horrified, the two young women innocently looked around for a toilet roll. There wasn't one - as is usual in a Turkish style toilet.

      'Then, when Master finished, you both wash him clean with fingers - Turkish style. Then you finish off with tongues.'

      'Oh no!' gasped Chantalle.

      'Yes!' came the grim reply. 'This duty a wonderful chance for you to catch Prince's eye - and earn me good tip. Now, you understand properly?'

      Even more appalled than ever, the two women reluctantly nodded, as the boy raised his whip.

      'You make mistake, and Prince not pleased - you get whip!' he warned.


An hour later there was the sudden noise of the dawn call to prayer from a nearby muezzin and a sudden commotion. The Prince had awoken in his bedroom, next door, and was coming for his morning ablutions.

      Penelope and Chantalle watched as the Prince, still wearing his sleeping robe, and accompanied by Rosebud, his white eunuch valet, went into the bathroom. Eagerly the two chained Moslem girls washed and dried his hands, face and beard.

      Then he came over to the alcove. He stood on the black marble footrests. The kneeling women looked up nervously at the man who had so viciously raped them the night before.

      He snapped his fingers impatiently and with a start Chantalle lifted up his robe, disclosing the manhood that had taken them both. It was now soft.

      Meanwhile, as she had been taught, Penelope turned on the tap that sent water quietly flowing around the large, flat, square of black marble, The bells hanging from her nipple rings gave a little jangle as she moved. Then gently, as she had been taught to do, Penelope took the Prince's manhood in both hands and held it pointing downwards into the vase she was holding..

       Both women waited as the Prince, his hands on his hips, proudly looked down on his two new beautiful acquisitions.

      Soon, directed by Penelope, the Prince's wastes jetted from his manhood into the vase. Penelope knew she had to control her disgust and keep her eyes adoringly on the manhood she was holding, the manhood that had so cruelly and pervertedly penetrated her the night before.

      The jet stopped. The Prince smiled as he saw that the English girl, her eyes lowered, was blushing - and doing nothing. Now was the testing moment for her. He snapped his fingers.

      With a little gasp of despair, and remembering Burka's warning about being whipped, Penelope put down the vase, lowered her head and, just as she had been taught, sucked the drips off the tip of her Masters manhood. They tasted salty and horrible, but she knew she must swallow them - or get beaten.

      Then she took it into her mouth and cleaned it, looking up, as she knew she must, adoringly at her revolting Master. The bells hanging from her nipples now tinkled merrily as she raised and lowered her head. Then still holding it carefully, she licked it dry. She raised her head. Chantalle lowered the Prince's robe. Without a word, the Prince stepped off of the toilet.

      His ablutions now completed, the Prince was ready for Dawn Prayers.

      As the distant muezzin completed his cries, the Prince lowered himself to his knees on a beautifully embroidered prayer mat.

       Minutes later he was back in bed with his chosen concubines, whilst Penelope and Chantalle and the other girls in the bathroom, still chained to their rings, curled up on their little rubber mats - and waited.


Two hours later, Rosebud, the Prince's young white eunuch valet came back into the bathroom. He ran the bath and he laid out his scissors and tweezers for trimming the Prince's beard. Then ignoring the two naked young women, he inspected the alcove to make sure that all was spotless - for the Prince was a very fastidious man.

      Carrying a tray with a glass of iced mango juice, he now slid back the curtain that covered the prettily pointed archway into the Prince's bedroom and stepped through it to awaken the Master.

      Penelope had a glimpse of two naked girls, with yellow ribbons on their collars, shiny bald heads and large brass nose rings, being led crawling out of the bedroom by their overseer. Thank God, she thought, she was not in the Yellow Team. To have to lose your hair, a woman's crowning glory, must be terrible.

      Moments later the Master entered his bathroom. Once again he stood up on the footrests. Once again  he snapped his fingers. But this time it was Penelope who lifted his robe and held it up and Chantalle who held, sucked and licked his manhood.

      Just then Burka slipped quietly into the alcove, to check that his two new girls were performing properly. He nodded approvingly at what he saw. But this was only the beginning, for the Prince, still standing on the foot rests, now lowered his bulky frame down towards the covered drain below him.

      Burka gave Penelope a sharp on the buttocks with his whip. She jumped and then, remembering what she now had to do, nodded to Chantalle on the far side of the Prince. They each lifted up one side of his robe, whilst she again turned on the tap - oh, the complications of the Turkish toilet - even if was made of black marble!

      Moments later she and Chantalle, now kneeling on the edge of the black marble, were taking it in turns to wash the Prince with their fingers with the gently swirling water.

      Again Penelope felt Burka's whip on her buttocks. Again she knew what she must now do. Quietly she leaned forward her tongue outstretched ... Moments later it was the turn of Chantalle.

      Then the Prince laughed and strode into the adjoining bathroom where the two naked Arab girls were waiting to take off his robe and help him get into the large warm bath.

      Penelope looked at the large bloated body of the Prince. Oh, how much more attractive had been Charles's slim body! But equally how much more attractive to a woman was the Prince's powerful and decisive personality than that of the indecisive Charles.

      Again she again saw his manhood and jealously noticed that under the guise of washing it, one of the Arab girls was massaging it into erection, whilst flashing her eyes up at her Master. Then she  saw that another girl had covered her breasts with soap and was rubbing them up and down against his body, like a human sponge. No wonder that duty in the Prince's bathroom was regarded as an opportunity to catch the Prince's eye.


Twice, later in the day, the Prince came into the alcove and stood imperiously on the footrests with hands on his hips whilst Penelope and Chantalle, scared by threats from Burka, bustled round helping him to relieve himself.

      In the intervals they lay silently curled up on their mats. Once again Penelope's mind was in turmoil. Never in the wildest nightmares had she ever thought that she would she would be chained to the private loo of a large, gross, Arab, who only the day before had enjoyed sodomising her. Her friends in London would find it quite unbelievable.

      But, of course, that was not all. She had always been rather revolted by the American expression, "Kiss my arse". But that was just what she had been made to do - and humbly and adoringly at that. both in his bed and in his loo. How dreadful it all was. No wonder it made her feel the abject slave of the Prince.

      Finally Burka brought in another four Blue Team girls to take over bathroom duties. The Dutch mother and daughter took over in the alcove and he unlocked Penelope and Chantalle's collar chain from the ring and replaced it with that of the mother and daughter.

      Then he led Penelope and Chantalle and the two Arab girls back to their own bathroom where they had to line and perform into their brass bowls. Then he gave them a light meal of fruit and yoghurt, before taking them to the next door team where he locked them back onto their bunks.


Six hours later Penelope and Chantalle were on duty again in the alcove and so it went on for the rest of the week.








'Reach up with tongue ... properly,' ordered Burka his dogwhip raised to punish the slightest sign of slackness. He reached down to check that Penelope's tongue was now in the proper place - just where the Master would find most exciting.

      Penelope was lying on her back, in the Blue Team training room, between the legs of a life size, blown-up, black rubber doll that had to been arranged kneeling behind the similarly kneeling figure of Chantalle.

      Chantalle had been made to proffer abjectly her, now nicely stretched, rear orifice towards the stiff rubber dildo that formed the doll's manhood. Meanwhile Penelope had to practice reaching up to lick the doll's realistic testicles that were hanging above her face.

      Traditionally, white concubines were trained with hooded black slaves, but the availability of these big, realistic, dolls enabled Malaka to dispense with the potentially disrupting intrusion of real men into the harem training rooms. But, Penelope was thinking, how shame-making and embarrassing this still.

      Suddenly she felt a warning tap on her thighs from her young overseer's dog whip, Instantly she redoubled her efforts with her tongue ...



      Both girls quickly jumped up and stood at Attention next to the black doll.

      'That better,' said young Burka, running his dog whip through his hands, 'but this time I want see happy eager smiles on faces - or ...' He raised his dog whip.  Now, once again ... and this time, we change round ... Number 7!' Quickly Penelope straightened up, her shoulders back. 'You Offer Buttocks ... Go!'

      Penelope remembered the big mirror at the head of the Prince's bed.  Hastily putting on her most entrancing smile, Penelope knelt down in the humiliating position. She parted her knees. She knew she must press back until she felt the black rubber manhood pressing against her rear orifice.

      Oh how awful! Then she suddenly remembered - and again put on a happy smile

      'Number 14!' Chantalle straightened up.

      'Position for licking upwards ... Go!

      Hastily in her turn and trying hard to smile, Chantalle eased her way, on her back, up between the large doll's legs, until her head was right under its realistic manhood.

      Still smiling, she too reached up with her tongue....


'Presenting choice of backsides ... Go!'

      Having tucked away his dogwhip and pulled out his little whip with its black long leather thong, this time Burka accompanied his order with a sudden and frightening crack of his whip. He liked the way it made the women jump.

      Indeed, like the well drilled concubines they now were becoming, Penelope and Chantalle ran prettily to the bed, and knelt down, side by side, on all fours.

      Then wriggling their bottoms invitingly, they reached behind with their hands and parted their buttocks invitingly presenting their specially rouged rear orifices

      'Up' came the order.

      Looking worried, both girls jumped and stood at Attention. They were looking straight ahead but could not help glancing, out of the corner of their eyes, at the boy's whip.

      'That better, but this time I want tongues stuck out - as well as heads lower, and buttocks higher. We do it again.'

      The whip cracked ...


      'Presenting on backs ...Go!

      This time, when the girls ran to the bed, they lay on their backs, side by side. Then parting their bent legs and gripping their knees, they simultaneously raised them up to their breasts.

      'Wriggle!' came the warning reminder, and hastily both girls started, awkwardly but delightfully, to wriggle their hips, as they disclosed their prettily painted and well oiled little rear orifices.


The two women were once again standing at Attention.

      'Crawl to Master's feet ... go!'.

      Again the order was accompanied by a sudden crack of the whip.

      The two women dropped to their knees and lowering their heads humbly started to scuttle across the floor to the chair in which the large doll was now seated.

      Each choosing a foot, they began to lick humbly.


'Suck!' ordered Burka. 'You suck slowly and well. You learn tease thick liquid out of rubber teat, or you get whip. And swallow every drop'

      Penelope was kneeling down and sucking at a long rubber teat, shaped like a man's manhood, which was fastened to a transparent plastic tube that led down to a similarly transparent plastic bag shaped like a man's testicles. The bag contained a thick jelly like liquid. There were markings on the side of the bag to show how much of the sticky liquid the woman had succeeded in sucking out.

      Chantalle was licking the bag, trying to warm it with her tongue so that the jelly became more fluid and so more responsive to the sucking of Penelope.

      As was intended, the women were having great difficulty in getting the thick, bitter tasting, liquid to slide up the tube and then to ooze out through the rubber teat. Their mouths were getting tired. It was only the periodical sharp taps of Burka's cane on their bare bottoms that kept them at it.

      Just then Malaka entered. He looked at the transparent tube, which was showing a slight movement up it, by the sticky liquid. He looked at the markings on the bag to check how much of the liquid the women had succeeded in coaxing out of it.

      Then he pulled Penelope's head back away from the rubber teat and put his fingers in her mouth to feel how much of the sticky liquid was still in it, unswallowed. Satisfied, he then thrust her face back onto the teat again.

      'Good!' he exclaimed. 'They're learning!


Watching these daily training sessions on his large monitoring screen, the Prince felt that the high cost of acquiring this arousingly beautiful matched pair had been well worthwhile. The joy of owning these well educated women and of watching them being degradingly trained to give him pleasure, was quite something!

      But now, he felt, they had been sufficiently broken-in and schooled for him to take his pleasure from them - and frequently!












It was an evening several months later, and the Blue Team was performing before their Master in his private audience room off the harem.

      Martha and her daughter, Dolly, had recently been brought by a grinning Nadu to foal simultaneously in front of the Prince, with their hands tied above their heads, as they sat side by side on the high double birthing stool.

      Attended on by Rosebud, the Prince had sat in front of the birthing stool, eating a delicious dinner, washed down by a vintage Champagne. Two of his milkmaids stood behind him ready to proffer their swollen breasts.

      A curtain round the front legs of the stool hid any unpleasantness from his sight as the mother and her daughter dropped their little black twins, one by one, into the wicker basket under the stool - and into the waiting hands of Nadu.

      To prevent the Prince's supper being spoiled by cries or contorted faces, both the mother and daughter were wearing very life-like rubber masks that made them look like happy smiling women. Underneath these smiling masks they were gagged. The women's sweat covered faces, and grimaces of pain, were completely hidden. Only their terrified eyes could be seen though the little eye holes in the masks.

      Thanks to Nadu's prenatal care, the little black twins that both the mother and daughter produced were strong and healthy. However, strapped as they were to the curtained birthing stool, neither Martha nor Dolly ever saw their progeny which were taken away to be raised on his estates. Each had been tattooed on the buttocks with an estate number and these numbers were immediately entered into the Prince's Breeding Register - which was then brought to his supper table for him to sign.

      The Prince had checked the details, the names of the Dinka sires from his Black Guard and the harem numbers of the dams, together with a note to say that Dolly's progeny would also be the grandchildren of Martha.

      Not until the Prince had finished his supper and signed the Breeding Register were the women unstrapped from the birthing stool and allowed to go back to rest on their bunks.

      Nadu had immediately put his little vacuum pump milking machine to both women's breasts to bring on their milk. This was continued by Burka when the women rejoined the Blue Team, and soon both mother and daughter were producing an excellent flow. It was not long before they had become the fascinated Prince's favourite milk maids.

      Meanwhile the matched pair of Penelope and Chantalle had reluctantly, now become an integrated part of the Blue Team - and were in frequent demand by the Prince for his pleasure - often bridled and bitted, as on their first performance in their Master's bed.


The Prince was now sitting on a large Moorish cushion. Two delicate and exquisitely beautiful Siamese girls were kneeling on either side of him their hands thrust through the buttoning of his robe and roaming reverently and excitingly over his body.

      Kneeling alongside them, again on either side, were the new Team Milkmaids, the Dutch mother and daughter. Their milk laden breasts and carefully enlarged nipples were on offer. Each now bore the brand of a red star on her belly, the sight of which made the Prince smile with pleasure. To have bred successfully and simultaneously bred from a white mother and daughter was indeed an achievement!

      The Prince snapped his fingers, pointed at the pretty young daughter and then at the floor at his feet. With a little gasp, the girl fell to her knees and crawled between his feet. She dropped her head below the hem of his robe and, in the darkness,  slowly began to lick her way up his legs - until she reached his erect manhood. Like all the girls in the Blue Team, she had been trained to perform this carefully and exquisitely.

      Tickling her Master's testicles she too his manhood into her mouth ... Soon her head was dutifully rising and falling under his robe as her Master watched the display that being put on for his delight.


A beautiful and priceless Persian carpet was laid on the marble floor in front of the Prince. On it two beautiful women, Penelope and Chantalle, were performing together, kneeling facing each other with their knees apart.

      Hanging down between them was the chain that permanently linked the rings on the front of their collars. Another chain was fastened, like a dog lead, to the ring on the back of each girl's collar.

      Standing behind and between both girls and holding their leads in one hand was the diminutive figure of Burka. In his other hand was his dog whip, which he was using to make both young women go through the detailed Lesbian routine that he had humiliatingly taught them to perform.

      Nervously watching their overseer's dogwhip out of the corner of their eyes, the girls were putting on a passionate display of Lesbian love-making, kissing and stroking their ringed nipples and clitorises.

      Their faces and breasts were flushed. Judging that they were she was about to climax, Burka tucked his dog whip under one arm and taking a lead in each hand, pulled the gasping girls back. Not for them the relief of lesbianism in the Prince's harem - their task was simply to entertain their Master!

      Moments later he relaxed the leads and again holding his dogwhip like a conductor conducting an orchestra, ordered the reluctant women to continue their degrading but exciting performance.

      Soon, however, he had to pull them back again to stop them from climaxing.

      Taking advantage of the pause in the proceedings, Malaka entered.

      'Your Highness,' he began obsequiously, speaking in Arabic so that the European girls would not understand. 'Your new matched pair have indeed proved a great success.'

      'And a source of much pleasure' said the Prince. 'You did well to recommend that I should accept Pierre's  recommendation. Having two such socially superior creatures, helpless in my harem, has been a most satisfactory experience.'

      Indeed, indeed,' agreed Malaka 'and little Burka has made a good job of breaking them in and schooling them. But I wonder whether it now time to move onto the next step?'

      'Hum,' said the Prince undecidedly. He had already repeatedly enjoyed either taking this new matched pair of educated European women or having them attend on him as he took some of his other women - dominating them gave him such a wonderful feeling of power.

      'Well I am sure,' added the cunning Malaka, seeing that the Prince was hesitating 'that Your Highness would not want to deprive his delightful Matched Pair of the joys of motherhood ...?'

      Malaka paused as he saw the Prince smile. The joys indeed!

      'Nor,' he went on, 'to deprive himself of the delights of enforcing it on them!'

      'Hum,' said the Prince in a decidedly more enthusiastic tone.

      'And, of course,' said the wily chief eunuch, 'several interesting actions spring to mind following a successful joint conception ... Your Highness might, for instance, send a photograph of the two white and already prettily curved bellies to His Highness, your uncle, the Ruler, as a sign that you are indeed following the axioms of your revered grandfather.'

      'Yes,' said the Prince, 'that'll certainly intrigue him alright. He might even ask himself here on a private visit to come and inspect them - a visit that would well result in my share of our oil revenues being substantially increased!'

      'Indeed, Your Highness, indeed. And had Your Highness thought about inviting some of the local dignitaries to an Arab Feast, with dancing girls - but with the mating of your veiled prize Matched Pair being the highlight of the evening?'

      The Prince's eyes gleamed. He would enjoy discreetly showing off two of his European women to his friends - and showing them how he followed his grandfather's ancient tenets.

      'Of course.' went on Malaka cunningly, 'perhaps before this, again suitably veiled, they might be made to put on a performance like you have just watched this for your guests. It would be amusing if the girls were kept unaware that they were to be the stars of a second performance!'

      Malaka paused.

      'Of course,' he continued, seeing that his suggestions had caught the attention of the Prince, 'Your Highness might like to consider such an event also being the occasion for the mating of Red Team's young errant Austrian married woman, Number 12. Your Highness will remember she was recently punished for masturbating. A triple bill of her mating and that of our new Matched Pair would be a fine sight.'

      'An interesting idea,' commented the Prince.

      'And, ' added Malaka cleverly, knowing how his Master enjoyed the feeling of power over his women, 'subsequently Your Highness might much enjoy the sight of three growing white bellies and three tearfully reluctant mothers-to be - all having been made to conceive on the same day.'

      'Yes! Yes!', the Prince now enthusiastically agreed. 'Make sure they all complete their course of fertility pills and are all ready to conceive on the chosen date.'

      'Oh course, Your Highness, of course,' murmured Malaka with a deep bow and a self- contented smile.





37 - MATED!


A dozen bearded, grave faced, men were sitting cross legged on a beautiful carpet,  talking to each other.

Black servants, wearing red fezzes and dressed in the livery of the Prince, with his crest of two crossed scimitars emblazoned on the chest, had brought in huge silver platters on which were roasted lambs and rice.

       Seated in the center, was the gross and repulsive figure of the Prince. He was breaking off succulent parts with his left hand and formally handing them to his guests - all local notables, led by the Caid, the Governor.

      Reaching into the platters, the other guests, again only using their left hands, were either breaking off pieces of the delicious lamb or squeezing the rice into little greasy balls. 

      In an alcove were half a dozen Arab and Berber musicians. Their haunting and repetitious refrains filled  the room.

      Two girls, their faces hidden behind leather masks with little holes for their eyes, were belly dancing in front of the guests. Their naked bellies were gyrating expertly and the brands on their bellies made all the more sensual and exciting.

      'Egyptian?' asked one the guests admiringly as he looked at the wriggling brands.

      'Yes,' replied the Prince nonchalantly, 'they were two of the best in Cairo - before I ... acquired  ... them and had them branded for my harem.'

      Impressed, the guests exchanged looks.

      The music stopped and the girls flung themselves abjectly down onto the marble floor

      The Prince waved them away and clapped his hands.

      Suddenly three beautifully dressed, barefooted, girls swept into the room, their long silken veils swirling behind them. The outstretched arms weaving to and fro they began to dance together to the sensuous rhythm. A little tinkling noise came from under their long veils.

       Clearly they had been carefully rehearsed. Malaka, holding as always his silver tipped cane, was standing proudly to one side.

      'Concubines, Your Highness?' asked the Caid casually.

      'Yes, Your Excellency, and each one marked with her Police number as a duly registered Indentured Servant,' replied the Prince with a laugh.

      The Caid nodded approvingly.

      As the girls began to drop a series of silken veils their gleaming white bodies began to appear. Interested, the Caid and the other guests leaned forward. They gasped as they saw, first, that the women had been nipple ringed and branded on their bellies - and then, as the last veil dropped,  that they had been infibulated!

      The faces of the girls were hidden behind heavy veils that balanced on their noses. Only their unusual blue eyes could be seen.

      Then suddenly, in response to a double beat of the drum, they reached up and unfastened their little brocade caps. There was an audible intake of breath from the guests as the girls beautifully silken blond hair fell down their backs.

      'European women!' cried the surprised Caid, again highly impressed. He had heard rumours that there were European women in the wealthy Arabian Prince's  harem, but he had not been expecting anything like this. European concubines, nipple ringed, branded and infibulated

      'Yes, and two of them are the wives of Christian pigs and the other engaged to one. But they'll never see them again and no one knows they are here.'

      'And now here as your indentured servants, do with a your like!' laughed the Caid.

      The Prince pointed to strange little leather straps that could be seen running back from the sides of the thick veil to disappear under their hair at the back of their necks.

      'Yes and well and truly muzzled under their veils to prevent them calling out to you.'

      Indeed, all three women were longing to call out to the Prince's guests and beg to be rescued. But their muzzles kept them quite silent as the music reached a crescendo, and finally stopped. Unable to cry out, they had no alternative but, as they had been made to rehearse over and over again, to fling themselves breathlessly down on their knees, their hands and foreheads touching the beautiful marble floor and their honey coloured hair thrown forward over their heads, in a position of abject, and silent, subjection.

      Then, as the still panting women retired, Prince and his guests continued their feast - now entertained by petty young dancing girls from Thailand,


A quarter of an hour later Burka and the little pygmy boy overseer Gorka entered the room and bowed. They were holding dogwhips. Burka was leading in a crawling Penelope and Chantalle. Black leather masks covered their faces, except for their eyes and mouths. Their nipple bells tinkled as they crawled behind their overseer.

      Gorka was leading a similarly masked and crawling Mizzi. On her wrists were locked belled bracelets that also tinkled with her every movement.

      The Prince's guests gasped as they saw that the three blond women were naked except for European high heel shoes and stocking and suspender belts - and white gloves. Their nakedness contrasted vividly with the sumptuous satin Turkish trousers and waistcoats of their young black overseers.

      Whilst the men continued with their feast, the music became slower and, held by their leads, the three still crawling girls began another much rehearsed programme of kissing and playing with each other. Bringing each other to the very edge of climaxing and then being pulled back by the young eunuchs.

      It was indeed a most erotic performance that silenced the previously chattering men. However, like all things it had to end. The girls were now kneeling up - their part in the evening's performance over - or so they thought.

      'My brothers in Allah,' said the Prince as the black servants cleared away the silver platters and replaced them with bowls of fruit and yoghurt-like milk. He of course speaking in Arabic.

      'My brothers, I need your help and advice.'

      He nodded to  Malaka who pulled aside a curtain on the wall facing them, above and beyond the kneeling women.

      There, now displayed in huge and beautiful golden Arabic calligraphy was the old Arab axiom, the one that the Prince's grandfather had been so fond of quoting:

      "Revenge yourselves on the hated Christian infidels by enslaving their wives and daughters and by then forcing them to breed good Moslem half black servants for yourself - and for the greater glory of Allah."

      There more intakes of breath as the Prince's guests read the huge Arabic calligraphy.

      'I am sure,' said the Prince, 'these are sentiments with which you all agree,'

      There were murmurs of assent.

      'But,' went on the cruel faced Prince, 'you may well be   asking yourselves how in this day and age such a traditional axiom  could possibly be followed.'

      Again there were murmurs of agreement.

      'Well, brothers, I will show you how one faithful True Beaver can, with your guidance, implement this axiom ... Here are three Christian women, two are married and one is engaged - just what the axiom says we need for our revenge. Moreover my black eunuchs have assured me that they are all three now ready to conceive! '

      'Splendid!' cried the Caid, 'but what guidance do you want from us?'

      'You all,' answered the Prince with a cruel laugh, 'can involve yourselves in this revenge on the infidel Christians by helping to choose the Dinka from my personal guards to whom two of these women of mine should be put, and the pygmy with which the third should be mated.'

      This was greeted with enthusiastic cries and laughter.


Meanwhile the black servants had put up three double sets of partitions in front of the guests. Each partition was open at the front and had a door at the back. Three of the partitions were put up around the three still prostrate young women. Another, empty, partition was put up next to each of these.

      The Prince's guests could still readily see the women, but none of the women could see into the empty partition next to hers.

      Unseen by the girls, several virile Dinka giants now stepped into the backs of the empty partitions next to Penelope and Chantalle. They were all naked. A number had been painted on each of their foreheads for ease of identification. Their muscular jet black bodies were oiled. Their long manhoods hung down in front of them.

      Equally naked and black were the two little pygmies who now stepped into the partition next to Mizzi. One pygmy was thin and the other was fat.

      'Let us start with the pygmies,' announced the Prince.

      Malaka now appeared at the far end of the partition holding the two pygmies.

      Gorka ran up to the still prostrate Mizzi and snapped a lead on the back of her collar.

      'Up!' he ordered, enforcing his command with a crack of his whip. 'Stand at Attention!'

      Mizzi was now standing, muzzled and with her face veiled, but otherwise stark naked facing the Prince and his guests. Her hands were clasped behind her neck.

      Oh, how humiliating this was, she thought, little thinking just what was about to happen. Oh, how she longed to call out to  one of these men, to say who she was and that she was being kept a prisoner in the Prince's harem. But the muzzle was still a very effective gag.

      Meanwhile, unseen by Mizzi, Malaka had arranged the two, stark naked, pygmies on the other side of the partition so that they, too, were facing the Prince and his guests.

      In no time the guests were comparing the bodies of the pygmies with that of Mizzi, arguing amongst themselves as to which would sire the better progeny when mated with this very pretty, white married woman: the slim pygmy or the fat one.

      They called out for both the pygmies and for Mizzi to be  turned round so that they could compare their back views - and then compared them side ways on. Finally, the consensus was reached: Mizzi was to be mated with the thin one.

      The rejected lover was led out and, to the amusement of the guests, the unsuspecting Mizzi and her pygmy mate were left standing only a few inches apart, but unseen by each other and separated by the partition wall. Mizzi still not realise who was in the partition next to hers, nor why.


Then it was the turn for Penelope's mate to be chosen - though she herself, like Mizzi, was still blissfully unaware of what was going on.

      As with the pygmies the various giant Dinkas in the partition next to Penelope's were compared with her from the front, from the back and from sideways on. The relative size of their manhoods was also commented on. 

      Finally a consensus was reached here, too. Then, unseen by Penelope, the selected Dinka was left standing in his partition.

      Then it was the turn of Chantalle to have her mate selected.


Servants now brought strange contraptions into the three partitions holding the three women.

      'My Mating Stocks,' explained the Prince with a laugh, 'specially devised for use with arrogant Christian ladies.'

      They were indeed rather like old fashioned stocks with holes in a hinged plank for the wrists and neck. There were also, however, straps behind for fastening the ankles wide apart and a padded bar to hold up a woman's belly.

      Under Malaka's supervision, each still veiled and muzzled woman was made to bend down and was then strapped into the stocks, sideways onto to the guests. She was held tightly bent over with her knees bent, her head lowered and her buttocks raised. Because of the wooden plank behind their necks they could not see behind them.

      Their chosen mates were then taken out of their partitions and taken round into the back of those of the waiting women. Burka was now in the partition of Chantalle, Gorka in that of Mizzi and Malaka himself in Penelope's. The two black eunuch boys were holding their dogwhips and Malaka was holding his silver tipped cane.

      The guests were laughing to each other cruelly as they watched all these preparations. The Prince clapped his hands for silence.

      'My brothers,' he said, 'in the old days when we all bred our own black slaves, our forefathers found that conception was more likely to be achieved if the women were suitably warmed up beforehand with a good beating. This always gets a woman nice and ready for a good penetration!'

      This was greeted with laughter and applause.

      The Prince made a sign and one by one three black eunuchs gave each of the women two stinging strokes on her bottom. The guests heard them gasp behind their muzzles.

      The Prince held up his hand to stop the beatings.

      'Moreover,' he went on with a cruel laugh, 'my women have already danced and performed for you, now I should like you to hear them sing for you.'

      He made a sign to the three black eunuchs who each unstrapped the muzzle over their woman's mouth. None of the terrified women said a word. However much they might have wanted to call out earlier on, now they cowed into silence.

      The Prince gave another sign and Malaka gave Penelope two strokes with his cane, making her cry out prettily with the pain.       'Ow! Ow! Oh, please don't beat me any more. Please!

      Then Burka gave Chantalle two strokes of his dog whip.

      'Ow! Ow!' she screamed.

      Seconds later the guests laughed as they heard the screams of Mizzi and watched the contortions on her face. For several minutes the mild but still painful beatings went on.

      'Ow! Ow! Oh, please stop'

      'Ow! Ow! Please no more'

      'Ow! Ow! What to do you

      Finally the Prince held up his hand again to stop the beatings. Each of the black eunuchs put his hand down to feel between the beauty lips of his girl. Each raised moistened fingers. The Prince nodded.

      Meanwhile the manhoods of the three naked sires, aroused by the sight of the women squirming under the cane, had come into erection. Gorka now put a stool behind her for her pygmy sire to stand on so as to bring for his manhood level with her exposed and glistening beauty lips.

      Each of the three black eunuchs nodded at the sire in his partition.

      Suddenly there were screams from the three women, and laughs from the guests, as the sires came forward and standing up reached down to grip the woman bent over in front of him - and as they felt a strange manhood thrusting at their beauty lips. Desperately they tried in vain to look behind the plank of the stocks to see their would-be ravisher.

      Seconds later they screamed again as the manhoods penetrated them. With the women's heads held low and their bellies held up by the padded belly bar, each sire was able to drive his manhood down into the woman in front of him.

      The guests were enjoying watching each woman's face as she was ruthlessly penetrated.

      Realising now what was happening, each of the women desperately tried in vain to shake off her mate - she was too firmly held in position by the stocks, the belly bar and her ankle straps .

      The room was filled by the cries of the women and the grunts of their mates as they thrust in and out. Then one by one each sire climaxed depositing his seed deep into the woman - an action tat accompanied by a last scream of protest from the woman.

      Then the three sires retired, still unseen by the women.

      There was a round of congratulations for the Prince from his guests.

      'That's how all those arrogant Western women should be treated,' cried one.

      'Yes that's the way  to cure of them of their licentious ways,' cried another

      'Indeed, indeed,' agreed the Caid and others.

      'Thank you my brothers,' replied the Prince. 'But the business of conception is probably not yet over. These women have been on a course of fertility pills for the last couple of months and I want at least twins from each of them - to provide my estates in Arabia with strong and intelligent workers!

      There was a burst of cruel laughter from the guests.

      'But, my brothers, see how the Christian women are trying in vain to expel the good Moslem seed that is inexorably, and remorselessly, slipping down deeper and deeper inside them.'

      The guests laughed again as they saw that the cheeks of each of the women's bottoms were indeed now opening and closing as they tried desperately to expel their sire's seed.

      'Well,' went on the Prince, 'remember, once again, what our forefathers used to do in similar situations in their slave breeding pens: another beating to get the women's blood running faster to help conception to take place. Yes, there's nothing like an old fashioned remedy!'

      He nodded again to the black eunuchs. Again the room was filled with the cries of the women and the noise of the boys' dogwhips and of Malaka's cane swishing through the air and landing on the women's white bottoms.

      Then the Prince held up his hand again for the beatings to stop.

      'Now my brothers, my chief black eunuch will make certain that these Christian sluts can do nothing to prevent Nature from taking it's course - and, as in the old days, to prevent themselves from producing good Moslem servants for their Master.'

      Malaka now came forward. He was carrying three chain mail breeding belts.

      Penelope gasped as, still strapped helplessly into the stocks, she felt Malaka's hand reaching down to her belly. Then she felt him fasten a chain mail breeding belt over her beauty lips. He pulled the securing chains taut round her hips and up between the cheeks of her buttocks. He again put his hand down to make sure that the stiff wire edge of the chain mail pouch was pressing tight against her hairless skin.

      Horrified Penelope remembered seeing similar belts locked onto the Dutch mother and daughter below their swollen bellies - and on other Christian girls in the harem who were evidently Expecting a Happy Event.

      She remembered what Ruth had told her on her first day in the harem about the Mating Stocks and how the Master enjoyed his Christian concubines being made to have Little Surprises. She had put it out of her mind - but now ... My God!

      She began to cry - something that delighted the cruel guests.

      Satisfied that Penelope would not able to interfere with what her Master had ordered to be done to her, Malaka repeated the process on Chantalle and Mizzi. They, too, were horrified as they realised the true purpose of the belts locked onto them.

      Then Malaka went up to Prince and salaamed as he formally presented the Master with the keys of the breeding belts - each marked with the harem number branded on the woman's belly.

      The Prince had been remembering the very satisfying, and suitably aesthetic, scene when his Dutch matched pair, the mother and daughter, had foaled before him. He turned back to his guests.

      'My brothers, you have seen only Act One of our play, as they say in he decadent West. May I now invite you back to another banquet in nine months time to witness Act Two, the delivery by these Western women of my good Moslem future servants?'

      This was greeted enthusiastic cries of acceptance. Delighted by the success of the evening, the Prince added with another cruel smile: 'We will now leave our beautiful Christian women strapped down here for an hour to make sure that a good conception takes place - whilst we have our coffee next door!'







An hour later, three sobbing girls were led by their overseers to Nadu's Maternity and Foaling Wing. Their breeding belts were locked filmy in place.

       A happily smiling Nadu took possession of the girls leads from the young black boys and chained to little cot beds. They would hardly be allowed out of bed for a couple of months, for Nadu was making very sure that he did not  anger the Prince by allowing any of these three beautiful European women to lose their progeny.

      Although careful not to allow the women themselves to have any idea about what was going on, Nadu was delighted when only a  few days after their mating all three girls tested Positive.

      Also delighted to hear this news was the Master - and of course Malaka and the girls' overseers. Indeed the successful mating of the Prince's latest Matched Pair, and of Mizzi, was the center of conversation amongst the black eunuchs - and a cause of much jealousy as well as delight, for they would be a hard couple to defeat in the Belly Competition, and later perhaps in the Milking one as well.


Blissfully unaware of all this, Penelope was looking down despairingly at her glistening breeding belt. Oh how she hated it. Nadu made them carefully polish the hated belts every day. It was, she supposed,  a way of impressing on them that there was nothing they could do about their planned expectant state.

      She had also found it very humiliating to be taught by this horrid old man how to pull back the chain running between her buttocks when she relieved herself and how then to keep the chain spotlessly clean.

       Her two Dutch friends, Martha and Dolly, must also, she now realised, have had to learn to do this, too, when they were similarly kept locked into their breeding belts. How awful!

      What was so dreadful was that it all seemed merely for their Master's amusement.

      Every day the Master came to the Maternity Ward to inspect them. As they lay terrified in their cots with their hands clasped behind their necks, they would have to raise the bellies for his inspection. With a proprietary smile, he would run his hands over their still flat little bellies, whilst he talked to Nadu in Arabic.

      What made it all even worse was that none of knew with what sort of man they had been mated. Penelope remembered that the unknown manhood that penetrated her had seemed very large. Was it that of some sort of giant? Oh my God! Or was it just that it had seemed so large because the Master had normally used her back passage - as he did with all Christian girls.

      Oh, to think that only a couple of months before she had had been a free woman - and now she had been mated, mated for the amusement of a cruel and revolting Arab, mated as a spectacle for the amusement of his friends.

       Oh how dreadful it was. And there was no escape from the harem! Certainly no one back in England would ever have suspected where she was. Nor would they ever have dreamt that she was now just another branded, ringed and infibulated concubine of a cruel and wealthy Arab Prince, waiting to see if her forced mating had properly taken.

      Seeking comfort she put one hand into Chantalle's, knowing how she hated it too. Then shyly she put the other into Mizzi's.

      'Do you think I'm ... we're ... really ... ?' she whispered, for the hundredth time to Mizzi, behind Nadu's back. It was all  that they could think about. 'It all seems so awful - merely for the Master's amusement - merely because we're Christian girls.'

      Mizzi gave her a little squeeze back. What was there to say? It was indeed awful. 

      Mizzi was, Penelope knew, supposed to be a hated rival from another team, but the feeling of her also being another European woman being forcibly made to undergo the mental pangs of an enforced maternity, was a bond that overcame this artificial rivalry.

      She also could not help feeling sorry for Mizzi whenever she saw the belled bracelets locked onto  her wrists - the bracelets that had led to her terrible circumcision. She could not help remembering the dreadful scene when Mizzi w was flogged and then "cut". Poor girl!

      A further bond was the hated memory of all three being so degradingly mated simultaneously as a spectacle for the Master's guests - something that none of them could ever forget, or forgive.

      An even stronger bond, however, was the breeding belt into which each of them had been locked to prevent them from interfering with the fate that their Master had chosen for them.

       But at least, Penelope thought, none of them belonged to the Yellow Team with it's awful demeaning bald craniums and large brass nose rings. Oh, what a terrifying place this harem was.

      'But how,' Chantalle whispered, 'could we all have conceived at the same time?'

      'Well, have you been given red or green coloured pills' asked Mizzi mysteriously.

      'Yes,' replied Penelope, 'but Burka said they were vitamin pills.'

      'Well, I don't think they were,' replied Mizzi. 'I suspect they were for controlling our monthly cycles. Had you noticed that you were both now exactly in line with each other.'

      'Yes,' cried Emma, Then she dropped her voice again. 'I thought it must just be a strange coincidence.'

      'Do you mean,' murmured a shocked Chantalle, 'that our awful young Team Overseer arranged it all with those pills? How shame-making for our bodies to be controlled like that by a young black eunuch boy!'

      'And Gorka used them on me too,' added Mizzi. 'He must have liaised with Burka and brought me exactly into line with you two - so that all three of us would be ready to conceive on the same day.'

      'And in front the Master's guests - like performing animals.'

      'Or rather, like hated Christian women,' said Mizzi bitterly.

      'And deliver on the same day!' said Chantalle, pointing at the new triple birthing chair that, to her horror had suddenly replaced the old double one, in the corner of Nadu's ward

      'Oh perhaps you're all exaggerating and none of us has conceived,' laughed Penelope optimistically.

      'Not if, like me, you were also given the black pills,' said Mizzi.

      'Black pills!' cried Chantalle. 'Yes, we had them every day ... but Burka wouldn't say what they were.'

      'Well, they told me they were fertility pills,' said Mizzi.

      'What!' cried Penelope and Chantalle together. 'But ... why?'

      'Partly, I suspect, to make sure that, for the private satisfaction of the Master, we do conceive,' answered Mizzi. 'It's his hobby - breeding from his white concubines!'

      'His hobby?' repeated Chantalle bitterly.

      'Yes,' Mizzi whispered back, 'the swine gets as much pleasure from breeding from us white women as a European millionaire might do from breeding his own thoroughbred racehorses.'

      'You mean, we're just his prize brood mares!' said Penelope angrily, 'to be put to a chosen stallion whenever he decides to do so. It hardly seems possible.'

      'But it is,' murmured Chantalle.

      'Yes,' went on Mizzi, 'I think he also does it because he wants to copy his forefathers and use us Christian girls to produce a steady stream of future workers for his Arabian estates. Certainly I heard him tell Gorka he wanted twins or triplets out of me!'

      'Oh my God,' cried Penelope, putting her hand down to her unyielding and impenetrable breeding belt. 'Twins or triplets!'


The Prince was even more delighted when, a little later, Nadu was able to report that all three girls were suffering from morning sickness. It was an event that the Prince had, unbelievably, celebrated by watching each girl being given three strokes of the dogwhip on her breasts.

      Soon Nadu started to check daily for signs of their progeny on his ultra sound scan. How delighted the Master was when he reported that, unknown to them, Penelope and Chantalle were carrying twins and Mizzi tiny little triplets!

      Nadu firmly stamped on anything that might bring out their maternal instincts and thus help them to accept what was being done to them. No, he knew, the Prince wanted to enjoy the feeling of enforcing an unwanted maternity on these Christian girls. The more they hated and resented it, the greater would be their Master's pleasure.

      Later, all three girls had all comforted each other again when they felt the first little kicks in their bellies. But how delighted Nadu had been, checking with the scan that all was well

      Oh, how they longed to know what he was looking at. But they were never allowed to see what was on the monitoring screen and it was always discussed in Arabic. As a result neither Penelope nor Chantalle knew they were carrying twins, black twins, nor did Mizzi yet know that she was carrying half pygmy triplets.

      Yes, Nadu assured Burka, the half Dinka twins that Penelope and Chantalle were both carrying were doing well -  as, he told Gorka,  were the much smaller, half pygmy, triplets that Mizzi was carrying.

      Their bellies were now beginning to show and their breasts to harden. Every day, Nadu would now lead them, crawling on a lead, into the presence of the Master

      'Up!' Nadu would order.

      Then, putting aside his papers momentarily, the busy Prince would look at the three half naked women, silently standing trembling at Attention in front of him.

       Once again, a splendid feeling of power would run through him as he ran his hands over their beautifully swelling  bellies and their tightly restraining breeding belts.

      Oh how he enjoyed the alternatively pleading and resentful look in their eyes. Yes, this was exactly what the old axiom had meant. Revenge on helpless Christian slavegirls!


      Yes, Nadu now reported to Malaka, all three girls could now return to their teams whilst their bellies continued to grow prettily.













Penelope and Chantalle had now been back with rest of their team for several months.

       They were sitting on one of the Blue Team's big leather Moorish cushions in the main room of the harem, The rattan cane and the list of offences, together with the portrait of the Master, still dominated the room - and their thoughts. Indeed Burka had warned them that although their state might excuse them being thrashed with the rattan cane on heir bare buttocks, they could still be given it on the soles of their feet - the old traditional harem bastinado!

      They still dressed in the Blue Team uniform of blue leggings that left their buttocks and bellies bare - except that they now had a breeding belt locked over their beauty lips. It was only removed once a week when Burka depilated all his team, and then only for a few minutes wit the girls hands tied behind their back to make sure that they could get at their unwanted progeny.

      Still chained by the neck to Chantalle, Penelope was looking down unbelievingly at her now well curved belly and the cruelly unyielding chain mail breeding belt below it.

       She was resting after a strenuous session in the pool with Nadu and the other expectant girls. First, they had had to throw the heavy big rubber ball to each other over the high net. Then, lying on their backs by the side of the pool, Nadu had put them through a whole series of prenatal exercises, using his dogwhip to make sure that they did one properly.

      It had been a trying time for them. They had both been constantly called for by the Prince, either for him to play with, or for him to sodomise degradingly.

      Similarly their duties in the Turkish toilet off the bathroom had resumed.

      But perhaps it was now being in he place of honour in the front when carrying their Master's palanquin that was now the most taxing and exhausting task. The Master was clearly delighted to have their beautifully curved bellies now prominently on display when he visited the Guest House at the top of the hill behind the Palace. But the strain of holding up the palanquin and of moving at a prancing trot, and of raising their knees high despite their state. was exhausting.

      What came as an even greater shock, was when they over-heard their Master discussing his future breeding plans for the Blue Team.

      'It is all working out very well, Malaka, and giving me a lot of pleasure. The Dutch mother and daughter have made a fine pair of milkmaids, but it will soon be time to have them mated again to take the place of my lovely English and French Matched Pair. This time I have a rather special sire to try out on them both: a huge Turkish wrestler. Mating them with him will make a splendid sight!'

      Hearing this, Penelope heart had gone down into her boots with despair. Was there to be no end to the degradation that the cruel Prince had in store for them?

      She would have been even more shocked had she been able to hear what the Prince was then saying to Malaka.

      'My new Matched Pair are indeed a delightful couple, but  I must begin to think of my old age, Malaka.'

      'Oh, Your Highness, I am sure you will retain your vigour for many years,' replied a shocked Malaka. Surely the Prince was not thinking of closing down his harem? He would lose his job!

      'Precisely,' said the Prince, 'but it may become increasingly difficult to obtain suitable white women. So I must start breeding my own.'

      'Ah!' cried Malaka greatly relieved.

      'So for their next maternity I think we might send them to spend a little time in the human stud farm of my Cousin Ali. Their white daughters can be raised at his establishment and then be educated in Europe, before coming to join their mothers here in my harem. Indeed, I think I might do the same with our Dutch mother and daughter, after they've been mated with my Turkish wrestler, so as to have a good number of pretty young women to amuse me in my retiring years.'

      The Prince chuckled cruelly to himself.

      'And it'll be amusing to visit them in the breeding pens of my Cousin Ali!'

