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The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

A New Beginning

 I don�t like thinking too much about the future, after all we can only live in the present moment, and thus we should focus on that. But there�s something that I�m thinking more and more lately, and that�s helping me to get a lot of motivation. "What am I going to become five years from now?" A simple question with almost an improbable answer.

 As a high school student, I have to put much thought into the future. Preparing for college takes forethought and initiative, so I've often thought about where I would be years from now. No one can predict his or her own future and no one can tell what will be your life in the next five or ten years from now. There�s a possibility that you will die or there�s a possibility that you will have your own family, you just can�t tell. I always wanted to see what my life would be like in the future. What will be my career and what will my life become? As I reflected back on my childhood, I have many dreams and aspirations that I would like to accomplish within the next five or ten years to come. In five years, I can see myself having many of my goals accomplished, if not accomplished, I will be working on accomplishing those goals to fulfill my life. I know it�s not easy to know your life next five years but I just can�t stop thinking about it.

 I envision myself as a happy and most probably, simple individual who has finished most of the plans she has made and set as her life was slowly expended on each day that passed by. These plans would not only involve the actual completion of a 4 year course I would really love to graduate from, namely Accountancy , then I plan to take Law after I find a stable workplace. It would also involve having to work in a prime company which pays relatively huge sums of money for some meager job I have accomplished. Lastly, to help my family back and give my parents, especially, a peaceful and �justified� retirement.

 In three to five years from today I have many goals set for myself for my near future. I know that by striving for what I want and believing I can do it that I will be where I truly want to be. I definitely will be going to college, a large one where I can meet new people to be with along the way. The business and financing majors seem to interest me the most from past experience, so I can definitely see myself making a career of it someday. In five years, I see myself recieving my Bachelor's degree. I believe the highest education you can recieve will get me where I want to be, and I truly value education. There are also many other goals I would like to accomplish over the next three to five years. I would start working at a local bank in my neighborhood, and I know from there only bigger and better opportunities will come my way. I'd work longer hours over the summer and eventually get a new job that connects with my major so I can get the experience while getting the education. I am looking into attending college and start another 4 year course of Law. I can only hope for help from a scholarship of being a DOST graduate to really go into a nice college that'd I would really love to attend. Once I get to college, I plan to work even harder than I ever have before. I take school more seriously than anything because it's hard to live the life I would like to one day have without a good education. I'll work so hard through out high school to get where I am, and I have no intentions of stopping . I believe that if you want something, you need to try your best, or else there's no point in trying at all.

 It�s difficult to imagine where my life will end up in five years. Of course I hope I�m in a better position than where I am today. One must know where they are, in order to find out where they�re going. I currently see myself as being a thriving individual. I attend school full-time and enjoy every moment of it. The work load isn�t as difficult as students make it out to be. In my opinion, it all comes down to realizing your priorities and managing your time appropriately. Honestly, I am still considering on trying other courses other than what my parents had suggested. Now that I know where I�m at in life, I can expect certain things to come within the next five years. I�m convinced I will be surrounded by success. Quite honestly, I believe I will be the most successful person I know in five years. In the past, I have always been one to go through the ranks rather quickly. I attribute this to my ability to adapt to new situations quickly and my confidence in people skills. I know in five years I will not be flipping burgers in Jollibee or working as a clerk at a gas station.

 To summarize everything, after five years, I would like to start a new beginning as an educated individual that has accomplished her goals and played a major role in the society.

Mission Accomplished

 Ten years ago I was in my elementary days, a child that the only thing that wants to do is to do homework after school, eat, watch television and play with friends. A child that don�t care about the future. And if you asked me if what I want to be, I will simply answer you that someday I�ll be a princess I will live in the castle together with my prince charming like in Cinderella. Yes, when we are children, we like living in fantasies, we believe in fairy Godmother that will help us in our problems. We believe that in every bottle we find there is a Gennie inside of it and he will grant our three wishes. But as years goes by we find it funny we find it weird because we then realize that those things are just castle in the sky, out of reality. In sitting back and having to review my life and what I would like to do in the next 10 years, I realized that I really have it all figured out. My next step would have to be actually putting my best foot forward and claiming that big ladder of success. Well for me life is a matter of choice. Now for my fourteen years of existence and if you will asked me if what I want to become or where I was headed, I will be proudly answer you that I would like to achieve many things but there are three main things I would like to accomplish those being: to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), a successful lawyer, having own house and car.

 I have planned, dreamed, and hoped what my next 10 years would look like. I know what I want do as career, accomplish, and become. The careers that I am interested in is to become a CPA Lawyer. It is important to pick a career that keeps our interest and makes you work hard. I want to wake up every morning excited about my job and wanting to go to work or my life would be miserable. I want to accomplish my goal of becoming the profession I have chosen. I plan on going to a good college and take a 4 year course of Accountancy. I know my college years will not be easy but I am looking forward to going away to college. I would do my best to pass the board exam and find a suitable workplace. Then I plan to take Law and live my life as a CPA Lawyer. It is very exciting to know that 10 years from now I will have decided what I want to be doing the rest of my life. I hope to have finished my studies and hopefully will be pursuing my masters degrees. I look forward to working with people and helping them in times of need. I can�t wait to look back 10 years from now and see if my dreams and goals have come true. I know with hard work and dedication I can make them happen. In high school I plan on working hard so I can get a scholarship as a DOST student.

 Ten years from today, when I have accomplished all my goals and finally became successful, I would look back at the memories of the past and would proudly say "Mission Accomplished!"