Dear Friends,

First of all I want to thank my dear friend Father_Baba from Turkey for all his hard work and encouragement.  He has made it possible for one of my dreams come true. I will always be grateful for his unending kindness, patience and friendship.. 

I started writing poetry a little over 2 years ago.  I think of them as  dreams.  I hope they make you as happy as they have made me.  The only thing I can measure with this happiness is my daughter and 3 grandsons.  I have shared them privately with my friends and family since I began writing.  I am a very private person,  so this is totally out of my character.  When , I found they enjoyed  going on my dreams with me in my poems, this is when I decided to build a website.    I hope you will enjoy them as much too.   I would appreciate your comments about my site when you sign  my guest book.   Now take a moment and dream with me.

Your Friend,
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