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Brunel University Rowing Club

General Information

Can you see the Ghost??
  Reminder/Socials!! - Anna
  Curry Night - Chris


10 January 2002

Happy New Year!!

Welcome back after the Christmas break...some of you I appreciate will have exams coming up, but for the rest of you it's now just a chance to slowly re-adjust into the wonderful student life!!

Here's just a little bit of fun to keep you amused until the regular emails start flying around again. Click Here!



14 November 2001

Hello Everybody

I hope you are all well and healthy and Chris didn't work you too hard on the river today. Hopefully we shall see you all bright and early on Saturday morning same time as usual, we are looking to enter some more races soon and hopefully we will be able to enter some new crews so if you want to be considered come down on Saturday.

We have very nearly filled all the available places for xmas dinner, so if you haven't signed up and you want to come you should bring the £5 deposit down on Saturday. For those of you who have signed up we need to organise what you want to eat the choices are listed below:



A savoury tart of caramelised shallots served on rocket and sour cream
Smoked salmon served with Sorrel cream
Duck terrine served with toast


Roast beef with gratin dauphinois, french beans and red wine
Baked salmon with spinach, roast potatoes and tarragon sauce
Wild mushroom and chestnut fricassee served with rice


Traditional french apple tart
Filled with liqueur cream and served with chocolate sauce
A mouse of red berries and passion fruit

As with most set menus you need to pick one dish from each section, we would ideally like your choice by next Wednesday, so either email it to us or tell either myself or Helen when we are down at the boat house. If for any reason you dispose of this email, the menu is also on our website and myself and Lauren have written copies.

Anyway thats enough rambling, hopefully we shall see you all on Saturday.



08 November 2001

Hello Everybody

Just to remind you all that there is no rowing on Saturday, but we do have two alternative excursions on offer this weekend.

Firstly, there is the chance to go to fours head on Saturday, which is a race along the Thames, involving various different levels of competitors, from novices to Olympic crews. Our coach Chris is racing in the event and Nat is coxing a boat. If you would like to go you should email Paul, the vice captain on [email protected] and he will organise the arrangements. It is only a trip to Hammersmith as the view from the there is very good.

Our mens crew is also racing on the Sunday in Kingston, and I'm sure the support would be much appreciated if you felt like coming down to watch. The only problem is it is quite early in the morning, but what else is there to do on a Sunday. The minibus is leaving Uxbridge at 6:15am and we are aiming to leave Runnymede at 7am. I know it seems early , but this would be good experience for you as hopefully you will be racing soon aswell. If you would like a space on the minibus please email me on [email protected], as numbers are limited. Alternatively you could make your own way down to kingston for the start of the race which begins 10am. If you want to do this our supporters group will probably be situated near Kingston boatclub but if you can't find us just phone me on 0870 3924861 and I will tell you where we are.

Anyway hopefully we shall see you at some point over the weekend, otherwise next Wednesday

From Anna

PS remember to keep Tuesday 27th November free as we are having an academy night and the theme is 999, they are always a good laugh and members tickets are only £3 in advance.


07 November 2001

Hello Everyone

Just to say, please bring your £5 deposits for xmas dinner at Auberge, to rowing today. Please come along and be merry and get to know a few more fellow rowers.

See you at one o'clock by the pond!




31 October 2001

Hi Everybody, Just to remind you all about Saturday rowing, we shall be meeting at the same time as usual and look forward to seeing lots of you there. It really is a important that you attend the sesssions if you can as we shall hopefully be putting you into some sort of crews shortly.

We have extended the date by which you have to order the O'Neill clothing and pay the £5 deposit for the Christmas dinner until next wednesday. If you are based on the Runnymede Campus, try to look out for a few members of the Committee who will be around at fireworks tomorrow.

See you all soon



24 October 2001

Hello Everybody

I hope you have all managed to dry off after the downpour today and are raring to get back out on the water. We are rowing this saturday and realise that some of you may feel that 9am is a bit early but a nice row will start the weekend off just great. We recommend that you come on Saturday as when you are beginners it is important that you get as many outings as possible, so as to speed up your learning process. You will also probably get longer on the river on Saturday than we are able to give you on a Wednesday.

Just to remind you about the socials we are having this week, there is a Curry Night tomorrow evening (Thurs 25th Oct), meeting in the SU bar (Loco's) at 7pm sharp. It should be a good evening so come along if you can. We are also entering the quiz on Sunday evening so if you are feeling knowledgeable or even just socialable please come along. We are meeting in the SU bar at around 7-7:30pm. We are also requiring a £5 deposit from you by next Wednesday (31st Oct) if you want to come to the rowing club Christmas dinner.

Lastly if you want to order any of the O'Neils kit please bring your cheque books with you on Saturday or Wednesday.

See you soon.



19 October 2001

Hello all you keen rowers, hope your muscles and joints aren't aching too much with the intense training you have been put under. Anyway its time for a break from all that, and thats why a Curry night has been organised for next Thursday 25th October. We meet in the SU bar at 7pm sharp on the Thursday and have a few drinks on route to the restaurant in Uxbridge where we have a room booked for 8pm. Dress to impress but make sure the clothes can be cleaned easily as you never know how curry can affect you!!!!

Awards will be given out for some stuff I'll make up so be there if you want to be in with a chance of winning a really great prize!!! Please let me know if your going to come by telling on saturday or e-mail me on [email protected] or [email protected] let me know quickly as I need numbers.



18 October 2001

We are rowing this saturday morning, so if you feel like an outing on the water please come along. If you are based on the Uxbridge campus we are meeting at 9am at the pond, and once again would appreciate it if you could bring a car along with you, if you have one. If you are based on the Runnymead campus we should be down to the boathouse at about 9:30 and so you should meet us then. If you are taking a car, can you please either park it on the gravel by the boathouse if there is room or in the tearoom car park opposite.

As Lauren mentioned at the boathouse yesterday we are planning a Christmas dinner this year, it will most likely be on the first Thursday in December. As Lauren said the places are limited so we will require a £5 deposit. The dinner is likely to cost a further £15 to £20. If there is enough interest from the Runnymead campus we will see if we can hire a minibus for the evening. There is also the chance to order kit, which is being made by O'Neils this year. The choice to order kit is entirely up to you, but if you decide you do, Helen and Katherine will be able to take orders on Saturday or Wednesday. Also if there is anything further you want to know about kit please feel free to ask any committe member, who should be able to help.

I look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Saturday morning!



15 October 2001

Just a quick message to remind you about rowing on Wednesday, we shall be meeting at the pond at 1pm. Unfortunately we may not have access to any transport and so if you have a car it would be most appreciated if you could bring it down on Wednesday, so that we can transport everybody to the boat house. We will organise it so that the passengers in the car each pay the driver 50p, so as to cover the cost of the petrol.

On wednesday we will require that each of you have a sports fed card, before we allow you onto the river, this is because without a sports fed you are not insured. You should bring the sports fed card with you on Wednesday so that we can make a note of the number. Hopefully we shall see you all on Wednesday,



10 October 2001

Hello Everyone

I hope you all had a good time down at the boathouse today and that you enjoyed your outing on the river. We will be rowing again on Saturday morning, so if you are based at the Uxbridge campus we are meeting at the pond at 9am. Unfortunately we do not have access to a coach on Saturday and so if you have a car it would be greatly appreciated if you can bring it down, we shall come to some arrangement to pay you for the petrol. If you are based at the Runnymead campus then you should meet us at the boathouse at 9:30am.

As a member of a university club it is required that you have a sports federation card, which I believe costs £15 for Uxbridge and £7.50 for Runnymead students. These are obtainable from the Sports Centre on the Uxbridge campus, we would like for you to have these cards by Wednesday, if possible as otherwise you are not insured on the river. If you would like to start land training, which is not compulsory, but will be beneficial if you are considering entering races you can contact Paul Clarke on [email protected] if you are based at Uxbridge or Dave Hayes on [email protected] if you are based at Runnymead. You can also talk to any of us when we are down at the river.

We are having drinks in the Bishops bar on Sunday evening, meeting at 8pm, so if you are around and feel like a drink please come and see us.



MAY 2001

8 May 2001

Hey everyone

Yes its me again just to tell you that the interclub races and BBQ will take place before the exams on the 23rd May. This date has been chosen to relieve stress and make sure you are properly relaxed for the long difficult exams that are going to put you minds under so much turmoil you will feeling your brain start to cry out for help. Unfortunatly i can't experience this cause i do a dossy course. Anyway we want you all to come for a really good time and a major piss up to relax and unwind you. Bring your own drink and money for food probably about a fiver but I'll get back to you on that OK.

Anyway good luck with your revision and don't panic you will all be fine. Relax and think about a bright sunny day with some rowers going down a river and you sitting with a beer of your choice and some great BBQed food.

Good luck


APRIL 2001

30 Apr 2001

Hi Everyone

Hope you haven't eaten too much chocolate over Easter, Rowing is on this Wednesday hope you can all come. Two mens and two womens crews are racing next weekend so we need to get back into training!! If you are not racing this time you will be next time, it is not so easy to boat share at a regatta! Crews will be confirmed on Wednesday. I think we are going to need cars on wednesday so if you can, please bring yours, thank you!

The second kit order should be arriving soon, if you have ordered I will let you know when it arrives.

See you soon


MARCH 2001

27 Mar 2001

WOW!!! Last night at the Annual Sports Federation Dinner, the Brunel University Rowing Club won Non-competitive sports Club of the Year!!! We got a nice big shiny cup (which Alice threw up in! :o) and we're all very proud and chuffed!!!

This is the highest accolade a club can get...and the competition was pretty intense!



23 Mar 2001

Ladies and Gentlemen!! It's here at last!! Big brother syndrome has hit the Rowing Club website!! Go to the Big Brother page and follow the instructions to see what it's all about!!


15 Mar 2001

Please everybody we need you on Saturday!!

We are putting together a video presentation for the Sports Fed. committee of how fantastic we are, so can everyone turn up in full kit (please also bring the uniform you wore on Uniforms night - we need to recreate the moment!!). Please also make sure you have a complete change of clothes as the falling out drill may be preformed. Committee members please think of something funny to say for the video.


13 Mar 2001

Hello everyone,

I don't know about everyone else but I'm bored with not racing, so we're having our very own races on Wednesday 21st March!

The details are still being finalised and obviously we'll be the only University competing but there will be various categories, and anyone that wants to get a four together can enter. The course will only be about 500 metres long, so it shouldn't be too difficult to race more than once. In fact, enter as many as you like. So far, the categories are..... Men's coxed fours; Women's coxed fours; Mixed coxed fours (2 boys and 2 girls!); Wildcard coxed fours, which basically involves pulling names out of a hat and giving you the row up to the start line to get it together!! I would like the crews that have been training together for the past couple of weeks to race together. I want at least 3 boats in each category, so try and get some crews together - you can row with who you like. There will be prizes, medals, certificates and then a general piss up afterwards to celebrate our brilliance!


12 Mar 2001

At the moment the race at Bedford on the 8th April is still on so we are still going ahead with the enteries for this. We will confirm crews asap.

Secondly a note about your sports fed numbers. As from Wednesday you have one week to get a sports fed card. If we do not have your number by the following Wednesday you will not be able to row as without a sports fed card you are not insured! Please can you all bring your sports fed cards with you on Wednesday.

Hope you have all bought your tickets for the sports fed dinner this at least should go according to plan!!

11 Mar 2001

Unfortunately the race has been cancelled on the 25th March. This is due to the Foot + Mouth crisis that is inflicting itself upon the country. At present we can still row though because we're not in an infected area.


23 Feb 2001

Just a quick note for anyone that wants more information on the next two races we'll be attending, they are the:

Bedford Small Boats Head
Abingdon Rowing Club

12 Feb 2001

At last!!!

Courtesy of Chris we now have our first photo on the site! And what a photo it is too! Lauren and Carolyn are pictured looking particularly tasty, dressed as school girls for the Infamous School Disco Night!!! Nice one girls!

Click here to see the photo!

P.S. If anyone else has any photos that they'd like to see on the site, just email them to me here, and I'll do my best to make them available as soon as possible! Please send the files to me in JPEG format (e.g. files with the extension .jpg)! It's easier to work with!

05 Feb 2001

Hello, hello, hello!!!

It's good to be back and even better now that we can row! But rowing has nothing to do with me so I'll cut that out and get to the most important of issues: Socialising!!! "BaCK 2 BasICS" is the night out we all love and always enjoy the most! Yes it's the legendary pub crawl into uxbridge and then onto Royales. As you all know, Royales is now only £10 admision and all you can drink. For those of you who have not (shock, horror) sampled this it's about time you did for it is truly unforgettable.

Meet me in the S.U./Jurassics bar @ 8pm this Thurday night. No excuses for not attending this one as its the start of semester and none of us have anything else better to do! I'm really looking forward to seeing you all again, it's been far too long!


01 Feb 2001

Hello everybody!

There is a race on the 18th February which I am entering a couple of crews in. As we haven't rowed for so long, we're going to have to train quite intensively over the next couple of weeks. If you fancy entering, come down on Wednesday so I can finalise the crews and arrange training times. If you don't want to enter this one, there is another one a couple of weeks later. To race, you will have to be a member of the ARA. I think it costs 25 quid and you can link to their website through ours, www.geocities.com/rowingclub2000/links.htm and you also need to have a valid Sports Fed card if anyone hasn't done that yet. The kit should be arriving next week.

See you all on Wednesday, if anyone wants to row at the weekend, email or ring me and if there are enough people I'll get a minibus.



30 Jan 2001

Hello everyone, hope you're all delicious.

We ARE rowing tomorrow. I know, I know, shock horror, but it's really true. We're rowing on the reservoir at Datchet. We are meeting at the pond at one. If anyone has wellies, please bring them. and also a change of clothes as the water is far colder than the river and it would be fairly disastrous if anyone went in. We can pick people up from the Runnymede campus or the boathouse, but please let me know if you want picking up and we can arrange a time. See you tomorrow at one.


10 Jan 2001

Hello everyone, hope you all had a delicious holiday.

Rowing is starting again after inter-semester week. We won't be able to use the river but we are borrowing a reservoir from a sailing club, which will actually be better as we won't have to fight the current. If anyone does want to row before then, let me know and I'll see what I can do, seeing as I do have three weeks off.

Not sure yet when the new kit is arriving but I will let you know.

Good luck with the your exams!



07 Dec 2000

Date: Thursday 14th December

Meeting: S.U./Main/Jurassic's bar at 8:00pm

What will we be doing?: We are going to do what we do best... we are crawling (via many pubs) into Uxbridge. Then @ 10ish we are going to Royales. It's only £10 to get in and all drinks (yes all drinks) are inclusive in that price. No other costs! Should turn out to be a very cheap drunken night out!

It WILL be a great night & as it's Xmas I'll be getting everyone a drink in Royales. (tee, hee, hee!)

If we don't see you before hand we'll see you next Thursday!


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