The Foxy Dachshund

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A Sad Story ...

The Most Beautifull Dog there ever was

It was Friday, Memorial Day weekend. Driving on the way home, I saw what looked like a dachshund laying by the side of the road. So I stopped, got out and went over to investigate. At first I thought it had been in an accident. But it was just resting, probably for a long time as the poor guy was so weak from malnutrition. I drove off and left it there. Then he gave me that "Look".

Well I went home, ate supper and fed my fat dogs, and could not get that "Look" out of my mind. You know the rest. Drove back to pick the stray up. It was so weak that it could not stand. I had to carry him to the car. He inhaled supper and got settled in a nest in the laundry bin at homefor the night. I stayed up a while, to comfort the guest, getting a good look at him. Obviously a dachshund cross of some sort. Short hair, deep shade of Red. How beautifull he was. I named him "Red".

A trip to the vet was in order, and the worst confirmed: Heartworm poistive. It was possible to treat and cure, however very difficult and not likely. Red was also very anemic. We will feed him, give vitamins, and get his strength back first. Deal with one thing at a time.

Things just got worse over the next two days. Red quit eating. There was nothing I could do. I held and petted him hours on end, giving him all the love there was. Towards the last, Red held up his head and looked straight into my soul. In that one moment there was no pain in his eyes. Only Love. Red seemed to say "Thank you for everything", with all of his heart.

The end came in three hours. It was a heart wrenching experience. Sobbing and praying, I stroked Red's face and told him how beautifull he was. The most beautifull dog there ever was.


Because of Red, my human no longer wishes to be associated with kennels and breeders. She chooses not to include links of that type anywhere in this site. It is not in the best interest of the thousands of unwanted pets abandoned every day.

Dropped of at "Animal Shelters", most of them are put to death. Those are the lucky ones. Even more dogs and cats are left in the parks and roadsides. Soon to be faced with starvation, disease, and the elements, we all know they will eventually starve to death or die of exposure.

Because my present owner rescued me from abandonment, I now enjoy the life every dachshund deserves. Please find it in your heart to give a homeless dachshund or any kind of dog (or cat) a second chance at life. You wont regret it!


The Foxy Dachshund

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