The Foxy Dachshund

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Thank you,

Dallas, Texas

Original artwork by my Human
Copyright � 2001 Cristie Maure

My Story

Puppy hood is only a dim memory for me. I think I was born not far from Austin, Texas about six or seven years ago. I remember getting beaten with a flyswatter by mean people and getting attacked by a Rottweiler.

Then spring of '98 I moved in with a family that had lots of kids who were very nice to me. I sure loved them. Come Summer, that family moved to another place in the country with their Grandmother. It was great except for the Grandma didn't like dogs so I had to stay outside. At first in a tiny pen, which I quickly escaped from. Then I was running loose all day, about to get run over.

One day there was a terrible hailstorm and the next door neighbor rescued me and let me in her house. I learned her name was Cristie and she really liked dogs and kids. We became good friends and she often let me sleep in her house at night when it started to get cold.


Then my family moved away but forgot to take me with them.


I knew where my real home was.


So I made myself comfortable.


And decided to stay!


My first official portrait.



The Foxy Dachshund

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