Autre technique dans la page suivante..
kamehameha:: the super goku attack can stun enemy, blast off attack or

big bang attack:: extremly powerfull charged by extending the two arms
then shoot a big beam whith one hand (quite like a kamehameha)

final flash:: charges as a big bang but shooted with the 2 hands in front of
your chest instead and much more bright (blinds everyone for a couple
of seconds) and create a big yellow energy wawe.

masenko:: first strong gohan attack, strong ki-ball follow bye red energie

destructo-disk:: the ultimate ki-disk cutting all in his way difficult to
throw but impossible to block (you must have mini destructo disk)

genki-dama:: ultimate spirit bomb allows you to combine 3/4 of your pl
and ¼ of up to 3 persons present in the room pl creating huge ball over
your head then shoot really fast to enemy (people giving pl must know
ki-dama, elements control and controlled ki)

special beam cannon:: ultimate piccolo move making two finger on top
face then concentrate energie in your finger to shoot a terribly drilling
beam impossible to block that attack cn drill anything but not really
explode (requires beam cannon and controlled ki)

genocide attack:: you must have rapid ki-ball then your arm begin to
shoot really strong ki-ball non-stop like a machine gun.

kameh-beam:: krillin's modified version of kamehameha throws a ki
beam that can be help for a little time for exemple to melt some ice or to
dig someone deep into the ground

Forced fusion:: use when opponent is kncked out, allows you to fuse with
your opponent until you get knoked out and the one neing fused tries to end
the fusion. when fused,  only you gain the double pl gain bonu. (requires

fusion dance::both player must know this technique to use it, make a small
dance that ends with you and your opponent touching each others finger
(adding each players pl and exp and can use all attack both fighters know),
the fusion is always random in official matches but you the players can
decide in trainning. you may not saty fused more then 30mins in trainning
and 15 mins in official matches or it will be permanent, once you have
unfused you may not fuse again 2 day. (requires 5,000,000pl)

comet tail:: ability to charge a super punch followed by a terrible uppercut
(very strong physical attack)

tnt bubble:: make a ball around your enemy then make it explode (powerfull)
(requires distanced ki)

tsuhikidan:: yamcha first move, charge one blast that appear over your hand
then you con control that blast with your mind and guide it to where ever
you want, (the more you charge the bigger the blast)

double tsuhikidan:: must know tsuhikiban, krillin famous move, same as
tsuhikidan but throws one blast from each fixt.(always medium size)

bakuhatsuha:: lift 2 finger in the air the explosion will destroy all in a big
circle around you.

12 eyes:: you must know split form, ability to split youself in 4 splitting pl.

crushed ball:: make black ki-ball(big) then shoot at the enemy with fast

death ball:: make a little ball with your 2 hand then fly higher and shoot it the
gravity make the ball grow very big and hit the enemy.

freezer beam:: little and fast but very powerfull beam hard to make collide
whith another attack.

alpha::this attack uses half your pl in one giant black hole that if charged tree
times will damage your opponet by half your pl so if you have 1,000,000 pl
and you charge the alpha attack three times then you will damage your
opponet by 5,000. must know tjis attack before Alpha-Omega attack
(requires controlled ki)

alpha-omega: you must know the alpha attck and elements contol before
this, this attack uses all but one point of power level to attack your opponet
the only thisattack can be stopped is by time freeza and that will only delay
the attack so if you have 1,000,000 pl you will damage your opponent with
999,999 pl but be careful if they dodge (which they better have a way higher
attack lvl than you) Then you are real close to being dead.

ki-skin::you must know mini ki-sheild and controlled ki, ability to use ki for
making a strong sheild. Can protect against all equal or inferior attack lvl.

ki-sight:: you must know mini ki-shield and controlled ki, ability to use ki for

Bukujuts:: you must know fly, ability to use ki to fly better and
faster(requires controlled ki)

triangle blast:: one of Tien's first move. charged by placing your hands in
triangle in front of your face then shoots a triangle purple blast.

Kaio-Ken:: ability to gain 5 lvl for 5 minutes but use 500 000pl to reach the
5 lvl up so you cant use since you have 900 000pl (must know element

ki-sphere:: creates a ki-sphere thats surrounds you can protects you against
all weaker attacks can only be taken down by an advanced attack the
stranguer you are the biggest the the sphere can be.

time freeze:: you must know mind freeze, ability to freese opponent while
is attack too after the enemy unfreese also you must have 500 000pl to
learn it.

teleport:: you must know super speed, ability to teleport anywhere you
want more faster than superspeed exellent way of dodgin also you must
have 3,000,000 pl to learn it.

body change::cpt ginyu attaque, ability to change body for 20 min (1
million pl to learn)

renzoku senkoudan:: this attack is where you fire multiple ki blasts that
ks the target, surrounds it, and colapses in all at once (this is the
famous attack piccolo used against android 18(requires controlled ki and

instant transmission:: you must learn controlled ki, super speed, time freeze
and teleportto be able to learn instant transmission, ability to travel the
space to go on another planet (requires 1,700,000pl)

sayain fury:: you must know super kick combo and super punch, ability to
lauch a furious combo nonstop (really powerfull) after this attack you cant
breath regulary cuz you spend too much energy in that attack.

hive attack:: one of buu's stranguest move, raise your hand in the air
charging your hand with ki then thousands of small ki-ball emerges from
from it from it and can hit as many target as you want, tje less target the
bigger they are hit.

Finnish buster:: a TERRIBLE blash shooted whith a strange arm

TAKONTEKATSU:: This attack may only be use if you are a fusion
and if you have Final Flash and Erazzer Cannon.
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