Old Photos Gallery

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Click on the Thumbnails below to see the enlarged Pictures

Grey Herons Grey Herons Grey Herons
Male House Sparrow Male Pied Bushchat
Coppersmith Barbet Indian Courser Blue-faced Malkoha Female Common Iora
Jungle Prinia
Little Ringed Plover Little Ringed Plover Spot-billed Pelican Indian Nightjar
Short-toed Snake Eagle
Male Small Minivet Red-wattled Lapwing Male Greater Painted-Snipe Female Ashy-crowned Sparrow Lark Male Ashy-crowned Sparrow Lark
Male Barred Buttonquail Grey-breasted Prinia Red-whiskered Bulbul Male Pied Kingfisher Yellow-throated Bulbul
Black-rumped Flameback Male White-rumped Shama Indian Roller Male Indian Grey Hornbill Painted Stork
Great Thick-knee River Tern Male Indian Robin Small Pratincole Yellow-wattled Lapwing

These Pictures are captured by using Film Cameras & do not depict the Quality of the original Pictures

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