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Charles Lloyd Bibliography

This list is chronologicaly ordered. See Abbreviations.
A much more comprehensive bibliography (500+ entries!) is included in our book "Dream Weaver - Charles Lloyd - His Life & Music"

  1. NN
    strictly ad lib - Potpourri.
    Down Beat, Aug 26, 1965, p. 16 (EN)
  2. D. Buday
    Caught in the act. Charles Lloyd, Madison Club, Baltimore.
    Down Beat, 32/18, 26 August 1965, p. 35-36 (C) (EN)
  3. Leonard Feather
    Something important will emerge from the smog.
    Melody Maker, 18 December 1965, p. 8 (EN)
  4. C. Fero
    Charles Lloyd - Discovery.
    Sounds & Fury, 1/1, 1965, p. 58 (R) (EN)
  5. R. Blome
    Charles Lloyd - Dream weaver.
    Sounds, # 1, 1966/1967 (R) (EN)
  6. T. Castell
    Charles Lloyd Quartet - Of course, of course.
    Sounds & Fury, 2/2, 1966, p. 61 (R) (EN)
  7. Michel Delorme
    Charles Lloyd, révélation à Antibes - Je veux jouer pour le public.
    Jazz Hot, 32/223, 1966, p. 5-6 (FR)
  8. Michel Delorme
    Hodier et le free (Lloyd Quartette, Maison de l'O.R.T.F.).
    Jazz Hot, 32/226, 1966, p. 26-29(C) (FR)
  9. Leonard Feather
    Lloyd, une belle assurance.
    Jazz Magazine, # 127, 1966, p. 15 (FR)
  10. Alain Gerber
    Antibes 007, Charles Lloyd.
    Jazz Magazine, # 134, 1966, p. 45ff (FR)
  11. B. Houston
    Provocative debut by Lloyd as a leader (review: Of course, of course).
    Melody Maker, 14 May 1966, p. 12(R) (EN)
  12. Burt Korall
    The Charles Lloyd Quartet: Roots and branches. (Cover story)
    Down Beat, 33/12, 16 June 1966 (F) (EN)
  13. NN
    Charles Lloyd Quartett in Europa.
    Jazz Podium, 15/4, April 1966, p. 88 (GE)
  14. M.-C. Ramonet
    Charles Lloyd, deuxième edition.
    Jazz Magazine, # 137, 1966, p. 20 (FR)
  15. H. Weber
    Charles Lloyd - Of course, of course.
    Sounds, # 1, 1966/1967, p. 48-49(R) (EN)
  16. Roy J. Wilbraham
    Discography, Charles Lloyd.
    Jazz Monthly, 12/10, December 1966, p. 24-26(D) (EN)
  17. George Avakian
    Charles Lloyd en Union Soviètique
    Jazz Magazine, # 143, 1967, p. 6(FR)
  18. Leonard Feather
    Jazz Plum of '66. Charles Lloyd in Europe.
    Down Beat, 34/6, 1967, p. 15(EN)
  19. Jef Gilson
    Lloyd le 11 juin à l'O.R.T.F.
    Jazz Hot, 32/233, 1967, p. 4(C) (FR)
  20. Ira Gitler
    Charles Lloyd in Russia: Ovations and frustrations. (Cover story)
    Down Beat, 34/14, 13 July 1967 (C) (EN)
  21. B. Houston
    Caught in the act. Lloyd and the road to flower power.
    Melody Maker, 24 June 1967, p. 4(C) (EN)
  22. B. Houston
    Charles Lloyd - Forest flower.
    Melody Maker, 3 June 1967, p. 14(R) (EN)
  23. B. Houston
    Charles Lloyd. A song to sing, dance to dance.
    Melody Maker, 3 June 1967, p. 6 (EN)
  24. Y. Lucas
    Lloyd et Cie.
    Jazz Magazine, #144, 1967, p. 13 (FR)
  25. Brian McRae
    Charles Lloyd.
    Jazz Journal, 20/8, August 1967, p. 4-5 (F) (EN)
  26. NN
    Lloyd is discouraged by U.S. jazz scene.
    Down Beat, 34/24, 1967, p. 14 (EN)
  27. NN
    Charles Lloyd set for Soviet jazz festival.
    Down Beat, 34/8, 1967, p. 13(EN)
  28. P. Quinn
    Charles Lloyd - Forest flower.
    Down Beat, 34/11, 1967, p. 35 (R) (EN)
  29. Martin Williams
    Will Charles Lloyd save jazz for the masses?
    New York Times, 15 September 1968 (EN)
  30. Martin Williams
    Bystander. A Different Columnist
    Down Beat, 35/22, 31 Oct 1968, p. 12 (F: excerpts from an article by Hollie I. West)
  31. C. Albertson
    Charles Lloyd - Soundtrack.
    Down Beat, 36/18, 1969, p. 23-24 (R) (EN)
  32. Martin Williams
    Will Charles Lloyd save jazz for the masses? in: M. Williams: Jazz Masters in transition, 1957-1969.
    New York, 1970, p. 260-262 (EN)
  33. J. Atlas
    Why Lloyd wants to play with the Stones.
    Melody Maker, 23 January 1971, p. 24 (EN)
  34. R. Williams
    Charles Lloyd - In the Soviet Union.
    Melody Maker, 1 May 1971, p. 32 (R) (EN)
  35. R. Crocker
    Charles Lloyd. New journey.
    Down Beat, 40/1, 1973, p. 13, 38(EN)
  36. Leonard Feather
    Charles Lloyd, in: Leonard Feather: The pleasures of jazz.
    New York, 1976, p. 151-160 (F,I) (EN)
  37. B. Henschen
    Visions of power, Mandeville Auditorium, University of California, San Diego.
    Down Beat, 43/1, 1976, p. 34(C) (EN)
  38. Walter Bruyninckx
    Years Of Recorded Jazz, 1917-1977.
    Mechelen, Belgium, 1978 (D) (EN)
  39. Gudrun Endress
    Das Bekenntnis des Charles Lloyd.
    Jazz Podium, 31/11, November 1982, p. 4-7 (GE)
  40. R. Rygalyk
    Charles Lloyd - Rückkehr eines Lyrikers
    Jazz Live, 1/1, July 1983, p. 20 (GE)
  41. C. Gauffre
    Lloyd. Une belle assurance.
    Jazz Magazine, #317, 1983, p. 26-27 (FR)
  42. Annette Hauber
    Charles Lloyd Quartet - Montreux '82
    Jazz Podium, 32/7, July 1983, p. 45-46(R) (GE)
  43. B.H. Skoglund
    Charles Lloyd, 60, talist som gjort comeback - Nu har jag experimenterat färdigt!
    Orkester Journalen, 51/3, March 1983, p. 17-18 (DA)
  44. P. Varady & M. Berthon
    Résurrection de Charles Lloyd.
    Jazz Hot, 49/397, 1983, p. 19-20 (FR)
  45. L. Collin
    Lloyd pa tomgang, in: Orkester Journalen, 51/9 (Sep.1983), p. 22
  46. Uwe Andresen
    Keith Jarrett. Sein Leben, seine Musik, seine Schallplatten
    OREOS, 1985, 192 pages (B,D) (EN)
  47. Michael Tucker
    Charles Lloyd Quartet - A night in Copenhagen.
    Jazz Journal, 38/9, September 1985, p. 32 (R) (EN)
  48. Wolf Müller, Hannes Schweiger, Winfried Stix
    Saalfelden 87.
    Jazz Live, 5/87, November 1987, p. 37-39 (C) (GE)
  49. Rainer Rygalyk
    Bleiburg - Jazz on a Summer Night.
    Jazz Live, 6/58, November 1988, p. 42 (C) (GE)
  50. D. Clarke (ed.)
    Charles Lloyd. In: The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music.
    Penguin Books, 1989 (B) (EN)
  51. Ulrich Bauer
    Charles Lloyd. Der Blues ist wie ein Gebet.
    Day In Day Out, #6, 1990, p. 12-13 (F,I) (GE)
  52. Norman Provizer
    Charles Lloyd. When It's the Search That Matters
    Jazziz, 7/4, Jun/Jul 1990, p. 42, 95 (F/I)
  53. Bill Hasson
    Charles Lloyd. Unmicrowavable.
    Jazz Times, July 1990, p. 16(F,I) (EN)
  54. Ian Carr
    Keith Jarrett, The Man And His Music.
    Paladin, London, 1992, p. 22-39, 206-216 1992 (B,D) (EN)
  55. Richard Cook & Brian Morton
    The Penguin Guide To Jazz on CD, LP & Cassette (2nd edition)
    Penguin Books, 1992, p. 12, 676 (R) (EN)
  56. Thierry Pérémartin
    Charles Lloyd. Reincarnation of a love bird.
    Jazz Hot, 504, October 1993, p. 30-34 (F,I,D) (FR)
  57. Wolfgang Trozzi
    Jazz-Drumming. Studien zum Spiel von Jack DeJohnette
    Graz 1994 [book], p. 44-56, 172-184 (A/T): Charles Lloyd Quartet: "Autumn Leaves", "Bird Flight"; "East of the Sun" [drum figures])
  58. Tom Conrad
    Charles Lloyd. Meditations & divine offerings.
    Down Beat, 61/4, April 1994, p. 34, 36-37 (F,I) (EN)
  59. Richard Cook & Brian Morton
    The Penguin Guide To Jazz on CD, LP & Cassette.
    Penguin Books, 1994, p. 12, 812 (R) (EN)
  60. Charles Lloyd
    Letters. The real Cannonball.
    Jazz Times, 24/5, June 1994, p. 6-7 (LET) (EN)
  61. Ken Micaleff
    Charles Lloyd in his solitude.
    Jazz Times, 24/3, April 1994, p. 38, 41 (F,I) (EN)
  62. Herman Te Loo
    Charles Lloyd - The Call.
    Jazz Nu, February 1994, p. 42 (R) (DU)
  63. Gerlando Gatto
    Il CD del mese: Charles Lloyd.
    Jazz, 1/3, Sept 1994, Editoriale Pantheon, p. 32-33 (IT).
    This magazine issue was supplemented by a copy of the CD "Charles Lloyd Quartet, Parigi 1967" (JCD 03)
  64. Jens Gorman & Ludwig Jurgeit
    Charles Lloyd. Out of music, into the music - der Poet verläßt seinen Turm.
    Jazz Podium, 44/7-8, July/August 1995, p. 24-25 (I) (GE)
  65. Robert Stubenrauch
    The Charles Lloyd Online Archive.
    Internet:, 1995-1997 (D) (EN)
  66. Michael Tucker
    Charles Lloyd - All my relations.
    Jazz Journal, October 1995, p. 34-35 (R) (EN)
  67. Josef Woodard
    ECM 25th Anniversary. Charles Lloyd.
    Jazziz, 12/1, January 1995, p. 68-69 (F,I) (EN)
  68. Otmar Klammer
    Coltranes Funke.
    Kleine Zeitung, 29 August 1995, p. ? (C) (GER)
  69. Lászlo Molnár
    Nochmals ein Gipfeltreffen der Kreativität in Saalfelden.
    Salzburger Nachrichten, 29 August 1995, p.7(C) (GE)
  70. Hannes Schweiger
    Saalfelden 95, Saxophonitis und Guitarmania, Jazz Live, 109/1995, p. 18 (C) (GE)
  71. Ljubisa Tosic
    Der Saalfeldener Kosmos der Nuancen.
    Der Standard, 29 August 1995, p. 10 (C) (GE)
  72. Otmar Klammer
    Auftritt verboten!
    Kleine Zeitung, 6 July 1996; Internet: (A) (GE)
  73. Richard Cook & Brian Morton
    The Penguin Guide To Jazz on CD (3rd edition)
    Penguin Books, 1996, p. 12, 563, 688, 821 (R) (EN)
  74. Douglas Payne
    Iconoclasm - The Gabor Szabo Home Page
    Internet, 1996-1997 (D) (EN)
  75. Steve Voce
    Jazz 625 - A new series of historic videos. Cannonball Adderley Sextet (Prog. 1), - (Progr 2).
    Jazz Journal 49/12, December 1996, p.20. (R) (EN)
  76. Gudrun Endress
    Charles Lloyd. Die Leidenschaft des Lebens in der Musik ausdrücken.
    Jazz Podium, 46/6, June 1997, p. 3-5 (I) (GE)
  77. Markus Vanhoefer
    Charles Lloyd.
    Jazzthetik, 11/7-8, July/August 1997, p. 24-27 (I) (GE)
  78. Thomas Conrad
    'Tonight I Feel Your Freedom' - Charles Lloyd Returns To Estonia.
    Down Beat, 64/7, July 1997, p. 30, 30-32 (F) (EN)
  79. Reinhard Köchl
    Charles Lloyd - Heimkehr auf Wolke sieben.
    JazzThing April/May 1999, p.64, 65 (F) (GE)
  80. Martin Volgger
    Unter einem besonderen Stern - Die neue CD von Charles Lloyd.
    Concerto Magazin, Nr. 2 April/May 1999, p. 45 (F,R) (GE)


A/T Analytical/transcription
B Book
C Concert review
D Discography
DA Danish
DU Dutch
EN English
F Feature
FR French
GE German
I Interview
IT Italian
LET Letter
N Newspaper article
P Concert or festival program
R Record review
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