RTAC Cultural Education Bureau

The Revolutionary Theory and Action Collective (RTAC) seeks to work with organizations to help raise the level of cultural and political consciousness of African (Black) students; raise the consciousness of the African community and all people in general.

The role of the Conscious African is clear. They must struggle against the negative and use their education to serve their people and humanity. It is the historical, political and moral responsibility of the African student and youth to appreciate the work, struggle and blood that was shed in order for them to now sit in the classroom, dorms and buildings that they frequent and use. It is the moral responsibility of the Conscious African to use their organization as tools for the people�s liberation and development. It is your responsibility to help raise the level of consciousness of students on your campus, so that they can be a force to bring political education and organization to the larger African community.

A primary concern of RTAC is to help raise the level of political consciousness on campus and in the community. We have a variety of creative ways of doing his, and with your essential help, this effort can be compounded. Our methods of political education include, but are not limited to the following:



v     African Students, The Spark for the African Revolution

v     The Role of the African Women in the anti-capitalist Struggle

v     The necessity for Revolutionary Hip-Hop

v     Revolution And Religion, A harmony Of Principles

v     Revolutionary Pan-Africanism � the Solution to the Problems of People of African decent

v     African female and male relationships, a political cultural perspective

v     Smash the fbi-cia and the international police intelligence complex

v     Smash zionism, the enemy of African People and humanity

v     Racism, its origin and how to destroy it

v     The Democrat and Republican Parties- twin evils of oppression

v     The historical relationship between the African Masses and the white working class

v     From Civil-Rights to Black Power and The march to




v     The science and techniques of building political organizations

v     Program planning for political change

v     How To Organize Your Campus

v     How to become an effective organizer

v     Developing a process of constructive criticism; programmatic and individual internal evaluation for your organization

v     How to organize your community and your hood






Cultural Education Bureau 

Speakers include:





Bob Brown

Bob Brown is a revolutionary Pan-Africanist, organizer and activist. He has participated in a variety of political organizations for over 30 years. He has organized, spoken and traveled world � wide, working with organizations in Africa, North & South America, the Caribbean, Europe, and the Middle East. His involvement in the struggle of the oppressed, exploited and socially degraded the world over is well known and started with the struggle for the liberation of our African sisters and brothers in the United States in the 1960's. This was at the height of the militant struggles of the African sisters and brothers who were fighting for their civil and political rights, and for "Black Power."

Bob was a member of, and active in the most militant and revolutionary organizations of Africans in the United States. Over the past three decades, he has worked with a number of African leaders including Kwame Ture, Presidents Kwame Nkrumah and Ahmed Sekou Toure, Fidel Castro, Dr. Martin Luther King, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Minister Louis Farrakhan, etc. In 2000 Bob worked for six months as the coordinator for logistical outreach for the election campaign of the Pan African Congress of Azania (South Africa).

Bob Brown, the Director of the Kwame Ture Work � Study Institute and Library. Brother Bob is an internationally known organizer and speaker. His current topic is �From the Slave Trade to Free Trade: 500 Years of Globalization and Repression is Enough!�

Banbose Shango

Banbose Shango has been organizing African People worldwide. Some of these areas include Illinois, North Carolina, Florida and Washington, D.C., parts of Africa, the Caribbean & Latin American, and the Middle East. As a Pan-Africanist and seeking unity with other African people and organizations, he has worked to support the NAACP, the Rainbow Coalition, several defense committees and numerous student groups.

As a Pan-Africanist, Banbose Shango has been able to travel to places such as Libya, Virgin Islands, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal and the Gambia. Banbose has spoken extensively in his capacity as an organizer at such diverse colleges and universities as Duke University, Florida A & M, Howard University, Savannah State, Southern University, University of Chicago, Wayne State University, North Carolina A&T, to name just a few.


Mukasa Dada

MUKASA DADA, aka Willie Ricks, is a long time Black political activist and grassroots organizer whose history of struggle began in 1960. He is affectionately known as �Brother Africa� around the Atlanta University Center and throughout the southeast. He joined the Student Non-Violent Coordination Committee (SNCC) in 1960, and served as a Field Secretary. He worked closely with Kwame Ture, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Fannie Lou Hamer of the SNCC- inspired Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, and most of the political organizers in the south

In 1965, Brother Mukasa helped to organize and worked with the Lowndes County Black Panther Party, formerly the Lowndes County Freedom Organization. The emblem for the party was the Black Panther. This political party was independent of the Democratic and Republican parties. They specifically endorsed self-defense and armed its organizers against racist nightriders and physical intimidation. In 1966, he was a major organizer of the �Black Power March�, which spanned from Memphis, Tennessee to Jackson, Mississippi. This march started out as the �March Against Fear,� but changed to the �Black Power March� after James Merideth was shot. The slogan �Black Power� is often associated with Brother Mukasa because he was a major or force in popularizing it throughout the South, from the urban to the rural areas.


Odinga Mukthar

If you are interested in knowing about the Civil Rights Movement, the African Liberation Movements, the Student Movement and Activism in general; if you want to know about grassroots organizing and how it is done, you want to see and hear Odinga Mukthar.

Odinga Mukhtar has continued in the legacy of Africa's noblest sons like the Great Mangaliso Sobukwe, Muziwakhe Lembede, Steve Biko; Kwame Ture; Osagefyo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Sekou Toure, Modibo Keita, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, Ahmed Ben Bella, Eduardo Mondalane, Amilcar Cabral, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Dr. W.E.B. Dubois, George Padmore, Henry Sylvester Williams and all Pan-Africanists and patriots at home and abroad. He champions the cause and contribution of Africa's greatest daughters like M'balia Camara, Anna Julia Cooper, Shirley Graham Dubois, Amy Ashwood and Amy Jacques Garvey, Queen Mother Moore, and countless others of Africa's mothers and sisters who served, sacrificed and suffered so that Africa may be liberated and united.

Odinga Mukhtar is one of the most sought after speakers on African (Black) College campuses and one of the most requested speakers amongst the listings of Revolutionary Theory and Action Collective�s Cultural Education Bureau. He is also a teacher, social worker and instructor at temple Universities Pan-African Studies Continuing Education Program.


Kwakou Leak

Kwakou Leak is currently an organizer in the Revolutionary Theory & Action Collective (RTAC). He has 30 years of experience working and studying with individuals and organizations active in the Pan-African Liberation Movement and other liberation movements worldwide. He strongly believes that people must be informed and equipped with the proper skills to make decisions. Educating the people and equipping them with these skills is the key to unleashing their creative genius. It is important to seize every opportunity to educate the people, be it one on one conversation; small group discussions; or lectures to large groups. Kwakou has done so at campuses such as Howard University, University of North Carolina, Wake Forest University, North Carolina Central University, Memphis University, Florida State University, University of Florida, Florida A & M University, University of Pittsburgh, Penn State University (McKeesport) and University of the West Indies (Trinidad � Tobago). He firmly believes that, those who know more must do more! It is our responsibility to work for the People! If you or your organization would like information that is scholarly, yet easy to understand, then you want to bring Kwakou Leak to your area. He will enlighten and inspire you.




Some of the organizations and governments our speakers work/ have worked with include: (Africa) the Democratic Party of Guinea (PDG), the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, both the African National Congress along with the Pan-Africanist Congress of Azainia (South Africa), Eritrean Peoples Liberation Front, South West African Peoples Organization, Zimbabwe African National Union, Ethiopian and Somalian student groups and the governments of Uganda, and Tanzania. (United States) the Black Panther Party of Lowdnes County Alabama & the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, the Black Panther Party (BPP) in Illinois, the Student National Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Friends of SNCC, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), the Coordinating Council of Community Organizations (CCCO), the Chicago Freedom Movement. (Caribbean & Latin American) the New Jewel Movement - Grenada, the National Joint Action Committee - Trinidad and the People's National Party � Jamaica, the Garifura People of Honduras, ZUMBI in Brazil, Afro � American 21 (coalition of African organizations in Central & South America), Afro-Columbians, FMLN of El Salvador, Pro Librettos of Puerto Rico, Bolivian Movement and the People of Venezuela. (Arab) the Arab Baath Socialist Party of Iraq, the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Iranian Students Association.




If you, your group or organization would like to bring one of the speakers contact

the RTAC Cultural Education Bureau  

[email protected]  

or call 215-223-5502.































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