The fbi/cia
and the international police intelligence complex!

Smash the fbi-cia and IPIC!!!

Who are the fbi & cia?

The fbi and cia are the police of international imperialism and particularly of the united Snakes government. They comprise components of the Industrial Police Intelligence Complex (IPIC), which uses the fbi and the countless private, federal, state and local agents and officers of the police, spies, informants and agents provocateurs to spy on, disrupt and destroy domestic organizations in order to crush opposition and decent. The IPIC employs the cia, the military and a number of public and private agencies, corporations and organizations to subvert or overthrow foreign governments and to protect and enhance the investments of he multi-national corporations and to preserve the bulwark of imperialism. Through this vicious system, the people of Africa - who are scattered and suffering the world over - remain ruthlessly exploited and oppressed.

fbi, cia, IPIC Atrocities and Crimes

The fbi, cia and IPIC have committed horrendous atrocities against people throughout the world, who are struggling against the vicious exploitation and oppression they have suffered under imperialism and its junior partner in crime Zionism. Agents have infiltrated the labor movement and the civil rights groups, and many other independent and political organizations in order to destroy them. Some of their victims include the Universal Negro Improvement Association( UNIA)( The birth of cointelpro and the first Black fbi informants used were part of the attack on the UNIA ), The Communist Party USA, The Nation Of Islam, The Black Panther Party, The American Indian Movement, The Puerto Rican Socialist Party, The All African people's revolutionary Party. PG- RNA, NCOBRA, The New African Liberation Front, The African American Reconstruction and Redevelopment League, Phila Cuba Coalition, The American Friends Service Committee, The Socialist Workers Party, The Million men and Million Women organizations and marches
and countless other justice seeking organizations and movements throughout the world.

The fbi,cia and IPIC have engineered the murders of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Amilcar Cabral, Salvatore Allende, Martin L. King, Fred Hampton and Mark Clark, Kwame Ture and thousands of others. They have imprisoned freedom fighter around the world: Leonard Pettier, Mumia Abu Jamal, The still jailed freedom fighters of The pans African Congress Of Azania, Puerto Rican nationalist, members of the Black Liberation Army and thousands of those who stand up for their rights and justice.
They have been proven to be the hideous force that brought crack cocaine into the African communities and that have cause the HIV virus to spread in the communities of the world.

The People must destroy the fbi,cia and IPIC!
SMASH THE fbi cia and the police intelligence complex!

The fbi and cia are institutions that have been developed out of the ideology of capitalism and racism. The continuation of these institutions however is really dependent on the acceptance by the masses of the people. When the people reject their corrupt values, when the people are no longer fooled by the false justifications, when the people are aware of their crimes, when the people stand up and say no more these institutions of capitalism will fall and will be attacked by the organized masses. The destruction of the fbi , cia IPIC and the American government is inevitable, but the key to their destruction is the political education and organization of the masses of the people. Power comes from the organized masses. For us SMASH THE fbi-cia at this point in times means building a massive political education campaign to help make the people conscious to their crimes and ruthless nature. Smash the fbi-cia means to educate the people and to organize the people at some point in the history of the liberation
struggle it will mean armed struggle against the forces of our oppression but for now we must place priority on political education and organization. WE MUST WORK TO Build UNITY OF THINKING ON SMASHING THE fbi/cia.

Why the fbi & cia Must Be Destroyed!

Once the people reject the values and justification for an institution that institution will have no basis of control and power. An excellent example of this is the institutions of segregation and apartheid. Massive governments and military powers backed these anti-people institutions, but their real strength was their acceptance by the people. Once the people rejected the values and justification of these institutions they were doomed. The same thing will happen with the fbi-cia. The solution lies in the political education and organization of the people. This problem is a problem of all cultures, therefore a multicultural mass political education campaign is called for, in the near future will must build a multicultural coalition the smash the fbi-cia and IPIC. We must start thinking about this in the Philadelphia area.

The fbi and cia , intelligence networks and police institutions are the coercive instruments of the capitalist state; we do not deny that there may be a few well intentioned members of the institutions but the overall basis of these institutions is to aid in the oppression of the people and the destruction of organizations and individuals who work in the interest of the people. At this point in history the crimes of the fbi-cia are all too apparent. The people are waking up to their ruthless tactics and corruption. It is the best time to build a mass - multi-cultural political education offensive to destroy them. We must seize the time and the initiative and move boldly forward together and attack the enemy now that they are weaker and more divided and the people are becoming more conscious and united. Organizations must now come together and unite into a strong coalition to smash the fbi-cia and IPIC !

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