
Today's weather

My mood

previous day's entry

March, 12, 2000

next day's entry


Dear Diary,

Today I woke up really late.....14.00pm.  Yesterday I had loads of fun, Torri wasn't un gran che so after we met some of our friends, me and Doyda  headed to Paceville.  Luckily we found parking easily.  Both of us were in a partying mood so we decided to drink some good Wine....The Alley was great as usual.  Met someone interesting but nothing special.  Went to the newest club in town Fuego.....cool I like the place nice music and nice ppl.  I met the guy - Keith - he's really sweet but ...................but no I would say he's not my type (sorry dude better luck next time).  Our night ended at The Alley after loads of laughs and happy ppl.  Arrived at home at 4.45am.......came online to check my mail and other stuff........luckily I checked if someone I knew was online............and yes That guy that I really like was! Gave me his number.......Hurray! have to call him later on we'll see! Good luck Rubina!!!!

So today The sun is shining.........I love this weather it makes me in a good mood.  Went to Golden Bay with my friend Adrian ...................called The Guy.......excitment time!......Asked to meet me and obviously i said er you have  a doubt ? I said Yes!!! Had loads of fun.........he's so cool......... a very nice and interesting chap!!!!  Oh Gosh.....what a gentlemen.  Hope to see him again, he seems interested.....asked me to call him...but hey what the heck...he has my number. 
As you can see I had a lovely weekend except for one thing......I had to format everything cause I had deleted some system files!!

Slept very happy ......a really good mood.... . . .

P.S. If u think I'm boring......what the hell are you doing in my website?!

Have a nice week buddy.

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