About Me
1.    Name: Dorianne Catania
2.    Date of Birth: 19th March 1978
3.    Only Child
4.    Was and still am daddy's little girl..and loving it!
5.    Hated Maths lessons at school
6.    Likes to read....on any topic...from Nutrition to Computer Studies
7.    Dislikes Red Meat
8.    Loves to shop for clothes and beauty stuff
9.    Am afraid of the dark
10.  Rarely watches scary movies
11.  Favorite thing to do is
12.  Favorite Relative, my first cousin
13.  Favorite Perfume, Cool Water by Davidoff
14.  Loves Dancing
15.  Hates to be involved in fights
16.  Addicted to chocolate...especially Ovaltine *options*!
17.  Likes to be the centre of attraction..who does'nt anyway
18.  Likes to be general keeping fit eating healthy foods
19.  Favorite Drink by orange or some good WiNe
20.  Favorite Drink by
21.  Likes to swim
22.  Loves pets especially
23.  Nicest place I've been to...Florence, Italy
24.  Am a catholic
25.  Am totally addicted to sms !!!
26.  Hates political stuff *what a boredom*
27.  Likes to walk especially near the sea
28.  Favorite Food, pasta or rice
29.  Hates to get Hate mail! Argh!!!
30.  Hates Rain....cause it ruins my hair!!
31.  Practices Pilates
32.  Spends too much time to get ready to go out
32.  Loves Summertime..the sun gives me Energy
33.  At this point I can say..I don't know what I want in life
34.  Keeps a diary since the age of 13
35.  Change my mind very often on anything
36.  Have a tattoo on the right shoulder *a small tribal graphic*
37.  Once had my tongue pierced
39.  Has a nose piercing
40.  Favourite Music...depends on my mood,mostly Alternative
41.  Loves to meet new people
42.  Am afraid of all insects mostly of Ants
43.  Hates Perverts
44.  Like to make people smile
45.  Enjoy my own company..infact I spend a lot of my time alone
46.  Favorite Beauty Producat...Honey
47.  Forgets easily...forgives rarely
48.  Collects
Sugar Packets
49.  Gets on better with Males than with Females
50.  Daydreams a lot
51.  Favorite Movie...La vita e' bella by Begnini Roberto
52.  Refuses to grow up
53.  First Teen Idol Madonna...I still like her Music
54.  Believes in Guardian Angels
55.  Hates to decide for others
56.  Favorite colours Blue and Black
57.  Changes hairstyle very often
58.  Likes to be photographed
59.  Favorite all time Track, Dreams by Cranberries
60.  Favorite Fruit...Honey Dew Melon
61.  Favorite Vegetable...Broccoli
62.  Longest Relationship...3 months
63.  Hates Rude/Double face People
64.  Likes to recieve compliments
65.  Loves Fashion
66.  My own a yacht!
67.  Like  to cook
68.  Loves strange things
69.  Dislikes pathetic people
70.  Dislikes people who don't take no for an answer
71.  Likes to be surrounded by cheerful people
72.  LIve in a world of my own, where people don't hurt others
73.  Loves Italian language
74.  Loves to dance Salsa
75.  Belives in Reincarnation
76.  Current Favorite female artist Dido
77.  Dislikes Heavy Metal
78.  Likes to change
79.  Favorite subject...
80.  Hates to wait
81.  Favorite clothes make, Levis - Top Shop - Dorothy Perkins
82.  Last Book I read: Autobiography of Ronan Keating
83.  Most expensive thing I own..My Car
84.  Loves gossip magazine and sites
85.  Hates Monday Mornings
86.  Likes Italian Music from Alex Britti to Vasco Rossi
87.  Rarely watches TV
88.  Likes people who take care of themselves
89.  Total Pc Freak
90.  Likes to go to the Cinema
91.  Hates it when people ask me to strip on the webcam...ugh
92.  Loves to write poems
93.  Loves a challenge
94.  Hates to be misunderstood
95.  Favorite Beach in Malta, Paradise Bay
96.  Likes to chat on the phone
97.  Favorite Pop Group Pizzicato 5
98.  Loves Denim
99.  Am a very sensitive person
100.Glad I am at the end of the list!

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