
"I will shall return shorty."-Holly

"Je suis tres pissed off."-Jill

"It's not enough to worth me getting..."-Jill

"Three months in August."-Cathy

"Put it on your tongue!"-Cathy

"Imagination!"-Kerry and Chris

"Derek has the intensity span of a goldfish."-Kerry

"I'm going back inside my big metal box with holes, duck tape, and frozen molasses."-Kerry

"If life gives you pickles, eat them."-Holly


"I am a Gundamu Pilot!"-AJ

"I'm short, I'm blond, and life can't get any worse!"-Jill

"Either you eat that money or I'll shove it down your throat!"-AJ

"I'm quit!"-Jill

"February Marchteenth..."-Jill

"I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!"-Jill

"Your eyes look like glazed donuts."-Dan

"You Arse."-AJ

"What are you gonna do me, throw?"-Jill

"It's not the size of the body that matters, it's the size of the heart."-Belldandy

"There is nothing boringer then this book."-Jill

"Friends come before banana bread!"-Jill


"Speeping Beauty."-Chris

"Do you want to swallow on that piece of candy?!"-Chris

"Jazz Azz."-Jill

"Hey, T-shirt lady."Jill

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