Александр Абдулов / Aleksandr Abdulov: biography, photos, plays, links
Awards & Nominations:
Дом под звездным небом, Сукины дети 1991

А поутру они проснулись / And they woke up in the morning ... 2003
Аленький Цветочек 1978
Анекдоты 1990 buy
Бременские музыканты - Александр Абдулов 2001
В поисках капитана Гранта 1985
Веселая хроника опасного путешествия 1986 mp3
Виват, Гардемарины! 1991 buy
Все решает мгновение 1978
Гардемарины 3 1992 buy
Гардемарины, вперед! / Naval Cadets, Forward! 1987 mp3
Гений 1991
Грехъ. История страсти 1993
Два гусара 1984
Двенадцать стульев - М.Захаров / Twelve Chairs - M.Zakharov 1977 mp3
Двое в новом доме 1978
Десять негритят / Ten Little Indians 1987
Дом который построил Свифт / The House That Swift Built 1983 mp3
Дом под звездным небом 1990
Желтый карлик 2002
Женская собственность 1999
Женщина в белом 1981
Живая мишень 1991
За прекрасных дам 1991
Золотая речка / Golden River 1976
Золото 1993
Ищите женщину 1982
Карнавал 1982 mp3
Кофе с лимоном 1994 buy
Красавец - мужчина 1978
Леди Макбет Мценского уезда 1989
Ледниковый период 2002
Место встречи изменить нельзя / The meeting place can’t be changed 1979
Над темной водой 1993
Настя / Nastya 1993
О любви / About Love 2004
Обыкновенное чудо / Ordinary miracle 1978 mp3
Окей 2002
Официант с золотым подносом 1992 buy
Пропавшая экспедиция / Lost Expedition 1975
Простодушный 1994
Поцелуй 1983 buy
Рецепт ее молодости 1983
Рождественская мистерия 2000
С любимыми не расставайтесь 1979 mp3
Самая обаятельная и привлекательная 1985
Сицилианская защита 1980
Сошeдшиe с нeбeс 1986
Странные мужчины Семеновой Екатерины 1992
Страховой агент 1985 buy
Сукины дети 1990
Тайна мадам Вонг 1986
Тихие омуты 2000
Тот самый Мюнхгаузен / The Very Same Miunhgauzen 1979
Трест который лопнул 1982 mp3
Тюремный романс 1993
Убить дракона 1988 mp3
Униженные и оскорбленные 1990-1996 tape
Фабрика грез сериал 2004
Фаталисты 2001
Формула любви 1984 mp3
Храни меня,мой талисман 1986
Черная вуаль 1995
Черная роза - эмблема печали... 1989
Чародеи / Wizards 1982 mp3
Шизофрения / Schizophrenia 1997 buy
Я виноват 1993
Я тебя люблю 2003 buy
Next / Следующий сериал 2001 buy
Next 2 / Следующий 2 сериал 2002 mp3
Next 3 2003

Дорогая Памелла 1985
Карманный театр 1988 buy
Юнона и Авось 1983 mp3 cd


Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov was born on May 29, 1953 in Tobolsk in theatrical family - his father was the director of theatre in Fergana. Though Abdulov has first entered theater stage, when he was five years old, he did not aspire to actor's career. At school he was into sports, and fond of music. At the insisting of his father, after school he tried to enter Theater School of Schepkin, but it is unsuccessful, therefore, having returned from Moscow, has successfully passed examinations for sports faculty of a local teacher's college. Nevertheless, next year Alexander Abdulov again goes to Moscow and gets into ГИТИС, for the course of I.M. Rayevsky. Actor's film debute in 1974, while still a student, he played a small role of commando Kozlov in Michael Ptashuk's movie "About Vitya, Masha and sea infantry". In 1975 Abdulov's role in student play was noted by the main director of the Moscow theatre of Lenin's Komsomol (Ленком) Mark Zaharov, he has invited the young actor to be in his troupe. Since then Alexander Abdulov's name is inextricably related with Zaharov's theatre. Among Abdulov's most known theatrical works - a role in well-known "LENKOM" theater performance in "Unona and Avos". For the role in play "Barbarian and heretic" he has received Crystal Turandot award and fund of Stanislavsky's prize. In the middle of 70s movie career of the young actor took off as well. However wide popularity has come to Alexander Abdulov only after a role of the Bear in television film "Ordinary miracle" (1978), directed by Mark Zaharov based on Evgenie Schwarz's play of the same name. Another success was a  Paul Arsenov melodrama under A.Volodin's play "With loved ones, do not separate" (1979), In which Abdulov played the main male role, Mitya, and the main female role was payed by his then wife - Irina Alfyorova. Uncommon gift allows Alexander Abdulov to play with equal success versatile roles, act in deverse films of various genres and by different directors. Among his most known roles are: Nikita in Tatyana Lioznova's "Carnival", murderer Rober in excentric detective movie "Search for the woman" directed by Alla Surikova, lyrical hero Ivan in Konstantin Bromberg's "Wizards" based on story by brothers Strugatsky. actor of a wide creative range, Alexander Abdulov played in popular comedies : ("Most charming and attractive", "For fine ladies", "Formula of love" by Mark Zaharov, "Anekdotes"), in dramas: ("Keep me safe, my talisman!" и "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensky district" by Roman Balayan, "Above dark water" by Dmitry Meskhiev), in crime adventure "Secrets of madam Wong", detective movie "Ten monkeys" by Stanislav Govorukhin), and in historical costume mini-series ("Naval cadets, forward!" by Svetlana Druzhinina).Especially it is necessary to highlight Alexander Abdulov's works in movies by Mark Zaharov, which immidiately became viewers favorites, and in Sergey Solovjev's films, that became some of thew most noteable ones in 80s & 90s. In 1991 Abdulov began co-operation with director Victor Sergeev, And their first film, a swindling detective story "Genius", appeared one of the most interesting pictures of those years and was one of domestic blockbusters; and criminal melodrama "Strange men of Ekaterina Semenov" has not passed unnoticed either, where Alexander Abdulov stared with Natalia Fisson and Andrey Sokolov. But Victor Sergeeva's other film "Schizophrenia", for which Abdulov himself has written the script, and Alexander Korzhakov was the consultant, didn't fare as well in 1997 ...

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Комсомольская правда: 1 2 3, Аргументы и факты: 1 2 3 4, ТЕЛЕСЕМЬ,
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