All Akai pictures by Hyper Guyver
Hello and welcome to my web site.  I just decided to make this when my good friend Hyper Guyver began drawing pictures for my story The Lady of Akai. Though this site was originally created for this story it has become so much more.  Though The Lady of Akai is the biggest part of this website don't be afraid to visit other things as well. Have fun wandering around and don't get lost.
By: RedLady
Updates from the Dragon:
01/09/08 - Well, it's been three years without any updates so I figured it was time.  Deleted some pages and
added one page.

04/26/05 - Cleaned up the site to make room for more things.  Also giving
some things a new look... sort of.  Enjoy!
The Lady of Akai
I've tried to make this site easy to navigate.  Every main page has a picture that can be found on almost any page.  Just follow the lady with the gun on the left if you want to get back to the main page.  (This page is the main page...)
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