The Feeling of Friendship

Mewtwo finds friendship in the form of a crippled Scizor and a Seviper who's afraid of heights.
Author's note: For those who don't know, Seviper is a snake pokemon from Pokemon Sapphire.  He is not in Pokemon Ruby.
Chapter 1: The LightFoot Village Crevasse
     Hidden deep in petalburg woods is a village of fast, cunning pokemon known as the Lightfoot Tribe.  They all worked in unity, learning of the world around them and protecting themselves from danger.  In that village were a scizor and a seviper.  They were by a crevasse near the village that some of the other village pokemon would go down and reasearch.  But no one who has gone down there has returned.  But enough about the stupid crack in the ground.  Let me explain the Scizor and Seviper.
   The scizor was once a powerful and skilled protector of the village. That is, until one day.  Several tauros stampeded through the village.  No one was killed.  But Scizor's right leg was trampled.  He would never regain full use of his leg.  He now leans on a stick to stay upright.  He is known by wild pokemon as "Wise One" because he knows of the constellations, of many legends, of Johto, Kanto, and Hoenn.
    The seviper was raised by an Arbok, and became fierce and terryfying.  But he had one setback: he hated heights.  He would always stay firmly on the ground.  Seviper's tail, like any other seviper, has two uses: Cutting and injecting poison.  He always wanted to go on an adventure, but is too shy.
    Back to the story.  Scizor leaned over to look down into the darkness of the crevasse.  That's when his stick gave way and snapped.  Scizor began to fall down the crevasse.  Seviper frantically called out to him, but there was no answer.  "I'll get you out!" he shouted, then looked down at how deep the crevasse, gulping.  "Somehow..."
   Scizor finally hit rock bottom, landing on his crippled leg.  He cried out, his voice echoing in the crevasse.  All went black.  Hours later, he was awoken by someone shaking him.  He was still inside the crevasse.  But now he was aware that someone else was down there.....
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