Mewtwo and Me, #4(Prepare for Trouble) by. Ryan H.
  The evil boss Team Rocket, also known as Giovanni the Viridian City gym leader. He was ferrous about the failure of the sewer projects. He knows that it was an unknown Pokemon that stop his plan, and he knows what this Pokemon is. Giovanni was the original trainer of Mewtwo, and Mewtwo had betrayed him. And Giovanni know that the present day trainer is from Pallet Town, and that where Team Rocket will strike next!
                                                             And Now the Beginning:
Ok, so far, I have 4 Pokemon. I have a Spearow named Jay, I have a Totodile named Wally, I have a Flareon named Hot Stuff, and my first Pokemon which is a new and very strong Pokemon with strong telepathic powers, he believe that his species are called Mewtwo, I named him Frankinstien. Anyhow, this adventure started when me and Frankinstien got a phone call from Prof. Oak, he said, �Hello Ryan, how you and Frankinstien doing?� I replied �Aside from a broken leg, We are fine thank you.� Prof. Oak asks, �When will your leg heal?� �About a day or so.� I replied. �Good.� He said, �When you are able to, come back to the lab. I got 2 items that will help you in your journey. The new and improve Pokedex, and the Pokegear. This Pokedex is more powerful then Ash�s and Gary�s Pokedexs combined, and can analyze gender and age of a Pokemon. And like the original Pokedex, it can give information of the Pokemon that you see.� Then Prof. Oak said, �And the Pokegear can be worn on the wrist and a handy way to tell time.� I said, �So it is some fancy watch.� Prof. Oak said, �It is more than a watch. It is a portable computer, a map, a videophone, and a tracer for Pokemon and trainers.� I ask �Dose the Pokegear has inter net and can play CDs?� He answered �Yes.� I said, �Great, I�ll be there.�
The next day.  We were on the way to Pallet Town. When we got there. It seems different. It is like it is a ghost town. We investigate and Frankinstien ask <What happened?> I said, �I don�t know.� We went to the Ketchums residents. We look in the window and we saw Mrs. Ketchum tied in a chare. We went to the Oaks residents. We saw Prof. Oak and Sara Oak were tied up and a man in a black uniform with a red R on it was there. He was from Team Rocket. They were behind all of this. But why the want Pallet town? The Rocket said, �OK you old geezer. Where is Mewtwo?� He was holding a gun to Prof. Oak�s head. We must stop him. We barge in the house. Frankinstien uses Telekinesis and retrieves the gun and destroyed it. The Rocket said, �Well what you know. The brat and big ugly finally came.� Then I said, �You better move out.� A voice from behind us said, �Make us.�  We turn around and there were 3 Rockets. The 3 Rockets send out Umbreon, Murkrow, and Gligar. I whispered to Frankinstien �Get ready.� Then a fireball hit Frankinstien from the back. The other Rocket sends out his Houndoom. Frankinstien said, <I will take care of Houndoom.> Frankinstien use Mega Punch. Hit Houndoom but weak. The Rocket said, �Foolish boy, Houndoom is a level 100. Do you think that your Pokemon can beat Houndoom.� And then Houndoom charge at Frankinstien. Houndoom hit Frankinstien and crash through the window. I send out Jay, Hot Stuff, and Wally.
Houndoom use Fire Blast. I use Barrier Shield. I try to block off the attack. But, I can�t take it anymore. It hit me. I fall down. Houndoom use Furry Swipes. I felt the pain. But, then I felt an uncontrollable anger rising with in me. The anger made me stronger. I grab Houndoom by the neck and throw him. I use Psychic Blast. Houndoom fainted. I saw that Rocket holding a small capsule. He said, �Eat Gas Freak!� He throws it and some kind of gas came out of it. I was getting sleepy.
We have chased those Rockets and their Pokemon. I return my Pokemon. But then, BONG! Everything went dark.
When I came to. I was in shackles. I saw Frankinstien out cold. He was attach to a tank of sleeping gas. We were on a helicopter. I don�t know when we were unclenches. I don�t even know where we are. I have my Pokemon with me. I was able to get one of my Pokeballs. I don�t care witch one, I gust need help. I unleashed Hot Stuff. I whisper to her �Now do a small Flamethrower to release me from these handcuffs.� She did it. I returned Hot Stuff and try to free Frankinstien. I removed his gas mask and give him a slap. He woke up. I told him �We must get out of hear.� Frankinstien said, <I sense that someone is coming.> Then he punches a hole in the side of the helicopter. There was an ocean down there. We jumped and fell in the sea. But then, I remembered that I can�t swim and I don�t think Frankinstien can swim either. But then I saw 2 boys, 1 girl, and 2 small Pokemon riding on a Lapras.
                                   Will Ryan and Frankenstein save pallet town and who are the lapras riders?
                                                    Be sure to catch #5 (Return to New Island)
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