Mewtwo and Me #7 (The Battle Against the Boss)   by. Ryan H.

�Go Hot Stuff! Go Wally!� �Go Bulbasaur! Go Squirtle!� �Go Staryu! Go Poliwag!� We send out our Pokemon and went charging. Then the Rockets notice us and send out Hypno, Electabuzz, Raticate, Murkrow, Forretress, and Hitmonlee. Murkrow uses Pursuit on Pikachu. Pikachu uses Agility and dodge the attack, then use Thunderbolt. Murkrow was paralyzes. Raticate was about to use Hyper Fang on Wally. But Wally uses Screech then Water Gun. Raticate fainted. Squirtle and Bulbasaur attack together on Hitmonlee. Bulbasaur uses Vine Whip and Squirtle uses Scull Bash. Hitmonlee fainted. Poliwag and Staryu uses Bubble Beam on Hypno. Hypno was disabled. Hot Stuff uses Fire Spin on Forretress. That Forretress didn�t stand a chance. Then Electabuzz try to use Zap Cannon on Frankinstien. Frankinstien use Barrier and block off the attack, then use Confusion. Electrabuzz fainted. But then, Murkrow got out of paralysis and Hypno regain strength. Then Hypno use Hypnosis on our Pokemon while Murkrow powering up for a Hyper Beam. But then, an Ice Beam hit Murkrow and freezes. Then we saw Craig with a Vaporeon. The Vaporeon had uses his Ice Beam on Murkrow. Then Hypno got distracted. Vaporeon use Take Down on Hypno. Hypno fainted. Then the Rockets return their Pokemon and ran off. One of the Rockets said, �Our Boss will defeat you, you little brats.� Then Craig said, �He can just kiss my ass.�
We were now heading towards Pallet Town. Then Craig said, �Hey, I saw a Pokemon like that in the woods. But, yours is more uglier.� Then his underwear went over his head. <Now that should shut you up.>
We are at Pallet Town and it was quiet, too quiet. We check out Oaks lab, we saw a man with 2 Rockets looking in computer files. The man looks too familiar. I felt a strong hate for him. One of the Rockets called him boss. I leapt through the window and went toward the man that they called boss. Ryan said, �No, not now.� I grab that man on the neck. The man was laughing for a strange reason. Then he said, �You fell into our trap. HA, HA, HA!� Than I heard a roar of a large Pokemon �TYRAN!� Then a huge tail hit me. I lose my grip on the man. I use Psybeam on that creature. But had no effect on that Pokemon. Ryan yelled, �It�s a Tyranitar! It a Dark Pokemon, Dark Pokemon are strong against Psychic Pokemon!� Now he tells me.
It seems hopeless, I have no Pokemon that is good against Dark Pokemon. But, we must fight. I said, �Frankinstien, lure Tyranitar out of the lab. We shall do battle in the open.� He did what I told. Then Ash send out Charizard, Lapras, and Snorlax. Craig send out Scizor, Donfan, and Ursaring. 7 against 1, it looks like we could win easily. But, the boss sends out Nidoking, Machamp, Rhydon, Golem, and Persian. Persian use Pounce on Ursaring. Ursaring use Rage on Persian. Persian fainted. Machamp use Mega Punch on Charizard. It only mad Charizard madder and used Firespin. Machamp fainted. Golem use Rollout on Donfan. Donfan did the same. Golem fainted. Nidoking is about to use Horndrill on Scizor. But, Nidoking miss. Then Scizor use Steel Wing. Nidoking fainted. Snorlax use Tackle on Rhydon. Rhydon overpower Snorlax. Than Lapras use Water Gun on Rhydon. Rhydon fainted. Then Frankinstien and Charizard flew up in the air. Frankinstien is getting ready for an Shadowball and Charizard is getting ready for a Fireball. They unless their attack on Tyranitar. But Tyranitar tuff hide made the attack useless. Than Tyranitar use Hyper Beam. Then Frankinstien and Charizard dodge the attack. Then Ash commanded, �Charizard! Use your Seismic Toss.� Then Charizard swoops down on Tyranitar and pick him up. Then Charizard try to fly up, but Tyranitar was to heavy. Then Tyranitar use Crunch on Charizard. Charizard cried out in pain, �CCCHHHAAARRR!� Then Tyranitar was about to use Fissure while Charizard is on the ground. Then Frankinstien swoops down on Tyranitar. Then He flew up in the air with Tyranitar. Then Frankinstien spin, and spin, spin, spin, and spin. The he uses a Super Seismic Toss on Tyranitar. Then Tyranitar crash into the ground. But, Tyranitar was still standing. Then Pikachu went up to Tyranitar and tap his leg with a tiny finger, then Tyranitar fell with a big THUD. Then we herd sirens. It was Officer Jenny and the police force. Tracy had gone for help and he succeeded. Then Team Rocket and their leader were retreating. The boss said, �You don�t know what power you are dealing with. We shall meat again.�
We said our goodbye to Ash, Misty, and Tracy. Then they went off to the Orange Islands. Then Craig went off to the west. Then me and Frankinstien went to Oaks lab. Then Prof. Oak gave me the New Pokedex and the Pokegear. Then Prof. Oak said, �Thank you for saving us. Your skill as a Pokemon trainer will make you a master. Hey, you should try the Johto League next month. And I check all the Pokemon files and your Mewtwo is a completely a new species.� Then I said, �Thank you, we shall train for the Johto League.� I was originally from New Bark Town. So you can say it is a homecoming.
1 month later.  I was at my friend�s place, Sara Oak. She is the grand daughter of Prof. Oak. We were having tea. Then we chatted, �So, you are going to the Johto Region today. Well, good luck. I�ll be routing for you.� I said, �Thank you. You will make a good trainer too.� Then she said, �Thank you. Oh, I have a gift for you. It is a Map Card. Program it in your Pokegear and you are able to use a world map and use the Pokedex with it to track Pokemon.� Then I said, �Cool.� Then we saw Frankinstien eating something. <This is some good food. What is it.> Then I said, �That�s popery.�

        What will happen to Ryan and Frankinstien in the Johto? Be sure to catch #8 (The Homecoming.)
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