Mewtwo and Me #9 (Mareep! The Little Lamb) by. Ryan H.

It was a nice and sunny day. Me and Frankinstien were just resting under a tree. Then we herd a sound, �Mareep� Then we looked. It was a Pokemon. I check my Pokedex. �Mareep. The wool Pokemon: Its fleece is used in sweaters and other types of clothing. The end of its tail can produce light. This Pokemon is male.� An electric type Pokemon is what I just need. Then I send out Araknoid. Araknoid is my Spinarak. Anyhow, Araknoid uses Spider Web. The Mareep got tangled in the wed. Then I said, �Good. Now use a Poison Sing.� He was about to use Poison Sing. But then, a Fireball hit Araknoid. Then we saw another Pokemon. It was a Growlithe. I check my Pokedex. �Growlithe. The puppy Pokemon: This Pokemon can be easily be domesticated.� I return Araknoid. Then I said, �Ok Frankinstien, get em.� Then he said <I�ll show that little twirp.> Then, BONG!
Ryan was hit on the head by a stick. It was a boy that was the same age as Ryan. Then he said, �STOP! How dare you, leave my Mareep alone.� Then Ryan said, �Your Mareep! I thought that he is wild. I am just a trainer.� Then the boy said, �I�m sorry. Russlers try to steel my flock of Mareep.� Then he reaches his hand towards Ryan and said, �My name is Billy Bob.� Then Ryan grabs his hand and Billy pulled him up. Ryan said, �My name is Ryan Howard, and this is my Pokemon, his nickname is Frankinstien.� Then I came up to Billy and shook is hand. Then I said, <How do you do?> Then Billy look scared. Then I said, <Hey, you never seen a talking Pokemon before?>
An hour latter: We were at a Mareep farm. Ryan was holding an ice pack on his head. Then Billy said, �I�m really sorry about today.� Then Ryan said, �I don�t blame you. You were just protecting you Pokemon.� Then I said, <So, what do you do here anyway?>
Billy said, �I am a Shepard. I farm the Mareep for their wool. My Growlithe help me.� Billy was petting his Growlithe. Then Frankinstien said, <I am getting a bit tired.> Then Billy said, �The barn is just over there.� Then Frankinstien said, <What do you think? Some kind of animal.�
Latter that night: I was sleeping in a hemock that Billy set up for me. Then Billy came in yelling, �MY MAREEP! THERE ALL GONE!� Then we went outside and we saw Billy�s Growlithe tied up. Then we saw no trace of the Mareed. Then Frankinstien talk to the Growlithe, �Grow, grow, growlithe.� Then Frankinstien said, <The Growlithe told me that 2 humans use a Houndour to steel all the Mareep. He tried to stop them, but failed.> Then Billy said, �We must find them. I raised those Mareep with care.� Then I said, �We can help you. We have dealt with worse.�
10 minuets later: �Is Growlithe picking up a sent?� I asked. Then Billy said, �He is getting a sent. Right ahead!� Then Frankinstien said, <I�ll fly ahead.>
I thew ahead to look for the missing Pokemon. Then I saw 2 humans with huge cages. I took a closer look. The cages are filled with Mareep, and those 2 humans are Rockets. Those Rockets are the same Rockets I met at Viridian City. I herd their conversation, �The Boss will grant us a promotion for this.� �That is right.� Then, I felt something on my tail. I looked. A Houndour bit my tail. Then the 2 Rockets saw me. �So, we meet again.� One of the Rocket said, �The Boss have a huge price on your head.� Then I get ready for an attack.
We heard a sound. �AAAAHHHHH!� �YOU ASS HOLE!� �MY FACE!� Then I said to Billy, �I think Frankinstien found them.
We came and we saw Frankinstien with 2 Rockets hog-tied. Then I use my PokeGear to call Officer Jenny. Then Billy said, �My Mareep is here. But, one of them is missing.� The I said, �You can count on me.�
I was looking for a Mareep. Then I heard a sound. �MAAAREEEP!� Then I look and saw a Mareep was hanging from a cliff. He was about to fall. Then, just when the poor Mareep fell. I grab his tail and pull him up. The Mareep was very thankful. Then Frankinstien and Billy found us. Then Billy said, �You save his life. I don�t know how to thank you.� Then we all notice something. That Mareep likes me. Then Billy said, �This Mareep is a good fighter and he seems to like you. How about you can train it for it can grow and even evolve. I will be honored to see that Mareep battling the Elite Masters.� Then I said, �Thanks. I think I will name him Buzz.�

  Now Ryan got a complete team, what will happen to them? Be sure to catch #10 (The Battle in Cherrygrove)
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