Mewtwo and Me. Prolog 1(The Rise of the Dark One.)         by. Ryan H.

In our history, we build weapons that do more harms to our wold and mankind. From arrows to the atom bomb, these weapons kill without mercy. But, what if there is a weapon that can case more damage then the atom bomb, can resist any shot of weapons, and is uncontrollable. It would be so powerful; the only thing that could stop it is another one.

                                                 The Files of the U.S. Army
                                           The log of General Thomas Curry
Day one: After we recovered files from what use to be a laboratory on New Island. We got the data we need to make a better one. We then took all the data back to our lab.
Day two: The genetic Pokemon was almost finished. We added cybernetic parts from alien technology we obtain from a space ship that crashed a long time ago. We also combined the DNA of an alien with this creature. And we added a cybernetic brain for we can have total control on that Pokemon, something that you can�t get from any other Pokemon. This is the perfect Pokemon. But, there was one problem, the mechanical part were from an alien technology and we need a different power source. They use power from a rare crystal that can only be found in meteorites. Then we got word that one of those crystals is buried in the Ruins of Alph.
Day three: We got to the ruins. We found the crystal. But the locals believe that an ancient Demon was trapped inside the crystal. They said that the Demon that they called the Dark One was about to destroy the world, but the Phoenix banished the Dark One in the crystal. But if the Dark one ever escape from the crystal, it will get revenge on the Phoenix and then, the only hope for the world is the Dark Ones own blood. I believe the Dark One is nothing but some kind of Bogeyman. We got the crystal and time to go back to the base.
One year later: We had finally are able to use the crystal. Then we activated the cybernetic creature. We gave it the fist command from our computer. Then it didn�t do anything. We try the same command again. Then it shot a laser at the computer. Then it uses some kind of Psychic attack and destroys most of our equipment. Killed most of our solders, and scientists. Then I escaped. I got to the nearest radio tower and contacted the nearest air hanger. When I make the call, I saw the lab blew up. Then that monster emerges from the flames. The F-15s came and fired at that creature. Then when the smoke cleared, the creature was still standing. Then it flew up in the air. It shot a Beam attack at all the F-15s. Then it flew off. What kind of evil we unleashed in this world. Were the legends of a Dark One are true? After seeing what this monstrosity can do, we have crated the perfect weapon. There are only 2 things I can think of that can stop this monster. The legendary Phoenix, or the original Mewtwo.
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