Family Prophecies
Philip & Alice Harris Family / Main Page
    Every Monday night our family would gather to hold Family Home Evening.  This was a time when we spent quality time together.  Mom made a burlap covered board with flower pots on it. In each flower pot was a pocket to hold a popsicle stick flower with each of our names.  The individual flower pots on the board would give our assignments for Family Home Evening.  After each get together we would move around the flowers into different pots that told of our new assignment.  I know we had seven pots I think the titles were; Conducting, Prayer, Music, Lesson, Game, and Treat. It's possible we had two Prayer pots for the opening and closing prayer.  We all have very fond memories of our family home evenings.

     We still hold Family Home Evening when ever we get together.  We might not be formal in having lessons or singing songs, but we always make sure we have our games.  Our favorities were Imitations, "The Great Salami", and of course our Family Prophecies.

     Family Prophecies would take place when ever a major event was going to happen in the family. We would usually have Dad ask a question and we would all think about and prophecy what we thought would happen.  We would write our answers down and then place them in the family bible.  Our most memoriable prophecy night was before Jim received his mission call for the church.  Dad asked us where we thought Jimmy would go on his mission.  We all put our answer on a piece of paper.  When we were done we took turns reading our responses.  When it came time for Dad to answer he said; "I am of two minds on this, he is either going to the Los Angles, California mission or Brazil."   Everyone called fowl. "You can't have two answers; that is cheating!"  Dad was very insistant that he couldn't make up his mind on which one.

     Not long after, Jim received his mission call.  It turned out to be Brazil.  Dad said he was right.  We all said, "No your not, you said two answers.  You also said LA."  Time passes and Jim leaves for the Mission Training Center, in Provo, UT.  There he learns more about the gospel and the language he will be speaking for the next two years.   The church was having trouble getting his visa while he was there.  By the time he was to leave for Brazil they still could not obtain a visa for Jim.  So, Jim was sent to the Los Angles, California mission.  As it would turn out Jim spent half his mission in LA until he could obtain his visa and go to Brazil.  Dad had prophesied that one right!  When ever the family comes together we will do prophecies.  I have included some recent ones here so we can all watch and see what comes to past.

     By the way Dad - where's the lastest version of our prophecy newsletter?  You always send them each year.
Prophesy Questions - Nov 27, 1998 (Grandma & Grandpa at Renee's house)

Prophesy Questions -
Nov 29, 1998 (Grandma & Grandpa at Randy's house w/Renee's family)

Prophesy Questions -
Nov. 1998      (Before Grandma & Grandpa leave Utah,)

Originals - Nov 27, 1998 
One, Two, Three &  Nov. 1998  One, Two
The Family Home Evening board is on the upper right corner of this picture.  It said Family Night because Steven couldn't pronouce Family Home Evening, it came out "Family Home Leavealing."

Steven's in the red jacket holding a golf club.  Randy's going out the door.  Brenda is playing the piano. 

This picture was taken near the time Dad prophesied Jim would serve his mission in Los Angles, California, and Brazil.
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