Near some systems on the surface are existing concrete buildings, which perhaps could be designated as Casinos or overground lodgins. Near three of the tunnelsystems are leading big shafts to the surface; probably Elevator-Shafts. The accesses to these shafts are, for reasons of air raid precautions, constructed as concrete tunnels.
For the reason of missing documents it is not possible, to assign the single buildings their planned Functions. Probably the systems should be used by OKH (Oberkommando des Herres), OKW (Oberk. d. Wehrmacht) and others .

The systems: Dorfbach: A little tunnelsystem with a base of 2500 qm and a overall tunnellength (as explored until now) of 500 meters. Three entry tunnels, (2 of them with guardrooms and entry-defense) are leading to two larger crosstunnels, which should contain the workingrooms. About 15% of this complex are concreted.

Dorfbach tunnels

Jauernig/Hausbach: This system probably is in an initial stage. A Photo, made in the year 1954, shows both tunnels in shell condition. Another 4 were obvious collapsed, and not accesible. Two Entrytunnels are leading to two crosstunnels. An extension seems to be planed. Near these tunnels one can see indications for the existence of 4 more Entrytunnels. Dead end tunnels are hints for that. The overall tunnellength is about 500 meters, and the base is about 1500 qm.

Jauernig tunnels

Wolfsberg: This largest complexe is nearly ready in shell. Four entrys with Guardrooms and entry-defense are leading to four crosstunnels, which are connected together. Concreting was started. The overall tunnellength is about 3000 meters and the base 8700 qm. In one of the sidetunnels exists a shaft to the surface; probably an elevatorshaft.

Wolfsberg tunnels

S�uferhoehen: This, a little unusual, system has two entrys; their entrydefense is equipped with steelplates and MG-embrasures. 2 Lengthtunnels, one with a length of 350 meters and with a dead end, are baffling about their meaning. A third tunnel in shell condition are located in a deeper niveau. Four lateral tunnels, connected together, have been planed as working rooms. A 48 meter high elevatorshaft with a diameter of 6 meters is leading zi buildings on the surface. Little parts are concreted. The base is 6200 qm, the overall tunnellength is about 1700 meters. On the surface above the system are located several convrete buildings; two of them are called in polish "Kraftwerk" (powerplant) and " Casino". The so called "Kraftwerk" is mysterious; the overground part of the building seems to be not begun; stages are leading to underground shafts, clay-tubes are reaching to the surface, cableshafts are visible; also facilities for providingequipment. Probably this building should be used as heating and/or ventialationsystem for the tunnels.

Säuferwasser tunnels

Ramenberg: System in Initialstage with 3 planed entrys, one of them inaccesable. On the surface building of concrete buildings was started. Until yet known base is 1800 qm and the overall tunnellength is 700 meters.

Ramenberg tunnels

Falkenberg: This project looks like the other systems, and is also in an Initial stage. Four entrys are leading in the system. Two Maintunnels are connected with two lateral tunnels. Two more are on a deeper niveau, and not accesible. The overall tunnellength is 750 m and the base 2100 qm.

Falkenberg tunnels

F�rstenstein: The tunnelsystem under the castle has a special quality. In 1944 OT (Organisation Todt) moved in with 1000 men, and started extensive reconstructions. In the yard of the castle OT began to build a 50 meter deep elevatorshaft, leading to extensive tunnels in the depth. The complete equipment of castle Bellevue, Berlin, was moved to Bad Salzbrunn, to furnish the system. In one of the suites, which should be allegedly inhabited by Hitler, was build in an elevator.
Under the castle-yard is located the mainsystem, which had 4 entrys, and was, as a chief-engineer of OT told, planed for the OKW. These system is finished. The overall tunnellength is 950 meters and the base is 3200 qm.
The installation of a huge communication center was planed.

Fürstenstein tunnels

Article from Mr. H. J. K�hn, in Mil. Gesch. 1993 NF2
