Hirams Inner Circle - Ring of Freemasonry

Hiram's Inner Circle

The Ring of Freemasonry

"Great spirits have always encountered
violent opposition from mediocre minds"
-- Albert Einstein

Hello. This is the Masonic Leadership Center Research Group's (MLCRG) Ring of Freemasonry. Our ring of Freemasonry is named "HIRAM'S INNER CIRCLE. If you are looking for the best in Masonic Home pages, then you have come to the right place. You can obtain a current list of members of the ring OR you can add your Masonic page to the ring, right here! This is our MASONIC LINKS PAGE.

Click here to obtain a listing of the MASONIC pages that comprise the Ring

Click here for the current listing of our Web Page Award winners.

If you are a Freemason or have Masonic heritage (for example, an Eastern Star member) and you have Masonic information on a web page then we want you to join us. It only takes a second to place your page in the Queue to join the ring, so please read the following instructions carefully.

After you hit the "Add to Queue" button, you will be taken to a page which gives you your site information. Then please either select the link at the bottom of that page to return to here or hit the BACK ARROW in your browser to return to this page. Then please Email the MLCRG with "Ring of Freemasonry" as your subject and let me know you have submitted your page.

The MLCRG Web Page Evaluation Team will then review your page. If it qualifies for entry into the ring you will be Emailed and asked to display our Seal of Quality.

Quality Seal

If your page is judged to be one of the BEST MASONIC WEB pages, then you will be asked to display this award.

Web page award

So *ONE* more time.

  • First: Fill out the form.
  • Second: Email the MLCRG letting us know you submitted your page, putting "Ring of Freemasonry" as the subject.
  • Third: Check your email and write down the site id and password that the message contains.
  • Fourth: After your site is reviewed we will ask you to place the SEAL on your page and you are in the RING.

    Email: Notify: Yes No
    Site Password:
    The password is used to change THIS info, if you need to later on. (Email address changes or URL changes) just make up a password that you can remember.

    (As stated above) Need to change your info??
    Edit Site Information
    Site ID:

    This WebRing site is owned by:

    Masonic Leadership Center Research Group

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    This Ring is based on the original by Sage Weil.