MLCRG World Wide Survey of FREEMASONS

Please complete the survey and in return the MLCRG will POST the data thereby making it available for all jurisdictions around the world. You will be able to benefit from knowing the types of Freemasons who are on the internet.

1) How old are you?

Between 20 and 29 years old
Between 30 and 39 years old
Between 40 and 49 years old
Between 50 and 59 years old
Between 60 and 69 years old
Between 70 and 79 years old
Over 80 years old

2) What part of the WORLD do you live in?
North America
Central America
South America

3) How long have you been a member of the Fraternity?
Less than 5 years
5 to 10 years
11 to 20 years
More than 20 years

4) Do you belong to other Masonic bodies besides BLUE LODGE?
5) How often do you attend BLUE LODGE meetings?
Nearly every meeting
3 to 6 meetings per year
1 or 2 meetings per year
Once in a while
Do not attend anymore (or really never did)

6) What do you like about Freemasonry?

7) Why did you join Freemasonry?

8) What do you think should be done to improve Freemasonry?

9) Do you see a benefit to an INTERNET MASONIC LODGE and why?

Personal Information

This section is OPTIONAL.

10) Your name

11) Your Email

12) Have you registered with the MLCRG?

Going to do it NOW

The MLCRG thanks you for taking the time to complete our survey. The results of the survey will be posted on our site after we receive several responses. The survey was placed on line on 8/25/96.

Some of our questions were adapted from the Masonic Renewal Task Force Report of 1988-89