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Riverside Poly High's Army JROTC is the first JROTC brought about by the Defense Act of 1916 (as well as a JROTC back east somewhere). Our Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps was established in 1917, and became co-ed in the 1950's. We have been an honor unit, or honor unit with distinction, since 1957. Recently, we had our big inspection, and out of 1000 points, we missed 6 and one-half. That means we qualified for Honor Unit with Distinction, again!

For those of you who may be interested, I (Robert S. Paul) am a third year cadet, proudly serving my community through ROTC, and I am currently thee best marksman in the battalion (something I'm quite proud of). I'm also Alpha company commander, which I must say is not easy, but I've handled so far. If you have any comments or questions, just e-mail us! Thanx!


I hope to interview our SAI, Maj. Joe Dominguez, and maybe even our AI, SFC�Lester Whitis. Both of them have very interesting military careers, or at least I think so. I also plan to put some of our pictures on the web page, so you can get a better idea of what we do.


Riverside Poly JROTC

C/1Lt Robert S. Paul (Cmdr, A CO Creator of this page)


C/1Lt Robert Paul's Home Page

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