Two Wild and Crazy Guys

When I got back on January 30 there were many things good being said about Heard Island, and it all seems deserved. Since I missed out on most of Heard it was for me just a so and so operation. Doubt that I will ever get a chance to work Heard again.

But the two PYs who jumped onto St. Peter and St. Paul rocks are my kind of guys. I didn't need P and P so my admiration is relatively objective. A dirty, rotten place that is out of the water by a couple of feet and hot, hot. Not to be envied and to be much admired in my book.

Their approach to log checking via the Internet and a page is interesting. They couldn't update daily a la Heard for logistical and financial reasons. But they promise to make the logs searchable after they return home. That's kind of crazy since you can't work them after they have left. But a little cautious and conservative operating should leave you pretty sure that your contact(s) was/were valid. In the case of Peter and Paul someone could go back soon. Heard is a different situation.

We could start a fund to get them (the PY's) some better equipment for their next excursion... At least for RTTY. Or maybe a world wide effort to get Karl a picture of every standing lighthouse. HI HI

God bless 'em both.

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