Don't Hassle Gay People

I walked downtown one day for the annual Taste of Chico, which is like a restaurant fair and microbrewry sampling excursion. Nothing really interested me, but I did go into Starbuck's for a grande coffee. I picked up the San Fransico Chronicle, since I'm an avid reader of the news, and flipped threw a few pages to the world news section. Before I got to the section, a headline and full page ad grabbed my eye. It appeared to be buy a religious group. I think the headline said something like "We Used to be Gay." Something like that. I thought, "What?" But the real surprise was what the caption said. This "religious group" based in Seattle, Washington said that it "saved" hundreds from sexual sin, in this case, homosexuality. I nearly choked on my latte.

I can't remember the last time something really irked me, but this did it. The paid advertisement said that being a homosexual was "sexual sin," "against God's will," and "morally wrong." They tried to cover up themselves by saying that they were not gay haters and that they "wanted to help." You know what people? If a bunch of religious fanatics say that being myself is "sexual sin" or "against God's will," then count me out. Your sexual perference is part of who you are. That is why homosexuality has survived the ages and exists in all cultures, time periods and countries across the world.

Homosexuality might be the best thing that's ever happened to a person! And if you tell someone that they are living in "sexual sin," you aren't exactly correct. If God made people, of course some ended up gay. He might even have added this difference so that we could learn to accept people not just because of our cultural or racial differences, but purely for our differences.

I like the tactic of this group and how they use a huge picture of hundred of ex-gay people with smiles on their faces. Happy now? You have lost a part of who you are to some religious sell-outs. I don't know where this "group" came from, but they can kiss my fat stripper ass.

Or would that be a sexual sin?

As plain as I can see it, love comes in many different forms, and if you love someone, that�s worth more than what anyone else can criticize you for.

Don't hassle gay people. They don't hurt anyone.