YESSSSSSEERRRRREEEE!!!! Another one of those annoying Internet surveys for you to fill out. What makes this one special? I'm giving it! No really...

Just fill out the survey, and hit SEND only once. I wanna know what you surfers think. I won't post the results. This is for mine and your entertainment value only. It also might make you think.

This survey created: February 22nd, 2003

Your Name :

Your E-mail :

Your URL : *

  • What should every good person have?:

  • Would you ever wear seven-inch platforn heels?


  • Which word sounds better,
    "spicy yumminess" or "burrito shack?"


  • Tell me about a monkey you saw in the zoo one time using only four words:


  • What wallpaper/color do you have on your desktop?


  • Tell me about a time you stepped in some gum:


  • Tell me about a time when you couldn't get up in the morning. What did you do?

  • You are driving. Another driver
    honks at you. What do you do?

  • Do you have something red in the room?


    I love you. Hit "Send" ONCE!

  • Sometimes Geocities will act up after and say that the "File Doesn't Exist." I'll still get your survey though.

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