At first, the works of VC Andrews were considered unsuccessful. Her first book I Slept With My Uncle on my Wedding Night was not very popular. Not giving up, VC Andrews continued to write, thus creating her first series that would enchant millions of readers. This new series began with the Dollanganger Series with Flowers in the Attic, later made into a motion picture film. Continuing the series while millions become enthralled with the lives of her characters, she made Petals on the Wind, If There Be Thorns, and the last book in the series Seeds of Yesterday, including a "prequel" called Garden of Shadows.

Shortly before Garden of Shadows was published, she realeased another unrelated source of work called My Sweet Audrina which was not part of a series. This too was an admired piece.

Just a short time before her death, she wrote another series referred to as the Casteel Series. She was in the process of writing the last book in that series, when she lost her battle with breast cancer in 1986. Another writer finished her work.
