Space Shuttle Flight: STS-95

Brown, Lindsey,
Duque, Mukai,
and Glenn

NASA photo, click here for more details!

John: WA3Z

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I have been a "ham" since 1974. My wife, Jann, WB3FXH, has her own web page: Jann's PA Dutch Kitchen. Drop by if you are hungry or want to know more about our family. Amateur radio has been a family experience for us. We have enjoyed Emergency Communications practice during Field Day (in June each year) with our radio clubs in DE (where I was ARRL Section Manager for a while) and in MD.

One of the most exciting and rewarding experiences in the past few years was my first contact with the Space Shuttle, Endeavor (STS-59), with students from Deep Creek Middle School in MD in April 1994. It was an awesome experience for the students (and for me). You can get more information about the Shuttle Amateur Radio EXperiment (SAREX) from the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL). For more information for teachers, click here. Amateur Radio is a great way to inspire kids to learn many things including, but not limited to the teaching of geography, science, and math.

I am also interested in Digital Communications, including Packet Radio and Automatic Packet/Positioning Reporting System (APRS). For more information about past as well as upcoming Digital Communications Conferences, click here.


I have made and flown kites for many years including deltas, trains of kites, and stunt kites. One of my favorite places to fly kites is at the beach ( Reboboth Beach, DE and Ocean City, MD). A great kite festival is held at Cape Henlopen State Park, Lewes, DE, held on Good Friday. It is a great opportunity to take pictures of many unique kites (some homemade) and all very colorful. One Sky One World has annual kite flights in many locations all over the world the second weekend in October every year. For more information, contact your local kite society, kite shop, or you can check out the Kite Fliers Society.


We took a family vacation to the island of Montserrat in 1979. We went into the, then inactive volcano, at Soufriere Hills. My amateur radio call on Montserrat was VP2MAH. As an update from the news: the volcano is presently active. There seems to be a dispute over whether there will be a cataclysmic explosion or not. Those 4,000 remaining inhabitants are betting against it. In June, pyroclastic rock flows incinerated 7 villages and killed 19 people. Plymouth, the capital, is now gone, and they are seeking to rebuild it and rename it Port Diana, after the Princess of Wales, whose untimely death touched us all. The remaining inhabitants of Montserrat, who live in the newly formed village, Caricom, were just brushed by Hurricane Erika (85 mph winds), as they were inside watching the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, on cable TV. They have good reason to be fearful of hurricanes as the little island (39 square miles) was devastated by Hurricane Hugo in 1989. The catastrophic hurricane damaged 90% of the buildings on Montserrat. And, now "paradise" is facing their biggest challenge: an active volcano!

For more Montserrat Volcano information, click here, or for the effects of the eruptions on the Ecology of Montserrat, click here.

Saba hit by Hurricane Georges in 1998!

My DX call signs

Links to other sites on the Web:

Carroll County (MD) Amateur Radio Club
Goddard Space Center (MD)
Becoming an Amateur Radio Operator (ARRL)
Jann's PA Dutch Kitchen

Many thanks to the Queensland Kiteflyers Society for the kite graphic.


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This site was created and is maintained by WB3FXH for WA3Z. Updated: November 2002.

� 1997-2002 WA3Z, John