King's Story and Picture Album

My Story and Picture Album

For great Valentine clip art and fun activities, please visit Billy Bear.

This is me, celebrating my 4 year old birthday party with balloons, candles and birthday cake. I, of course, was more interested in the food and will do anything for that piece of Black Forest cake. Want to find out what my favourite recipes are ?

The cake sure tasted yummy. But boy, do I look funny with that hat? What do my mom think I am, a Cowboy?

This is my mom's brother and family from Hartford, CT. The 2 kids are Jasmine and Colby. It was taken one hot summer day while we were visiting Erindale Park in Mississauga, Ontario. I love Erindale Park, there is a river for trout and salmon fishing. The river is close to the walking path and I have this urge to jump right in it . I love the water but my mom won't let me get into the water and chase the trouts away.

One Christmas, we went to Hartford to visit my homo sapiens relatives. There was a present-opening party on Christmas day. Everyone was unwrapping their gifts and making lots of noises. My present is too big to be wrapped up in a bow. You see, I got this beautiful doggie bed from grandma. Oh, it feels so good to lie on it.

In 1989 we went up to Pukaskwa National Park for vacation. It was so beautiful and scenic up there. I walked miles and miles by the shoreline, amongst the rocks and dipped myself in the chilly Lake Superior water whenever I felt like it. Pukaskwa is indeed a golden retriever's paradise. I was back again in August 1996. The place has not changed a bit.

Then there was vacationing up in Sunny Shore Resort, just north of Parry Sound. That's Caesar on the right. He is the resort owners' golden. People there often mistaken me for Caesar. Were they embarrassed when they found out my true identity! Caesar and I got along real well and shared many of our meals and treats together. You can also come meet my cyberspace pals.

My Pals in Cyberspace
Golden Retriever Links
Dog Information and Links
Poems and Tributes
Fun and Games
My favourite recipes
Graphics Links

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I love to hear from all you goldens out there. You can reach me via email at: [email protected].
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Graphics courtesy of Kids Place Valentines, Billy Bear and Free Business ClipArt and Photos

This page last updated on May 10, 1997. 1