The Elements of Web Page Style


On the web, content reigns supreme. No web site will become popular if it hasn't got something unique and interesting to offer. However, people are less inclined to view that content if it's not presented appealingly. That's where style comes in.

style - n. 1. Distinctive or characteristic mode of presentation, construction, or execution in any art, employment, or product, esp. in any fine art. 2. The quality which gives distinctive character and excellence to artistic expression.

The following pages contain basic principles for designing a good-looking, easily navigable web site which has style.

Even though these rules aim to guide you toward better site design, there are times when breaking some of these rules has a good outcome. As the saying goes, “rules are made to be broken.” However, you need to be very familiar with the rules before you can know exactly when the situation calls for breaking them. It's all part of learning to design with style.



Developing Quality Content

Using Color Wisely

Designing User-Friendly Layout

Navigation Integration

Graphics Basics

To Frame, or Not to Frame?

Masterful Maintenance

Helpful Web Development Links

If you came from heartland HeadQuarters, you can go back this way.

heartland HeadQuarters

Introduction | Content | Color | Layout | Navigation

Graphics | Frames | Maintenance | Links

Shady Oaks

This site is a Key Solutions design.

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This page last updated 10-Mar-98.
Copyright © 1997. All rights reserved.


*No graphics in Shady Oaks are for public use except the E-Trees and customizable backgrounds in The BG Mold.*