Hello...My name is Jenn, I am 30 years old
and live in Ventura, CA.
I have 3 wonderful daughters...they are
Alyson (11), Melyssa (10) and Hannah (5).

Since moving back to California, I have met and married a wonderful man, Dale.
He has shown me love, love that gave me hope and strength to carry on
and between Dale and my girls, I have found faith.
The best times I could ask for are the times I spend with them.

"Love...like a wild flower garden, thrives and grows in our hearts."
Author Unknown

I owe a special thanks to my family...my mom, Vicki,
my dad, Richard, my brother, Bub, my sisters,
Lauren & Kristin, my brother-in-law, Dennis
and the newest member of our family, Jillian Marie.
Your love and support has given me strength
to get through the hardest of times and the best.
You have shared my laughter and shared my tears
and never faltering, You have stood by my side.
I love you all! Thank you for showing me
the true meaning of family values.

You're the bravest of hearts, You're the strongest of souls,
You're my light in the dark, You're the place I call home.

Many people ask me what the "Key to My Heart" is,
click here to find it...

"The Key2MyHeart"


Never Forget
September 11, 2001

Click here and tell me - what do YOU see...


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"The Colors of My Love"


January 23, 2004

Site Background by Mom!! I love you Mom!


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