Brandon's Place


Hi! My name is Brandon. I'm 19 years old and I graduated from high school last May. I'm working full-time right now, but I've decided to start college in the fall. I didn't want to go college right away because I really don't like school at all, and I didn't know what I wanted to major in anyway. I've had a little time off from school and studying, and I know I'm not going to make much money where I'm at now. So even though I still don't know what I want to do, I've decided I had better make up my mind pretty quick and go. I like to draw and I love computers, so we'll see what happens.

I played football my freshman year in high school. My sophomore year I decided to be a manager for the team instead of play. Boy that was a big mistake. I found out I liked playing a lot more than being a manager. It's hard work! I don't have time to play now because I have a job. I bought my first car a little over a year ago! It was a 1981 Toyota Corolla station wagon. I was so excited when I was finally able to buy that car. It sure wasn't the greatest one in the world, but it got me where I wanted to go until one day it died. :-( I went without one for awhile, but now I have a slightly newer one. It belonged to my grandpa, but he had to go into the nursing home to be with my grandma, and I got his old one. It's a 1987 Buick LeSabre. Boy, I'm riding in luxury now. It's a really nice car and I love it.

Dallas Cowboys Helmet My hobbies include playing my Sony Playstation, fishing, hunting, playing football with my friends, and drawing. I also love watching the Dallas Cowboys play!! They've always been my favorite NFL team.

My Favorite Links
NFL.COM Dallas Cowboys
ESPNET Sportszone: Cowboys Clubhouse
Emmitt Smith Profile
Emmitt Zone
Deana Carter...Country singer!
The Kids and Teens National Network

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