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Chain 6.  Join with slip stitch to form loop.

Chain 3, one double crochet (dc) in loop, chain 2.  *2 dc
in loop, chain 2*   Repeat from * to * 4 more times (6 sets
of two dc's in center loop), join with slip stitch.  Slip stitch 
to next chain 2 hole.

Chain 3, one dc, chain 2, 2 dc in same hole (forms "corner"),
chain 2.  *2 dc, chain 2, 2 dc in same hole, chain 2*  Repeat 
from * to * 4 more times (hexagon shape), join with slip 
stitch.  Slip stitch to next chain 2 hole  (the corner).

Chain 3, one dc, chain 2, 2 dc in same hole, chain 3, 1 single 
crochet (sc) in chain 2 of previous row (next hole), chain 3.
*2 dc, chain 2, 2 dc in same hole, chain 3, 1 sc in next hole, 
chain 3*   Repeat from * to * 4 more times (larger hexagon
shape), join with slip stitch.  Slip stitch to next chain 2 hole
(the corner).

LAST ROW:  Each of these 6 corners will have
3 dc + 3 dc, rather than the 2 dc +2 dc the previous rows
had.  Spikes stick out of corners with "picots" on the tips.   
Picots = Imagine an upsidedown V with an  o  on the top! 

Chain 3, 2 dc, chain 8.  Hold finger on 8th chain, and chain
6 more.  Single crochet into 8th chain (where finger is -- this
makes the "picot"), and chain 8 more, 3 dc in same corner loop.
Chain 3, 1 sc in next loop, chain 3, 1 sc in next loop, chain 3.
*3 dc, chain 8.  Hold finger on 8th chain, and chain 6 more.
Single crochet into 8th chain (picot), and chain 8 more,
3 dc in same loop as first 3 dc.  Chain 3, 1 sc in next loop,
chain 3, 1 sc in next loop, chain 3*   Repeat from * to *
4 more times.  Join with slip stitch, tie off & weave in thread 

BLOCK & STARCH  -- Use the method you are familiar with.  
I like the Michael's product called "STIFFY" which can be
painted on, or just dip the snowflake & squeeze out excess

Scrunchy Fun

Click here to see what the scrunchies look like.

HAIR SCRUNCHIES                            PONY TAIL HOLDERS
                                  Basic Lacy Pattern

Supplies:  crochet cotton, a small crochet hook, a hair elastic
                 Optional:  pearly beads

Single crochet (sc) all around the hair elastic.  Join with slip stitch.

ROW 1:  Chain (ch) 7, sc in 2nd sc from hook to form first loop,
*ch 7, sc in 2nd sc from  hook*  repeat to end of round,  slip stitch
up to middle of 1st loop of round.

ROW 2:  Chain 8, sc in hole of next loop, *ch 8, sc in hole of
next loop*  repeat to end of round, slip stitch up to middle of
1st loop of round.

ROW 3:  Chain 10, sc in hole of next loop,  *ch 10, sc in hole
of next loop*  repeat to end of round, close off & tie threads.

This is a real easy pattern that can be adapted in many ways.
By adding pearly beads, you can fancy it up even more; string
the beads onto the thread before you begin, and push them
up as you need them.  If you want your scrunchies not as lacy,
simply decrease the # of chains in each set by one or two per
row.  Also, to make it larger & lacier, increase the # of chains
by one or two per row.

** Hope you enjoyed this crochet pattern.  Keep watching
     this site, as I hope to change the patterns regularly.  Feel
     free to print out this pattern & share it with your friends.
     Feed back is always welcome!

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