note from ~*~*~dora~*~*~
in mempurry of our pawsom sweet cousin jimmy, march 18, 1994 ~ apurril 26, 2005
Hay!1!! My name is Cousin Jimmy. I am 10 year old cat and I liv at Rainbo Cattage with my mothir, and mi sisters an bruthirs. I luv makin websits but mi mama don't not let me get onlin much so I don't git to updat often caws my mama always uses the compurrter so I not git much time to use this. I not tto good at html, but I ben making websits sense I was abot 4 years old and it sew much fun!!!1!. And anyway,,, I too busi composin poitry and playin to use the compurrter much!

Hear a picshure off me.

Apurril 2005 mews:
I gots marryed in Apurril! I marry mi tru lov Laz who liv in illanoise and we had a xciting weddin on the furum and I lov her so much. You can sea her below. I gotta go caws I spind all my time talkin to her now! she is so bootiful and wonderfur.

The most xciting thing happin to us sense I last updat this page!1!!! In Novempurr 2002 beutiful kitty walk into our hous and went two sleep undir the windoe in the diningrooom. Mama an Nanny were worri abot her, but Mini May tolded me that she goin to hav kittin and new that the Rainbo Cattage Hospicatal were the bestest place to hav kittin. One day Mama woked up an she saw Minni May with a kittin!11! I was sew xcited!11! Mama was purractically pacin back and forth and was a nervous wreck and so worried, wonderin what she was suppose to do. She sawed what was happin, said oooohh what a cute orang baby kitty and then sawed that Minni May was havin another kitty and runned and gots Nani to com to. Aftur the furst kitten Sal cofured his eyes with his paw and gasp and look kinda sick, but thin he saw the black kittin that look lik him and gots all xcited and yelled "Wow!11! It look just lik me!1!! I'm a father! I'm a father!" Ofcourse that don't make no sens caws Sal wasnt the fathir, but he was just furry xcited! The fourth and second kitten were gray. The third -(thelast) kiten wasblack. Thin Ilse wrap all kitten in blanket and Minni May start takin care off them all. Then we told effuryone we had chosin name fur the kittins. there is Felix King Purry and Davy Keith Purry and Dora Keith Snoopy Purry an Kevin Sullivan Linus Purry. The kittin are sew cute!1!! We has sew much fun playin with thim an we tak lot of picshur an I was goin two painted a picshur, but they don't lik to stay stil long sew it took me mani hours two mak the purrtrait... Mama wanted two keep all off the kittins but we had to give too two a mew home. They live together though and are gonna send us picshures. Anymew we opined the Rainbow Cattage Foundling Home an will kept the babys til they was old enough to go to mew homes We were sellin stuf on ecat, an auction site on the internet so we could keep sum of the kittens. Dora and Sullivan is sooooo cute. Minni May is sew beutiful. This has bin so xciting!11!

*********New mews! We had a burdday parti fur the kittin in Septimpurr! This is now 1 year old. We has lots of picshures hear.

Anymew, I is 10 year old and mi birthday is March 18, 19994. Mi brother Teddy, sister Emily, an Ant Maud had pag tto , but they was at a old websit called WBS and WBs done disapurred one day sew we decid to mak this one together and have it abot all off us. Anymew, I hav 7 brother and sisters. We have a tv show abot us a book based on us and I is is a *published poit*. I had poims published in 2 magazins. I'mm the oldest, and then Emily who also nine. She a famus author. Sal is mice purresident of the Rainbow Cattage Carbs Incc. (Intelligent North Carolina Cats ;)) He is abot 4 or 5 year old and adopted us. Ilse (who ran away from home and adopted us too) is the Purr Purrson for our compani. (Mama says I need to rite PR Person but I don't no why. Any smart cat that visit this pag wood no what I was talkin abot. Duh.) She (Ilse) dreams of visiting some of her favfurite places on Purrince Edward Island such as Catendish, Shrewspurry, Bright Rifur, and Avonflea someday, wanting to spurread the word effurrywhere about her wonderfur biography by Ant Maud. Sullivan is a famous purrducer for the movies and shows based on Ant Mauds works. Dora is a artis. She and Sullivan spurread cheer to efurryone they meet. Dora is also a repurrter for the Rainbow Cattage Early Edition. Minne May is a gossip columnist, and keeps the Rainbow Cattage Early Edition up to date on tomorrow's mews, today. Grace is also an author of inspurrational fiction and co-purrducer along with Sullivan. I had a brother Teddy who was a artist too and furry sweet. He was the same age as Emily an me and we had a pet dog namid Ant Maud, but they dyed in 2002. :( We miss them furry much. Ant Maud wrot our biograffy, Emily off Mew Moon.

Me at the compurrter workin on mi websit.

I lik draw an mak carbs, and efurryone hear help. All off the drawing are buy me, and if you lik them feel free two writ and tell me so. hee hee I also lik riting poitree. This is one of mi fafurrite poims. When this you sea remember me and tak a little catnip tea. hee heeee

I lik Mickey Mouse - he is a good actor. My favorit actor is the cat on Early Edition. I also lik the dog on Sue Thomas F B Eye and Digger on Avonflea, but I think they shouldve had the cat from the StoryGirl book two in Avonlflea more!!11!

I lik Purrlorian cats. Ain't they sew cute? Mi mama lik to dress us up two, but I not lik that furry much!!1! If you lik to see more picshures lik this go hear

Mi fafurite holiday is Christmas, and I lov Santa Paws and lik Garfield Christasm an Charli Brown Christams and I lov everything abot christmas ~ it purrfectly pawsom and wonderfur and i lov christmas spurrit and most impurrtant the tru meaning of Christmas. Mi favfurite Christmas mewsic Click song chipmunks sing at Christmas abot Chrismtas time is here!1 Tim fur joy and tim fur chear! Wan a plain that loop the loop. Me i wan a hula hoop!1!!!1!! Hear sum picshures I drawed of us at Christmas!!

Want sea mi mother's page - she is a real purrson.

Becky of Rainbo Cottige
my bootiful wif Laz's websit

Kerissa pawsom Avonflea websit - another real purrson and my mommy in law and if you go there check out her Jane off Lanturn Hil websit to
Click hear to go to my mama's Emily of New Moon Page - all abot the show based on the book by L M Montgomeerryy.
Mi cousin Jennyfur's websit!

� (that stands fur copycat I think, but if you want to use anything on page you can but if you use a pictur I drawed, purreas giv a link to mi page, altho I don't think nobody goin to want use mi picturs. :)) 1997-2003

You can writ me hear. Click on Woodstock, opps Snoopy

a picshure I draw of us one Easter. I luv Easter too.

Picshures off mi famili - want to sea?

Mi famili is::; Emily Byrd Starr, Ilse Megan Purrter Follows Burnley, Saucy Sal Snowball McCattie, Trudy Grace Jessicat Purrlerin McKitty Grant, Minnie May Poofum Purry, Dora Keith Snoopy Purry, Kevin Sullivan Linus Purry, Davy Keith Purry, Felix King Purry, Theodore (Teddy)) Custard Kent, an ant Lucy Maud Pupcake our pet dog. PJ was our brother, and Puddin two but we nefur met them, Then we used to hav furiend who visit, nam Perry 1, Perry 2 Perry 3, Perry 4, caus they all look same and then ther Ant Laura our furiend who a burd, and thers Malcolm and Isabel from Scatland, (Malcolm is blakc and Isabel is orang) and then there the wee angel, who is lik Teddy, and posum that used to visit, the Rainbo Cottig zoo porch and snack cause we lik to feed hungry kitties but thin we move and not long aftur Ilse & Mnini May found us.


Mi brother Teddy

(Our pet dog)

My sister Emily & me - she is gray rushin blue kitty

Tedddyy withh Emiylyl

Ilse an Sal

Ilse with Sulivan

my wif Laz in Illanoise and me an froggi, my fafurite stuffed animal that is mi mama's

A aDORAable litle girl, ain't she sew cute? :)

me and Sal - the view furom the windoe is pawsum

sweet purrty Grace

beutiful Mini May, sweet Dora an cute Sullivan

Minni May and Ilse - they both beutiful!!!

Mi bootiful Laz who has wonderfur tast in book caws she is readin one off our biograffy, Emily Climb

Felix an Davi

Davy and Felix agin && This is Puddin.

The kitty is PJ (Purride and Joyy Sweetums - he look almost exactly lik me but we not related.

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Sum pawsome cat websits!

Really radicat cat carb sit!
Cat Chow websit I Love Cats websit
Git kool stuff at fresh step with pawpoint Hoop and yoyo are so funni
Created in 1997 sometim i furget by Cousin Jimmy Poofum Murray and Last updat by ~Dora Keith Snoopy Purry~ on Novempurr 13, 2005
Arent they so adoribul? And the dog cartoon is sew funi!!!1!!!