C.D. Cole

All three persons in the Godhead are equally gracious towards sinners. The grace of the Father, Son, and Spirit are equal in degree and extent, but distinct in operation and administration.

 1. The Father is the FOUNTAIN of all grace. He purposed the fact and plan of grace. He formulated the covenant of grace and devised the means "whereby His banished should not be expelled from Him." He made choice by grace of the subjects of grace, and then in fulness of time sent His Son into the world to be the medium of grace.

 2. The Eternal Son is the CHANNEL of grace. The only way the grace of God can reach the sinner is through the Lord Jesus Christ. Let no rejector of God's Son think himself to be the beneficiary of God grace! His work reconciled Grace and Justice, as is written, "Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other" (Ps. 85:10).

 John Bunyan, blissfully lost in the contemplation of the matchless grace of the Son of God, cried out these words:
"O Thou Son of the Blessed! Grace stripped Thee of Thy glory; grace brought Thee down from heaven; grace made Thee bear such burdens of sin, such burdens of curse as are unspeakable; grace was in Thy heart; grace came bubbling from Thy bleeding side; grace was in Thy tears; grace was in Thy prayers; grace streamed from Thy thorn-crowned brow! Grace came forth with the nails that pierced Thee, with the thorns that pricked Thee! Oh, here are unsearchable riches of grace! Grace to make sinners happy! Grace to make angels wonder! Grace to make devils astonished!"

 3. The Holy Spirit is the ADMINISTRATOR of grace. Without the gracious operation of the Holy Spirit in conversion no sinner would ever become a beneficiary of grace. He takes of the things of Christ and gives them to the sinner. He quickens all the souls of the Father's choice, and leads to Jesus Christ all the sheep for whom the dear Shepherd laid down His life. (John 10:11). He conquers the stoutest hearts, and cleanses the foulest spiritual leper. He opens sin-blinded eyes and unstops sin-closed ears. The blessed Holy Spirit reveals the grace of the Father and and applies the grace of the Son.
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