Awards this site has been proud to receive...


"I would also like to add my congratulations on producing an impressive site dedicated to saving our animals. Excellent quality of content and ease of navigation, plus some very very impressive graphics. I hope that the site fulfills all that you set out to achieve."
Thank you Ben!

This site has been
awarded the
Award for Excellence
by Harraden's Habitat(t)

Your site is wonderful. I am enamored with the your subject matter as well as the thought process behind your pages. Thank you so much for inviting me.... I enjoyed the visit immensely. And I would certainly be honored if you would display my award on your pages. You have more than earned it.
Many thanks to you Lisa!

Thank you Grandma Carol!

as of 9/24/98

GA's Bronze
You have created a very nice site, indeed. The time and effort you've put into your site is clearly evident, as is your love for animals. We congratulate you on a job well done.
My thanks to you Glenn!

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