Welcome to

Spice's Spot

Union Jack

I live in England, with Ann, Graham, their sons
Martin and Gary, and my four brothers and sisters.
Martin is helping me here 'cos I'm learning all about
html, graphics, geocities and so many other things.
Always wondered why Jumbles(Mom) spends hours at her
'puter. I thought it was so easy to make a web site, and
design lots of graphics.(HOW WRONG I WAS!!!)

Anyway, you can read about my family,
and how we all came to live together.
As Mom is teaching us, I am jotting down
notes and have put together a few simple
graphic tutorials so everyone can learn.

I hope to get lots of information, links and
graphics which every GSD/Dog Lover can use,
but please don't take the images from my own
pages, 'cos they were made especially for me.

It would be great if you
 could sign my Guestbook
whilst you are here.(HINT)

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Spice's Skin for ICQ Plus

About Spice - My Family - Pet Graphics - My ICQ Skin
Graphic TutorialsWeb Rings - Tips and Resources

Petsburgh BURB - Co-Liaison Award

Sorry about  the "Coming Soon", but I did
tell you I had a lot to learn(Martin has to keep
asking our Mom what to do next (LOL).He thought
it was so easy too!! Now we know why our dinner
very often arrives late, and my "walkies" are short.

Email Me!!!!!!!!!!!

Petsburgh Post


The Petsburgh Country Kitchen

Below, my "Ninja" Pal, Ranger. I protect
him because he is only very small!!!!!

Peke Haven - Gizmo's Ninja Pal - SPICE


Petsburgh World Festival

All page contents, to include image files, backgrounds, photographs and text are the original artwork of Spice's Spot
  Any copying or reproducing these contents without written permission by
Spice's Spot is strictly prohibited.

Spice's Spot