Presenting . . .


I am honored to introduce the "PUPCHESS" of YORKie herself. . .


"FERGIE" is a two year old Yorkshire Terrier (born on Valentines day!!) who entered my home on May 3rd, 1997 and promptly set up court!! Her royal playthings are covering the carpet, her royal food is filling the royal fridge and I believe I have become the royal maid and jester combined!!

* * * F L A S H * * *

On April 16, 2000, "Fergie" passed her AKC TRACKING DOG EXCELLENT TEST held by CarDunAl Obedience Dog Training Club in Elgin, Illinois to become the
to earn an AKC TDX title. Thanks to our tracking instructors "Aunt" Ruth Rectoris and Wally O'Brien for their excellent instruction and encouragement. WE COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT THEM.


"Fergie" is a registered Therapy Dog with Therapy Dogs International and visits a nursing home weekly to visit the residents there. Here is "Fergie" trying to share a "kiss" with one of the residents at her birthday party.

Here is a picture of "Fergie" in her "Royal Outfit" on her "Royal Throne". Sure looks like she's rather be chasing her giggle ball doesn't it??

Shown here amongst the shadows, Her Royal Pupchess reigns supreme in her Royal Garden keeping it free of squirrels, feral cats and the occassional raccoon (much to the dismay of the local wildlife!!).

Ms. Ferguson, shown here at the "Royal Salons" with her favorite stylist, on the occasion of her very first grooming appointment. She is modeling the "latest" in doggy coiffures and sporting a red velvet designer bow that she left in her topknot for all of two seconds!!

Here is a picture of "Fergie" at about 6 months of age, showing her climbing the royal sofa like a mountain goat.

TENNIS ANYONE??? "The Fergster" is shown here after winning on the Royal Courts. She enjoys chasing the balls (sans racket) but has some difficulty hopping the net!! Royal steps are being erected!! Watch for the little darling at Wimbleton!!!

"Her Royal Pupchess" demonstrates why the "Royal Chambers" has a"Royal Top" on it!! If you look closer you will see her Royal Daybed. . . .to have such a life!!!

"Fergie" with Her Royal Tracking Instuctor, "Aunt Ruth"!! Ruth thinks Fergie is doing splendidly. . .I think she's taking "Aunt Ruth" for a Royal Walk in the park, but everyone is having a lot of fun doing whatever they're doing!!!

"THE ROYAL TREASURE CHEST"Pictured here (The palace guards just out of sight with guns drawn!) are just "SOME" of her "Royal Darlings" treasures. The Royal Stuffed Carrot is one of her all-time favorites!!!

"A RIDE IN THE ROYAL CARRIAGE" - Isn't she as cute as a button in her pouch?? Please, no comments about who is "The Royal Steed"!!!

Her Pupchess' favorite sites on the Web

The Royal Nursery (where the Pupchess was born)

KERNEELS page. The "Gentledog" in Fergies life:
"Is It Puppy Love??"

"The Yorkie Girls" - TOO CUTE!!!!

SHOOTERS PAGE is fantastic, and Shooter is pretty handsome himself!

Check out ROXIE RIBBONS PAGE - Roxie is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!!

POOH BEAR'S page is really nice, and he's not so bad either!!!!

JACK AND BARNEYS HOME PAGE, two handsome scotsyorkies you just have to meet!!!

VISIT MY NEW FRIEND "CARNEY" on his page. I just love yorkie boys!!!!

HERE IS TAYLORS BRAND NEW PAGE. Taylor lives in Australia.


     Cool Site Award
Shooter's Cool Site Award

Your royal audience is over, Her Royal Pupchess thanks you for your company and hopes you'll drop by again. There will always be new and exciting pictures as the little darling grows!!

Yorkshire Terrier Web Ring

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is owned by "HER ROYAL PUPCHESS".

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