Cerebral Palsy and Aging


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Sites listed here are provided for information purposes. I am neither able nor qualified to vouch for the quality or correctness of the details. Appearance on these pages is NOT a recommendation.

Nothing bad has happened. I got email pointers to a couple of sites which might be of interest but might not be as wonderful as they claim - so I decided to add this.
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21 june 2003
Jamie, 21 with CP. is looking for sponsors for his riding.

2 January 2003:
A new summary.

A NEW page! To specifically collect info on experiences with dentitsts: Cerebral palsy and oral health

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I am a 57 year old male with mild athetoid CP. This page arose from my efforts to find information on what to expect as I age further.

What I have found out so far is that by and large nobody knows anything about CP and aging. There was a conference in 1993 which produced some papers that collected "anecdotal data," but no significant scientific data is available.

The point of this page is to use the Web to

As this page has evolved (thanks, everyone !) I feel obliged to suggest a metaphor. This is not the room where you will find your answers, but the entrance to a library like Jorge Luis Borges', with many doors. Try a door or build a new one.

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Site Map

The hand points to the most recently updated page: pointing to

Page Description Last update
Links Links to other cerebral palsy resources.
pointing to Adults Links to pages of adults with cerebral palsy and to postings to this page from adults with cerebral palsy.
Research Links to research on aging and cerebral palsy.
Clinics Links to pages of clinics that deal with cerebral palsy and aging September 27, 2002
BBS etc. Links to Bulletin boards, chats, mail lists and Yahoo clubs November 16,2001
World Links to cerebral palsy organizations outside the U.S. May 10, 2003
pointing to Stories Links to comments and stories posted by others or collected by meJune 21, 2003
Cerebral palsy and oral health Experiences and solutions with dentists and oral hygeine. June 25, 2002
Summary A summary of postings January 3, 2003

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