
So who am I?

See the overview for general details. With respect to Taoism, I'm a beginner and a student. What's here is initially my own personal thoughts. If people add comments the local universe will expand.

The Library

There is a library of books I like on taoism, taichi and other things. Please visit and add some titles.

How did I get here

I backed into Taoism thru study of t'ai chi ch'uan. I found it attractive and the reading has led me into some other interesting pathways: most significant so far is a deeper look into Thomas Merton.

Why Chung Yung ?

Although not a Taoist text, the Doctrine of the Mean speaks to multiple aspects of central equilibrium for me. First, in t'ai chi it refers to the central space between the suspended headtop and the sacrum with the 10,000 pound weight which is the stable centre of the whole form. Second it refers (again this is for me) to the place of a human being betwen Heaven and Earth. Finally it reminds me to balance my work and the rest of my life.

What is Wu Wei? (for me)

Well, it's not NON-action but action-without-attachment-to-outcomes.
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Comments from visitors

Brother Fang of the White Dragon Taoist Temple writes:

The Tao is in all. Find it and you find yourself. It is natural so be Natural. Move like water and become one with nature. If one should harm you greet him with compassion. In this way may you sow seeds of Peace. The order through all may live is Peace.

Taoist Restore The Taoist Restoration Society

Restoring the Taoist religion in China.

Opinions expressed here are personal and do not reflect the views of Spatial Technology, Inc.

Last Updated March 6,1997
Copyright � Pierre Malraison All rights reserved.

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