Our Valentine ancestors Texas land records

The first record is the land that was issued to William Patrick Valentine by the State of Texas in 1854. It is located west of Corrigan about 4-5 miles and NE of Moscow as stated on history page. This record was purchased at Texas Land Office in Austin, Texas.

The second record is Daniel M. Valentines land and this record is from Courthouse at Groveton, Texas which is county seat of Trinity County. Daniel paid 4000# of cotton for 50 acres of land. The papers were drawn in January of 1877 and Daniel was to pay 4-500# Bales on December 1, 1877 and 4-500# bales on December 1. 1878. Daniel must have grew his cotton and completed his contract of sale, because the deed was recorded September 1, 1880. This land is located about 13 miles east of Lovelady, Texas.

The third record is Julia F. Valentines Land and this record is from Courthouse at Groveton, Texas. Julia paid $350 in gold for 120 acres of land in Trinity County about 12 miles east of Lovelady. The records show that this land was sold in 1883.

Note: Witness on Julia's papers was son-in-law, John Foster McMillan and Wm Cox.


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