
Six weeks since I�ve seen her face

I�ve just put a cigarette out in a glass of juice

I told him it was an accident, but he�s trying too hard

and my coffee tastes like a bad idea

The girls I dream about are all named Zoe

and they no longer have faces.

They were stolen and buried by nameless pirates

but I stole the map

The waitress is a victim of her own beauty

I won�t make a pass,

but I do ask for matches

so I can watch her bend over.

Any guilt evaporates in an exhalation

of blue smoke on a fork full of confidently yellow eggs

they taste better this way, I�ve been assured

That girl in the booth doesn�t look like much

She�s kinetically beautiful

break your heart with a blink

I saw her smile once, on my way to the bathroom

Got lost for days, found my way back of course

but haven�t been the same

An old man tells war stories to a slice of cherry pie

An en-tra- pa-nure yells at Germany through a cell phone filled with bubble gum

In the corner a single mother reads a Modest Proposal to a group of small children

and all the cream and sugar in the world can�t make this coffee less tasteless than a shot gun wedding between cousins.

A newly lit cigarette between my lips

I wonder how it got there

I�d go home but I�m afraid to sleep

the pirates are close to finding me out

and I like the girls better without faces
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