REV-iews: T-Bagg's Take On Modern Cinema
This Week: King Arthur
I Need To Take a Month-Long Bath
By revtbag Jul 7, 2004

This so called "movie" insults history, science, storytelling, women, Stonehenge and horses. The ending where Arthur marries his queen at Stonehenge (which is now next to the sea) made
First Knight look like Casablanca.

Most insulting of all was the film's in-your-face, extreme-to-the-max attitude. I'd wager there is a snowboarding scene (where no doubt Arthur kills 67 people while making out with babes), cut from the movie, all ready for the special edition DVD . Also, we find out that the knights who fell in battle live on as horses.

Yeah, horses.

Seeing this movie will make you want to hunt down those who made it and steal back the two hours of life they sucked out of you. So unless you happen to be a "Highlander" with plenty of time to kill, just punch yourself in the face repeatedly and save your money.
Overall Grade: F

Story: F

Acting: F

Direction: F

Visuals: F
Gene Shalit sez: "Keira Knightly is Guinevere-y sexy, but even she couldn't save this Excali-bore!"
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