That�s Not Why He Stabbed Her
He adored her, of course he did

She took care of him after his accidents

She was always there through the disasters, near drownings,

miscalculations and the over extensions of all his major muscle groups brought about by product misuse. .

She always brought her 12 bar blue(s) eyes

they held a tiny lie in them when she told him everything would be alright

and a bigger one for in bed at night

That�s not why he stabbed her, no not at all.

The worst was the day he realized he�d not be getting any taller.

He screamed so loud the teeth in his soul rattled.

Then there was that time he sat down with a collection of Rube Goldberg Strips

and a bottle of Old Granddad.

She woke him up because he was on fire and he hadn�t noticed.

He blamed her for the ruination of his crowning achievement and they threw bottles at each other

But that�s not why he stabbed her.

He�s not silly or anything.

She was always there for him, when he needed her,
when he didn�t need her and when he didn�t know he needed her.
She�d come with coffee and plate of cookies

"Chocolate Chip, my favorite." He would think.

But she only ever made oatmeal raison, every time he was tricked.

"They were out of chocolate chips at the store, sorry."

They�d been out of chocolate chip for ten years,

ever since he put the dog back in God�s pocket.

She would smile to her self in a way that would say "I like watching him destroy himself"

She left things around the house. Things she knew he couldn�t resist.

Bits of wire. Extra electricity, things that existed only to burst in to flame,

slight poisons, corresponding overly potent antidotes that made you feel worse

science magazines, wrong keys, right locks , things like that.

She would do these thing while he was busy. They were always left where he�d find them later.

That�s what she would do when she wore her secret smile.

He would have stabbed her for that, but he never saw that smile,

He saw the other one. He always saw the smile that knew better.

But one time, that smile blinked.

That�s why he stabbed her.
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